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Eye sight

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"I have letters from people all over the country who have used my herbal eyewash successfully to eliminate their cataracts, reduce their glaucoma pressure, and regain their lost vision." - Dr. R. Dr.

Almost everyone today has some sort of vision problem, ranging from minor problems, such as near - or far sightedness, eyestrain, and specks, all the way to major eye problems such as cataracts and glaucoma. Medical sources estimate that over 115 million Americans are affected by vision problems of one degree or another.

What can be done about eye problems? For most people with relatively minor eye problems, eye glasses or contacts are fine.

However, as you grow older, as your sight deteriorates and gets worse, contacts and glasses offer less and less of a solution. If you happen to develop cataracts or glaucoma, you will have to consider either surgery or treatment with drugs. In either case, you most likely will have permanent eye damage.

Because of this, we had been searching for a natural approach, for serious eye problems, an approach which was painless and restored good vision fairly rapidly.

We of course knew about eye exercises, which do work in many cases. But often they are quite involved, quite time-consuming - taking an hour a day or more and frequently must be done for a year or more before any results are noticeable. Most people just don't have the time to do them. And even if everyone had the time, exercises won't help you much if you have cataracts or glaucoma.

We also explored nutritional approaches to eye problems, since various nutrients such as vitamin A, calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin E are well known to be needed for healthy eyes. But, as best as we could find, nutrition seems to do more to prevent eye problems than to cure them.

"In most cases, eye problems - even serious ones such as cataracts and glaucoma - will show tremendous improvement within a matter of months."

Question: What can be done for eye problems?

Dr. : I have developed an herbal eyewash that corrects a wide variety of eye problems. In most cases, eye problems - even serious ones such as cataracts and glaucoma - will show tremendous improvement within a matter of months of using the Herbal Eyebright formula.

For example, many years ago, a man came to me from British Columbia, Canada. When he stepped in my room, I noticed his glasses were as thick as the end of a Coke bottle. I said, "I can see your vision is terrible. How long have you had your problem?"

He said, "It's been going on for 20 years or more. My vision is diminishing rapidly. I'm a jeweler and it's the only trade I know. If I lose my eyes, I won't be able to work anymore. I never thought it could happen to me."

I reassured him that this need not happen. Then I told him about the herbal eye formula. He went back home and I didn't hear from him for six weeks or so. Then I received a postcard from him. He said his eyes were starting to hurt when he wore his glasses. He said he had switched to a weaker pair he had laying around and that seemed to help.

I wrote back and told him that this normally happens when the eyes get stronger.

Three months later, he wrote again. He said that his eyes had continued to improve. He had gone through another two pairs of old glasses. He said he was now wearing glasses he had worn 15 years ago. He was elated. Three months later, he reported being able to work without any glasses. He said he could fix watches, and work on diamonds, without the soreness and eyestrain he had always known.

Question: It sounds hard to believe. How can a person possibly experience such a dramatic improvement in vision after 20 years of poorsight?

Dr. : When you don't understand how the herbs work, it certainly would seem unbelievable. So let me explain my eye formula and how it works.

The formula contains a number of different herbs, each having their own purpose. For example, there is cayenne pepper, which stimulates the eye tissues and improves the circulation in them. There is golden seal root, which kills any infection or bacteria in the eye tissues. There is bayberry bark, and red raspberry which promote the growth of new, healthy eye tissue. Finally there's eyebright, an herb which has been used to cure eye problems for the last seven hundred years.

Often, within a week after starting, people notice mucus and pus coming out of their eyes when they wake up. This is simply damaged cells and toxic materials which are being cleansed from the eyes. One lady called me after taking the eye formula for only two days. She said, "Dr. Dr. , I woke up this morning and my eyes were almost glued shut with mucus."

I told her she was lucky. I said, "If the mucus comes out of your eyes at that rate, you'll have your vision back in no time."

