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Re: Methylglyoxal

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Maybe you can find something via this link

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & q=methylglyoxal & btnG=Google+Search


In a message dated 6/3/02 8:19:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

leaders@... writes:

> My wife has breast cancer with bone mets.


> I would like to hear from users of methylglyoxal. Good or bad results.


> Does anyone know where I can find methylglyoxal?



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F. Koch's remedies are hard to find. His site

(http://www.FKoch.com) gives a ton of information, and even his entire

book is online, but the remedys are hard to find. My friend and I wrote

to all sorts of pharmacys in Brazil, with no luck.... Some of his remedys have

been carried over into the HEEL/BHI line from Germany, but distributed here in

the states. I'm thinking that Methyglyoxal

may be one of them.

From www.minimum.com, there are a lot of books on cancer, some of the best ones

are VERY inexpencive, like $5.00 to $10.00 or so. My favorite authors are Eli

book on Cancer, e's book

called Cancer, and Compton Burnett's book: The Best of Burnett, as well

as Ellis Barker's books... There are a couple others that are new, that are on

the method of " Plussing " , which bumps up the

remedy's strength over a weeks time, then switches to a different remedy the

next week... This alternates every other week, until symptoms change.

The e's book on Cancer mentioned several remedys that were available

in Germany, and had remarkable results with Breast Cancer and others... The only

one I've found, still in existance is at the

Schmidt-Naugle Pharmacy in Switzerland?. They required a perscription to obtain

Onkloysin. This and a couple others mentioned in this book, I've obtained

radionic copies of, and used with success...

Hope this is helpful.

Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2


Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.






Jim & Wharton wrote:

> My wife has breast cancer with bone mets.


> I would like to hear from users of methylglyoxal. Good or bad results.


> Does anyone know where I can find methylglyoxal?

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Sorry, that should have been http://www.williamfkoch.com/

ruby wrote:

> Jim,


> F. Koch's remedies are hard to find. His site

(http://www.FKoch.com) gives a ton of information, and even his entire

book is online, but the remedys are hard to find. My friend and I wrote

> to all sorts of pharmacys in Brazil, with no luck.... Some of his remedys have

been carried over into the HEEL/BHI line from Germany, but distributed here in

the states. I'm thinking that Methyglyoxal

> may be one of them.


> >From www.minimum.com, there are a lot of books on cancer, some of the best

ones are VERY inexpencive, like $5.00 to $10.00 or so. My favorite authors are

Eli book on Cancer, e's book

> called Cancer, and Compton Burnett's book: The Best of Burnett, as well

as Ellis Barker's books... There are a couple others that are new, that are on

the method of " Plussing " , which bumps up the

> remedy's strength over a weeks time, then switches to a different remedy the

next week... This alternates every other week, until symptoms change.


> The e's book on Cancer mentioned several remedys that were available

in Germany, and had remarkable results with Breast Cancer and others... The only

one I've found, still in existance is at the

> Schmidt-Naugle Pharmacy in Switzerland?. They required a perscription to

obtain Onkloysin. This and a couple others mentioned in this book, I've

obtained radionic copies of, and used with success...


> Hope this is helpful.


> Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

> May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2


> Ruby


> Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.


> http://www.rubysemporium.com

> SymphonicHealth


> ______________________________________________

> «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤

> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯


> Jim & Wharton wrote:


> > My wife has breast cancer with bone mets.

> >

> > I would like to hear from users of methylglyoxal. Good or bad results.

> >

> > Does anyone know where I can find methylglyoxal?




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Hi, listers. My name is Tedy.

I’d like to share with you all especially about diabetes, I read some mails and

I think there is no one know about this food suplement I wanna talking about.

I know that many of you had tried some alternatif medication which work

improperly or not working at all or it worked for you but noot for the others.

I know it sounds bull shit about this product because its ability to cure

people, not only diabetes but also more such as hipertense, osteoporosis,

cancer, and many more.

I’d like to inform that if you, any of you has given up to God for your suffery

and has been judged by doctors that you have no hope to live any longer, PLEASE

reconsider my message. God help us by many ways that we think it sucks and bull


I never felt more happier when I know that I could help someone who lost their

hope to know the joy in living and I felt guilty when I know that I didn’t

inorm they who has gone after I know how I am capable to help them to get

through their hardest time to their wonderfull time.

I’d like to represent Tian Shi. It’s products had help many many people at least

at more than 86 countries. There were 1 guy who got injured at his lower leg and

because of diabetes the wound cannot get dried so his meat had to be cut by

doctor again and again untill the octorr told him to cut of his lower leg. You

know how hard it is to lose your leg. Luckily he met someone who offer him to

try Tian Shi product. He knew that if he didn’t take a shot he’ll lose his leg,

so why not. Only after 5 days his wound had dried so the doctor canceled the

operation and after few weeks he recovered the leg and free from diabetes.

This product is really work and I’m telling all of you who read this, I just

offering you all another chance to heal yourself by yourself without operation.

These days doctors are so desperately do surgery just because there is only a

small chance to heal their patients. They only foccus to the Western method THAT

THEY ADMITTED HAS BEEN TOO OLD, Western medication has been left behind by

Chinesse Medication for about 40 years, so why they just don’t do their basic

function without thinking or choosing what method, Doctor’s basic funnction is

to keep us healthy, alive, and get healthy, anywhere, anytime, by anything that

cause no harm to other. Then Why operation is so number one if actually they

could better without surgery.

I’m sorry if any of you got insulted but this is the fact, and I just want to

inform that there are many ways to live healthier and it also could help your


To all the listers who like to know more please contact me at


Or if listers don’t mind I could explain in this forum.

God Bless U all


Tedy Kumala


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Very interesting stuff, rc..... I'm a native Detroiter.


In a message dated 6/3/02 1:13:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

rc_glider@... writes:

> There is no evidence that Methylglyoxal is in any way related to Koch's

> Glyoxylide that I can find. That is pure conjecture. Methylglyoxal is given

> orally, Koch's by injection for starters, and according to Koch himself

> they

> do not work in the same manner.

> The Koch treatment is available if you know the right people, but it's

> not

> legal in the U.S. You mentioned a German derivative is distributed in the

> U.S. Please cite the source. According to someone I know that has had much

> experience with Koch's SSR has never mentioned anything about availability

> in the U.S. I will ask him about this.

> I researched Koch for six months in 2000 because my friend, a retired

> bio-physicist, wished to write a book on his experiences. I went to the

> Michigan Central Library. The only document I found was Koch's original

> Medical exam from 1916 I believe it was. I had two librarians assist me.

> Other than that small document, there was absolutely no mention of

> F. Koch in the entire library.

> I did meet a lady in Detroit, Michigan that personally knew Koch, and is

> friends with his remaining son who lives in Grosse Point, Michigan (unless

> he's passed away in the last two years...he was ill at the time).

> Nonetheless, the whole Koch matter is very interesting, and if you

> believe

> the accounts of him, his friends, other doctors, family, news accounts, and

> doucumented clinical use, it was perhaps the biggest successfull

> railroading

> of any medical treatment to date. If I weren't personal friends with

> someone

> who had first hand knowledge and use of Koch's treatment, I may never have

> believed it would have researched it like I did. I do believe it. I have

> Koch's original book he published in 1963 or so. Plus the fact that my

> friend fled to Europe twice; once in the early 1980's, then again in 1992

> after a visit by government agents. I have learned a lot from my friend

> about the dirty little secrets of the medical industry. It's really

> disgusting.

> My friend also refined and developed technology commonly known as

> Iontophoresis today, but much more advanced. I have one of his original

> devices. I only wish I knew how to use it....I have his research papers and

> have been trying to get as much info as possible from him. A few things it

> was used for in his research was accelerating healing time by 20-30 times

> (electro-regenesis...now a legitimately recognized procedure going through

> clinical trials in Australia), and curing ear infections in 15 minutes. He

> also worked with dentists to leach out mercury from the mouth after amalgm

> filling removal to prevent toxic reactions. It really is amazing. He

> invested over $500,000 into the project, but it was halted in about

> 1984.....much opposition.

> BTW, my friend is also good friends with Dr. " Jack " of the

> enzyme therapy regimen. He said he too was railroaded by the medical

> establishment. I met Dr. in March 2000.



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Small World

I know that there are several Kochs (pronounced Cook) living

in the Grosse Pointes of Michigan. Wonder if they are related?????

I also had a friend who was cured by using Dr. Kelley's enzyme therapy



In a message dated 6/3/02 1:13:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

rc_glider@... writes:


> There is no evidence that Methylglyoxal is in any way related to Koch's

> Glyoxylide that I can find. That is pure conjecture. Methylglyoxal is given

> orally, Koch's by injection for starters, and according to Koch himself

> they

> do not work in the same manner.

