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pancreatic cancer

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Dr. who uses the therapy and the first ever to get an

alternative therapy to triles is looking for clients for his triles. I have

done alot of research on him and I am seeing him on the 15th for MALToma NHL.

He is in New York and his triles are for Pancreatic cancer. His web page is



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Pancreatic cancer

> Can anyone give me information on the treatments of pancreatic cancer

> besides chmo and radiation?? Any trails in Ontario, Canada?

> Thanks,

> diane



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Diane, recently I subscribed to Dr Hulda 's Newsletter and they sent

several back issues, several histories of persons being healed using her

suggested therapies, all over the world, AND they enclosed a very Valuable

Cassette Tape, that has been mentioned at this site before.... " One Answer

to Cancer " by Dr. D. Kelley, made at a Conference in Dallas 1999. It

has on it to order: Road To Health (800)651-7080. He is a retired Physician

who healed his own Pancreatic Cancer 20 years ago, and has been teaching

others how to do it ever since. Dr. apparently has intergrated his

diatary Pancreatic enzyme program with hers and is getting excellent

results. He gives his home Phone No. on the tape and says he will answer

folks questions, and says there are no stupid questions.

He further mentions past experiences of deliberate contamination of his

purest products & others,from the same 'source' Dr Horowitz documents, and

he mentions him. He has strong safety measures in place now to make sure no

one tampers with the products. He is a Wholistic Warrior! God Knows they

are His hands who fight the establishment to heal His people. Sincerely,Liz

At 11:33 AM 12/02/1999 -0800, you wrote:

>Can anyone give me information on the treatments of pancreatic cancer

>besides chmo and radiation?? Any trails in Ontario, Canada?






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NOTE: Dr. Hulda clark's protocol in " The Cure for All Advanced Cancers "

helps control cancer in less than one month. Dr. 's method takes

several months.

Dr. was successful in treating pancreatic cancer over 30 years ago,

but was attacked and discredited by all areas of the Medical, Legal and

Political establishments around the world. Two of Dr. 's books are

available for $10.00 each. (For orders only, call: 1-800-651-7080 )

1. " One answer to Cancer "

2. " Cancer Cure Suppressed "

Dr. did a study on pancreatic cancer after seeing the successful

results of 's cancer survivors. The 5-year survival rate in orthodox

medicine for pancreatic cancer is virtually 0%. The 22 fell into three


1.Ten patients consulted only once and never went on the

protocol. All had died.

2.Seven patients followed the protocol only partially and

sporadically, as determined by interviews with family members, physicians,

and records obtained from the manufacturer/distributor of the special

nutritional supplements. These patients had all died.

3.Five patients followed the protocol completely and achieved

long-term remission, although one had died (of Alzheimer's disease) after

11.5 years of survival.

The median survival of the three groups was:

1.Never followed the protocol (N-10) = 67 days.

2.Followed the protocol partially (N=7)=233 days.

3.Followed protocol completely (N=5)=3,285 days.

Dr. Gonzale found about about 80% of people were doing well on his

modified therapy. Most patients had been pretreated by orthodox means

(surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) and having failed these, came with a

prognosis of 2 to 3 months to live.


Dr. 's protocol may not be effective today.

QUOTE: " The A.H. ROBINS CO., like the Eli Lilly Co. was given the sole

world-wide monopoly for pancreatin by the Big Establishment. Pancreatin

was the only nutritional supplement used by all of the Kelley patients.

" The first procedure used by the Establishment to put an end to me

was the development of a process by which to fractionate the Whole

Pancreatin into the various individual enzymes. In fractionating the

Pancreatin they were able to remove one of the major enzymes and

make it unavailable to the nutritional market. They continued to

market the defective pancreatin to the unsuspecting health food

market. Supplement manufacturers never knew why their products

would no longer be effective for a multitude of nutritional needs.

When I personally informed these manufacturers I was threatened

with legal action. Being aware of this, I adjusted our Metabolic

Program to compensate for this fraud. I went right along helping the

Cancer Victims, but instead of a 6 month procedure the program

had to be extended for 18 to 24 months. The cost was also greatly


" The Establishment by removing needed active ingredients in

the raw materials sold to the companies making vitamin tablets

assumed the Kelley PROGRAM was doomed to total failure. Although I

altered our Metabolic Program to compensate for this, those who now

claim they have the Kelley Program and supplements are deceiving

themselves and the Cancer Victim, for this is the state of PANCREATIN

and their fraudulent programs of Cancer Cures to date.

