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I thank we all have just a little missbehaving in us.


--- imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:

> I didn't think you'd buy that, but it was worth a

> try... Boy, tough crowd! :) -dz-


> --- diane214@... wrote:

> > -dz-

> > I think you could give both Jan and me a few

> > pointers!!!!!!!

> > LOL..... ;o Get up off that lying rug and get a

> > move on!!!! ha ha ha

> > ha...........

> >

> > Jan: Love ya sweetie...... My chest is also the

> same

> > and my right lung

> > is in a lot of pain........ My inhaler doesn't

> work

> > so I am not using

> > it..... I think mine is because the Hep C is

> > carrying on now but you

> > better go back to the Dr. girl.....

> >

> > Angel Hugs,

> > Diane

> >

> > May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love,

> Hope,

> > Peace & Unity

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Jan I don't agree with her, but Susy says I

missbehave when I'm sick. The last couple weeks she

says that I'm behaving myself. That's the one side

affect that she likes.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Well Hell I'm ready to start misbehaving and get rid

> of this crap I got right

> now...I'd much rather be cuttin up instead of laying

> up either on the couch

> or bed..This reeks..I haven't had the flu in about

> 20 yeras and bronchitis I

> don't get often but for me to get a double whammy at

> the same time has kicked

> my ass!!!!!!....Sorry guys but I'm sick and tired of

> being sick and

> tired...It's 1 week today and nothing has changed as

> far as the bronchitis is

> concerned..The flu symptoms are pretty much gone but

> the bronchitis is still

> here and just as bad...I cough so much my stomach

> muscles hurt..Well I didn't

> mean to complain cause it sure didn't make me feel

> any better...so I'[m gonna

> go for now..I'll be checkin my mail

> though...........Love and miss everyone..



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JUst go to a GP and see what they say...I am still dizzy as hell today..This isn't funny anymore..It's like I have a bad case of Vertigo..I don't like it one bit..That's one of the reasons I had quit drinking a long time ago is I didn't like walking crazy..Now look I walk crazy sober.I hope you get better soon Diane..I know the group misses our cutting up..

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Well get better and grab your high-heeled sneakers!

Enough of this bronchitis already... :) -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Well Hell I'm ready to start misbehavin and get rid

> of this crap I got right

> now...I'd much rather be cuttin up instead of laying

> up either on the couch

> or bed..This reeks..I haven't had the flu in about

> 20 yeras and bronchitis I

> don't get often but for me to get a double whammy at

> the same time has kicked

> my ass!!!!!!....Sorry guys but I'm sick and tired of

> being sick and

> tired...It's 1 week today and nothing has changed as

> far as the bronchitis is

> concerned..The flu symptoms are pretty much gone but

> the bronchitis is still

> here and just as bad...I cough so much my stomach

> muscles hurt..Well I didn't

> mean to complain cause it sure didn't make me feel

> any better...so I'[m gonna

> go for now..I'll be checkin my mail

> though...........Love and miss everyone..



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Hey -dz-

Jan can wear the high heeled sneakers and I'll put the wig hat on my

head.... LOL

I have been suffering with the worse pain in my back under my right

rib..... From the front right to around the back but it hurts worse in

my back where the lung is..... I can not sit up.... Hurts to move...

Been 3 weeks like this.... Pain pills don't even help. I am really

worried.... I am going to try to get over to the Dr., but which Dr.

should I call??? Heart, Hep or Pcp????

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hi Diane

If it was me I would call the hep Dr. If it is one

of the other things he can tell you. But more likely

it will ne the hep.

Have a good day


--- diane214@... wrote:

> Hey -dz-

> Jan can wear the high heeled sneakers and I'll

> put the wig hat on my

> head.... LOL

> I have been suffering with the worse pain in my back

> under my right

> rib..... From the front right to around the back but

> it hurts worse in

> my back where the lung is..... I can not sit up....

> Hurts to move...

> Been 3 weeks like this.... Pain pills don't even

> help. I am really

> worried.... I am going to try to get over to the

> Dr., but which Dr.

> should I call??? Heart, Hep or Pcp????


