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Hi , I have been on many anti-depressants, but haven't heard of

that one. There are a few of them that does suppose to help fibro

pain, I think Zoloft is one too.

I am on Lexapro, it doesn't seem to really help too much. I get

discouraged taking so many meds, and then feel I need to go off the

anti-depressants, but I know we need them at times in our lives.

Let us know, if you switch out to the new med. Do you have to wean

yourself off the Lexapro? Take care, Tawny



> I am thinking of trying Cymbalta, a fairly new anti-depressant/anti-

> anxiety medication. I read recently that it is somewhat effective


> treating pain in fibromyalgia. I have RA not fibromyalgia but am

> interested in trying this.I have been on Lexapro for about 4 years

> and that has helped with depression but if Cymbalta helps with

> depression and pain then I would like to switch. Has anyone else

> used Cymbalta?

> Thanks,


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Sue, since Cymbalta (duloxetine) has been on the market for such a short

time, I wouldn't be in a great rush to try it. There were serious

concerns regarding its safety prior to approval, particularly in regard

to increased suicide risk, and I think I'd wait and see what happens in

the " real world " first.

My faith in the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA to protect patients

is at an all-time low.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] cymbalta




> I am thinking of trying Cymbalta, a fairly new anti-depressant/anti-

> anxiety medication. I read recently that it is somewhat effective in

> treating pain in fibromyalgia. I have RA not fibromyalgia but am

> interested in trying this.I have been on Lexapro for about 4 years

> and that has helped with depression but if Cymbalta helps with

> depression and pain then I would like to switch. Has anyone else

> used Cymbalta?

> Thanks,


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  • 1 year later...

Joyce T, I heard to side effects from Cymbalta are mountainous! I was going to go on it until my doc and I discussed that he has seen a high incidence of sleep disturbances, that I need no help with and was actually discussing with him as a problem. So, I am still on the Neurontin and wishing that there was a magic pill...good luck! hee-hee!

Anyway, how are you feeling these days? I hope that you are doing well! Have a great day!

SuzieChuck & Joyce <chasjoyt@...> wrote:

Joyce,Cymbalta is a newer drug & like Neurontin is used for nerve pain. It also as an antidepressant effect which seems to enhance the effect of the pain meds. We had good results with it at the pain center where I work.They tried me on it but it made me hyper beyond words!Joyce T, RN Atlanta

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Thank you Joyce for the info on Cymbalta. So far it has not made me hyper. I am only taking 20mg twice a day.

Joyce E

[ ] Cymbalta

Joyce,Cymbalta is a newer drug & like Neurontin is used for nerve pain. It also as an antidepressant effect which seems to enhance the effect of the pain meds. We had good results with it at the pain center where I work.They tried me on it but it made me hyper beyond words!Joyce T, RN Atlanta

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This is just my second day of taking Cymbalta and I have not had any sleeping problems. Maybe it will work for me. Of corse I haven't had any pain relief either.

Joyce E

Re: [ ] Cymbalta

Joyce T, I heard to side effects from Cymbalta are mountainous! I was going to go on it until my doc and I discussed that he has seen a high incidence of sleep disturbances, that I need no help with and was actually discussing with him as a problem. So, I am still on the Neurontin and wishing that there was a magic pill...good luck! hee-hee!

Anyway, how are you feeling these days? I hope that you are doing well! Have a great day!

SuzieChuck & Joyce <chasjoyt@...> wrote:

Joyce,Cymbalta is a newer drug & like Neurontin is used for nerve pain. It also as an antidepressant effect which seems to enhance the effect of the pain meds. We had good results with it at the pain center where I work.They tried me on it but it made me hyper beyond words!Joyce T, RN Atlanta

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Hi Joyce,

Please let me know how you are doing on it will you? When are you schedualed to increase your dosage? I hope that you get some relief with it!