" The Chymotrypsin removed from pancreatin is now sold to

manufacturers of sewer and septic tank cleaners and not available to

the medical community or health food store industry. "

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 dhcourage@... wrote:

> Can anyone give me information on the treatments of pancreatic cancer

> besides chmo and radiation?? Any trails in Ontario, Canada?

> Thanks,

> diane



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I personally spoke with Dr. Kelley. He is wonderful. I have his book and

enzyme therapy. Problem is there are 72 capsules to take per day + Phosfood

drops. My husband who has pancreatic cancer is having digestive problems.

I'll call Dr. Kelley in the AM.

But you gave me a great idea of incorporating Dr. 's therapy as well.

We have all of her protocol incl the zapper.

Carol fr NJ

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  • 1 month later...


Dr. has had excellent results with natural enzymes nutrition and coffee enemas. His work is now being funded by the National Cancer Institute and they are conducting clinical trials at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NewYork City

Dr. ’, natural therapy using diet and coffee enemas etc.to treat pancreatic cancer is currently accepting patients for clinical trials at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. The are being conducted by Dr. Chabot tel. 212-305-9327. The only problem is you have to be willing to be randomized between natural nutritional therapy and standard chemotherapy. Dr. office phone is 212-213-3337. He has had success with pancreatic cancer.

Good luck,

Arnold Gore

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

Pancreatic cancer

A very dear friend of mine has been diagnosed this week with pancreatic cancer. The doctors are telling her there is nothing they can do and are giving her 3-6 months. Does anyone have any treatment suggestions? The tumor is fast growing...it wasn't on her MRI in September.

We appreciate any advise.


Vicki Olson

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

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Hi Vicki Olson,

I would like to strongly suggest you research phytochemicals and their

ability to penetrate the cell wall and activate enzymes which remove

carcinigins(i think that's how it's spelled) I have a copy of a Pilot Survey

provided by Fisher Institute for Medical Research in Grand Prairie, Texas.

It's about 100 cancer patients who added Nutraceutical Supplements to their

diet. Glyconutrient and Phytonutrient Supplements are doing some INCREDIBLY

WONDERFUL things for people. I believe you may even be able to access some

testimonies at www.cureanydisease.com

Any other information you would be interested in we will be happy to

help you find it.

GOD BLESS Eddie & Harr





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HI...This is in reply to your email to the cures for cancer group. Please read my website at http://www.just-t.com If I can answer any questions for you after you have visited the website, my email address is vdarby@...

God Bless....Ginny Darby

Pancreatic cancer

A very dear friend of mine has been diagnosed this week with pancreatic cancer. The doctors are telling her there is nothing they can do and are giving her 3-6 months. Does anyone have any treatment suggestions? The tumor is fast growing...it wasn't on her MRI in September.

We appreciate any advise.


Vicki Olson

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

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Thank you....I will get more information and share it with my friend.


Re: Pancreatic cancer

>Hi Vicki Olson,

> I would like to strongly suggest you research phytochemicals and their

>ability to penetrate the cell wall and activate enzymes which remove

>carcinigins(i think that's how it's spelled) I have a copy of a Pilot


>provided by Fisher Institute for Medical Research in Grand Prairie, Texas.

>It's about 100 cancer patients who added Nutraceutical Supplements to their

>diet. Glyconutrient and Phytonutrient Supplements are doing some


>WONDERFUL things for people. I believe you may even be able to access some

>testimonies at www.cureanydisease.com

> Any other information you would be interested in we will be happy to

>help you find it.

> GOD BLESS Eddie &




> or





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Hello, Vicki, Perhaps it would help her to get a copy of the 1999

Conference tape of Dr. D. Kelley, a retired Dentist that has helped

many people heal themselves, using updated info, as he did his own 20

years ago. He wrote a big book " One Answer To Cancer " and the tape may be

obtained from Road To Health (800)651-7080. On the tape is Dr Kelley's home

phone no and he will answer questions not answered on the tape. The road to

Health folks have Dr.Hulda 's Products/Newsletter/ & Info.and her

books " Cure For All Cancer " and updates in the research of Dr. and

Dr. Kelley's reccomended products (Enzymes and etc).Hope this helps, Liz

At 10:06 PM 01/30/2000 -0600, you wrote:

> Pancreatic cancer

> The tumor is fast growing...it wasn't on her MRI in September.