> The Koch treatment is available if you know the right people, but it's

> not

> legal in the U.S. You mentioned a German derivative is distributed in the

> U.S. Please cite the source. According to someone I know that has had much

> experience with Koch's SSR has never mentioned anything about availability

> in the U.S. I will ask him about this.

> I researched Koch for six months in 2000 because my friend, a retired

> bio-physicist, wished to write a book on his experiences. I went to the

> Michigan Central Library. The only document I found was Koch's original

> Medical exam from 1916 I believe it was. I had two librarians assist me.

> Other than that small document, there was absolutely no mention of

> F. Koch in the entire library.

> I did meet a lady in Detroit, Michigan that personally knew Koch, and is

> friends with his remaining son who lives in Grosse Point, Michigan (unless

> he's passed away in the last two years...he was ill at the time).

> Nonetheless, the whole Koch matter is very interesting, and if you

> believe

> the accounts of him, his friends, other doctors, family, news accounts, and

> doucumented clinical use, it was perhaps the biggest successfull

> railroading

> of any medical treatment to date. If I weren't personal friends with

> someone

> who had first hand knowledge and use of Koch's treatment, I may never have

> believed it would have researched it like I did. I do believe it. I have

> Koch's original book he published in 1963 or so. Plus the fact that my

> friend fled to Europe twice; once in the early 1980's, then again in 1992

> after a visit by government agents. I have learned a lot from my friend

> about the dirty little secrets of the medical industry. It's really

> disgusting.

> My friend also refined and developed technology commonly known as

> Iontophoresis today, but much more advanced. I have one of his original

> devices. I only wish I knew how to use it....I have his research papers and

> have been trying to get as much info as possible from him. A few things it

> was used for in his research was accelerating healing time by 20-30 times

> (electro-regenesis...now a legitimately recognized procedure going through

> clinical trials in Australia), and curing ear infections in 15 minutes. He

> also worked with dentists to leach out mercury from the mouth after amalgm

> filling removal to prevent toxic reactions. It really is amazing. He

> invested over $500,000 into the project, but it was halted in about

> 1984.....much opposition.

> BTW, my friend is also good friends with Dr. " Jack " of the

> enzyme therapy regimen. He said he too was railroaded by the medical

> establishment. I met Dr. in March 2000.


> My 2 cents.



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THis is also of great interest..... would you please share with me this

old indian recipe?



in southcentral Michigan

on a farm with lots of 'weeds'

In a message dated 6/3/02 4:01:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

rc_glider@... writes:

> the most visibly effective regimen appears to

> be an old indian recipe he is using from a friend of mine in Idaho, in


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There is no evidence that Methylglyoxal is in any way related to Koch's

Glyoxylide that I can find. That is pure conjecture. Methylglyoxal is given

orally, Koch's by injection for starters, and according to Koch himself they

do not work in the same manner.

The Koch treatment is available if you know the right people, but it's not

legal in the U.S. You mentioned a German derivative is distributed in the

U.S. Please cite the source. According to someone I know that has had much

experience with Koch's SSR has never mentioned anything about availability

in the U.S. I will ask him about this.

I researched Koch for six months in 2000 because my friend, a retired

bio-physicist, wished to write a book on his experiences. I went to the

Michigan Central Library. The only document I found was Koch's original

Medical exam from 1916 I believe it was. I had two librarians assist me.

Other than that small document, there was absolutely no mention of

F. Koch in the entire library.

I did meet a lady in Detroit, Michigan that personally knew Koch, and is

friends with his remaining son who lives in Grosse Point, Michigan (unless

he's passed away in the last two years...he was ill at the time).

Nonetheless, the whole Koch matter is very interesting, and if you believe

the accounts of him, his friends, other doctors, family, news accounts, and

doucumented clinical use, it was perhaps the biggest successfull railroading

of any medical treatment to date. If I weren't personal friends with someone

who had first hand knowledge and use of Koch's treatment, I may never have

believed it would have researched it like I did. I do believe it. I have

Koch's original book he published in 1963 or so. Plus the fact that my

friend fled to Europe twice; once in the early 1980's, then again in 1992

after a visit by government agents. I have learned a lot from my friend

about the dirty little secrets of the medical industry. It's really


My friend also refined and developed technology commonly known as

Iontophoresis today, but much more advanced. I have one of his original

devices. I only wish I knew how to use it....I have his research papers and

have been trying to get as much info as possible from him. A few things it

was used for in his research was accelerating healing time by 20-30 times

(electro-regenesis...now a legitimately recognized procedure going through

clinical trials in Australia), and curing ear infections in 15 minutes. He

also worked with dentists to leach out mercury from the mouth after amalgm

filling removal to prevent toxic reactions. It really is amazing. He

invested over $500,000 into the project, but it was halted in about

1984.....much opposition.

BTW, my friend is also good friends with Dr. " Jack " of the

enzyme therapy regimen. He said he too was railroaded by the medical

establishment. I met Dr. in March 2000.

My 2 cents.

>From: ruby <ruby@...>



>Subject: Re: [ ] Methylglyoxal

>Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 07:18:54 -0500




> F. Koch's remedies are hard to find. His site

>(http://www.FKoch.com) gives a ton of information, and even his

>entire book is online, but the remedys are hard to find. My friend and I


>to all sorts of pharmacys in Brazil, with no luck.... Some of his remedys

>have been carried over into the HEEL/BHI line from Germany, but

>distributed here in the states. I'm thinking that Methyglyoxal

>may be one of them.


>From www.minimum.com, there are a lot of books on cancer, some of the best

>ones are VERY inexpencive, like $5.00 to $10.00 or so. My favorite authors

>are Eli book on Cancer, e's book

>called Cancer, and Compton Burnett's book: The Best of Burnett, as

>well as Ellis Barker's books... There are a couple others that are new,

>that are on the method of " Plussing " , which bumps up the

>remedy's strength over a weeks time, then switches to a different remedy

>the next week... This alternates every other week, until symptoms change.


>The e's book on Cancer mentioned several remedys that were

>available in Germany, and had remarkable results with Breast Cancer and

>others... The only one I've found, still in existance is at the

>Schmidt-Naugle Pharmacy in Switzerland?. They required a perscription to

>obtain Onkloysin. This and a couple others mentioned in this book, I've

>obtained radionic copies of, and used with success...


>Hope this is helpful.


>Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

> May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2


> Ruby


>Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.





> ______________________________________________

> «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤

> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯



>Jim & Wharton wrote:


> > My wife has breast cancer with bone mets.

> >

> > I would like to hear from users of methylglyoxal. Good or bad results.

> >

> > Does anyone know where I can find methylglyoxal?





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Thanks for all your helpful information. I just spent some

time reading on the Koch site and will return to read more.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 2, no nodes

but rare angiolymphatic invasion. I had conservative surgery,

refused other treatments and have been treating myself with Hulda

's latest methods for 2 and a half years.

Interestingly enough, she talks about Koch on page 157 of her

book, " The Cure For All Advanced Cancers " . She tested his

other " super oxidizers " benzoquinone (BQ) and rhodizonic acid with

her syncrometer and found them to be highly effective.

I have taken benzoquinone in the past, while I was being intensively

treated with a lot of supplements, and the benzoquinone was apparent

in its effectiveness. It was expensive though, and I no longer have

access to it.

Dr. has found a way to make rhodizonic acid using a zapper. I

now take that daily, 6 drops 6 times a day...it clears my sinuses as

soon as the drops hit my mouth, which is interesting because there is

nothing but water in the bottle...it is similar to a homeopathic

preparation only it is made electronically. It costs me nothing to


Dr. refers briefly to making the rhodizonic acid in her October

5, 2001 speech given in Italy on the .net site. One must know

how to plate zap in order to make the rhodizonic acid...her latest

book, " The Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual " tells how to do


I also wanted to mention that I have been seeing a homeopathic MD

since last October. Recently we started using the " plussing " method

you described...it is too soon to say what that is doing.

Again, thanks for the info..it should keep me busy for a while.

> >From: ruby <ruby@i...>

> >Reply- @y...

> > @y...

> >Subject: Re: [ ] Methylglyoxal

> >Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 07:18:54 -0500

> >

> >Jim,

> >

> > F. Koch's remedies are hard to find. His site

> >(http://www.FKoch.com) gives a ton of information, and even


> >entire book is online, but the remedys are hard to find. My friend

and I

> >wrote

> >to all sorts of pharmacys in Brazil, with no luck.... Some of his


> >have been carried over into the HEEL/BHI line from Germany, but

> >distributed here in the states. I'm thinking that Methyglyoxal

> >may be one of them.