Suziejoyce edmonds <bichon4me@...> wrote:

This is just my second day of taking Cymbalta and I have not had any sleeping problems. Maybe it will work for me. Of corse I haven't had any pain relief either.

Joyce E

Re: [ ] Cymbalta

Joyce T, I heard to side effects from Cymbalta are mountainous! I was going to go on it until my doc and I discussed that he has seen a high incidence of sleep disturbances, that I need no help with and was actually discussing with him as a problem. So, I am still on the Neurontin and wishing that there was a magic pill...good luck! hee-hee!

Anyway, how are you feeling these days? I hope that you are doing well! Have a great day!

SuzieChuck & Joyce <chasjoyt@...> wrote:

Joyce,Cymbalta is a newer drug & like Neurontin is used for nerve pain. It also as an antidepressant effect which seems to enhance the effect of the pain meds. We had good results with it at the pain center where I work.They tried me on it but it made me hyper beyond words!Joyce T, RN Atlanta

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I am no longer taking Cymbalta. I had been feeling crummy and couldn't put my finger on why so I stopped taking it and feel much better now. I was on it for at least 5 days and had no pain relief. Maybe it takes a while to build up in your system but it just wasn't worth the wait.


Re: [ ] Cymbalta

Joyce T, I heard to side effects from Cymbalta are mountainous! I was going to go on it until my doc and I discussed that he has seen a high incidence of sleep disturbances, that I need no help with and was actually discussing with him as a problem. So, I am still on the Neurontin and wishing that there was a magic pill...good luck! hee-hee!

Anyway, how are you feeling these days? I hope that you are doing well! Have a great day!

SuzieChuck & Joyce <chasjoyt@...> wrote:

Joyce,Cymbalta is a newer drug & like Neurontin is used for nerve pain. It also as an antidepressant effect which seems to enhance the effect of the pain meds. We had good results with it at the pain center where I work.They tried me on it but it made me hyper beyond words!Joyce T, RN Atlanta

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Do you know if Neurontin works the same way as Cymbalta? Three weeks or so before it starts working? I guess I haven't given either of them time to work if that's the case.

Joyce E

Re: [ ] Cymbalta


The pain relief from Cymbalta doesn't come right away like a pain pill; it takes about three weeks or so to feel any relief. I hope that it is good to you!

Carole M.

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Dear Baham Dreama,

I stopped my Cymbalta cold turkey when I was taking Cipro for an infection. I have been taking it for nearly a year. It did absolutely nothing to me! I promise! I stopped it, and then I started it again when I was sure the Cipro was out of my system. No untoward effects! I would not try to fool anyone about this!

Carole M.

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With some medications, you have to put up with a bit of time "feeling lousy" until your body adjusts to them, and then they begin to help. Just my two cents' worth, but both Neurontin and Cymbalta are like that.

Carole M.

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I told my Rheumatologist that Neurontin made me sleepy and he switched me to Cymbalta 20mg twice a day. I took it for 4 days and felt terrible. When I sat up in the morning my eyes jumped and it felt like the room was moving. Plus, I hurt all over. I blamed it on moving to a hard mattress but it was the Cymbalta. It is funny how different drugs affect different people.

Joyce E

[ ] cymbalta

Last week when I watched The View (in order to see Neil Diamond), I was struck by one of the commercials about depression. I have been feeling extremely depressed for a very long time, so I went to the website http://www.depressionhurts.com

it turned out to be a site promoting cymbalta. there was a lot of good information there, including a report for physicians that detailed the results of research studies. It has been approved for both peripheral neuropathy and for depression.

so, I got out my bottle of cymbalta that I had been reluctant to take because it is addictive (it generates withdrawal symptoms that can include hallucinations if stopped cold-turkey) and I took one pill. I couldn't sleep that night! It could be that I had gotten plenty of sleep recently, because I had my last pain management treat! ment on a Thursday and stayed in bed all weekend instead of just 24 hours, but I was very hyper. I haven't taken another one since, but I am falling asleep at work, so I may try again.