> We appreciate any advise. Thanks.. Vicki Olson

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to


> eGroups.com Home: cures for cancer

>www. - Simplifying group communications



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Pancreatic cancer

A very dear friend of mine has been diagnosed this week with pancreatic cancer. The doctors are telling her there is nothing they can do and are giving her 3-6 months. Does anyone have any treatment suggestions? The tumor is fast growing...it wasn't on her MRI in September.

We appreciate any advise.


Vicki Olson

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

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Please tell your friend not to give up. My sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

last July. She had surgery in August for an attempted whipple procedure. It was abandoned because the tumor had wrapped around the aorta. They gave her six months or less.

She is doing great! She had no chemo or radiation. She has gained 13 lb since the surgery. She eats well. No sickness or pain.

She has stayed on an 'alternative protocol' faithfully. It is a home grown protocol from this site, Dr. n Whitakers newsletters, and Hallelujah Acres. Picked up some information here and there. Her surgeon had the decency not to discourage her from trying alternatives. I am not a doctor and I do not sell or market any supplements. However, I feel the need to pass on what we have done. She takes something every wake hour but it seems to be working. She is 70 years old and seems to be getting more energetic every day.

She started with juicing fresh carrots daily. Essiac tea 2 OZ twice a day. CoEnzyme Q10 400 mg a day. Pancreatic enzymes. Colostrum twice daily. She started on Immunocal then due to finances we had to go to a less expensive brand of Whey Protein. 2 oz of Flax seed oil mixed with 1/4 cup cottage cheese twice a day. She also takes a tincture of black walnut and wormwood for parasites (Took regular for two months. Now takes two weeks on and two off). Also rubs incense under the instep of the foot three times a day. Takes Forward which is a very potent muti vitamin from Healthy Directions. She takes one potassium/magnesium aspartate capsule daily. She takes fish oil capsules 4000 mg daily (This has been mentioned to help cancer patients gain weight). My sister had dropped to 98 lb. before surgery. Cats Claw tincture 3 x daily. Garlic 4000mg daily. I found a brand that one capsule has the 4000 mg. (Garlinaise, I think). Drink Green Magma each day if tolerated.

1oz Aloe Vera juice twice daily. (too much will cause diarrhea). Milk Thistle 3 x day to help keep the liver functioning. 1 glutithione daily. 1 licorice capsule daily.

1 pycnogenol daily. Echinecea 3 times daily (two weeks on, two weeks off)

Keep in mind this may be upsetting to the stomach and system at first. Begin lightly and add on as tolerated. If any one item is intolerable for any reason stop it and try again later in a smaller amount. Of course if it still upsets the system, discontinue it.

My sister had to stop the green magma.

Which works and what combination. I just wish I knew. All I know is my sister is

supposed to be gone now and she is cleaning, cooking, eating what she wants to, and

feeling what she calls 'Great'. The doctor is 'amazed' and does not know what to think. No more tests have been run since August. He does not ask what she is taking. Maybe it will get her Aorta tomorrow but she has a good 'quality' of life in the meantime. They put in a port for food and medication in August during surgery because they expected her to be sick and in pain. It was removed and never used.

Faith and prayer go a long way. If your friend believes the doctors then nothing will work. She has to take control and do all she can and believe!! The protocol of so many pills and tinctures is not an easy one but neither is cancer. Tinctures are best when available since the the system will absorb them more readily. I try to buy alcohol free when possible.

Keep in touch. Support means a lot.


Pancreatic cancer

A very dear friend of mine has been diagnosed this week with pancreatic cancer. The doctors are telling her there is nothing they can do and are giving her 3-6 months. Does anyone have any treatment suggestions? The tumor is fast growing...it wasn't on her MRI in September.

We appreciate any advise.


Vicki Olson

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

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Thank you...I will pass on the pancreatic cancer information you sent over. I will let you all know what she does and how she is doing.