> >

> >From www.minimum.com, there are a lot of books on cancer, some of

the best

> >ones are VERY inexpencive, like $5.00 to $10.00 or so. My

favorite authors

> >are Eli book on Cancer, e's book

> >called Cancer, and Compton Burnett's book: The Best of

Burnett, as

> >well as Ellis Barker's books... There are a couple others that

are new,

> >that are on the method of " Plussing " , which bumps up the

> >remedy's strength over a weeks time, then switches to a different


> >the next week... This alternates every other week, until symptoms


> >

> >The e's book on Cancer mentioned several remedys that


> >available in Germany, and had remarkable results with Breast

Cancer and

> >others... The only one I've found, still in existance is at the

> >Schmidt-Naugle Pharmacy in Switzerland?. They required a

perscription to

> >obtain Onkloysin. This and a couple others mentioned in this

book, I've

> >obtained radionic copies of, and used with success...

> >

> >Hope this is helpful.

> >

> >Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

> > May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2

> >

> > Ruby

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Very interesting stuff. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks.

I can't believe your sitting on a bottle of Cantron and haven't

given it to your brother-in-law. Sounds like you know all

about it. Don't you believe what you heard at the meeting?

Cantron got rid of my lung cancer in 14 months. My

oncologist said I'd be dead by now if I didn't accept

his treatment. How does it go? The reports of my

death are grossly exaggerated. My scans now show

scar tissue. Cantron works.


In a message dated 6/3/02 4:01:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

rc_glider@... writes:

> Subj:Re: [ ] Methylglyoxal

> Date:6/3/02 4:01:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time

> From: rc_glider@... (D G)

> Reply-to: <A

HREF= " mailto: " > </A>






> It's possible some are, but that's what made it so difficult; there are

> so

> many. I researched the Census archives as well, but many were destroyed in

> two fires at the end of the 19th century and sometime in the early 1900's

> if

> I remember correctly.

> If anyone cares to know, Vitamin O (R-Garden) was invented by a chemist

> for NASA. His name? F. Koch. My friend believes he was the eldest

> son of Dr. Koch. If anyone doubts (as the medical experts say is

> impossible)

> it's possible to increase blood oxygen levels orally, take Vitamin O and

> have a blood gas oxymeter handy.

> Additional information on Koch:


> I was able to locate Dr. Koch's son in Grosse Pointe purely by

> circumstance. I was intrigued with Cantron at about the same time as I was

> researching Koch. I called a lady named Ollie Blezinski who lives in the

> Detroit area. She was close friends of Jim Sheridan (inventor of Cantron;

> called Jim's Juice originally), also living in the southern Michigan

> area....Bellville I believe. We began talking about various things and I

> commented that Jim Sheridan's story sounded similar to Dr. F. Koch.

> " Oh my! " , she said. " I could tell you stories about him. I knew Dr. Koch

> and

> I'm friends with his son " . She has in her possesion some of Dr. Koch's

> papers. After so many dead ends, I finally got a solid lead. I couldn't

> believe it. I found out Jim Sheridan knew Koch well, and was actually hired

> by Dow Chemical to investigate Koch's claims, which incidentally he

> reported

> back that Koch's claims were everything he claimed. Willard Dow even

> defended Koch in court if I recall. Willard Dow was no supporter of the

> medical establishment in those days.....he believed the whole cancer issue

> was a sham.

> These accounts are well documented at www.williamfkoch.com .

> I had a long conversation with Ms. Blezinski. I decided to meet her in

> person and drove to Warren, Michigan in November 2000 to the monthly

> Cantron

> meeting. She is an amazing woman. She was 85 years old and had not seen a

> doctor since she was 4 years old. She grows and eats all her own food,

> still

> drove a car and was in very good health. I was astonished to find there

> were

> well over 250 people at the Cantron meeting. I was expecting 10-20, maybe

> 30

> people. It was an interesting experience. They were selling the Cantron and

> all supplements at cost. I bought some Cantron which I still have. I talked

> to one of the group organizers who explained he had an injunction against

> him to not sell, discuss or distribute Cantron, so he decided to basically

> give it away at cost. He also told me it can be used to remove moles. The

> key is to keep the area moist at all times because Cantron is an

> electrolyte, and needs to remain in a liquid state. It is illegal to

> instruct anyone to use Cantron externally, as it is a " supplement " . I have

> removed moles and skin cancer using other methods, but have yet to try

> Cantron. I can't say I know anyone personally who has used Cantron

> successfully; only those I heard speak at that meeting. I believe the

> meeting is held each month of the year except December.

> As a side note, when I discussed Dr. Koch with my sister, she told me her

> mother-in-law, who lived in Ferndale (nine mile and Woodward), said there

> had already been cures for cancer many decades ago. My sister remembers her

> always bringing up the subject of some doctor in Detroit she worked for in

> the 1930's or 1940's that had a cure for cancer, but was shut down by the

> government and was treated very badly. The newspapers during Koch's era

> covered him extensively. I have little doubt it was not the same Dr.


> F. Koch. My sister never gave it much thought as most people are

> brainwashed

> by the system to think everything we have today is the pinnacle of cancer

> treatments, and other disease for that matter.

> After the experiences my family and acquaintances has had with various

> illnesses, and moving away from the accepted standard " approved "

> treatments,

> it is my opinion, based on those experiences, something is really wrong

> with

> our medical system. In particular are diseases such as Diabetes (and the

> accompanying effects such as infections, neuropathy etc.), heart disease,

> skin cancer, cancer, ear infections, arthritis, Candida, and many others.

> I

> believe the public has been duped. I also believe there is a concerted

> effort to discredit anything that may harm the medical machine's income,

> which the job of the FDA/FTC is to protect.


> BTW, my brother-in-law with inoperable stage IV colorectal adenocarcinoma

> has already outlived the experts many months longer than they predicted. He

> refused all standard treatments. His quality of life is much better and if

> he can hold on long enough, the cancer will be gone. Since he opted not to

> travel out of state, thus far, the most visibly effective regimen appears

> to

> be an old indian recipe he is using from a friend of mine in Idaho, in

> addition to several supporting supplements and diet. He has also switched

> doctors to one who has really helped him out. My advice based on his

> experience is to seek out a doctor, M.D. or otherwise, that supports or at

> least respects your treatment of choice. If he does not, you may not

> receive

> the proper care needed while on any cancer therapy, especially if that

> doctor has his mind already made up your treatment of choice will fail. His

> former physician did not proactively monitor his anemic condition and it

> nearly killed him. He's now taking Iscador (covered by prescription

> insurance believe it or not) which has helped considerably, and his anemia

> is in check. Unfornutately, a severe infection damaged his kidneys and set

> him back several weeks, but he's still hanging in there.


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It's possible some are, but that's what made it so difficult; there are so

many. I researched the Census archives as well, but many were destroyed in

two fires at the end of the 19th century and sometime in the early 1900's if

I remember correctly.

If anyone cares to know, Vitamin O (R-Garden) was invented by a chemist

for NASA. His name? F. Koch. My friend believes he was the eldest

son of Dr. Koch. If anyone doubts (as the medical experts say is impossible)

it's possible to increase blood oxygen levels orally, take Vitamin O and

have a blood gas oxymeter handy.

Additional information on Koch:

I was able to locate Dr. Koch's son in Grosse Pointe purely by

circumstance. I was intrigued with Cantron at about the same time as I was

researching Koch. I called a lady named Ollie Blezinski who lives in the

Detroit area. She was close friends of Jim Sheridan (inventor of Cantron;

called Jim's Juice originally), also living in the southern Michigan

area....Bellville I believe. We began talking about various things and I

commented that Jim Sheridan's story sounded similar to Dr. F. Koch.

" Oh my! " , she said. " I could tell you stories about him. I knew Dr. Koch and

I'm friends with his son " . She has in her possesion some of Dr. Koch's

papers. After so many dead ends, I finally got a solid lead. I couldn't

believe it. I found out Jim Sheridan knew Koch well, and was actually hired

by Dow Chemical to investigate Koch's claims, which incidentally he reported

back that Koch's claims were everything he claimed. Willard Dow even

defended Koch in court if I recall. Willard Dow was no supporter of the

medical establishment in those days.....he believed the whole cancer issue

was a sham.

These accounts are well documented at www.williamfkoch.com .