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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I have a messed up kidney on my right side already so I know that's where alot of mine comes from....Gotta go to court today to see the Ex I am so fond of..Wish me luch.....

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Boy you and Jan both! I don't know from where you

explain the pain it could have to do with an enlarged

liver. My pcp and liver dude were both in the same

building, so that was helpful to me. I used to call

the nurse and explain my problem and ask her advice on

who to see. Actually the pain in the back sounds more

like kidney problems. I know I have jarred a kidney

from driving a fork lift all day and I experienced

similar pain. -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> Hey -dz-

> Jan can wear the high heeled sneakers and I'll

> put the wig hat on my

> head.... LOL

> I have been suffering with the worse pain in my back

> under my right

> rib..... From the front right to around the back but

> it hurts worse in

> my back where the lung is..... I can not sit up....

> Hurts to move...

> Been 3 weeks like this.... Pain pills don't even

> help. I am really

> worried.... I am going to try to get over to the

> Dr., but which Dr.

> should I call??? Heart, Hep or Pcp????


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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Jan good luck in court.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I have a messed up kidney on my right side already

> so I know that's where

> alot of mine comes from....Gotta go to court today

> to see the Ex I am so fond

> of..Wish me luch.....



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Leave your six-shooter at home! I don't know if you

can from prison... -dz-

ps. good luck!

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I have a messed up kidney on my right side already

> so I know that's where

> alot of mine comes from....Gotta go to court today

> to see the Ex I am so fond

> of..Wish me luch.....



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Let me tell you when I saw that big ugly bald headed B in that court room and of course there was no other place for me to sit I surely looked at my brother and said "Please have a seat"..I sat away from him..I didn't like him when we were married and I sure as hell didn't want to sit by him today..I had no sleep due to this nasty cough I STILL HAVE and then the first person I see when I get there is his uglky ass!! Oops to all new comers..I told ya we do discuss other things as well..Anyway things didn't go quite like I wanted them to go and the judge even tried telling Mr. Dumbass that when my disability would come in my kids would receive a check but he didn't want to listen..Well since he didn't want to listen I surely didn't want to sign any papers either..Let's just drag it out a little longer..Hell what do I have to lose?? A little time??Thanks for listening.....

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Good luck Jan

I pray that everything turns out ok for you.

Re: [ ] (no subject)

I have a messed up kidney on my right side already so I know that's where alot of mine comes from....Gotta go to court today to see the Ex I am so fond of..Wish me luch.....

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Hi Jan

I was wondering the samething. I wasn't rooting for


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Ok where is everyone at?? I know I am not the only

> one here today someone

> else has got to be here too..Ok so the Superbowl

> didn't go as I wanted it

> to..How bout you Dave?? I was going for the Rams..It

> was a good game

> though..I hope today finds everyone ok..Get in

> touch....



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Hi Jan

I was wondering the same thing. I wasn't rooting

for either team. But unless I'm rooting for the other

team I like seeing the underdog win. So I likes the

out come. I doing Ok except for not sleeping & all

ways tried. I see my Doctor next Monday & will ask

about getting something to help me sleep.

Hi to everyone else get in touch & let Jan & I know

how you are doing.

Praying for all of you


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> AK where is everyone at?? I know I am not the only

> one here today someone

> else has got to be here too..AK so the Superb owl

> didn't go as I wanted it

> to..How bout you Dave?? I was going for the Rams..It

> was a good game

> though..I hope today finds everyone AK..Get in

> touch....



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Hi Terry..Ask for Trazadone..It really helps..Hey even over the counter Benedryl helps..I used that alot too because I didn't like the effects of the trazadone that much..I honestly think the reason I couldn't handle the tx was I had alot of personal things going on in my life at the time..I was suppose to go for an appt. today but I messed up and missed my appt. so I will have to reschedule..You know when the Dr. office sends a certified letter to you saying MAKE AN APPT ASAP that your viral l oad isn't that good..Guess maybe I'm a litle scared to find the results..There I finally admitted it..I'm scared too..I have known I have this for about 2 yrs and I still have a fear of the NOT KNOWING..Ok so I'm human like everyone else but I am going to reschedule tomorrow morning..It's nice hearing from you Terry I just wonder where everyone else is..I know they didn't just disappear off the face of the earth.

