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I have been reading the posts since I became a member and am so appreciative

of everyone's kindness to share their experiences.

I am forwarding an email from a beautiful young lady with her story. Any

information, treatment options, prayers, cures, etc., you may be able to

offer would be so welcomed.

Thank you so much!



I am writing out of hope, faith, but also out of desperation. I need your

help so please take the time to carefully read and immediately act on this

email as time is certainly of the essence. As many of you are aware, I was

diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC), approx

1 year ago in April 2010 at the age of 29. Sumit, my husband, and I

faithfully believe that the " right " doctor/person is out there that can help

me; but we desperately need any and all help our family and friends could

offer. Please circulate this letter to as many people as possible all over

the world as I must quickly find this person. My life depends on it.

A brief history.

After my diagnosis, I immediately underwent a massive surgery at Duke

Hospital in North Carolina (USA), where a 10cm tumor, my right adrenal

gland, 20% of my liver, and 3 lymph nodes were removed. Post-operatively,

my oncologist and surgeon advocated that I begin a type of oral chemotherapy

known as Mitotane as a preventative measure for recurrence. This drug was

known to help approximately 20% of ACC patients. After considerable

research and prayer, my husband and I decided against the chemotherapy and

turned our attention to multiple holistic treatments instead. We completely

changed our lifestyle, eliminated all of the harmful toxins and foods that

once were mainstays in our diet, and have added in a wide variety of cancer

fighting foods, IV therapies, and mental and physical exercises in hopes of

preserving and extending my life.

Despite our efforts, each scan since April 2010 has indicated new cancer

growth in the lymph node region around the surgical resection, my liver, and

lungs. In November 2010, I opted to try the Mitotane drug. Unfortunately,

the tumor was not responsive, and I was removed from the drug in January

2011. I was next directed to a new clinical trial at Duke Hospital for the

drug IGF-1 receptor antagonist OSI-906, which I began on March 16, 2011.

There is a 33% chance that I am receiving a placebo instead of the actual

treatment drug. I will never know. My next scan is scheduled for April 13,

2011. Meanwhile, I'm in more and more pain every day and believe my tumors

are continuing to rapidly grow.

While surgery remains the ONLY proven cure for those with ACC, my surgeon

and doctors at Duke Hospital do not consider me to be a surgical candidate

at this time due to the size and location of the tumor. They believe it is

very vascular in nature and surgery could cause extensive internal bleeding.

However, my husband and I refuse to believe that surgery is not an option.

There must be a surgeon in this world that can successfully perform this

surgery. We need to find this person and immediately proceed with a

surgical procedure that would remove all or most of this tumor from my body.

At least that would give me more time and fighting chance to eventually beat

this cancer!

PLEASE quickly circulate this email to all doctors, or anyone you know that

may be able to help us or at least guide us in the right direction. We are

open to surgery, additional chemotherapy drugs that are more targeted to

this cancer, or more holistic approaches. We know the answer is out there

and need your help in finding it.

I can send additional information upon request, such as my latest CT scans,

lab work, or any other info. Please email or call my husband Sumit at

sgupta @icrsaga.com or 252-207-8997.



Lindsey Gupta

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