I had a long conversation with Ms. Blezinski. I decided to meet her in

person and drove to Warren, Michigan in November 2000 to the monthly Cantron

meeting. She is an amazing woman. She was 85 years old and had not seen a

doctor since she was 4 years old. She grows and eats all her own food, still

drove a car and was in very good health. I was astonished to find there were

well over 250 people at the Cantron meeting. I was expecting 10-20, maybe 30

people. It was an interesting experience. They were selling the Cantron and

all supplements at cost. I bought some Cantron which I still have. I talked

to one of the group organizers who explained he had an injunction against

him to not sell, discuss or distribute Cantron, so he decided to basically

give it away at cost. He also told me it can be used to remove moles. The

key is to keep the area moist at all times because Cantron is an

electrolyte, and needs to remain in a liquid state. It is illegal to

instruct anyone to use Cantron externally, as it is a " supplement " . I have

removed moles and skin cancer using other methods, but have yet to try

Cantron. I can't say I know anyone personally who has used Cantron

successfully; only those I heard speak at that meeting. I believe the

meeting is held each month of the year except December.

As a side note, when I discussed Dr. Koch with my sister, she told me her

mother-in-law, who lived in Ferndale (nine mile and Woodward), said there

had already been cures for cancer many decades ago. My sister remembers her

always bringing up the subject of some doctor in Detroit she worked for in

the 1930's or 1940's that had a cure for cancer, but was shut down by the

government and was treated very badly. The newspapers during Koch's era

covered him extensively. I have little doubt it was not the same Dr.

F. Koch. My sister never gave it much thought as most people are brainwashed

by the system to think everything we have today is the pinnacle of cancer

treatments, and other disease for that matter.

After the experiences my family and acquaintances has had with various

illnesses, and moving away from the accepted standard " approved " treatments,

it is my opinion, based on those experiences, something is really wrong with

our medical system. In particular are diseases such as Diabetes (and the

accompanying effects such as infections, neuropathy etc.), heart disease,

skin cancer, cancer, ear infections, arthritis, Candida, and many others. I

believe the public has been duped. I also believe there is a concerted

effort to discredit anything that may harm the medical machine's income,

which the job of the FDA/FTC is to protect.

BTW, my brother-in-law with inoperable stage IV colorectal adenocarcinoma

has already outlived the experts many months longer than they predicted. He

refused all standard treatments. His quality of life is much better and if

he can hold on long enough, the cancer will be gone. Since he opted not to

travel out of state, thus far, the most visibly effective regimen appears to

be an old indian recipe he is using from a friend of mine in Idaho, in

addition to several supporting supplements and diet. He has also switched

doctors to one who has really helped him out. My advice based on his

experience is to seek out a doctor, M.D. or otherwise, that supports or at

least respects your treatment of choice. If he does not, you may not receive

the proper care needed while on any cancer therapy, especially if that

doctor has his mind already made up your treatment of choice will fail. His

former physician did not proactively monitor his anemic condition and it

nearly killed him. He's now taking Iscador (covered by prescription

insurance believe it or not) which has helped considerably, and his anemia

is in check. Unfornutately, a severe infection damaged his kidneys and set

him back several weeks, but he's still hanging in there.

>From: hppls@...



>Subject: Re: [ ] Methylglyoxal

>Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 14:03:44 EDT


>Small World


>I know that there are several Kochs (pronounced Cook) living

>in the Grosse Pointes of Michigan. Wonder if they are related?????

>I also had a friend who was cured by using Dr. Kelley's enzyme therapy





>In a message dated 6/3/02 1:13:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>rc_glider@... writes:



> >

> > There is no evidence that Methylglyoxal is in any way related to


> > Glyoxylide that I can find. That is pure conjecture. Methylglyoxal is


> > orally, Koch's by injection for starters, and according to Koch himself

> > they

> > do not work in the same manner.

> > The Koch treatment is available if you know the right people, but it's

> > not

> > legal in the U.S. You mentioned a German derivative is distributed in


> > U.S. Please cite the source. According to someone I know that has had


> > experience with Koch's SSR has never mentioned anything about


> > in the U.S. I will ask him about this.

> > I researched Koch for six months in 2000 because my friend, a retired

> > bio-physicist, wished to write a book on his experiences. I went to the

> > Michigan Central Library. The only document I found was Koch's original

> > Medical exam from 1916 I believe it was. I had two librarians assist me.

> > Other than that small document, there was absolutely no mention of


> > F. Koch in the entire library.

> > I did meet a lady in Detroit, Michigan that personally knew Koch, and


> > friends with his remaining son who lives in Grosse Point, Michigan


> > he's passed away in the last two years...he was ill at the time).

> > Nonetheless, the whole Koch matter is very interesting, and if you

> > believe

> > the accounts of him, his friends, other doctors, family, news accounts,


> > doucumented clinical use, it was perhaps the biggest successfull

> > railroading

> > of any medical treatment to date. If I weren't personal friends with

> > someone

> > who had first hand knowledge and use of Koch's treatment, I may never


> > believed it would have researched it like I did. I do believe it. I have

> > Koch's original book he published in 1963 or so. Plus the fact that my

> > friend fled to Europe twice; once in the early 1980's, then again in


> > after a visit by government agents. I have learned a lot from my friend

> > about the dirty little secrets of the medical industry. It's really

> > disgusting.

> > My friend also refined and developed technology commonly known as

> > Iontophoresis today, but much more advanced. I have one of his original

> > devices. I only wish I knew how to use it....I have his research papers


> > have been trying to get as much info as possible from him. A few things


> > was used for in his research was accelerating healing time by 20-30


> > (electro-regenesis...now a legitimately recognized procedure going


> > clinical trials in Australia), and curing ear infections in 15 minutes.


> > also worked with dentists to leach out mercury from the mouth after


> > filling removal to prevent toxic reactions. It really is amazing. He

> > invested over $500,000 into the project, but it was halted in about

> > 1984.....much opposition.

> > BTW, my friend is also good friends with Dr. " Jack " of


> > enzyme therapy regimen. He said he too was railroaded by the medical

> > establishment. I met Dr. in March 2000.

> >

> > My 2 cents.

> >

> >






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Guest guest

Be careful about " vitamin O " A company in Kettle Falls, Washington

markets it and paid a $250,000 fine to a government agency because it

was just seawater, according to what I found out about them on the

internet. They still peddle it. Just a cost of doing business.

You can increase blood oxygen temporarily with a number of products,

including hydrogen peroxide.

Loren Parks

D G wrote:

> It's possible some are, but that's what made it so difficult; there

> are so

> many. I researched the Census archives as well, but many were

> destroyed in

> two fires at the end of the 19th century and sometime in the early

> 1900's if

> I remember correctly.

> If anyone cares to know, Vitamin O (R-Garden) was invented by a

> chemist

> for NASA. His name? F. Koch. My friend believes he was the

> eldest

> son of Dr. Koch. If anyone doubts (as the medical experts say is

> impossible)

> it's possible to increase blood oxygen levels orally, take Vitamin O

> and

> have a blood gas oxymeter handy.

> Additional information on Koch:


> I was able to locate Dr. Koch's son in Grosse Pointe purely by

> circumstance. I was intrigued with Cantron at about the same time as I

> was

> researching Koch. I called a lady named Ollie Blezinski who lives in

> the

> Detroit area. She was close friends of Jim Sheridan (inventor of

> Cantron;

> called Jim's Juice originally), also living in the southern Michigan

> area....Bellville I believe. We began talking about various things and

> I

> commented that Jim Sheridan's story sounded similar to Dr. F.

> Koch.

> " Oh my! " , she said. " I could tell you stories about him. I knew Dr.

> Koch and

> I'm friends with his son " . She has in her possesion some of Dr. Koch's


> papers. After so many dead ends, I finally got a solid lead. I

> couldn't

> believe it. I found out Jim Sheridan knew Koch well, and was actually

> hired

> by Dow Chemical to investigate Koch's claims, which incidentally he

> reported

> back that Koch's claims were everything he claimed. Willard Dow even

> defended Koch in court if I recall. Willard Dow was no supporter of

> the

> medical establishment in those days.....he believed the whole cancer

> issue

> was a sham.

> These accounts are well documented at www.williamfkoch.com .

> I had a long conversation with Ms. Blezinski. I decided to meet her

> in

> person and drove to Warren, Michigan in November 2000 to the monthly

> Cantron

> meeting. She is an amazing woman. She was 85 years old and had not

> seen a

> doctor since she was 4 years old. She grows and eats all her own food,

> still

> drove a car and was in very good health. I was astonished to find

> there were

> well over 250 people at the Cantron meeting. I was expecting 10-20,

> maybe 30

> people. It was an interesting experience. They were selling the

> Cantron and

> all supplements at cost. I bought some Cantron which I still have. I

> talked

> to one of the group organizers who explained he had an injunction

> against

> him to not sell, discuss or distribute Cantron, so he decided to

> basically

> give it away at cost. He also told me it can be used to remove moles.