Re: Pancreatic cancer

Please tell your friend not to give up. My sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

last July. She had surgery in August for an attempted whipple procedure. It was abandoned because the tumor had wrapped around the aorta. They gave her six months or less.

She is doing great! She had no chemo or radiation. She has gained 13 lb since the surgery. She eats well. No sickness or pain.

She has stayed on an 'alternative protocol' faithfully. It is a home grown protocol from this site, Dr. n Whitakers newsletters, and Hallelujah Acres. Picked up some information here and there. Her surgeon had the decency not to discourage her from trying alternatives. I am not a doctor and I do not sell or market any supplements. However, I feel the need to pass on what we have done. She takes something every wake hour but it seems to be working. She is 70 years old and seems to be getting more energetic every day.

She started with juicing fresh carrots daily. Essiac tea 2 OZ twice a day. CoEnzyme Q10 400 mg a day. Pancreatic enzymes. Colostrum twice daily. She started on Immunocal then due to finances we had to go to a less expensive brand of Whey Protein. 2 oz of Flax seed oil mixed with 1/4 cup cottage cheese twice a day. She also takes a tincture of black walnut and wormwood for parasites (Took regular for two months. Now takes two weeks on and two off). Also rubs incense under the instep of the foot three times a day. Takes Forward which is a very potent muti vitamin from Healthy Directions. She takes one potassium/magnesium aspartate capsule daily. She takes fish oil capsules 4000 mg daily (This has been mentioned to help cancer patients gain weight). My sister had dropped to 98 lb. before surgery. Cats Claw tincture 3 x daily. Garlic 4000mg daily. I found a brand that one capsule has the 4000 mg. (Garlinaise, I think). Drink Green Magma each day if tolerated.

1oz Aloe Vera juice twice daily. (too much will cause diarrhea). Milk Thistle 3 x day to help keep the liver functioning. 1 glutithione daily. 1 licorice capsule daily.

1 pycnogenol daily. Echinecea 3 times daily (two weeks on, two weeks off)

Keep in mind this may be upsetting to the stomach and system at first. Begin lightly and add on as tolerated. If any one item is intolerable for any reason stop it and try again later in a smaller amount. Of course if it still upsets the system, discontinue it.

My sister had to stop the green magma.

Which works and what combination. I just wish I knew. All I know is my sister is

supposed to be gone now and she is cleaning, cooking, eating what she wants to, and

feeling what she calls 'Great'. The doctor is 'amazed' and does not know what to think. No more tests have been run since August. He does not ask what she is taking. Maybe it will get her Aorta tomorrow but she has a good 'quality' of life in the meantime. They put in a port for food and medication in August during surgery because they expected her to be sick and in pain. It was removed and never used.

Faith and prayer go a long way. If your friend believes the doctors then nothing will work. She has to take control and do all she can and believe!! The protocol of so many pills and tinctures is not an easy one but neither is cancer. Tinctures are best when available since the the system will absorb them more readily. I try to buy alcohol free when possible.

Keep in touch. Support means a lot.


Pancreatic cancer

A very dear friend of mine has been diagnosed this week with pancreatic cancer. The doctors are telling her there is nothing they can do and are giving her 3-6 months. Does anyone have any treatment suggestions? The tumor is fast growing...it wasn't on her MRI in September.

We appreciate any advise.


Vicki Olson

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

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In a message dated 1/31/00 2:42:07 PM Central Standard Time, spinner@...


<< http://www.public.usit.net/spinner/index.html >>

Dear Cliff, I thank you for caring and sharing. Keep it up. I too share

that motivation to share because I hate the truth that so many are duped by

the medical cartell.

They give themselves praise and always put themselves in the news as having

done some wonderful godlike thing. Like cloning for example, which is

suppose to bring us answers to cures. First they are LYING. They have not

cloned a thing and cannot do things only our creator can do. What they call

cloning is merely taking an embroynal egg and putting pressure on it and

making it split. They made an egg make a twin. That is not cloning. They

are liars in almost all they say in their research and gene research is a

bizzar idea and a waste of research. They can no more manipulate the

programming of the gene than they can clone.

How do I know this, because I know my creator and man cannot create man.

Only God can do that.