You see, when the entire eye is cleaned out, the vision will naturally improve. When the waste material comes out of the muscles, the muscles will become stronger and will be able to focus better. When the lens in the eye is cleaned out, it will become almost crystal clear. When this happens, light rays will travel through the entire lens and will be focused on the retina without being distorted, which usually happens when the lens is cloudy. In addition, the optic nerve itself will become much more sensitive and it will send picture images to and from the brain many times quicker.

Also the eyewash will increase the circulation in the eye. This means nutrients will travel more quickly to the eye and the eye will regenerate at a faster rate. This circulation is vitally important in relation to the eye lens. There are no blood vessels in the lens itself. It depends entirely on the freeflowing humorous liquids which bathe the lens on both sides. So when nutrients can get to the lens quickly, and when waste products can be discharged from the lens easily, a person's focusing ability is bound to improve.

Question: How can your eye formula work so quickly?

Dr. : The reason it works so quickly is that I use it as an eyewash. I have people make a solution of the herbs and tell them to use it directly on the eyes as an eyewash. In this manner, the herbs are soaked directly into the eye tissues and go to work within minutes.

Question: Could you tell us a little more about eyebright, the main herb in your formula?

Dr. : Eyebright is a small flowering shrub which is found in Europe and northeastern America. It has been used to alleviate eye problems on both sides of the Atlantic for centuries.

In Europe, back in Roman times, it was named Euphrasia, which means "cheerfulness due to improved vision." So even back at the time of Christ, they knew that eyebright helped to improve vision. Eyebright was used in Iceland as early as the thirteenth century. Icelanders used to take the plant, squeeze the juice out, and put it right in the eyes. The Scots also used it in a similar manner. Eyebright was also used in England for centuries. The famous seventeenth century doctor, Nicolas Culpeper, said the following about eyebright: "If the herb Eyebright was but as much used as it is neglected, it would half spoil the spectacle makers' trade."

In America, Eyebright was used by the Indians. It was used by the early settlers. It was used and recommended by famous herbalists at the turn of the century. Eyebright is listed in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. It's also listed as an eye remedy in a standard medical reference book, The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary, written by A. Newman Dorland, M.D. Listen, it all makes sense. How do you think eyebright got its name? Do you think it just happened by accident? Of course not. It was named eyebright for good reason - because it helped brighten people's vision. That's the reason the name has stuck for over 700 years.

Question: How do you make the eyewash?

Dr. : To make the eyewash, first boil the eye cups in boiling water to sterilze them. Boil distilled water, pour water into eye cups and put 4 - 5 drops of the Herbal Eyebright into each eye cup. You should never use tap water.

To use the eyewash, place the cup over one of the eyes and blink the eye for a few times, then rest the eye for a few moments. This will let the eye become accustomed to being washed. Then repeat with the other eye. Keep using the eyewash until you can blink about 20 times with each eye. The second day, you can try to leave the eyes open for a few seconds in the solution. Your eyes may sting in the beginning. But the more you use the eyewash, the easier it will be.

Keep using the eyewash three to six times a day, and try to keep your eyes open in the solution for longer and longer periods. If you can do this persistently, day in and day out you'll be well on your way toward correcting any vision problems you may have. Also, I urge you to take three capsules of the formula twice a day internally. This is absolutely essential if you expect to get complete results.

Question: You mentioned earlier that your formula contains cayenne pepper. Cayenne is pretty strong. Wouldn't it be dangerous to put it in the eyes?

Dr. : No, it isn't. In all these years, I've never had any problems with the cayenne. It's true, it makes your eyes sting, but that won't hurt you. In fact, a few people have told me that the more their eyes sting, the better their eyes feel afterwards.

A young couple came up to the podium after one of my lectures to find if it had been a "slip of the tongue" or did I actually mean a statement I had made, namely, "There are no incurable diseases, only incurable patients." My answer was "Yes, this is correct." A diseased or malfunctioning condition of the body can usually be made whole again, if the program is followed faithfully.