> The

> key is to keep the area moist at all times because Cantron is an

> electrolyte, and needs to remain in a liquid state. It is illegal to

> instruct anyone to use Cantron externally, as it is a " supplement " . I

> have

> removed moles and skin cancer using other methods, but have yet to try


> Cantron. I can't say I know anyone personally who has used Cantron

> successfully; only those I heard speak at that meeting. I believe the

> meeting is held each month of the year except December.

> As a side note, when I discussed Dr. Koch with my sister, she told

> me her

> mother-in-law, who lived in Ferndale (nine mile and Woodward), said

> there

> had already been cures for cancer many decades ago. My sister

> remembers her

> always bringing up the subject of some doctor in Detroit she worked

> for in

> the 1930's or 1940's that had a cure for cancer, but was shut down by

> the

> government and was treated very badly. The newspapers during Koch's

> era

> covered him extensively. I have little doubt it was not the same Dr.


> F. Koch. My sister never gave it much thought as most people are

> brainwashed

> by the system to think everything we have today is the pinnacle of

> cancer

> treatments, and other disease for that matter.

> After the experiences my family and acquaintances has had with

> various

> illnesses, and moving away from the accepted standard " approved "

> treatments,

> it is my opinion, based on those experiences, something is really

> wrong with

> our medical system. In particular are diseases such as Diabetes (and

> the

> accompanying effects such as infections, neuropathy etc.), heart

> disease,

> skin cancer, cancer, ear infections, arthritis, Candida, and many

> others. I

> believe the public has been duped. I also believe there is a concerted


> effort to discredit anything that may harm the medical machine's

> income,

> which the job of the FDA/FTC is to protect.


> BTW, my brother-in-law with inoperable stage IV colorectal

> adenocarcinoma

> has already outlived the experts many months longer than they

> predicted. He

> refused all standard treatments. His quality of life is much better

> and if

> he can hold on long enough, the cancer will be gone. Since he opted

> not to

> travel out of state, thus far, the most visibly effective regimen

> appears to

> be an old indian recipe he is using from a friend of mine in Idaho, in


> addition to several supporting supplements and diet. He has also

> switched

> doctors to one who has really helped him out. My advice based on his

> experience is to seek out a doctor, M.D. or otherwise, that supports

> or at

> least respects your treatment of choice. If he does not, you may not

> receive

> the proper care needed while on any cancer therapy, especially if that


> doctor has his mind already made up your treatment of choice will

> fail. His

> former physician did not proactively monitor his anemic condition and

> it

> nearly killed him. He's now taking Iscador (covered by prescription

> insurance believe it or not) which has helped considerably, and his

> anemia

> is in check. Unfornutately, a severe infection damaged his kidneys and

> set

> him back several weeks, but he's still hanging in there.



> >From: hppls@...

> >Reply-

> >

> >Subject: Re: [ ] Methylglyoxal

> >Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 14:03:44 EDT

> >

> >Small World

> >

> >I know that there are several Kochs (pronounced Cook) living

> >in the Grosse Pointes of Michigan. Wonder if they are related?????

> >I also had a friend who was cured by using Dr. Kelley's enzyme

> therapy

> >regimen.

> >

> >Hank

> >

> >In a message dated 6/3/02 1:13:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> >rc_glider@... writes:

> >

> >

> > >

> > > There is no evidence that Methylglyoxal is in any way related to


> >Koch's

> > > Glyoxylide that I can find. That is pure conjecture. Methylglyoxal

> is

> >given

> > > orally, Koch's by injection for starters, and according to Koch

> himself

> > > they

> > > do not work in the same manner.

> > > The Koch treatment is available if you know the right people,

> but it's

> > > not

> > > legal in the U.S. You mentioned a German derivative is distributed

> in

> >the

> > > U.S. Please cite the source. According to someone I know that has

> had

> >much

> > > experience with Koch's SSR has never mentioned anything about

> >availability

> > > in the U.S. I will ask him about this.

> > > I researched Koch for six months in 2000 because my friend, a

> retired

> > > bio-physicist, wished to write a book on his experiences. I went

> to the

> > > Michigan Central Library. The only document I found was Koch's

> original

> > > Medical exam from 1916 I believe it was. I had two librarians

> assist me.

> > > Other than that small document, there was absolutely no mention of


> >

> > > F. Koch in the entire library.

> > > I did meet a lady in Detroit, Michigan that personally knew

> Koch, and

> >is

> > > friends with his remaining son who lives in Grosse Point, Michigan


> >(unless

> > > he's passed away in the last two years...he was ill at the time).

> > > Nonetheless, the whole Koch matter is very interesting, and if

> you

> > > believe

> > > the accounts of him, his friends, other doctors, family, news

> accounts,

> >and

> > > doucumented clinical use, it was perhaps the biggest successfull

> > > railroading

> > > of any medical treatment to date. If I weren't personal friends

> with

> > > someone

> > > who had first hand knowledge and use of Koch's treatment, I may

> never

> >have

> > > believed it would have researched it like I did. I do believe it.

> I have

> > > Koch's original book he published in 1963 or so. Plus the fact

> that my

> > > friend fled to Europe twice; once in the early 1980's, then again

> in

> >1992

> > > after a visit by government agents. I have learned a lot from my

> friend

> > > about the dirty little secrets of the medical industry. It's

> really

> > > disgusting.

> > > My friend also refined and developed technology commonly known

> as

> > > Iontophoresis today, but much more advanced. I have one of his

> original

> > > devices. I only wish I knew how to use it....I have his research

> papers

> >and

> > > have been trying to get as much info as possible from him. A few

> things

> >it

> > > was used for in his research was accelerating healing time by

> 20-30

> >times

> > > (electro-regenesis...now a legitimately recognized procedure going


> >through

> > > clinical trials in Australia), and curing ear infections in 15

> minutes.

> >He

> > > also worked with dentists to leach out mercury from the mouth

> after

> >amalgm

> > > filling removal to prevent toxic reactions. It really is amazing.

> He

> > > invested over $500,000 into the project, but it was halted in

> about

> > > 1984.....much opposition.

> > > BTW, my friend is also good friends with Dr. " Jack "

> of

> >the

> > > enzyme therapy regimen. He said he too was railroaded by the

> medical

> > > establishment. I met Dr. in March 2000.

> > >

> > > My 2 cents.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Yes, there are some very crooked companies out there. I still would not

base truth on what the government does or says. It was the government that

went after Dr. Koch and so many others. R-Garden is a reputable company.

There is no way any supplement company can defend itself against an

unlimited budgeted entity like the federal government. R-Garden too was

fined, but that does not mean the product does nothing. Lane Labs settled

too. They were chosen because they were one of the larger supplement

companies. The FDA figured if Lane Labs would buckle, all the smaller ones

would give in without a fight. However, Lane Labs fought back, and the FDA

gained nothing.

The law means nothing to the FDA. All the sweet talk about how they want

to " protect " the public is bohunk. If that were true, only a fraction of

pharmaceutical drugs would actually be on the market if based soley on


A simple question: after over 25 years of use, why has not the FDA granted

anti-microbial labeling status of Grapefruit Seed Extract? It already has a

GRAS rating. And don't get me started on colloidal silver.

These jackals in the government are nothing more than surrogates of the

pharmaceutical industry.

P.S. Not everyone can stand the " brick in the stomach " feeling of h2o2,

and there are many even in the alt med world who advise against taking it

internally because of oxidative issues of the stomach and duodenum. My main

point was that Vit O (at least R-Garden) does increase O levels in the blood

and can be measured. Ask any anti-alt opponent and they'll tell you most

everything non-conventional is worthless. They also said Koch's Glyoxylide

was just distilled water.

>From: Loren Parks <parksl@...>



>Subject: Re: [ ] Methylglyoxal

>Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 13:35:33 -0700


>Be careful about " vitamin O " A company in Kettle Falls, Washington

>markets it and paid a $250,000 fine to a government agency because it

>was just seawater, according to what I found out about them on the

>internet. They still peddle it. Just a cost of doing business.


>You can increase blood oxygen temporarily with a number of products,

>including hydrogen peroxide.


>Loren Parks


>D G wrote:


> > It's possible some are, but that's what made it so difficult; there

> > are so

> > many. I researched the Census archives as well, but many were

> > destroyed in

> > two fires at the end of the 19th century and sometime in the early

> > 1900's if

> > I remember correctly.

> > If anyone cares to know, Vitamin O (R-Garden) was invented by a

> > chemist

> > for NASA. His name? F. Koch. My friend believes he was the

> > eldest

> > son of Dr. Koch. If anyone doubts (as the medical experts say is

> > impossible)

> > it's possible to increase blood oxygen levels orally, take Vitamin O

> > and

> > have a blood gas oxymeter handy.