I was also curious to see that somebody had been given cymbalta as an alternative to neurontin. I had been in quite a bit of pain the day before I took the cymbalta, and had taken neurontin at bed time. I should probably check and see whether they can be taken together before trying that again.

I definitely have felt more like my old self since taking just the one cymbalta and I finally got one room of my house unpacked and mostly organized. I can see my work table again!!

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Thanks Carole,

Your two cents is always welcome.

Joyce E

Re: [ ] Cymbalta


With some medications, you have to put up with a bit of time "feeling lousy" until your body adjusts to them, and then they begin to help. Just my two cents' worth, but both Neurontin and Cymbalta are like that.

Carole M.

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  • 1 month later...


I was put on Cymbalta about 3 weeks ago. Can not believe they started me

out with 60 mg at first. It has really worked for the burning but also still

take Neurotin 1200 mg a day too. I tried the Lyric or however it is spelled

and it did not work for me. Thought it was but as soon as the Neurotin was out

of my system the burning and pain became so bad.

I am interested tho in how you are doing on the Cymbalta. My body feels

kinda strange. I feel real shaky and I just can not sleep. I feel like i am

wired and can not rest. Also I have lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks since being on

it. I take Enbrel shots but it does not help my PA but great for my skin. Also

, do you ever feel like your muscles are running or moving inside you? I have

this plus i fight trying to sleep since being on Cymbalta and should I fall into

a semi sleep my body will do a big jerk and wake me up and feel confussed as to

where I am for a second. I hope I can stay on it but would like to hear what you

have to say about it. Thank you for any info, Zoella

" The only people to get even with are those who have helped you. "


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My Rheumy gave me Cymbalta for my fibro in May and I took it for

about three days. I slept almost the entire three days- so I had to

stop taking it because I have to function. I am a graduate student

home on Christmas break and I decided to try it again because I have

the opportunity to sleep if it makes me sleepy. I took my first pill

last night and I woke up at 5am and I was very hungry! Britt-I don't

know if you are male or female- but from what I have read about

Cymbalta and Fibro, it has only proven effective for females.

Zoella- I was also started out on 60 mg. When I took Cymbalta before

I the first day I took 60 then cut back to 30 and it still made me so

sleepy. Today I also feel a little jittery...but nothing that

bad...and sleepy all at the same time. We will see if I can stay on

it. I wouldn't mind loosing the weight though! I also take Enbrel,

which I think has caused weight gain I have taken Paxil for years

and it doesn't make you feel this way.

I am curious to learn how many others with PsA have Fibro. Also what

type of treatments are you all taking/doing? Taking Guaifenesin or

perhaps avoiding salicylates?




> Britt,

> I was put on Cymbalta about 3 weeks ago. Can not believe

they started me out with 60 mg at first. It has really worked for

the burning but also still take Neurotin 1200 mg a day too. I tried

the Lyric or however it is spelled and it did not work for me.

Thought it was but as soon as the Neurotin was out of my system the

burning and pain became so bad.

> I am interested tho in how you are doing on the Cymbalta.

My body feels kinda strange. I feel real shaky and I just can not

sleep. I feel like i am wired and can not rest. Also I have lost 15

pounds in 3 weeks since being on it. I take Enbrel shots but it does

not help my PA but great for my skin. Also , do you ever feel like

your muscles are running or moving inside you? I have this plus i

fight trying to sleep since being on Cymbalta and should I fall into

a semi sleep my body will do a big jerk and wake me up and feel

confussed as to where I am for a second. I hope I can stay on it but

would like to hear what you have to say about it. Thank you for any

info, Zoella



> " The only people to get even with are those who have helped you. "




> __________________________________________________


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Thank you for your note. It has been about 3 weeks now since being on

the Cymblata and my feet has not felt like they are on fire. I still take

Neurotin too. My problem is I still can not sleep of nights. Just go off to

sleep then wake up. Fight it all night long. Doc gave me a prescription to

help me sleep but have to wait to have some money to buy it. Would like if you

would keep in touch with me so we can compare how we are doing on the Cymbalta.