The question was then asked me, "We know of cases wherein eyesight has been restored (one individual we know had their sight restored) but how about our little child?" This small toddler was born blind. Medical science tells us that the child was born without any optic nerves. The baby, according to them, will remain blind all of its life, as there is no way man knows of giving sight to one who was born without the optic nerve. It would be like telling a person to listen to beautiful music, yet born without hearing organs, or for one to run when born without legs.

With pleading in their voices, they asked if I believed the child could see. I told the parents that up until this time, I had never seen an infant born blind receive vision, but have had reports on several others who had been born blind, and receive their sight later on in life, such as in their twenties.

The advice given to this couple was as follows: I can guarantee nothing, as it is a new problem to me, but if you will apply our "eyebright formula" as external application, give the child some of this formula to drink, as well, and then several times a day, give orally (by mouth) and also put into the ears the formula we call our B & B Tincture. This procedure they were told, can do no harm in any way, but are made from good herbal foods for the areas mentioned and therefore, can do nothing but good. (Remember, the baby they told me about was an infant at the crawling stage, and had been pronounced by eye doctors "legally blind").

Just about six months later, in another state, just before going out to the podium, as assistant who was traveling with me came back stage where I was sitting and told me a lady asked to say a few words to me before the lecture started. They had explained to her that I had a question and answer period toward the end of the evening and she could ask any question of me at that time. But she insisted she must talk to me first, and she knew I would appreciate hearing what she had to say. And was I ever pleased to find out who she was. She had tears of joy in her eyes when she told me about the little "now toddling" child she and her husband had brought to me earlier. He was now able to follow a rolling ball across the floor and pick it up. He could now even see and pick up small colored bits of paper that had been scattered around the room!

We have here the case of a child born blind who would be able to see the wonders of sight that most of us just take for granted. We have reports of two other cases who have used our eyebright formula. They are adults, past twenty years of age, who were born blind, and yet can now see; one at last report can see daylight, the other one can see to read.

Following is a group of testimonials from various parts of the country. We have signed only the initials, for the writers' protection.

Optometrist Notes Clearness in Eyes: "I mailed a comment letter to you yesterday about the herbal eyewash and omitted the following comment of importance. Recently I had my eyes checked for new glasses, if necessary. The optometrist said a new prescription was not necessary, but mentioned several times how clear and good my eyes looked." --M. R., Honolulu, Hawaii

Eyewash Got Results in Denmark: "As I have very fine results with the eyewash, until now tested on about 100 persons in Denmark, I should like to ask if you have ever tested it on welders who have been troubled from looking at the welding light from the arc. You know, it is very painful, and the doctors' help is not very successful in general. I have analyzed the eyewash tea and found it very rich in trace minerals, and I have also noticed that it improved considerably if I waited 24 hours before straining through the cloth. Looking forward to helping thousands of Danes with your splendid herbal remedies." --V. B., Chemist, Hellerup, Denmark

Eyewash Helps Retinal Hemorrhage Condition: "My right eye went bad last January, diagnosed as "sub-retinal hemorrhage" which left me with probably 20-30% vision. Since using eyebright combination, I now have 70 or 80% vision. Miracle medicines--God's wonderful herbs." --B. L. S., Covington, Kentucky

Glaucoma Pressure Almost Normal: " I began using the eyewash last December, plus continuing use of my doctor's eye drops. The drops alone were very annoying and practically useless. With the eyewash, the aqueous flow was stimulated and my eyes began to drain. Now, although I still need my glasses, on my last visit to the doctor, he announced my pressure was normal. 'Very normal', he said. --Mr. B. New York, New York

Cataracts Disappear--Can Now Read Fine Print: "I began using Dr. Dr. 's herbal eyewash after getting the newsletter. In a few weeks I could read fine print without glasses, even though two years ago I had been told I had cataracts on both eyes. I had them tested again in January, and the cataract on my right eye was gone. The doctor OK'd the paper for my driver's license. I am eighty-two." --M. D., Lakeland, Florida

