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Jo Lynne,

I think you were helping Diane out about the warts I must of read it this a.m. and already deleted, but I thought I would share our experience with warts and duct tape. Maybe you could pass it along as I am not sure what her screen name is.

My daughter and son both had a wart in the center, sole of their foot. My mom told me about the duct tape thing. We thought what the heck, no doctor bill, no pain so we all agreed to give it a try. We never did any filing on it but within 6 weeks they were both gone. My daughters sometimes when you would remove the tape you would get these long white cord type things which we assumed was probably the seeds. She had a cluster of about 4 very large ones. That was about 3 years ago. Warts are gone and have never returned. Very painless. None of the kids in school were aware of anything so there was no teasing about using duct tape. I would give it a try. Jennie

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I had to laugh when I read your post. If I had warts on the

bottom of my feet I would certainly try it but they are all over my

hands, forearms and legs. I would look like a gray mummy if I put duct

tape on all my warts!

Thanks for the advice, though.

I wish I had them on my feet so I could give your remedy a


Jo Lynne, I'll ask my dermatologist about the OTC wart remover

when I see him on Wednesday.

I'm not sure if they have it here, either.

Thank you both for your help,

Jo Lynne,

I think you were helping Diane out about the warts I

must of read it this a.m. and already deleted, but I thought I would

share our experience with warts and duct tape. Maybe you could

pass it along as I am not sure what her screen name


My daughter and son both had a wart in the center,

sole of their foot. My mom told me about the duct tape thing.

We thought what the heck, no doctor bill, no pain so we all agreed to

give it a try. We never did any filing on it but within 6 weeks

they were both gone. My daughters sometimes when you would

remove the tape you would get these long white cord type things which

we assumed was probably the seeds. She had a cluster of about 4

very large ones. That was about 3 years ago. Warts are

gone and have never returned. Very painless. None of the

kids in school were aware of anything so there was no teasing about

using duct tape. I would give

it a try. Jennie

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Hi ,

LOL, sorry I didn't read your post apparently, but, I had read Jo Lynne's and knew someone was asking about warts. Well, good luck with it. And thanks for the laugh on my end too. Jennie

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  • 2 years later...


> Hi Bee


> I hope you are well,and enjoying your work.


> A few years ago I got what I thought was an insect bite on my

achilees heel that turned into a wart. I had it frozen off by a Dr

after failed natural attempts. Last week During a particularly bad

week of die off and emotional upset I got what I thought was an

insect bite on the other heal, same thing as before.

> I would like to catch it early, I could get down the Dr again but

> would like to avoid what is affectively burning my skin.

==>To remove warts someone says duct tape works because it blocks off

the air. I recommend you keep it completely covered all of the time

with oil like vitamin E or A and cover it with enough tape to block

off the air. Keep replenishing the oil - it should go away in about

14 days.


> Can one experience retracing on such things, the Dr told me last

time that warts are viral, its confusing to me that these things

could come and go in that kind of way.

==>Yes, it is possible to re-trace such things.

==>I haven't had time to start on my website yet.


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I think that's how Compound W works. I used that years ago. It coats

your skin with a plastic-like stuff that probably keeps air from getting

into the wart. What I didn't like about it at the time was that it also

contains aspirin. I think if I read the ingredients now I'd find even

more undesirable things in it.

The oil treatment looks like a great idea!


On Thu, 15 Nov 2007, Bee wrote:


> ==>To remove warts someone says duct tape works because it blocks off

> the air. I recommend you keep it completely covered all of the time

> with oil like vitamin E or A and cover it with enough tape to block

> off the air. Keep replenishing the oil - it should go away in about

> 14 days.


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This caught my attention as I got my first wart two years ago in a

strange spot...on the skin of my middle toe but beneath the nail on my

foot. I saw a podiatrist for a while who was cutting it off in layers

and putting some kind of liquid on and wrapping it. It never

completely went away as I stopped going right before my wedding day.

Any hints for such an awkward location as a wart beneath your toe

nail? I would think duct tape wouldn't do too well on a little toe.