Merry Christmas Zoella- Oklahoma

" The only people to get even with are those who have helped you. "


DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less

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  • 1 month later...


I know for a fact the Cymbalta is helping my Fibro. Maybe it is helping the

PA and OA as well. Who knows? I currently take 40 mg daily. 60mg is NOT the

max dose. Max dose is 120 mg daily, I think. I will ask the Psychiatrist

when I get in to see him/her. Have to call and do intake tomorrow. Really

feel I need to be at 60mg or 80 though. Cymbalta really does work.

For thoe one on Effexor, I feel Cymbalta works better. I have severe

clinical depression, and Cymbalta is absoldtely the BEST medication.


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Welcom ka,

First, everything I say is my opinion, so here goes. I was given

Effexor, which is an SNRI like Cymbalta, off label. I, like your

mother, believe this was the worst thing that happened to me. My

daughter was given Cymbalta which among many things caused her to

lose all emotion, both good and bad. She was totally flat. She also

developed a chronic limp. When she weaned off the stuff, she suffered

withdrawal symptoms for about 6-7 months, but her limp went away. She

suffered a few rages which was totally out of character. She also

attempted suicide by overdose. I know the major side effect of these

drugs are suicide/homicide. But even those who live through the

effects without killing anyone suffer often irreparable damage. Many

people's marriages fall apart, many run up bills they can't pay, many

sever relationships with friends and/or family members. Many become

totally disabled. And these drugs are very insidious. Most don't

recognize it's the drugs causing the problems. Enough said about that.

Next, I don't believe people have chronic headaches for no reason.

Your doctor is only treating the symptoms without knowing what he/she

is treating. I would demand he/she find the cause before further

treatment. There are many, many things that cause headaches, and

whatever the cause dictates the treatment. I would never feel bad

about refusing a particular drug. Understand, your doctor works for

you. He/she is not doing you a favor. You pay for services rendered.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide how the job is done. It is your

life that will be effected, not your doctor's. Always remember this.


> I have just signed up in this forum, and forgive me if I might be

> beating a dead horse when I ask my questions, but I am still


> how to navigate the postings. I have been a migraine sufferer for 2

> years as well as a chronic daily headache sufferer. My neurologist


> put me on Zonegran to regulate them and the last time I saw him in

> June has given me samples and a prescription of Cymbalta. I have


> taken it yet because I have done some research on the internet and


> particular prozactruth.com has listed all the side effects as well


> withdraw symptoms. It did mention genetic testing for the CYP2D6

> enzyme to see if I could metabolize, which I was never tested for.


> was not thrilled to go on Zonegran to begin with, but being put on

> Cymbalta on top of that is not something I would like to do. Is


> anyone that can give me their experiences with the drug? I imagine


> is not meant for long term use, and I am not sure what my neuro had


> mind when he put me on it. I don't know how to tell him I don't


> to take it. My mother has taken Prozac for off label use and she


> it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

> Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives.


> someone please give me some advice? It is much appreciated.


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Guest guest

Welcom ka,

First, everything I say is my opinion, so here goes. I was given

Effexor, which is an SNRI like Cymbalta, off label. I, like your

mother, believe this was the worst thing that happened to me. My

daughter was given Cymbalta which among many things caused her to

lose all emotion, both good and bad. She was totally flat. She also

developed a chronic limp. When she weaned off the stuff, she suffered

withdrawal symptoms for about 6-7 months, but her limp went away. She

suffered a few rages which was totally out of character. She also

attempted suicide by overdose. I know the major side effect of these

drugs are suicide/homicide. But even those who live through the

effects without killing anyone suffer often irreparable damage. Many

people's marriages fall apart, many run up bills they can't pay, many

sever relationships with friends and/or family members. Many become

totally disabled. And these drugs are very insidious. Most don't

recognize it's the drugs causing the problems. Enough said about that.

