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Re: Fw: lawsuit against anyone promoting Abadiania as a likely cure for any serious disease such as cancer

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Guest guest

The truth about these " miracle " workers is that they are " medicine men " and

women who pretend to be working under the power of " benign " spiritual forces

when nothing could be farther from the truth..You'll find them in ANY BACKWARD

NATION where pantheistic religions abound; snorting one psychotropic plant or

another up their noses and performing " bloodless surgery " while sacrificing pigs

to their favourite deities..Some will even claim to be praying for miracles from

Jesus and claim to be a holy man with the title of " Reverend " ; but the " jesus "

they know is a " familiar spirit " and not the Jesus Christ of the Bible..There

are times when the powerful " spirit " that is possessing someone and causing the

ailment or even the cancer is " cast out " ; but this is only to bring that person

that is healed under the total control of the shaman..This is their end game; to

gather the souls of the unwary and deliver them to their " demonic lord " ..

melville ;-)

[ ] Fw: lawsuit against anyone promoting Abadiania as a

likely cure for any serious disease such as cancer

The following is food for thought and a warning for anyone who thinks a

visit to of God www.johnofgod.com, otherwise known as " Joao De Deus " in

Abadiania, Brazil,

will likely cure them of cancer or any other serious disease (or for that

matter, any not so serious physical disease). This is based on my own

personal experience. I've changed some names to protect people's privacy.

While a few cancer cures have occurred, and indeed miracles do happen, they

are quite few and far between. My current cancer doctor has more miracles.

The Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania, Brazil, is a very special place, worth

visiting if one has the time and

money. Brazil in itself is worth visiting. Many emotional/spiritual healings

appear to occur at the Casa - I had some.

But it is not critical to go to Brazil for such healings - there are special

places in one's own country that offer this, if one looks for them. And the


is that of most of the people who went there for physical cures, while there

were indeed some physical healings, the majority of us got back on the plane

with our diseases, and still have them months later, some like me, getting

much worse or dying.

I can say similar things about Rev. Orbito in the pines, who I also

visited prior to going to Abadiania at the insistence of friends who assured

me that the pine healers and this Brazilian healer were quite



Apologies in advance to all if this seems an overreaction to an effort on

's part to merely honestly present her own experience. But I am sick

and tired of the games around money and people's lives that surround

Abadiania, that I have seen ever since my first month there. I am sick and

tired of hearing people blame the victims, many of which I have known and

still hold dear in my heart, even if they are no longer in physical

incarnation. I also do not appreciate being blamed for not healing. Read

below and see if you can understand why.

I do not appreciate what may be an unintentionally dismissive tone of

's email, and it

has caused me to decide I would willingly be part of any lawsuit against

anyone who promotes Abadiania as a likely cure for any serious disease such

as cancer. I think such measures are necessary to bring to attention the

less than ethical or conscientious promotion of Abadiania that is quite

pervasive, in my experience.

is very fortunate to be managing as well as she is

doing, but, unlike others who have responded to my email,

does not seem to understand the depth of suffering of

many other Abadiania cancer patients, the majority of whom are not quite as

fortunate, through, I daresay, no fault of their own, although there seems

to be a strong and curious need to put the responsibility on the patient and

not the doctor.

My email's purpose was to express my shock, dismay, grief and relative

helplessness at so

many of my friends, the closer more dear ones being Dan, , , (and

Ann although she did not have cancer) either dying or getting seriously

worse, not to speak of my own excruciating, alarming, debilitating post


suffering and cancer growth. BTW, Dan was a Son of the Casa, on a return

visit, and in remission, but he died anyway afterwards.

Secondly, it was to let would-be promoters of Abadiania know that from my

experience, the numbers do not bear Abadiania out as a likely place for a

cancer cure. I am speaking specifically of cases involving foreigners. If

any of these promoters continue to promote Abadiania in this way, and if I

hear about it, and someone dies or becomes seriously worse after having gone

to Abadiania thinking they would be cured because they were told there was a

good chance they would be cured of cancer or any other serious disease, I do

not have a problem being a part of any lawsuit on behalf of that patient or


family! I think it would be unethical for any of these promoters to continue

to promote Abadiania in this way.

My beef with Abadiania is not with Abadiania itself. I have indicated that

it was a special and worthwhile experience. I did not go there fully

expecting a physical cure, although certainly I was quite hopeful, based on

what I had heard and been led to expect. While I did not have a100%

expectation that I would be completely cured (and expectation does not

appear to necessarily lead to results either), I most definitely did

not expect to so quickly and dramatically worsen physically afterwards,

despite any

emotional/spiritual gains. Or to discover that so few would be cured, and so

many would rather, become significantly worse or die.

My friends, family and I truly hoped, as I had

heard, that at the very first invisible surgery, my cancer would be gone. I

was quite

surprised that it did not just disappear. How many of us have been told to

go there for two to three weeks and to expect some sort of miracle? I stuck

around for several months, thinking that would give the entities more time

to work on me, and therefore

boost my chances, as going to Brazil is not exactly an everyday occurrence

one can conveniently do at any time.