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My favorite topicals for warts are undiluted raw garlic juice(burns),

the white milky fluid from fresh dandelion flower stems, myrrh

extract, or thuja tincture. Apply several times a day and keep

covered with a bandaid. I have used all of these. I had read about

all of the above wart remedies except for the garlic juice.

At the time I didn't know what I was doing(no experience) so I

rotated the above and it worked. I have only had a few warts.

People have told me the old folk remedy of applying a rotting piece

of tree wood to the wart also works. I have heard several variations

of the rotted wood method. Some were very strange.

In , Zack Widup <w9sz@...> wrote:



> I think that's how Compound W works. I used that years ago. It


> your skin with a plastic-like stuff that probably keeps air from


> into the wart. What I didn't like about it at the time was that it


> contains aspirin. I think if I read the ingredients now I'd find


> more undesirable things in it.


> The oil treatment looks like a great idea!


> Zack


> On Thu, 15 Nov 2007, Bee wrote:


> >

> > ==>To remove warts someone says duct tape works because it blocks


> > the air. I recommend you keep it completely covered all of the


> > with oil like vitamin E or A and cover it with enough tape to


> > off the air. Keep replenishing the oil - it should go away in


> > 14 days.

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Perhaps you can wrap the entire toe in duct tape instead of focusing

just simply on the area under the nail that is impacted. Whether the

seal is directly over the wart or indirectly covering the wart by

means of encapsulation doesn't seem to make all that much different to

me, as long as the encapsulation is maintained long enough and the

wart isn't re-exposed to air, thus it should sufficate.

Perhaps worth a try.

I had a planter's wart on the bottom of my toe - I know, not the same

thing - I treid oregano oil, coconut oil, the lot for about three

months, but it just wouldn't budge. I finally went for the cheapo

salicylic acid toxic chemical stuff you dab on and let dry. It did the

trick in less than a week, and eventually I was able to peal the thing

right out -- a good feeling. It hasn't come back, but I wish I had

known about the duct tape previously, as I would have tried this first.


> This caught my attention as I got my first wart two years ago in a

> strange spot...on the skin of my middle toe but beneath the nail on my

> foot. I saw a podiatrist for a while who was cutting it off in layers

> and putting some kind of liquid on and wrapping it. It never

> completely went away as I stopped going right before my wedding day.

> Any hints for such an awkward location as a wart beneath your toe

> nail? I would think duct tape wouldn't do too well on a little toe.


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OK, so we can kill warts, what about moles and age spots?

Any remedies there?


> This caught my attention as I got my first wart two years ago in a

> strange spot...on the skin of my middle toe but beneath the nail on my

> foot.

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> OK, so we can kill warts, what about moles and age spots?

> Any remedies there?


> L.B.


> > This caught my attention as I got my first wart two years ago in a

> > strange spot...on the skin of my middle toe but beneath the nail on


> > foot.


There is a remedy I've used with success. It is the gel from the aloe

plant. Apply a few times a day & at night. A bandage can be used.

This may take two weeks to see results. Over the time you can scrape

the dead tissue off.

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> OK, so we can kill warts, what about moles and age spots?

> Any remedies there?

==>Hi Lyle. I believe that moles and aging spots are caused by

toxins. My moles have been disappearing ever since I started on a high

fat diet about 3 years ago. They start to itch, get flakey, and awhile

later they come off when I scratch them. Since good fats are the best

antioxidants in the world and they cleanse the body it makes sense.


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  • 9 months later...

Irritation (mental), irritability, can cause warts. Good remedies:

grapefruit seed extract applied for a few weeks; vitamin e soaked cotton ball


on (hard for multiples), refreshed when needed, for 3 days. Best: being

willing to stop being irritable.

I hadn't had any warts in years and saw a toad in the garden (a good thing!)

and soon had one on my knuckle and one on my knee? And I don't believe in

old wives' tales! Some gse and just being more patient worked.



_Warts??? _

( /message/234284;_ylc=X3oDMTJyM2hubT\



Posted by: " Markman " _cath4476@... _

(mailto:cath4476@...?Subject= Re:Warts???) _cath4476 _


Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:46 pm (PDT)

all of a sudden my child is presenting with warts on his hands.