Be blessed

Diann Messer

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Hi Rich,

Yes. I was on Lupron and Eulexin for four years and a few months before I

quit it it in February of 1995. There is no doubt it had quite an effect on

the PSA and cancer.

I was the first one the doctor used it on. My wife and I watched the video

promo before he did. He did not know what to expect and told me later there

was no way he expected the PSA to come from 75 to 0.2 in six months. Now I

know it could with Hormone Blockade alone.

I also know it wouldn't stay there. The average time before it loses effect

is two and a half years, sometimes losing effect in one year. We have also

seen the PSA be drastically reduced on Flaxseed Oil alone.

This is a compex problem. In another month I may know more about my own

situation. I am not cancer free but there is no metastasis and that is what

is most important.

If you would like send me a private e-mail and I will send you my whole

history so far and short summaries of a bunch of others. I will post to

this list in a month or so when I know the very latest.

The evidence after I quit five years ago indicates it may be a case of how

much. Of course, every case is different

I am now 78 and confident that I will not die of cancer. Nine years ago the

outlook was quite bleak.

My best to you.


Re: Pancreatic Cancer


>Did you at any time use hormones as a part of your protocol?






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Vickie....If I have already written to you, please excuse the repeat...I am a small manufacturer of essiac tea...my brand " Just Tea " . My web site is http://www.just-t.com and my email is vdarby@... There are 37 recovery letters there from people who have used " Just Tea " for many, many health problems....the primary one, of course, is cancer. There is also a lot of information on essiac tea there. If you have any questions after reading this information, please email me and I will try to answer...

My very best to you and your friend with pancreatic cancer....Ginny Darby

Re: Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer

A very dear friend of mine has been diagnosed this week with pancreatic cancer. The doctors are telling her there is nothing they can do and are giving her 3-6 months. Does anyone have any treatment suggestions? The tumor is fast growing...it wasn't on her MRI in September.

We appreciate any advise.


Vicki Olson

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the subscribers to the list recommended Dr. to you

for treatment of pancreatic cancer. His phone # is 212 213 3337. We

were never able to get an appt w/Dr. G. Were told he would not treat anyone

who had had chemo, radiation, or surgery. Tried numerous times to get an

appt. Did, however, speak with Dr. Kelley who supposedly trained Dr. G.

He had some interesting things to say. Don't have his number handy, but

can get it for you.

There is also a website on an alternative treatment, Cantron or Cancell

that is very intesting. htttp://www.best.com/-handpen/Cancell/cancell.htm.

Cost: $170 for a six month supply. Must take enzymes with it and lots of

water. You can also speak with the people listed on the website. I spoke

with Mr. Bill Browning is one of the people who claimed he was cured of

pancreatic cancer. Did not have surgery or chem/rad.

Also Tony Bell 330 688 3147 (a biochemist) is connected with quality

control of Cantron and is very informative.

The product can be obtained by calling - 800-443-3030. Cannot be ordered from

the Cancell website. I gave a copy of the ingredients to my primary doctor

w/o showing him the name. He was impressed with the level of anti oxidant

properties and said " we should all be taking something like this as it

oxidizes the cells. "

Unfortunately my husband succumbed to the disease Dec. 19. 8 mos after he

was diagnosed. He had surgery, tumor was totally removed....no spread.

followed by chemo and rad. Spread to liver 4 mos later. Then 4 mos

later he expired.

We did not stay with the Cantron exclusively, we were afraid to depend on it


We tried 2 alternative clinics to no avail. some of the products sold by the

alternative clinics will counteract the effects of Cantron. Also sugar of

any kind will raise the energy level and counter the positives of Cantron.

Obviously I can't or would not recommend any particular alternative

treatment....but I can pass on information on one of the more impressive

results of our extensive research. It appears your friend has nothing to




THREAT.....LAWSUITS. There are many alternatives to conventional medicine

and some people have used a combination of the two with success. However,

choosing is the most difficult thing a person will ever be faced with.

My best wishes for your friend's return to health.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


Dr. has a clinical trial at Presbterian Hospital in New

York City in his treatment of Pancreatic Cancer. If your friend wants to

enter it she should ask for Dr. Chabot who is co-ordinating it at the

hospital. This is one of the rare cases where the National Cancer Institute

is funding a trial of an alternative cancer therapy-grant of 1.4 million

dollars. It sounds like your friend is already using some of his treatment

such as pancreatic enzymes.