Next, I don't believe people have chronic headaches for no reason.

Your doctor is only treating the symptoms without knowing what he/she

is treating. I would demand he/she find the cause before further

treatment. There are many, many things that cause headaches, and

whatever the cause dictates the treatment. I would never feel bad

about refusing a particular drug. Understand, your doctor works for

you. He/she is not doing you a favor. You pay for services rendered.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide how the job is done. It is your

life that will be effected, not your doctor's. Always remember this.


> I have just signed up in this forum, and forgive me if I might be

> beating a dead horse when I ask my questions, but I am still


> how to navigate the postings. I have been a migraine sufferer for 2

> years as well as a chronic daily headache sufferer. My neurologist


> put me on Zonegran to regulate them and the last time I saw him in

> June has given me samples and a prescription of Cymbalta. I have


> taken it yet because I have done some research on the internet and


> particular prozactruth.com has listed all the side effects as well


> withdraw symptoms. It did mention genetic testing for the CYP2D6

> enzyme to see if I could metabolize, which I was never tested for.


> was not thrilled to go on Zonegran to begin with, but being put on

> Cymbalta on top of that is not something I would like to do. Is


> anyone that can give me their experiences with the drug? I imagine


> is not meant for long term use, and I am not sure what my neuro had


> mind when he put me on it. I don't know how to tell him I don't


> to take it. My mother has taken Prozac for off label use and she


> it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

> Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives.


> someone please give me some advice? It is much appreciated.


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Guest guest

Welcom ka,

First, everything I say is my opinion, so here goes. I was given

Effexor, which is an SNRI like Cymbalta, off label. I, like your

mother, believe this was the worst thing that happened to me. My

daughter was given Cymbalta which among many things caused her to

lose all emotion, both good and bad. She was totally flat. She also

developed a chronic limp. When she weaned off the stuff, she suffered

withdrawal symptoms for about 6-7 months, but her limp went away. She

suffered a few rages which was totally out of character. She also

attempted suicide by overdose. I know the major side effect of these

drugs are suicide/homicide. But even those who live through the

effects without killing anyone suffer often irreparable damage. Many

people's marriages fall apart, many run up bills they can't pay, many

sever relationships with friends and/or family members. Many become

totally disabled. And these drugs are very insidious. Most don't

recognize it's the drugs causing the problems. Enough said about that.

Next, I don't believe people have chronic headaches for no reason.

Your doctor is only treating the symptoms without knowing what he/she

is treating. I would demand he/she find the cause before further

treatment. There are many, many things that cause headaches, and

whatever the cause dictates the treatment. I would never feel bad

about refusing a particular drug. Understand, your doctor works for

you. He/she is not doing you a favor. You pay for services rendered.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide how the job is done. It is your

life that will be effected, not your doctor's. Always remember this.


> I have just signed up in this forum, and forgive me if I might be

> beating a dead horse when I ask my questions, but I am still


> how to navigate the postings. I have been a migraine sufferer for 2

> years as well as a chronic daily headache sufferer. My neurologist


> put me on Zonegran to regulate them and the last time I saw him in

> June has given me samples and a prescription of Cymbalta. I have


> taken it yet because I have done some research on the internet and


> particular prozactruth.com has listed all the side effects as well


> withdraw symptoms. It did mention genetic testing for the CYP2D6

> enzyme to see if I could metabolize, which I was never tested for.


> was not thrilled to go on Zonegran to begin with, but being put on

> Cymbalta on top of that is not something I would like to do. Is


> anyone that can give me their experiences with the drug? I imagine


> is not meant for long term use, and I am not sure what my neuro had


> mind when he put me on it. I don't know how to tell him I don't


> to take it. My mother has taken Prozac for off label use and she


> it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

> Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives.