> > Additional information on Koch:

> >

> > I was able to locate Dr. Koch's son in Grosse Pointe purely by

> > circumstance. I was intrigued with Cantron at about the same time as I

> > was

> > researching Koch. I called a lady named Ollie Blezinski who lives in

> > the

> > Detroit area. She was close friends of Jim Sheridan (inventor of

> > Cantron;

> > called Jim's Juice originally), also living in the southern Michigan

> > area....Bellville I believe. We began talking about various things and

> > I

> > commented that Jim Sheridan's story sounded similar to Dr. F.

> > Koch.

> > " Oh my! " , she said. " I could tell you stories about him. I knew Dr.

> > Koch and

> > I'm friends with his son " . She has in her possesion some of Dr. Koch's

> >

> > papers. After so many dead ends, I finally got a solid lead. I

> > couldn't

> > believe it. I found out Jim Sheridan knew Koch well, and was actually

> > hired

> > by Dow Chemical to investigate Koch's claims, which incidentally he

> > reported

> > back that Koch's claims were everything he claimed. Willard Dow even

> > defended Koch in court if I recall. Willard Dow was no supporter of

> > the

> > medical establishment in those days.....he believed the whole cancer

> > issue

> > was a sham.

> > These accounts are well documented at www.williamfkoch.com .

> > I had a long conversation with Ms. Blezinski. I decided to meet her

> > in

> > person and drove to Warren, Michigan in November 2000 to the monthly

> > Cantron

> > meeting. She is an amazing woman. She was 85 years old and had not

> > seen a

> > doctor since she was 4 years old. She grows and eats all her own food,

> > still

> > drove a car and was in very good health. I was astonished to find

> > there were

> > well over 250 people at the Cantron meeting. I was expecting 10-20,

> > maybe 30

> > people. It was an interesting experience. They were selling the

> > Cantron and

> > all supplements at cost. I bought some Cantron which I still have. I

> > talked

> > to one of the group organizers who explained he had an injunction

> > against

> > him to not sell, discuss or distribute Cantron, so he decided to

> > basically

> > give it away at cost. He also told me it can be used to remove moles.

> > The

> > key is to keep the area moist at all times because Cantron is an

> > electrolyte, and needs to remain in a liquid state. It is illegal to

> > instruct anyone to use Cantron externally, as it is a " supplement " . I

> > have

> > removed moles and skin cancer using other methods, but have yet to try

> >

> > Cantron. I can't say I know anyone personally who has used Cantron

> > successfully; only those I heard speak at that meeting. I believe the

> > meeting is held each month of the year except December.

> > As a side note, when I discussed Dr. Koch with my sister, she told

> > me her

> > mother-in-law, who lived in Ferndale (nine mile and Woodward), said

> > there

> > had already been cures for cancer many decades ago. My sister

> > remembers her

> > always bringing up the subject of some doctor in Detroit she worked

> > for in

> > the 1930's or 1940's that had a cure for cancer, but was shut down by

> > the

> > government and was treated very badly. The newspapers during Koch's

> > era

> > covered him extensively. I have little doubt it was not the same Dr.

> >

> > F. Koch. My sister never gave it much thought as most people are

> > brainwashed

> > by the system to think everything we have today is the pinnacle of

> > cancer

> > treatments, and other disease for that matter.

> > After the experiences my family and acquaintances has had with

> > various

> > illnesses, and moving away from the accepted standard " approved "

> > treatments,

> > it is my opinion, based on those experiences, something is really

> > wrong with

> > our medical system. In particular are diseases such as Diabetes (and

> > the

> > accompanying effects such as infections, neuropathy etc.), heart

> > disease,

> > skin cancer, cancer, ear infections, arthritis, Candida, and many

> > others. I

> > believe the public has been duped. I also believe there is a concerted

> >

> > effort to discredit anything that may harm the medical machine's

> > income,

> > which the job of the FDA/FTC is to protect.

> >

> > BTW, my brother-in-law with inoperable stage IV colorectal

> > adenocarcinoma

> > has already outlived the experts many months longer than they

> > predicted. He

> > refused all standard treatments. His quality of life is much better

> > and if

> > he can hold on long enough, the cancer will be gone. Since he opted

> > not to

> > travel out of state, thus far, the most visibly effective regimen

> > appears to

> > be an old indian recipe he is using from a friend of mine in Idaho, in

> >

> > addition to several supporting supplements and diet. He has also

> > switched

> > doctors to one who has really helped him out. My advice based on his

> > experience is to seek out a doctor, M.D. or otherwise, that supports

> > or at

> > least respects your treatment of choice. If he does not, you may not

> > receive

> > the proper care needed while on any cancer therapy, especially if that

> >

> > doctor has his mind already made up your treatment of choice will

> > fail. His

> > former physician did not proactively monitor his anemic condition and

> > it

> > nearly killed him. He's now taking Iscador (covered by prescription

> > insurance believe it or not) which has helped considerably, and his

> > anemia

> > is in check. Unfornutately, a severe infection damaged his kidneys and

> > set

> > him back several weeks, but he's still hanging in there.

> >

> >

> > >From: hppls@...

> > >Reply-

> > >

> > >Subject: Re: [ ] Methylglyoxal

> > >Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 14:03:44 EDT

> > >

> > >Small World

> > >

> > >I know that there are several Kochs (pronounced Cook) living

> > >in the Grosse Pointes of Michigan. Wonder if they are related?????

> > >I also had a friend who was cured by using Dr. Kelley's enzyme

> > therapy

> > >regimen.

> > >

> > >Hank

> > >

> > >In a message dated 6/3/02 1:13:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> > >rc_glider@... writes:

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > There is no evidence that Methylglyoxal is in any way related to

> >

> > >Koch's

> > > > Glyoxylide that I can find. That is pure conjecture. Methylglyoxal

> > is

> > >given

> > > > orally, Koch's by injection for starters, and according to Koch

> > himself

> > > > they

> > > > do not work in the same manner.

> > > > The Koch treatment is available if you know the right people,

> > but it's

> > > > not

> > > > legal in the U.S. You mentioned a German derivative is distributed

> > in

> > >the

> > > > U.S. Please cite the source. According to someone I know that has

> > had

> > >much

> > > > experience with Koch's SSR has never mentioned anything about

> > >availability

> > > > in the U.S. I will ask him about this.

> > > > I researched Koch for six months in 2000 because my friend, a

> > retired

> > > > bio-physicist, wished to write a book on his experiences. I went

> > to the

> > > > Michigan Central Library. The only document I found was Koch's

> > original

> > > > Medical exam from 1916 I believe it was. I had two librarians

> > assist me.

> > > > Other than that small document, there was absolutely no mention of

> >

> > >

> > > > F. Koch in the entire library.

> > > > I did meet a lady in Detroit, Michigan that personally knew

> > Koch, and

> > >is

> > > > friends with his remaining son who lives in Grosse Point, Michigan

> >

> > >(unless

> > > > he's passed away in the last two years...he was ill at the time).

> > > > Nonetheless, the whole Koch matter is very interesting, and if

> > you

> > > > believe

> > > > the accounts of him, his friends, other doctors, family, news

> > accounts,

> > >and

> > > > doucumented clinical use, it was perhaps the biggest successfull

> > > > railroading

> > > > of any medical treatment to date. If I weren't personal friends

> > with

> > > > someone

> > > > who had first hand knowledge and use of Koch's treatment, I may

> > never

> > >have

> > > > believed it would have researched it like I did. I do believe it.

> > I have

> > > > Koch's original book he published in 1963 or so. Plus the fact

> > that my

> > > > friend fled to Europe twice; once in the early 1980's, then again

> > in

> > >1992

> > > > after a visit by government agents. I have learned a lot from my

> > friend

> > > > about the dirty little secrets of the medical industry. It's

> > really

> > > > disgusting.

> > > > My friend also refined and developed technology commonly known

> > as

> > > > Iontophoresis today, but much more advanced. I have one of his

> > original

> > > > devices. I only wish I knew how to use it....I have his research

> > papers

> > >and

> > > > have been trying to get as much info as possible from him. A few

> > things

> > >it

> > > > was used for in his research was accelerating healing time by

> > 20-30

> > >times

> > > > (electro-regenesis...now a legitimately recognized procedure going

> >

> > >through

> > > > clinical trials in Australia), and curing ear infections in 15

> > minutes.

> > >He

> > > > also worked with dentists to leach out mercury from the mouth

> > after

> > >amalgm

> > > > filling removal to prevent toxic reactions. It really is amazing.

> > He

> > > > invested over $500,000 into the project, but it was halted in

> > about

> > > > 1984.....much opposition.

