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Re: Cancer is a Fungus Author Interview Video

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problem is, where do you get treatmennt, and how expensive it it? i once sent an

email to Dr S. and never got a reply..For internal cancers , except those of the

digestive system, it says you can't just take it orally..

i had bladder ca, which they took out, but they said it was an aggresive type,

and usually returns. Now they want to do chemo, radiation , and take out the

blader, as Prevention!! they say its a sneaky cancer, and a few cells may have

escaped detection,, even tho Cat scans of th4 whole abdominal area showed no


i am looking for natural answers

I wish there was a way to give this to myself, or with minimal help from a

doctor..money is aissue

I wish there was a way to apply this by myself

From: mkathryn59

This is almost 20 minutes but well worth your time to watch and listen

to. Doug Kauffman is speaking to the Oconologist, Dr. Tulio Simoncini, who has

written the book, Cancer is a Fungus, and shows pictures to prove his point. He

uses sodium bicarbonate to eliminate tumors.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2137356552230941410 & hl=en

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Hi ,

I also wrote to doctor Simoncini - 2 times.

First time he answered, and second time he did not answer.

I quote short texts this correspondence:

From: tullio simoncini [t.simoncini@...]

Sent: 26 grudnia 2007 21:11


Subject: simoncini

There are successes in ovarian cancer, but the method of curing that depends on

the size.


From: Jan j [soliserw@...]

Sent: 12 stycznia 2008 17:21

'tullio simoncini'

Subject: RE: simoncini

Honourable Sir Doctor !

I am sorry, text of translators {explains} computer.

The Fungus Theory - responsibility for cancers had a Polish

representative: Doctor Anatol Rybczyñski(oncologist). Doctor died in 2001 at age

92 years and no doctor continuated his works.

Investigative works began in 1950 and already from 1954 attended patients with

preparation from silicon. His works, as reason cancer show activity of fungus

penicillium. This so much of history.

Returning to cancer ovarian. For 2 years I read and learn about cancers. Of

expert MDs and alternative medicine. There is not much chance of overcoming

cancer ovarian. I am so very surprised that you sees some hope ! (??).

...... .......

The leading clinical oncologist for my wife was on your web page.


My goal is to uncover {to discover} truth. I greet heartily from Polands.

Impatiently I will wait on answer.

From last moment. Doctor recommends 2 chemotheraphy. We have 14 days of time.

How efficiently, to use Yours method ?

Worried husband, Jan from Polands.


What occurred here, in Holland:


Is some interpretation facts from side Dr. Simoncini ?



Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008

problem is, where do you get treatmennt, and how expensive it it? i once sent an

email to Dr S. and never got a reply..For internal cancers , except those of the

digestive system, it says you can't just take it orally..i had bladder ca, which

they took out, but they said it was an aggresive type, and usually returns. Now

they want to do chemo, radiation , and take out the blader, as Prevention!! they

say its a sneaky cancer, and a few cells may have escaped detection,, even tho

Cat scans of th4 whole abdominal area showed no cancer..

i am looking for natural answers

From: mkathryn59

This is almost 20 minutes but well worth your time to watch and listen

to. Doug Kauffman is speaking to the Oconologist, Dr. Tulio Simoncini, who

has written the book, Cancer is a Fungus, and shows pictures to prove his

point. He uses sodium bicarbonate to eliminate tumors.

<http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2137356552230941410 & hl=en>

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2137356552230941410 & hl=en

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As I said, it would be nice if there was a way to infuse the sodium

bicarbonate without an expensive procedure. I know that with hydrogen peroxide,

some MDs say you can put 1- 3 quarts in a bath and it will penetrate thru the

skin and kill fungi, viruses , bacteria, and may even help cancer. I have done

these baths when i had a bad infection, etc, and it cleared up,PLUS I have a lot

of energy afterward. I wish it was the same with Epsom salt..Mine is bladder

cancer , and since it is an organ of elimination, I think if I drank some or

took baths, some of it would eventually get to the bladder...Also, I could use a

catheter,altho you have to get an MD to give you one..Do you know where I can

get one for home use? I do know that one cure for superficial bladder ca is to

use a catheter and fill it with BCG vaccine ..

Also, IF cancer is a fungus, how about other suplements that kill fungus, like

the candid clenses, caprilyic acid, etc?

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Cancer is a fungus - this is one of hypothesises. Doctors - oncologists do not

acknowledge this theory.

