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My Story -- How flaxseed oil/yogurt/probiotics helped me

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Hello Everyone,

Several have asked me to post the story about my use and benefits of

flaxseed oil and other things in combination with it. Decided a

separate post might be best for this.


[FlaxSeedOil] My Story -- Dr. Budwig's Formula, A Hero

Ten years ago, I became ill, and was prescribed antibiotics. I'd

been diagnosed with TMJ about 8 months before this time, but didn't

associate this with the current illness. However, within a few days

after starting the antibiotic, the TMJ pain vanished. What I'd had

was an infection in the jaw, not true TMJ.

The TMJ recovered, but I didn't. After two years of constant,

extreme illness and penicillin type antibiotics (15 RX's), I was

still so ill I literally thought I was not going to make it. At this

point, I " fired " my physicians, except when tests were indicated, and

got on a natural health program outlined by Dr. Crook

(pediatric M.D. allergist by training)in his books. Almost

immediately on his program, the life force was rekindled. Progress

was slow, but steady.

After a move and exposure to mold/fungus from a rented apartment's

heating system, I relapsed, looked like death warmed over, and was

having esophageal reflux. I didn't know about, or associate at the

time, that the mold/fungus was involved. Today I know it was. Tests

showed Rheumatoid Arthritis, though a month later at a

rheumatologist, who redid all the tests, he said even though the

tests were positive, I did not have RA (because no crippling in hands)

but maybe Lupus or a Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder. I did not

remain under his treatment, for it would have consisted of drugs that

did not get you well, but I felt would damage my body further.

Instead, a bookstore lady recommended a book by renowned

rheumatologist Dr. McPherson Brown. If you or someone you

care about has RA, Lupus, Scleroderma, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue,

etc., I recommend they get and read the current version of the book,

updated with results of controlled studies by The National Institutes

of Health, " The New Arthritis Breakthrough. "

I had been given a grim picture from my physician about what to

expect from my diagnosis. He said it was going to be downhill from

now on. I was a bit shocked to hear a physician be that forthright

with bad news, but I respected it. I'm a " no holds barred " person.

We have to have the truth so we will know how and what to fight. I

learned that an effective treatment had no longterm bad side effects

and was, indeed, a treatment used for teenagers with acne and for the

elderly with bronchietasis. So, I had to go to Iowa to find an

experienced physician, but it was worth it. After only 3-4 months my

improvement was remarkable, and accelerated after that.

However, what I didn't realize was that even as I was feeling well

and doing well, there were EXISTING CHANGES in my gastrointestinal

system from the prior longterm pencillin type antibiotics that were

prohibiting absorption and utilization of vitamins, minerals, etc.

from food and supplements ingested. To this condition, the current

treatment involved low-dose minocycline on Mondays, Wednesdays, and

Fridays. I had been taking probiotics -- acidophilus, bifidus, etc. -

- to restore the flora, but later realized the dosage while still on

antibiotics was not nearly enough. Wise medical writers recommend 2

to 3 times the usual dosage.

At that time, over 3 years ago, not realizing the reasons why, I went

into a wasting syndrome when I developed the malabsorption problem.

This was very scary. Though I had a big appetite and was consuming

lots of good food, supplements, etc., little apparently was being

absorbed. I began eating organic, plain, whole-milk yogurt with a

good acidophilus/bifidus powder stirred in, twice a day. Also, in

this I was adding ground flax seed, fresh fruit, and liquid flaxseed

oil. Little by little, I stopped losing weight, it stabilized for a

while, then eventually but very gradually I gained back the weight I

had lost. At my lowest weight, I had looked very unhealthy and a bit

like the World War II concentration camp prisoners.

Last year (during June and July 2000), I learned -- after some

routine neck x-rays showed more serious problems -- that I had

developed metastatic bone lesions all over my body. I was feeling

very well at the time, and this really puzzled my physicians. If I'd

learned this 3 years ago, I would not have been surprised, but at the

time of the findings I felt I was doing extremely well. During

subsequent tests, my liver was found to have lesions also.