Eyewash Helps Cataract Condition: "My husband was told that he would have to have a cataract operation, and he used the eyewash for a year and a half and when he was checked at Will's Eye Hospital, he was told that he did not have cataracts." --E. C. D., Elkton, land

Eye Doctor Amazed at Improved Cataract Condition: "I don't know if my testimony will mean the same to others as it does to me, but it really is of great importance to me. A gracious lady friend in her 50's, whom we've known for over 25 years, told us about your deep muscle therapy which was working! Then when she told us of the eyewash, we could hardly doubt her, so we sent away for Dr. Dr. 's herbal eyebright. I have cataracts in both eyes, and my wife has one in one eye. Since I have been using it by eyecup and orally by capsules, I can now see all the license plate numbers equally in both eyes! I could not see license plate numbers or highway signs with my left eye. They looked 'foggy'. Also, at night, all lights had 'halos' around them as a fog. Now the left eye has equally as good vision as my right eye. Further, without my glasses, I can see each individual brick in condos across our green belt, approximately 250 feet away, which I never could before.

My eye doctor, a year ago, said I had cataracts in both eyes, and the worst in my left eye. Six months ago, on a check-up, they were no worse, but I had to come back in six months.

Two days ago, the doctor was amazed and delighted how my cataracts had shrunk (VERY RARE, he said) and he said my eyes were so good I need not come back for a whole year.

I'm nearsighted normally, and had slightly more negative corrections every change. Now I can see as good with my older (less strong) glasses, and my eyes feel great. The herbal eyewash still smarts for a few seconds, but my eyes feel so good afterward. I use the eyecup 3 times a day, and 3 capsules. I'm 62 years old. My wife, 61 years old, does not take the capsules saying they cause a slight diarrhea which I had not experienced. She's using the eyecup twice daily. We've been on Dr. Dr. 's Herbal Eyebright now for over 3 months, and will stick on it for the next year, and let you know then." --W. S., Dearborn, Michigan

Reader Says Eyes Now Feel Like They Did When He Was Twenty: "I have been bothered with dry eyes for a long time. My eyes were tired most of the time. I always felt like there was something in my eyes that I couldn't see. The only thing that helped them was the eyebright combination. I have been using the eyewash for two weeks. After the first complete day my eyes felt clear for the first time in years. They felt clear and bright like they did when I was twenty. I can't praise the eyewash enough." --J. E. C., Oregon City, Oregon

"On November 15, 1978, I began the herbal eyewash formula according to the directions on the package, and by November 24, and November 25, 1978, both cataracts were removed. First, I thanked our Heavenly Father for this favor and now I am thanking you for making this formula available to us. I do plan on continuing the herbal eyewash until most of my vision is restored." --S. M., Southgate, Michigan

"Recently I had my eyes checked for new glasses, if necessary. The optometrist said a new prescription was not necessary, but mentioned several times how clear and good my eyes looked. So I told him about the eyewash. He hadn't heard of it, but said to go on and use it. He said the mucus that was coming from the eye was from the eye gland, not the muscle or cornea."--M. R., Honolulu, Hawaii

"In less than 3 months, thanks to Dr. Dr. , I received my best Christmas present ever. On December 23rd 1978, after using eyewash since 10-10-78, 5 to 8 times daily and enjoying it burning and running down my face, I took off my glasses after 40 plus years, never to put them on again. When I looked in the telephone book and realized I could see names and numbers, I started calling some friends. They had said that when I started using Dr. Dr. 's eye mix with cayenne, that within 4 months, if I was not blind using a white stick and a lead dog, they would consider using it also. Already, five have started. This time I cannot say thank you, but I sure can say thank you to Healthview for allowing as my Savior said many times, those with ears let them hear. Praise God and I believe that Jesus has already proved what Dr. Dr. said: "there are no incurable diseases, but many incurable people." I am 68 years old and on 10-21-78, when I had my glaucoma test