In Poland, dr RybczyÅ„skiego ,,heirâ€, whoes are continuing treatment with

preparation ANRY

( homeopathic water solution active silicon. It liquidates fungus

penicillium)They have many problems, inclusive law.

Doctor’s Simoncini method is straight in use to accessible organs,

resoluteness worse from these internal.

Rinsing blister is not problem.

Tijuana Mexico: http://www.cures for cancer.ws/programs-ami.htm


3 times/week....Hot tub of Bicarb soda (½ Cup), Sea salts (½ Cup), plus

3 table spoons ginger


P.s. According to Dr Simoncini:




Generally, base of therapy doctor Simoncini is 5 % water solution

sodium bicarbonate

Bladder tumour

The therapeutic approach depends on the anatomical configuration of the

neoplastic invasion. That is, on whether the tumour is limited to the internal

walls or if it goes over into the pelvic cavity. In the presence of carcinomas

that are superficial or partially infiltrating, it is sufficient to administer

bicarbonate solutions directly in the bladder through a catheter and also by

administering an oral therapy of one teaspoon in a glass of water on an empty

stomach to obtain very positive results almost all the time. In general, after

two or three days and also in the presence of large projecting masses, we can

observe a regression of the painful symptomatology and, if present, the

elimination of hematuria episodes.

Dosage: 150-200 cc through catheter for four consecutive days, then every other

day for two weeks, then one day on and two off for two further weeks, taking

care of suspending for one or more days in the presence of evident pain or

erythrocytarian diapedesis.

The vesicle epithelium, in fact – burdened by the disease or by previous

endoscopic instillations of mythomicine or other drugs – demands, because of

its suffering condition, particular attention and vigilance. That means a

continuous therapeutic modulation in function of the subject.

In the case of pelvic overflow, both selective arteriography and abdominal

catheters are indicated, through which it is possible to attack the masses in a

concentric and conclusive way. Sometimes a neoplastic affliction of the urethras

may be present, and that is very difficult to perfuse with sodium bicarbonate

solutions through the vesicle catheter.

In this case, the position of a transdermal catheter in the afflicted urether

– that is, a nephrostomy – allows the reaching and the destruction of those

masses missed by the sodium bicarbonate.

Vesicle tumours are very sensitive to the action of sodium bicarbonate, which

almost always causes the regression of the masses.


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I think fungus is a component of the cancer problem.

The virgin coconut oil detox is a systemic fungal removal method.

It is cheap, safe, and effective.

I currently have a man visiting here and I am his tour guide. He has

tongue cancer. Cannot swallow. He has to resort to blendering his food.

He did a Herbal and zapper Parasite cleanse past 2 days, is scheduled to

do a liver flush tomorrow and then do kidney cleanses and then do a 3

day vco detox maybe 4 or 5 days from now.

With this man, we will find out just how effective vco detox is in

contributing to a cancer cure.

Ask me again after 1 or 2 weeks how the vco detox / systemic fungal

cleansing worked out.

Read more about vco detoxing at http://tinyurl.com/vcodetox

Happy cancer curing everyone,

Edwin Casimero


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Dr A. V. Constantini of the World Health Organization also believed in the

fungal link to cancer. Not only cancer but many diseases.

The medical community holds dearly to the defective gene theory of cancer

because of the profit that is generated through keeping the public stupid.

The American Cancer Society was founded by D Rockefeller which owns more

real estate than any nonprofit organization and is the richest nonprofit in the

world.  It was not founded for philanthropic purposes but just another scheme

devised by Rockefeller to avoid paying taxes.

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 My husband has bladder cancer stage 4 with very small mets to the lungs. We

both have seen the video and are looking to get the self catheters to try and

flush his badder with the bicarb. We figure it couldn't harm him and is worth

trying. Most bladder cancers like his are transitional cell which are very slow

growing kind, he most likely has had it for possibly 15 years or so.

 I imagine your doctor could be trying to scare you into the chemo, A " sneaky

cancer " , sounds like they or he needs or wants another lake house soon and needs

a certain number of chemo patients to pay for it.

 The conventional cancer industry is the biggest most evil racket going these

days. It's more evil than the central banking/federal reserve as they only want

your money, the cancer racket wants your money and your life with it.

  I have one problem though with starting the bicarb and that is at what

strength should I use? Any suggestions from anyone would be welcome.