In November 2000, I read in www.arthritistrust.org in the

article, " Essential Fatty Acids Are Essential, " about Dr. Johanna

Budwig's being nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for

her work with essential fatty acids with a sulphurated protein

carrier and the effects these discoveries had on terminally ill

cancer patients. I did a search on Dr. Johanna Budwig and found

several excellent articles about her and flax. To read about these,

go to: www.naturesdistributors.com, click on " Reference Section "

then " Healthy Cell News " and then " Flax Articles. "

The bottom line, I found, is that if sulphurated proteins (1/4 cup

cottage cheese or 1/2 cup yogurt) are consumed daily with 2

tablespoons of liquid flaxseed oil -- cold-pressed, unrefined -- the

essential fatty acids get into the cells and have curative effects

for cancer and 59 other serious illnesses. It is recommended that you

read/print all of the flax articles; each different and helpful.

Also, a great help for our bones (whether malsorption is involved or

not)is to be found on this same Arthritistrust site in the

article, " Boron & Arthritis. " Another excellent article to pay

attention to (this same site) and to read can be found

under " Articles " ; go down to " Other " and at the bottom of the list,

click on the article on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

When we are unable to absorb vitamins and minerals, the parathyroid

gland cannot mineralize the bones. Boron is one of the main minerals

in this. The parathyroid gland has the highest concentration of boron

in the body. When proper mineralization is done, boron also stops

calcium loss in the urine, causes an increase in our good hormones

comparable (per studies with post menopausal women) to being on

Hormone Replacement Therapy (which is very instrumental in calcium

absorption in osteoporosis). There is much in these articles that

can be of help to men as well as women.

During the work-up from June to October last year, they could not

find a source of my metastatic lesions, after many types of scans,

metastatic surveys, biopsies of liver and bone marrow, etc. The

liver scan last year was also abnormal with lesions. A repeat scan

in January 2001 showed " normal. " The repeat bone scan still showed

lots of problems, BUT showed improved " homeostasis. " The bottom line

to me is that these problems developed when I was in the wasting

syndrome 3 years ago, and we accidentally found this condition --

which I believe now is actually improving because of the regimen of

the yogurt/flax/etc. I was on. What would these scans have looked

like several years ago?!!!

I have converted to Dr. Budwig's formula of 1/4 cup cottage cheese

(or 1/2 cup yogurt) mixed thoroughly with 2 T. flax oil, then add 1/2

chopped apple, blueberries, or other fruit, and 1 T. ground flax

(daily), a bit of vanilla flavoring and a Sweet 'n Low packet. It

really is very tasty. However, for cancer or other very serious

condition, I understand the amounts should be doubled. I also take

liberal amounts of a probiotic -- acidophilus/bifidus -- every day

and feel it is also very important to keep the lining of my

intestines in condition to absorb the food that is consumed.

Digestive enzymes to aid in digestion are also a part of my daily


My desire in sharing this story is that the reader will come away

realizing how important it is, not only to consume the raw material

that our bodies need for good health, but that we must make sure that

these substances are absorbed. If our guts are overgrown with

Candida, H. Pylori, and other organisms, these set us up for Cancer

and other diseases. We must get the junk food, sugar, etc. out of

our diets. I have grave concerns over the health of our children and

our grandchildren in today's culture with their addiction to these

terrible foods. Dr. Ewald, author of " Plaque Time " featured on

the cover of Time last fall, said in an interview that it is his

belief (and has been proved already in numerous illnesses like some

forms of Cancer, Diabetes, et al)that stealth organisms are involved

in all degenerative disease. So, it would behoove us to find ways

to " detox " our bodies on an ongoing basis.

Cliff has given me information showing the flax capsules do not have

the same effect as the oil. My appreciation to you, Cliff, for making

me aware of this site. Hope some of this information will be helpful

to you.

Best wishes to all of you,


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