.... the Dr. said ... no glaucoma but have your eyes treated soon. 1/10/79 the pus and mucus continues coming out in hunks and the more that comes out the better my eyes are." --J. K. S., Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

"My husband has had a great deal of improvement in his eyes since using the herbal eyebright formula, both internally and as an eyewash. He formerly had a lot of pain in his eyes, and mentioned a "squishy feeling" around the eyeballs. Lots of mucus has come out of his eyes in the mornings after using the eyewash the previous night. He can see better now and has no more pain. He took the eyebright capsules, 2 at breakfast and 2 before retiring." --K. R. S., O'Brien, Oregon

Ten Patients on Eye Program--Ten Successes: "Yes, that's what happened when I suggested to ten of my patients with chronic eye problems to try it, and see what happens.

By the way, one of them happens to be my own mother of 79, she was on the eyewash and the capsule for three days and then left for Florida to visit her sister. Oh yes, she also has cataracts. Three others do also, but I must tell you about my mother. I called her in Florida about a week after she had left and asked her how her eyes were coming along, and she said to me I think I am going blind. Blind I said, what do you mean? Isn't your eyesight a little brighter at least? Oh yes, she replied, but sometimes I cannot read the paper at all and everything gets blurry and my eyes are always watering.

I asked her if she had taken her old glasses along with her, as I told her to do and she said yes. I said to her, lay the phone down and get them and a newspaper and come back to the phone which she did, but before she came back, I could hear her scream "I can see myself in the mirror". When she came back to the phone, she didn't bother to bring a newspaper with her, all I heard was that she could see herself clear in the mirror.

I told her before she left if there is a change in her eyesight to try one of her old glasses, which she forgot to do. Meantime, her eyes had gotten stronger and her present glasses were the wrong prescription.

Well, she sure knows now that she isn't going blind.

I am 67 years old and have started with the eye wash of Dr. Dr. 's. It seems to be going to be very helpful. I will report again after a few weeks of eye rinsing and taking the capsules. Am in the stage now of much strings of yellow pus--blood shot eyes, etc. --C. S., Daytona Beach, Florida

I have been using Dr. R. Dr. 's eyewash for seven going on eight weeks now. My eyes at first were so bad I couldn't even see my own face in the mirror clearly, without standing three inches from it. Now I can sit and watch TV and its clear across the room, and I can see clearly enough now, I can tell who the actors are! I also found at the beginning a cold washrag put to the eye, after it is washed, helps relieve the stinging. And it took me up to now to have any of my mucus or pus come out, and it pours out. I surely say it is worth every effort, because I know it works." --R. N., Portland, Oregon

"My husband has glaucoma and lost no time in sending for Dr. Dr. 's herbal eyewash and is having excellent results. The pain is gone from his eyes and he says his eyeballs feel softer and normal now. He says he thinks he can see better too. He goes back to the doctor in a couple weeks and is anxious to see if the pressure has gone down, etc. Anyway, he is much more comfortable. He is also in the treatment for deafness but as yet has no results from that, but it is too soon to tell. But being quite deaf, he is hoping this will help." --J. H., Eastsound, Washington

"The eyewash has helped me a lot. I can see at night better than I can ever remember, so I can drive at night without being so scared. Also, I can see to read, and thread needles. (I was putting off getting reading glasses). My contacts don't hurt me as much. They were getting so I could hardly wear them." --Mrs. B., Spring Valley, California

"I have been using your Eyebright 3-5 times daily. Before using eyebright, my lids hurt when I tried to open them in the morning. Now it does not take as long for the pain to vanish. This is a great help and comfort and I thank you. The "floater" in my left eye has vanished. --Mrs. H. J. H., Utica, Michigan

This herbal formula stings and the effort of using it takes some time each day--but the question is, "is your better eyesight worth the time and effort to you?" There are many thousands who have requested and used this help.

May the light of day be always kind to you. --Dr. R.


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