I will be monitoring his urine out put through his bladder as he has kidney

tubes, he has been urinating more and more from his badder and the bleeding has

slowed to barely pink from his bladder with the bugwig diet.

 I will keep you posted. Sue


problem is, where do you get treatmennt, and how expensive it it? i once sent an

email to Dr S. and never got a reply..For internal cancers , except those of the

digestive system, it says you can't just take it orally..

i had bladder ca, which they took out, but they said it was an aggresive type,

and usually returns. Now they want to do chemo, radiation , and take out the

blader, as Prevention!! they say its a sneaky cancer, and a few cells may have

escaped detection,, even tho Cat scans of th4 whole abdominal area showed no


i am looking for natural answers

I wish there was a way to give this to myself, or with minimal help from a

doctor..money is aissue

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I live near L.A., Ca and I se he is talking at the Cancer Control Society

convention, at th end of August..I'll try to talk to him them..It would be

nice to take the Epsom salt orally, and or bt catheter, or the bladder

From: " susan b "

I found his web site: http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/index.php

Great site with plenty of information. I did order the book although most

everything you need is on his web page.

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THANKS!! I didn't know you could use cathereters onyourself!! Wher do I get

these? That would be perfect fot baldder ca!!

Dr S is going to be at the Cancer Covention in L.A. end of August...I'll ask

about how much epsom salt to use.

Also on me they did Cat scans of the whole abdomen, from the stomach on dwon,

including the blood they shoot iodine in the veins..and nOTHING else was found.

You say on your husband it went to the lung..How did they find that..Should I

ask for cat scans of the lungs?

They did Xrays of the lungs /heart..all negative..would Xrays show it or is it

too small? i mayhave to ask or scans of the lungs..

But I assume that it moves form the bladdrr on up, so the first metstasis would

be in the lymph nodes near ot prosatee, kidneys etc..

BTW , the biopsy said 'transitional cell ca. with invasion into the lamina

propria..but " there is no muscularis propria identified for evaluation " That

may be GOOD..that it has NOt gone into the muscle...they say thats when its bad

...in the muscle..plus the URO report said " all tissues were evacuated a

resection and fulguration was done....the base wall looked grossly clean " . so i







From: susan b


My husband has bladder cancer stage 4 with very small mets to the lungs. We

both have seen the video and are looking to get the self catheters to try and

flush his badder with the bicarb. We figure it couldn't harm him and is worth

trying. Most bladder cancers like his are transitional cell which are very slow

growing kind, he most likely has had it for possibly 15 years or so.

I imagine your doctor could be trying to scare you into the chemo, A " sneaky

cancer " , sounds like they or he needs or wants another lake house soon and needs

a certain number of chemo patients to pay for it.

The conventional cancer industry is the biggest most evil racket going these

days. It's more evil than the central banking/federal reserve as they only want

your money, the cancer racket wants your money and your life with it.

I have one problem though with starting the bicarb and that is at what

strength should I use? Any suggestions from anyone would be welcome.

I will be monitoring his urine out put through his bladder as he has kidney

tubes, he has been urinating more and more from his badder and the bleeding has

slowed to barely pink from his bladder with the bugwig diet.

I will keep you posted. Sue

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http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/ Go to his site, it's baking soda, red mills

has no aluminum 5% and you can buy the catherters online. I'm going to find out

if you need a doctors script this week. Seems like you can just buy them without

one online direct. i will want to get help on how to use them first though. My

husbands bladder cancer is in the muscle, but if we can get most of it cleaned

up and do the other cure at the same time we can at least get the tubes removed

from his kidneys. I plan on getting him to the del mar clinic soon. But for now

we are doing what we can. We're doing the 2 week candida cleanse right now and

will continue with a anti fugal diet, which is different than the budwig, no

grains. i will continue with the flax oil and cottage cheese and the juicing


   I did  alot of this stuff for several years to cure MS so I know the ropes.



THANKS!! I didn't know you could use cathereters onyourself!! Wher do I get

these? That would be perfect fot baldder ca!!

Dr S is going to be at the Cancer Covention in L.A. end of August...I'll ask

about how much epsom salt to use.

Also on me they did Cat scans of the whole abdomen, from the stomach on dwon,

including the blood they shoot iodine in the veins..and nOTHING else was found.

You say on your husband it went to the lung..How did they find that..Should I

ask for cat scans of the lungs?

They did Xrays of the lungs /heart..all negative..would Xrays show it or is it

too small? i mayhave to ask or scans of the lungs..