> > > > BTW, my friend is also good friends with Dr. " Jack "

> > of

> > >the

> > > > enzyme therapy regimen. He said he too was railroaded by the

> > medical

> > > > establishment. I met Dr. in March 2000.

> > > >

> > > > My 2 cents.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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At 22:35 Uhr +0200 03.06.2002, Loren Parks wrote:

>Be careful about " vitamin O " A company in Kettle Falls, Washington

>markets it and paid a $250,000 fine to a government agency because it

>was just seawater, according to what I found out about them on the

>internet. They still peddle it. Just a cost of doing business.


>You can increase blood oxygen temporarily with a number of products,

>including hydrogen peroxide.


>Loren Parks

Be careful about hydrogen peroxide.


Superoxide, a highly toxic free radical, is a normal end product

of everyday metabolism. Other toxic radicals produced during

every day normal metabolism, include: hydrogen peroxide, lipid

peroxy radicals, epoxides and hydroxyl radicals.

Certain enzymes will attack and neutralize only a single toxic

radical. For example, superoxide dismutase will detoxify only

superoxide, which it readily converts to hydrogen peroxide. The

enzyme catalase will detoxify only the peroxide and convert it to



Wei H, Wei L, Bowen R, Frenkel K, S. 1993. Inhibition of

tumor promoter-induced hydrogen peroxide production in vitro and

in vivo by genistein. Nutr and Cancer. 20 (1):1-12.


When mutations occur in the mtDNA, energy production is

compromised and toxic byproducts, in the form of reactive oxygen

species (ROS), are increased. One of the most common ROS is

hydrogen peroxide, which can serve as a potent signal to the

cancer cell, increasing the growth rate of tumors.


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<<I have removed moles and skin cancer using other methods,>>

rc_glider .... May I ask what your 'other' methods were?


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Chinese vs American

Chinese medicines are not as effective today as they were several

generations ago. I've heard stories of Chinese herbalists saying

their herbs don't get the results they used to. According to Dr.

Schulze it is because of the toxins we are putting into our body

(about 1,000 times greater).

Dr. Hulda was right (and the FDA put her into jail.) We

are sick because toxins cause germs/parasites/worms to grow in

our body. About 80% of diseases start with a dirty wormy

digestive tract. Dr. saw parasites/germs in ALL of her

cancer patients. So its also important to de-worm and de-germ.

Perhaps the East and West can merge. The high-tech American

neutriceuticals can put 7 servings of fruits or vegetables into a

little pill, with almost no loss of nutrients. Whole meal

replacements will: (1) detoxify or cleanse the body; (2) nourish

and protect cells; and (3) build the immune system. American food

medicines are my first choice to cure diseases. I recovered from

several degenerative diseases using America's nutriceuticals when

it was in its infancy around 1994. It's my first choice for

healing. But I would also add to it from other countries.

It is not easy to find information on disease cures --the FDA is

taking orders from Germany's Codex (not Congress) and have shut

down websites which mentions cures for diseases. I know

Mannatech's products cures diseases, but they can't mention it.


=(o o)=




>Hi, listers. My name is Tedy.


>I’d like to share with you all especially about diabetes, I read some mails and

I think there is no one know about this food suplement I wanna talking about.




>I know that many of you had tried some alternatif medication which work

improperly or not working at all or it worked for you but noot for the others.




>I know it sounds bull shit about this product because its ability to cure

people, not only diabetes but also more such as hipertense, osteoporosis,

cancer, and many more.




>I’d like to inform that if you, any of you has given up to God for your suffery

and has been judged by doctors that you have no hope to live any longer, PLEASE

reconsider my message. God help us by many ways that we think it sucks and bull





>I never felt more happier when I know that I could help someone who lost their

hope to know the joy in living and I felt guilty when I know that I didn’t

inorm they who has gone after I know how I am capable to help them to get

through their hardest time to their wonderfull time.




>I’d like to represent Tian Shi. It’s products had help many many people at

least at more than 86 countries. There were 1 guy who got injured at his lower

leg and because of diabetes the wound cannot get dried so his meat had to be cut

by doctor again and again untill the octorr told him to cut of his lower leg.

You know how hard it is to lose your leg. Luckily he met someone who offer him

to try Tian Shi product. He knew that if he didn’t take a shot he’ll lose his

leg, so why not. Only after 5 days his wound had dried so the doctor canceled

the operation and after few weeks he recovered the leg and free from diabetes.




>This product is really work and I’m telling all of you who read this, I just

offering you all another chance to heal yourself by yourself without operation.

These days doctors are so desperately do surgery just because there is only a

small chance to heal their patients. They only foccus to the Western method THAT

THEY ADMITTED HAS BEEN TOO OLD, Western medication has been left behind by

Chinesse Medication for about 40 years, so why they just don’t do their basic

function without thinking or choosing what method, Doctor’s basic funnction is

to keep us healthy, alive, and get healthy, anywhere, anytime, by anything that

cause no harm to other. Then Why operation is so number one if actually they

could better without surgery.




>I’m sorry if any of you got insulted but this is the fact, and I just want to

inform that there are many ways to live healthier and it also could help your





>To all the listers who like to know more please contact me at



>Or if listers don’t mind I could explain in this forum.




>God Bless U all




>Tedy Kumala






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  • 3 years later...

Hi Ted,

> Well all his secret formulas are now known. Much of

> his killing of cancer has very much also to do with

> oxalate compounds, e.g. oxaloacetates. Now there is

> even a Col. Joe who patented his treatment for cancer

> using just oxalic acid, too. whose other name is

> glyoxylic acid.

Interesting connection! Beet juice (the natural source of oxalic

acid) has been used to treat cancer in many traditions.

> But really, cancer is really a vitamin B17 deficiency,

But really, it's one theory out of a few thousand out there, which is

very unlikely to be THE cause, though quite likely to be a

contributing factor.

> all civilizations rich in nitrilosides don't get

> cancer (azberhazistans, eskimos, hopis, navarro,

> hunzas).

If you mean " Azerbaijanis " by azberhazistans, I am familiar first hand

with their traditional use of apricot pits (the local, and absolutely

fantastically tasty, variety, which they crack pistachio style, pickle

in brine, then sun-dry or roast... yum) -- many years ago (in my

teens) I gave myself a severe cyanide poisoning one wonderful then

horrible day because I couldn't stop eating them, I think I gobbled up

at least a couple of pounds in one sitting... one of the experiences

of my life I'm not particularly proud of. However, the Azerbaijanis

get cancer just like everybody else; Hunzas of reality rather than of

popular myths are an extremely poor and therefore extremely

disease-prone population (see Chrichton's description of his

visit to Hunza land in his autobiographical book, Travels); and

traditional (extremely healthy) eskimos (Innuits) subsided on a diet

of mostly meat, fish and animal fat, with the consumption of fruits

and vegetables approaching zero percent for the most part of the year.

Bears in captivity get cancer, but left in

> the wild they eat more nitrilosides which is found in

> millet (we replaced them with wheat, which causes

> cancer due to nonexistent nitrilosides), sorghum, etc.

Bears in the wild get lots of cancer from the same sources we humans

get most of ours -- exposure to toxic chemicals. Wild polar bears

suffer from liver and reproductive cancers that have been traced to

DDT that finds its way into their system across half the globe and

decades after it has been " banned. "


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  • 3 months later...


Dr Mercola's report on it is very positive. Where can you access this


Jyotsna Arora wrote:

I am new to this egroup. Has anyone tried out MethylGlyoxal for stage IV cancer?

What have been the results?



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

You mentioned that you were in touch with Prof Manju Ray who had such a good

response with methylglyoxal (it certainly does sound exciting). I have done a

Google search but haven't been able to find much more thatn the first press

release regurgitated on a number of different sites - what is the current

situation regarding availability of this substance/therapy?



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Limbo. Everything is in limbo because we just don't know the legal

status. It is a natural substance. It is a sugar metabolite. I

have been using it in coordination with a clinic in Tijuana. I would

like to clarify its legal status in the US but perhaps limbo is

better. If I can prove that the product doesn't help cancer patients

then it should be no problem selling it as long as claims are not

make. If I can show that it is a great benefit for cancer patients,

then it would come under the control of all kinds of alphabet

agencies and no one would have access to it -- ever. It might even

become banned worldwide because of international " harmonization " of

pharmaceutical policy.

For now the only claim that I make is that methylglyoxal occupies

space and has weight. This is more than I can say about many other

nouns, e.g., tyranny, oppression, monopoly, cleptocracy.

I will be spending the better part of two weeks with Manju while she

is in the San Diego - Los Angeles area. At the top of my agenda is

the search for lawful ways to put this in the hands of

patients. Next I need to learn more of its limitations.