> someone please give me some advice? It is much appreciated.


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Guest guest

Welcom ka,

First, everything I say is my opinion, so here goes. I was given

Effexor, which is an SNRI like Cymbalta, off label. I, like your

mother, believe this was the worst thing that happened to me. My

daughter was given Cymbalta which among many things caused her to

lose all emotion, both good and bad. She was totally flat. She also

developed a chronic limp. When she weaned off the stuff, she suffered

withdrawal symptoms for about 6-7 months, but her limp went away. She

suffered a few rages which was totally out of character. She also

attempted suicide by overdose. I know the major side effect of these

drugs are suicide/homicide. But even those who live through the

effects without killing anyone suffer often irreparable damage. Many

people's marriages fall apart, many run up bills they can't pay, many

sever relationships with friends and/or family members. Many become

totally disabled. And these drugs are very insidious. Most don't

recognize it's the drugs causing the problems. Enough said about that.

Next, I don't believe people have chronic headaches for no reason.

Your doctor is only treating the symptoms without knowing what he/she

is treating. I would demand he/she find the cause before further

treatment. There are many, many things that cause headaches, and

whatever the cause dictates the treatment. I would never feel bad

about refusing a particular drug. Understand, your doctor works for

you. He/she is not doing you a favor. You pay for services rendered.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide how the job is done. It is your

life that will be effected, not your doctor's. Always remember this.


> I have just signed up in this forum, and forgive me if I might be

> beating a dead horse when I ask my questions, but I am still


> how to navigate the postings. I have been a migraine sufferer for 2

> years as well as a chronic daily headache sufferer. My neurologist


> put me on Zonegran to regulate them and the last time I saw him in

> June has given me samples and a prescription of Cymbalta. I have


> taken it yet because I have done some research on the internet and


> particular prozactruth.com has listed all the side effects as well


> withdraw symptoms. It did mention genetic testing for the CYP2D6

> enzyme to see if I could metabolize, which I was never tested for.


> was not thrilled to go on Zonegran to begin with, but being put on

> Cymbalta on top of that is not something I would like to do. Is


> anyone that can give me their experiences with the drug? I imagine


> is not meant for long term use, and I am not sure what my neuro had


> mind when he put me on it. I don't know how to tell him I don't


> to take it. My mother has taken Prozac for off label use and she


> it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

> Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives.


> someone please give me some advice? It is much appreciated.


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Guest guest

erika,you wrote: " I don't know how to tell him I don't want

to take it. "

so why not just not take it? It's YOUR body and mind, not the doc's. you

already have advice from yur mom: " My mother has taken Prozac for off label use

and she said it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives " .

Listen to your own good sense and that of yur mom's.



ka <sunflower69143@...> wrote:

I have just signed up in this forum, and forgive me if I might be

beating a dead horse when I ask my questions, but I am still learning

how to navigate the postings. I have been a migraine sufferer for 2

years as well as a chronic daily headache sufferer. My neurologist has

put me on Zonegran to regulate them and the last time I saw him in

June has given me samples and a prescription of Cymbalta. I have not

taken it yet because I have done some research on the internet and in

particular prozactruth.com has listed all the side effects as well as

withdraw symptoms. It did mention genetic testing for the CYP2D6

enzyme to see if I could metabolize, which I was never tested for. I

was not thrilled to go on Zonegran to begin with, but being put on

Cymbalta on top of that is not something I would like to do. Is there

anyone that can give me their experiences with the drug? I imagine it

is not meant for long term use, and I am not sure what my neuro had in

mind when he put me on it. I don't know how to tell him I don't want

to take it. My mother has taken Prozac for off label use and she said

it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives. Can

someone please give me some advice? It is much appreciated.


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Guest guest

erika,you wrote: " I don't know how to tell him I don't want

to take it. "

so why not just not take it? It's YOUR body and mind, not the doc's. you

already have advice from yur mom: " My mother has taken Prozac for off label use

and she said it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives " .

Listen to your own good sense and that of yur mom's.



ka <sunflower69143@...> wrote:

I have just signed up in this forum, and forgive me if I might be

beating a dead horse when I ask my questions, but I am still learning

how to navigate the postings. I have been a migraine sufferer for 2

years as well as a chronic daily headache sufferer. My neurologist has

put me on Zonegran to regulate them and the last time I saw him in

June has given me samples and a prescription of Cymbalta. I have not

taken it yet because I have done some research on the internet and in

particular prozactruth.com has listed all the side effects as well as

withdraw symptoms. It did mention genetic testing for the CYP2D6

enzyme to see if I could metabolize, which I was never tested for. I

was not thrilled to go on Zonegran to begin with, but being put on

Cymbalta on top of that is not something I would like to do. Is there

anyone that can give me their experiences with the drug? I imagine it

is not meant for long term use, and I am not sure what my neuro had in

mind when he put me on it. I don't know how to tell him I don't want

to take it. My mother has taken Prozac for off label use and she said

it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives. Can

someone please give me some advice? It is much appreciated.


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erika,you wrote: " I don't know how to tell him I don't want

to take it. "

so why not just not take it? It's YOUR body and mind, not the doc's. you

already have advice from yur mom: " My mother has taken Prozac for off label use

and she said it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives " .

Listen to your own good sense and that of yur mom's.



ka <sunflower69143@...> wrote:

I have just signed up in this forum, and forgive me if I might be

beating a dead horse when I ask my questions, but I am still learning

how to navigate the postings. I have been a migraine sufferer for 2

years as well as a chronic daily headache sufferer. My neurologist has

put me on Zonegran to regulate them and the last time I saw him in

June has given me samples and a prescription of Cymbalta. I have not

taken it yet because I have done some research on the internet and in

particular prozactruth.com has listed all the side effects as well as

withdraw symptoms. It did mention genetic testing for the CYP2D6

enzyme to see if I could metabolize, which I was never tested for. I

was not thrilled to go on Zonegran to begin with, but being put on

Cymbalta on top of that is not something I would like to do. Is there

anyone that can give me their experiences with the drug? I imagine it

is not meant for long term use, and I am not sure what my neuro had in

mind when he put me on it. I don't know how to tell him I don't want

to take it. My mother has taken Prozac for off label use and she said

it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives. Can

someone please give me some advice? It is much appreciated.


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erika,you wrote: " I don't know how to tell him I don't want

to take it. "

so why not just not take it? It's YOUR body and mind, not the doc's. you

already have advice from yur mom: " My mother has taken Prozac for off label use

and she said it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives " .

Listen to your own good sense and that of yur mom's.



ka <sunflower69143@...> wrote:

I have just signed up in this forum, and forgive me if I might be

beating a dead horse when I ask my questions, but I am still learning

how to navigate the postings. I have been a migraine sufferer for 2

years as well as a chronic daily headache sufferer. My neurologist has

put me on Zonegran to regulate them and the last time I saw him in

June has given me samples and a prescription of Cymbalta. I have not

taken it yet because I have done some research on the internet and in

particular prozactruth.com has listed all the side effects as well as

withdraw symptoms. It did mention genetic testing for the CYP2D6

enzyme to see if I could metabolize, which I was never tested for. I

was not thrilled to go on Zonegran to begin with, but being put on

Cymbalta on top of that is not something I would like to do. Is there

anyone that can give me their experiences with the drug? I imagine it

is not meant for long term use, and I am not sure what my neuro had in

mind when he put me on it. I don't know how to tell him I don't want

to take it. My mother has taken Prozac for off label use and she said

it was the worst thing she ever did and told me not to take the

Cymbalta because I am healthy and should have other alternatives. Can

someone please give me some advice? It is much appreciated.


How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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