Abadiania is simply not the cure all, end all so many people wish it were,

and this needs to be made explicitly clear to people who are suffering from

a rapidly

deteriorating or serious life threatening disease. Not only is there a lack

of high percentage of cures, there is a significant number of deaths and

serious deterioration of disease post Abadiania. has indicated that

she is

not completely cured of cancer. I know she went to other healers besides

Joao, and it is possible that she has a slow growing

cancer as well. It is

possible that the reason I am not dead already is due to my cancer not being

a fast growing cancer (so I have been told or insinuated by three MD's prior

to going to

Abadiania). It is also possible I would have found a solution had

I not gone to Abadiania, as my current doctor is not the only source of

cancer healing on the planet, although one with better statistics than most.

It's possible that if I hadn't gone, I wouldn't have been so far along as I

am now. I can definitely state that the transition on the return from

Abadiania was quite stressful, and may have contributed to cancer growth.

Get it straight - Abadiania is not the problem. Abadiania is a wonderful,

magical place that is appropriate for people at certain times in their

lives. The problem is how some people promote it, especially overly

idealistic, possibly well intentioned people who may also have a

profit motive. Whether out of ignorance, lack of clear ethics, some

romanticism about a spirit world, a need for magic, or a foolish desire to

be helpful (fools

rush in where angels fear to tread), whatever the reason. DO NOT TELL VERY


BEAR IT OUT! Miracles happen all the time, but when they are rare, they are

unlikely. To sell a desperate sick person on the likelihood of an unlikely

miracle is a

sickness of a different kind. Likewise, one does not

have to go to Brazil for emotional/spiritual/mental healing, because Brazil

does not have a monopoly on such healing. Abadiania is also full of

crooked shenanigans on the part of poor Brazilians trying to get the

most out of their wealthier foreign visitors. Hardly a way to relax and

avoid stress.

>From my personal contacts with foreigners in three months, Joao's score for

foreign cancer patients is as follows:

Joe of New Zealand - cured. The ONLY person out of how many hundreds or

thousands of patients, that Joao officially declared " cured " for the year

2001, up to

that date when Joao made the declaration, I believe it was in July. Joe was


on at least a

second visit, after a long haul (don't remember all the details although I

probably have them on tape somewhere).

- still has cancer but reasonably stable, also saw Fritz

Me - very stressed upon return due to culture shock, grew substantially

worse until I found a great, humble doctor who also gives me much more

serenity, respect, purposefulness, confidence in the doctor/my

future than I ever got from Joao or his entitites or any other healer in

this cancer journey.

Dan - was in remission, on an extended return visit to get over the

effects of chemo [as advised by entities], and seemed to be getting

stronger, but now dead

- maybe was in remission at the time, but now dead

- was in remission, but now metastases is far worse, gone to liver and

possibly lungs

- don't know, but assume worse because she was pretty far along and


terrible pain for almost the whole time I was there, and had not

recovered when she left

Matt - don't know, but assume worse because he left abruptly feeling poorly

Australian groupleader's father - on day of departure, of two tumors that

were removed, one tumor still gone, but the other had grown back

already a few days after an operation.

Australian woman - claims she was cured on previous visit

Australian boy - not cured but reassured by Joao he would be ok (like me)

Canadian man - don't know but assume worse or dead, because he was terminal

to begin with, and his wife was very nervous when they left. Didn't help

that his

rent was unconscionably raised by when he was not strong enough to

protest or change pousadas, unlike me, when did the same to me,

as he did to several people. The Canadian and his wife saw the Casa as their

last hope. Unlike US dollars, Canadian dollars at the time

were equivalent to the real, so it was a much costlier visit for them,

especially since he could not walk and had to take the cab both ways, and

had to pay 's unethically jacked up prices..

As I write, I keep adding to this list, so there are probably more

foreigners I met who were not cured, who might be dead now, but I have just

forgotten them. I have not bothered to list the foreigners I heard about by

hearsay because the ones who were cured are (possibly more than) offset by

the ones who I have heard have died. I have really heard of very few

foreigners who were cured of cancer, especially from objective sources. Joao

DID make a rare pronouncement that Joe was the first visitor to be

completely cured in 2001, and already half the year was gone! Out of how

many visitors?

Obviously there were Brazilians who were cured of cancer like Beth and

's wife

(not exactly in one or two visits, either, so it's laughable that people use

these as examples. How many of us are going to live in Brazil for a year or

more, which by the way, as we know from some foreign examples of serious


other than cancer, does not guarantee healing either. I was there for three

months. [i also learned from a response to this email that 's wife

also received heavy-duty conventional intervention, as did , at the

entities' instruction.]) There were also Brazilians who were not cured, like

the Casa helper

with the huge tumor on his neck (still there when I left, after how many

months or years???) and the physicist, who'd been dealing with his for a

long time.