Arnold Gore

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

Pancreatic Cancer

> Hello list,


> I am new, and wondering what makes pancreatic cancer more " deadly " than

cancer of the big toe? I can't seem to find an explanation anywhere!


> My friend has been diagnosed with this, and does not intend to do the

" Whipple " surgery, chemo or radiation. She got the endoscopic stent at

diagnosis, is still working two months later, and seems to be doing very

well on supplements and pancreatic enzymes. She's new to the " holistic "

community, and if anyone on this list has this cancer, or knows the

particulars of it I'll pass info on to her.


> Thanks in Advance,


> -Colleen

> colleen@...







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Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

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Guest guest

Dr. was a young doctor when he heard about the great successes of

Dr. Kelley's cancer treatment and went to study his treatment. He (quote)

" was astonished found case after case of advance metastic cancer patients

who were healthy and active 5, 10 and 15 years after diagnosis. made

available all of his records, over 10,000, and encouraged to

contact all of the patients. chose pancreatic cancer, since the

5-year survival rate in orthodox medicine is virtually 0%. "

" Five patients followed the protocol completely and achieved long-term

remission, although one had died (of Alzheimer's disease) after 11.5 years

of survival. " Dr. ' website is at:


Two of Dr. Kelley's books written at a time when he was under

persecution from money interests were once available for $10.00 each at


1. " One answer to Cancer "


2. " Cancer Cure Suppressed "

If you are participating in the Clinical trial, be aware that

the protocol may not succes as well as Dr. Kelley's program IF THEY ARE


From Kelley's book:


" The A.H. ROBINS CO., like the Eli Lilly Co. was given the sole

world-wide monopoly for pancreatin by the Big Establishment.

Pancreatin was the only nutritional supplement used by all of the

Kelley patients.

" The first procedure used by the Establishment to put an end to me

was the development of a process by which to fractionate the Whole

Pancreatin into the various individual enzymes. In fractionating the

Pancreatin they were able to remove one of the major enzymes and

it unavailable to the nutritional market. They continued to

market the defective pancreatin to the unsuspecting health food

market. Supplement manufacturers never knew why their products

would no longer be effective for a multitude of nutritional needs.

When I personally informed these manufacturers I was threatened

with legal action. Being aware of this, I adjusted our Metabolic

Program to compensate for this fraud. I went right along helping the

Cancer Victims, but instead of a 6 month procedure the program

had to be extended for 18 to 24 months. The cost was also greatly


" The Establishment by removing needed active ingredients in

the raw materials sold to the companies making vitamin tablets

assumed the Kelley PROGRAM was doomed to total failure. Although I

altered our Metabolic Program to compensate for this, those who now

claim they have the Kelley Program and supplements are deceiving

themselves and the Cancer Victim, for this is the state of PANCREATIN

and their fraudulent programs of Cancer Cures to date.

" The Chymotrypsin removed from pancreatin is now sold to

facturers of sewer and septic tank cleaners and not available to

the medical community or health food store industry. "



On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Arnold Gore wrote:

> Colleen,

> Dr. has a clinical trial at Presbterian Hospital in New

> York City in his treatment of Pancreatic Cancer. If your friend wants to

> enter it she should ask for Dr. Chabot who is co-ordinating it at the

> hospital. This is one of the rare cases where the National Cancer Institute

> is funding a trial of an alternative cancer therapy-grant of 1.4 million

> dollars. It sounds like your friend is already using some of his treatment

> such as pancreatic enzymes.

> Arnold Gore

> Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

> Pancreatic Cancer



> > Hello list,

> >

> > I am new, and wondering what makes pancreatic cancer more " deadly " than

> cancer of the big toe? I can't seem to find an explanation anywhere!

> >

> > My friend has been diagnosed with this, and does not intend to do the

> " Whipple " surgery, chemo or radiation. She got the endoscopic stent at

> diagnosis, is still working two months later, and seems to be doing very

> well on supplements and pancreatic enzymes. She's new to the " holistic "

> community, and if anyone on this list has this cancer, or knows the

> particulars of it I'll pass info on to her.

> >

> > Thanks in Advance,

> >

> > -Colleen

> > colleen@...

> >

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