, I looked at your website and I see that you too run

non-profits. If there is anything that I can do to help you let me know.


At 08:30 AM 4/20/2006, you wrote:



> You mentioned that you were in touch with Prof Manju Ray who had

> such a good response with methylglyoxal (it certainly does sound

> exciting). I have done a Google search but haven't been able to

> find much more thatn the first press release regurgitated on a

> number of different sites - what is the current situation regarding

> availability of this substance/therapy?






> Chamberlain




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Many thanks. I have discovered that urine contains 3-methyl glyoxal. But the

question is: how much urine should one drink to get the required dose? What is

the dose? What vitamins did Prof. Ray use in conjunction and why? What side

effects did they ameliorate? Is there not some way in which a facility somewhere

could make it available for research purposes?

BTW I have found your accessibility to this website extremely helpful and I

have mentioned your services in my book.

VGammill wrote:


Limbo. Everything is in limbo because we just don't know the legal

status. It is a natural substance. It is a sugar metabolite. I

have been using it in coordination with a clinic in Tijuana. I would like to

clarify its legal status in the US but perhaps limbo is better. If I can prove

that the product doesn't help cancer patients then it should be no problem

selling it as long as claims are not make. If I can show that it is a great

benefit for cancer patients, then it would come under the control of all kinds

of alphabet agencies and no one would have access to it -- ever. It might even

become banned worldwide because of international " harmonization " of

pharmaceutical policy.

For now the only claim that I make is that methylglyoxal occupies

space and has weight. This is more than I can say about many other

nouns, e.g., tyranny, oppression, monopoly, cleptocracy.

I will be spending the better part of two weeks with Manju while she

is in the San Diego - Los Angeles area. At the top of my agenda is

the search for lawful ways to put this in the hands of

patients. Next I need to learn more of its limitations.

, I looked at your website and I see that you too run

non-profits. If there is anything that I can do to help you let me know.


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i found this exchange wonderous......shall have to back-track a bit to pick up

the echoes.

the code marketing might go 'this is an innoccuous tasty compound that does

nothing but put a smile on your face before and after chemotherapy' etc or

nonsense directed in such a manner.


Jonathon wrote:

> , Many thanks. I have discovered that urine contains 3-methyl glyoxal.

But the question is: how much urine should one drink to get the required dose?

What is the dose? What vitamins did Prof. Ray use in conjunction and why? What

side effects did they ameliorate? Is there not some way in which a facility

somewhere could make it available for research purposes?


VGammill wrote:

>, Everything is in limbo because we just don't know the legal status.

It is a natural substance. It is a sugar metabolite. I have been using it in

coordination with a clinic in Tijuana. I would like to clarify its legal status

in the US but perhaps limbo is better. If I can prove that the product doesn't

help cancer patients then it should be no problem selling it as long as claims

are not make. If I can show that it is a great benefit for cancer patients,

then it would come under the control of all kinds of alphabet agencies and no

one would have access to it -- ever. It might even become banned worldwide

because of international " harmonization " of pharmaceutical policy.

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The 3-methylglyoxal is methylglyoxal. Dose is about 10-15 ml

of a 0.45M aq. soln. qid. diluted in water. Ray gives 400mg

ascorbate and 12mg of B complex with each dose. It is easier just to

use half a pack of EmergenC. The early literature showed cardiac,

respiratory, and neuronal toxicity in animal models with high doses,

but I have not seen any toxicity among scores of patients. I make

methylglyoxal but I don't use it in the US. Once my retreat is built

I will provide it though in a natural form that does not come from urine.

I am working on a number of similar protocols that should be

widely available but are not. None will ever become available on the

US market. Anyone over 65 and receiving Social Security is

considered a " useless eater " and a drain on the national

coffers. When you are 65 your government wants you dead and the big

corporations want you to live forever in sickness and pain. The Rand

corporation did a study that showed that curing heart disease would

lengthen life span by five years, so a continuation of the

cardiomyopathies is a national security issue. To effectively treat

a major chronic disease is an act of sedition.

As you are in Hong Kong you might check out Antineon (not

antineoplaston). I once turned around a stage 4 malignant fibrous

histiocytoma with it and I know of only one case in the literature of

a reversal of late stage MFH.

At 02:16 AM 4/21/2006, you wrote:



> Many thanks. I have discovered that urine contains 3-methyl

> glyoxal. But the question is: how much urine should one drink to

> get the required dose? What is the dose? What vitamins did Prof.

> Ray use in conjunction and why? What side effects did they

> ameliorate? Is there not some way in which a facility somewhere

> could make it available for research purposes?


> BTW I have found your accessibility to this website extremely

> helpful and I have mentioned your services in my book.




>VGammill wrote:

> ,

>Limbo. Everything is in limbo because we just don't know the legal

>status. It is a natural substance. It is a sugar metabolite. I

>have been using it in coordination with a clinic in Tijuana. I

>would like to clarify its legal status in the US but perhaps limbo

>is better. If I can prove that the product doesn't help cancer

>patients then it should be no problem selling it as long as claims

>are not make. If I can show that it is a great benefit for cancer

>patients, then it would come under the control of all kinds of

>alphabet agencies and no one would have access to it -- ever. It

>might even become banned worldwide because of international

> " harmonization " of pharmaceutical policy.

>For now the only claim that I make is that methylglyoxal occupies

>space and has weight. This is more than I can say about many other

>nouns, e.g., tyranny, oppression, monopoly, cleptocracy.

>I will be spending the better part of two weeks with Manju while she

>is in the San Diego - Los Angeles area. At the top of my agenda is

>the search for lawful ways to put this in the hands of

>patients. Next I need to learn more of its limitations.

>, I looked at your website and I see that you too run

>non-profits. If there is anything that I can do to help you let me know.












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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


I was just going through old emails and came across this one. Are you in a

position yet to recommend any publically available source for methylglyoxal? I'm

not sure I understand what a 0.45M solution of methylglytoxal is.

VGammill <vgammill@...> wrote:


The 3-methylglyoxal is methylglyoxal. Dose is about 10-15 ml

of a 0.45M aq. soln. qid. diluted in water. Ray gives 400mg

ascorbate and 12mg of B complex with each dose. It is easier just to

use half a pack of EmergenC. The early literature showed cardiac,

respiratory, and neuronal toxicity in animal models with high doses,

but I have not seen any toxicity among scores of patients. I make

methylglyoxal but I don't use it in the US. Once my retreat is built

I will provide it though in a natural form that does not come from urine.

I am working on a number of similar protocols that should be

widely available but are not. None will ever become available on the

US market. Anyone over 65 and receiving Social Security is

considered a " useless eater " and a drain on the national

coffers. When you are 65 your government wants you dead and the big

corporations want you to live forever in sickness and pain. The Rand

corporation did a study that showed that curing heart disease would

lengthen life span by five years, so a continuation of the

cardiomyopathies is a national security issue. To effectively treat

a major chronic disease is an act of sedition.

As you are in Hong Kong you might check out Antineon (not

antineoplaston). I once turned around a stage 4 malignant fibrous

histiocytoma with it and I know of only one case in the literature of

a reversal of late stage MFH.

At 02:16 AM 4/21/2006, you wrote:



> Many thanks. I have discovered that urine contains 3-methyl

> glyoxal. But the question is: how much urine should one drink to

> get the required dose? What is the dose? What vitamins did Prof.

> Ray use in conjunction and why? What side effects did they

> ameliorate? Is there not some way in which a facility somewhere

> could make it available for research purposes?


> BTW I have found your accessibility to this website extremely

> helpful and I have mentioned your services in my book.




>VGammill wrote:

> ,

>Limbo. Everything is in limbo because we just don't know the legal

>status. It is a natural substance. It is a sugar metabolite. I

>have been using it in coordination with a clinic in Tijuana. I

>would like to clarify its legal status in the US but perhaps limbo

>is better. If I can prove that the product doesn't help cancer

>patients then it should be no problem selling it as long as claims

>are not make. If I can show that it is a great benefit for cancer

>patients, then it would come under the control of all kinds of

>alphabet agencies and no one would have access to it -- ever. It

>might even become banned worldwide because of international

> " harmonization " of pharmaceutical policy.

>For now the only claim that I make is that methylglyoxal occupies

>space and has weight. This is more than I can say about many other

>nouns, e.g., tyranny, oppression, monopoly, cleptocracy.

>I will be spending the better part of two weeks with Manju while she

>is in the San Diego - Los Angeles area. At the top of my agenda is

>the search for lawful ways to put this in the hands of

>patients. Next I need to learn more of its limitations.

>, I looked at your website and I see that you too run

>non-profits. If there is anything that I can do to help you let me know.



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