However, I am mainly talking about foreigners because my gripe is with how

the Casa is presented to foreigners by foreign Casa promoters. Brazilians

Leonora and

Arthur were incredulous when I told them that foreigners expected to go the

Casa for two to three weeks, and be healed.

That's only 2 out of 12 that were cured, 1 fairly stable, while 7 probably

markedly worse or dead, and 2 unknowns. I believe I can get hold of all the

ones I am speculating about above. I'm not sure I want to find out for fear

of learning more bad news. So that's roughly

17% cured

23% somewhere in the middle, which I would not be surprised to be more

likely 8%

60% significantly worse or dead, which I would not be surprised is more

likely 75%

contrast that with my current doctor's foreign patients (that I know of):

6 cured - (after 17 years of cancer, travel all over the world,

alternative and conventional) Donna, Laurie, Dana's friend's friend

who was " terminal " 10 years ago and is still alive, Celia's daughter,

Celia's male friend (the last three are hearsay from reliable sources, i.e.,

known to current, satisfied patients who I have spoken to, who wouldn't have

a reason

to make up stories, or the doctor himself)

4 markedly better with good possibility of eventual complete, permanent

remission, although it will take some time - Jill, me, Dana, Celia. The

doctor did not want to take on Dana initially. Now he is quite

relieved and happy with her obvious positive response.

1 advanced patient, Camille, (he prefers early stage patients, but a number


us are

advanced) with mixed results. A secondary tumor went away very quickly, but


progressed elsewhere so he promptly told her he couldn't help her (enough),

and she is now doing surprisingly well on the Kelley program (which


work for another patient, Dana). Camille seems to regret that she has to do



program because it is so much more work than the doctor's program. She also

regrets having to do an emergency mastectomy prior to seeing the doctor,

because the doctor's treatment

is generally more effective without surgery, but perhaps that's why she

didn't respond well. Hard to say. Some patients do ok after surgery.

1 dead, but she did not get onto his program until quite late, having

exhausted her other options, and had had the

extensive conventional treatment he prefers patients not to have

and refused to follow his diet suggestions to watch sugar. This is hearsay

from a currently satisfied patient who knew her, who tried to get her to

start sooner.

1 better but with recurrence(s). Alive but may not have changed her


enough for permanent complete remission. Hearsay from a currently satisfied


Unlike the Abadiania cancer patients who got worse or died, the reason for

death of the one patient is

quite obvious when I heard of how far along she was, how much heavy

conventional treatment she had previously, and her refusal to stop

indiscriminately eat sugar during treatment. I am aware of more who were

healed by hearsay

from fellow satisfied patients, but have not listed them.

So out of 13 (including one dead, one so-so and three cured by hearsay, or

if you don't like my hearsay statistics, then get rid of them, but then no

one has died, and we only have one so-so not two):

46% 6 are cured

31% 4 are significantly improved with decent chances of complete remission

15% 2 somewhere in the middle

8% 1 dead

At least 77% - 10 are markedly better, and only 8% -1 is dead.

Gee, 17% (joao) or 77% (current doctor) chance of significant improvement or

cure, which would you


60% (joao) or 8% (current doctor) chance of death or significant worsening

post treatment, which

would you choose?

The only fault of the patient that I see is in choosing a doctor.

Did the entities tell any of those who did not get better in advance that

they could not help them enough? More likely, they told them that they had

to do something themselves. If a patient has to do

something by him or herself, then what do they need the doctor for? What I

really like about my current doctor is that he will tell you if he thinks he

cannot help you.

Ahhh, but it is the patient's fault, isn't it, if they don't get better?

Something wrong with their psychology. That's what Casa promoters say.

Well, in the case of the one patient who I know of who died with my current


she was far, far along and refused to follow some important dietary rules.

Whereas, I know for a fact that Dan and were quite meticulous in their

diets. The only change I can think of that helped me get onto going to a

doctor who helped was the excruciating debilitating pain that nothing else

seemed to help. I knew about my current doctor for months before I

desperately contacted him, and had absolutely no intention of seeing him,

until I was in that situation. Is that psychological change? I guess...

Anyway, thanks for helping me to make this decision to support

anyone who wants to file a lawsuit against anyone who misrepresents the

efficacy of the Casa. It's sure a lot better than sitting around wondering

what to do with unexpected bad news that hasn't stopped since I left the

Casa in 2001.

Any more lack of true empathy from anyone about the need for promoters to be

honorable and practical will inspire me to contact all those people who left

Abadiania without the hope they came for - , the Canadian man, Matt.

Heck, I might as well contact the Aussies and the New Zealander too. I have

a huge stack of contact phone numbers and emails around the world.

Time to make lemonade out of lemons...this is a warning, and possibly both

the first and the last.

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Guest mango

I agree with this post. I wrote about abadiania guides who charge several hundred dollars only for few days and also about the bad pousadas. They threatened me and physically almost attacked me.

This is mafia, abadiania mafia, and the cure rate is low. These guides make me sick, awful people, they should be locked up. How can brazilian government allow these guides to work here withouth visa of any kind

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