But I assume that it moves form the bladdrr on up, so the first metstasis would

be in the lymph nodes near ot prosatee, kidneys etc..

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Thanks..BTW, if one can self catheter, I can also use Aloe Vera..purified..a

book on alternative ca. mentions this as the #1 treatment for blabber ca...yiou

cna drink it, but getting it directly on the bladder tissues should be evn

better..I know it can heal sunburns etc..

Also, I found a site ..www.mnwlldr.org that mentions OleanderOPC as a cure for

bladder ca...and Poly MVA..I went ont he Ply MVA site and ther are 43-4 bladder

cancer testimonials...sever metastaic bladder ca. that was healed ..It a bit

expensive..BUT...these are real people who give their name, phone #, etc/..Plus

other cancers were healed also.I just mention thse, because they specifically

mention bladder cancer..PLUS it seems they have a good support group...a cancer

survivors group

From: susan b

http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/ Go to his site, it's baking soda, red mills

has no aluminum 5% and you can buy the catherters online. I'm going to find out

if you need a doctors script this week. Seems like you can just buy them without

one online direct. i will want to get help on how to use them first though. My

husbands bladder cancer is in the muscle, but if we can get most of it cleaned

up and do the other cure at the same time we can at least get the tubes removed

from his kidneys. I plan on getting him to the del mar clinic soon. But for now

we are doing what we can. We're doing the 2 week candida cleanse right now and

will continue with a anti fugal diet, which is different than the budwig, no

grains. i will continue with the flax oil and cottage cheese and the juicing


I did alot of this stuff for several years to cure MS so I know the ropes.


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He says you can buy the Epsom salt anywhere, on the website, but then he says

the botles for infusion are at pharmacies only..

Do you know of any site where you can buy these catheters online? I iwll google


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I didn't read anything on his site about epson salts just the baking soda or

bicarb. Aren't they different salts?

I live near L.A., Ca and I se he is talking at the Cancer Control Society

convention, at th end of August..I'll try to talk to him them..It would be nice

to take the Epsom salt orally, and or bt catheter, or the bladder

From: " susan b "

I found his web site: http://www.curenatu ralicancro. com/index. php

Great site with plenty of information. I did order the book although most

everything you need is on his web page.

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>If you learned what others said about the guy, you probably wouldn't



Where can you find out what others are saying?

I go to cancertutor.org, where they list which treatments have had the

greatest success rates..the top is the budwig diet

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I was confusing the two...Sodium Bicarbonate is what he uses, which is what is

in Alka Seltzer..and it IS very alkalizing..maybe that is why he gets results..I

keeo hearing that being alkaline is VIP for killing cancer cells..

From: susan b

I didn't read anything on his site about epson salts just the baking soda or

bicarb. Aren't they different salts?

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Well, as Alka Seltzer, it says 2 tablets 3 times a day..I dont know what Dr S

would say, except he says drinking it only helps vis a vis digestive organs

which get it directly..thats why i want to get a self catheter, and at the

Cancer convention, I'll ask him about the amounts to use with a a catheter..

BTW did you see the post where someone says " you would not do this if you've

heard what others say about him " ? I emailed her to give me some sources

From: sharon martinez

Is it safe to drink Sodium Bicarbonate? How offten should one drink it?

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Hey Mike:

Two topics -- what about all that nasty casein in cottage cheese (re:

Budwig diet). Would a drained yogurt / whey mix serve better than CC?

How about: LDN, modified Budwig, IP-6, Sutherlandia OPC, Beta Glucan,

and alternating artemix and bloodroot every other week?



> My generic suggestions would be: LDN, Budwig diet, IP-6,

> Sutherlandia OPC. Minor components might be green tea, lemongrass >

tea, cat's claw tea, Essiac tea.


> Did you have any positive tumor markers in the blood?


> Mike


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Hello jrrjim,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 3:51:08 PM, you wrote:



j> Hey Mike:

j> Two topics -- what about all that nasty casein in cottage cheese (re:

j> Budwig diet). Would a drained yogurt / whey mix serve better than CC?

Yogurt is slightly more benign than cittage cheese, but still has

casein in it. The benefits of the cysteine/flax oil combo still

prevail over the detriments of the casein where cancer is concerned.