Viral? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel

deal here.


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  • 4 months later...

Hi, my son is 4 1/2 and asd. He goes to a preschool type program and I

now notice that he has a wart on the inside of his hand. I don't know

if there is anything natural that I can do to get rid of it...with my

daughter, she had warts on her feet and we did the duct tape trick

which worked nicely however since it is in a tender area and he totally

wont keep anything on his hand to keep it covered, I don't know what to

do...any help would be appreciated...thanks


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Chiming in....my son had very tiny warts, looked like water bubbles all around

his finger nails. I made a solution of distilled water/ grapefruit seed extract

(nutri-biotic) 2 TBSP/40 drops and rubbed it on his fingers 2xday. Those uggly

little things are now gone. Of course, this is more topical remedy and Dana's

suggestion is a more wholesome approach, but it might help u too.


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] Re: Warts

> Dana,

> What did you say was good for warts?

I eliminated warts here with lysine. They are a variety of herpes virus.


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How much to start and how much later. She is 39 and weighs 200 lbs.

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Warts

Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 9:45 AM


> Dana,

> What did you say was good for warts?

I eliminated warts here with lysine. They are a variety of herpes virus.


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Thanks. I will try both. It makes since. These have been there for a long time.

Apparently they are out of the range of the dermotologist. He gave her a cream

that cost $400 a tube. It made the skin around it red but didn't do anything for

the warts. She has one on her knee that is very big.

> From: isaguzmandiaz2@... <isaguzmandiaz2@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Warts

> " Autism mercury group " < >

> Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 10:37 AM

> Chiming in....my son had very tiny

> warts, looked like water bubbles all around his finger

> nails.  I made a solution of distilled water/

> grapefruit seed extract (nutri-biotic) 2 TBSP/40 drops and

> rubbed it on his fingers 2xday. Those uggly little things

> are now gone.  Of course, this is more topical remedy

> and Dana's suggestion is a more wholesome approach, but it

> might help u too.

> Isa

> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel


> [ ] Re:  Warts



> > Dana,

> > What did you say was good for warts?



> I eliminated warts here with lysine.  They are a

> variety of herpes virus.


> Dana







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> How much to start and how much later. She is 39 and weighs 200 lbs.

For me, I started with 250mg and worked up to 1500mg 3x per day. I had to take

lysine for just about a year before my herpes problem [warts, molloscum] was


Herpes die off caused a LOT of yeast here, so watch for that.


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What would yeast look like in a 40 year old female with disabilities?

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Warts

Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 9:37 AM


> How much to start and how much later. She is 39 and weighs 200 lbs.

For me, I started with 250mg and worked up to 1500mg 3x per day. I had to take

lysine for just about a year before my herpes problem [warts, molloscum] was


Herpes die off caused a LOT of yeast here, so watch for that.


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I think: food intolerances - esp. phenols/salicylates, spongy stools, OCD,

headaches, ??

> > How much to start and how much later. She is 39 and weighs 200 lbs.


> For me, I started with 250mg and worked up to 1500mg 3x per day. I had to take

lysine for just about a year before my herpes problem [warts, molloscum] was



> Herpes die off caused a LOT of yeast here, so watch for that.


> Dana













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Urine that smells sweet, sweet body odor, itchy parts possibly, spaciness,

craving for sweets and possibly constipation or loose stools

nancy j

a child is diagnosed with

asd every 20 seconds

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Warts

Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 9:37 AM


> How much to start and how much later. She is 39 and weighs 200 lbs.

For me, I started with 250mg and worked up to 1500mg 3x per day. I had to take

lysine for just about a year before my herpes problem [warts, molloscum] was


Herpes die off caused a LOT of yeast here, so watch for that.


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> What would yeast look like in a 40 year old female with disabilities?

For me, I have had these symptoms [not all at the same time, thankfully]:

Bloating, constipation, thrush, really bad acne including cystic acne, asthma

attacks, waking up at 2am to use the bathroom and can't get back to sleep,

massive massive massive headache.


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