If you are feeling experimental you might order some cysteine or

methionine powder and mix it directly with the oil. Maybe you could patent it!

j> How about: LDN, modified Budwig, IP-6, Sutherlandia OPC, Beta Glucan,

j> and alternating artemix and bloodroot every other week?

That would be good too. Keep in mind that the bloodroot is only for

hardy souls.





>> My generic suggestions would be: LDN, Budwig diet, IP-6,

>> Sutherlandia OPC. Minor components might be green tea, lemongrass >

j> tea, cat's claw tea, Essiac tea.


>> Did you have any positive tumor markers in the blood?


>> Mike



Best regards,

goldenmike mailto:goldenmike@...

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i just wnt to mentio re bladdercancer..Ijust read on

urologychannel.com that one cause couldbe parasites !! Especially if

the symptom is bleeding..since it attaches to the lining of the

bladder, and starts eating aay at it. Now, this parasite is supposed

be only in North Africa, or tropical countries..I was boprnon N

Africa..Anyway, with all the immigartion of people rom all over the

world, and many working in restaurants , etc..who knows ??The only

other causes they know of are smoking (but if you quit 10-20 years

ago, its less), or working with chemicals, and genetics..

Anyway Hulda , who helped many people with cancers has said for

years that the cause of cancer can be flukes (parasites),,she found

them in her patients, also mercury from fillings, root canals

(which can also have microbes in them)..and ,many others incluidng

dentists belive that too.

Now, its easy enough to do a parasite cleanse..Huld calrk says you

have to use ALL of these 3:

Black walnut Hull, Wormwood (artemesia), and Clove..she says with

those, you can get rid of ALL flukes...medical antiparatsitcs can

cause problems !1

Also, its easy enough to get tested for parasites ..stool samples,


I WILL do the Huld anyway, just to make sure..

Also ifyou have rashes (whichi have) that dont go away it can mean


I had a patient years ago ( i am a chiropractor) who started bleeding

in the colon and no MD could help..they said it was

just " inflamation " and gave him stronger and stronger drugs..Finally,

I suspected parasites/amoeba , since he had eaten at a mexican

restaurant just before it started up,and the symptoms...and gave him

some herbs anfd it went away !! So i believe in this.

Any good health food store has them,just make they are high quality

companies.. makes them too, but only some stores carry them..I

saw on curezone.com re bladder cancer there is a product called

Clarika one can order

Also, re mercury, its too toxic (and expensive) to takle them out,.

BUT there are many Heavy Detox porducts out there that have alginate,

Fulvic acid, etc that detox mercury etc..again any good health food

store should cary them,Jarrow and Enzymatic therapy are good brands.

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Let's settle this once and for all.

Some of the people posting here have cancer, right?

Why don't you go and do VCO detoxes so you will find out for yourself if your

cancer is a fungus.

If your particular cancer is a fungus, then the tumors should get

smaller on several vco detoxes.

How to do a vco detox http://tinyurl.com/vcodetox


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BTW, if Cancer is caused by a fungus, there are many natural

products to eliminate it SYSTEMICALLY,not just in the digestive

system.. such as caprylic acid, and many others..plus there are some

meds that do it to..Maybe we can combine those with baking soda?

Crook, MD first talked abou candida/fungus as a cause of many

diseases in his book " The Yeast Connection " many years ago

> Hello VINCENT,

> > Alka Seltzer was originally created by Bayer in Germany for

> indigestion. This was back in the 1930's. The original formula was

> just baking soda, aspirin and citric acid.

> > The use of the product line for flu, etc. is more recent. Now,

there are various versions of Alka Seltzer that are formulated with

> medications to counteract the symptoms of colds and flus. I'd stay

> away from those entirely. The occasional use of the original

formula is ok, but don't give Alka Seltzer to sick children, because of the

aspirin. Reye's Syndrome is a possibility.

> Mike

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Pharmaceutical medications against yeast are very dangerous. They hit

your liver badly. We are talking liver cirrhosis and DEATH. It is

written in the packaging of the side effects of their anti-yeast drugs.

The box usually comes in a BLACK BOX with stern warnings. At least our

drugs do. I don't know if the evil drug marketers in your countries

removed these strong warnings. It should scare the hell out of anyone

when the side effect written by the drug manufacturer includes DEATH.

vttttti wrote:


> BTW, if Cancer is caused by a fungus, there are many natural

> products to eliminate it SYSTEMICALLY,not just in the digestive

> system.. such as caprylic acid, and many others..plus there are some

> meds that do it to..

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