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Jan it's OK to be a little scared. That's normal.

Susy is a good support for me. If it wasn't for her

going through this with me I would most likely be

falling apart. Just make sure you overcome your fears.

It's real nice having you around. Maybe the others

will log on tomorrow. There calling me out on the

floor better get back to work.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Hi Terry..Ask for Trazadone..It really helps..Hey

> even over the counter

> Benedryl helps..I used that alot too because I

> didn't like the effects of the

> trazadone that much..I honestly think the reason I

> couldn't handle the tx was

> I had alot of personal things going on in my life at

> the time..I was suppose

> to go for an appt. today but I messed up and missed

> my appt. so I will have

> to reschedule..You know when the Dr. office sends a

> certified letter to you

> saying MAKE AN APPT ASAP that your viral l oad isn't

> that good..Guess maybe

> I'm a litle scared to find the results..There I

> finally admitted it..I'm

> scared too..I have known I have this for about 2 yrs

> and I still have a fear

> of the NOT KNOWING..Ok so I'm human like everyone

> else but I am going to

> reschedule tomorrow morning..It's nice hearing from

> you Terry I just wonder

> where everyone else is..I know they didn't just

> disappear off the face of the

> earth.



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Charlie came home from the hospital Friday night (he has pneumonia). He was

supposed to take his injection today, but his Doctor told him to wait for

the results of the bloodwork........was supposed to let him know today, but

he never called until 8:00 tonight, I was on line & he left a message on

the machine saying he would call again tomorrow. He did not take his shot.

The Dr. said if the counts are still high, the peg-intron is not working,

so he is to stop treatment. But he only took it for 7 weeks (today would

have been the 8th week). I don't understand why he would have him quit it

so soon. He is on 2 antibiotics and a cough medication. While in the

hospital they were giving him shots in his belly, he said he thought they

were blood thinners.


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Darlene I will be keeping you & Charlie in my



--- C & D DOEPP <amber1@...> wrote:

> Charlie came home from the hospital Friday night (he

> has pneumonia). He was

> supposed to take his injection today, but his Doctor

> told him to wait for

> the results of the bloodwork........was supposed to

> let him know today, but

> he never called until 8:00 tonight, I was on line &

> he left a message on

> the machine saying he would call again tomorrow. He

> did not take his shot.

> The Dr. said if the counts are still high, the

> peg-intron is not working,

> so he is to stop treatment. But he only took it for

> 7 weeks (today would

> have been the 8th week). I don't understand why he

> would have him quit it

> so soon. He is on 2 antibiotics and a cough

> medication. While in the

> hospital they were giving him shots in his belly, he

> said he thought they

> were blood thinners.

> Darlene




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Jan that's what we are all here for. Listening to

each other giving each other support when needed. You

guys have sure been giving me the support the last

three weeks. My postion at work gives me a little

leeway so I can go on line for a few minutes a night,

I do most of my internet at home.

Will be keeping in my prayers


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> SSShhh don't tell that's where you are....LOL....My

> hubby rather not discuss

> my LIVER so I deal with it as he says...But thanks

> for listening.



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So this is like normal. I saw Greg tonight and he has not scheduled the classes yet. Its like if I ignore this will it go away ....... Re: [ ] (no subject) Hi Terry..Ask for Trazadone..It really helps..Hey even over the counter Benedryl helps..I used that alot too because I didn't like the effects of the trazadone that much..I honestly think the reason I couldn't handle the tx was I had alot of personal things going on in my life at the time..I was suppose to go for an appt. today but I messed up and missed my appt. so I will have to reschedule..You know when the Dr. office sends a certified letter to you saying MAKE AN APPT ASAP that your viral l oad isn't that good..Guess maybe I'm a litle scared to find the results..There I finally admitted it..I'm scared too..I have known I have this for about 2 yrs and I still have a fear of the NOT KNOWING..Ok so I'm human like everyone else but I am going to reschedule tomorrow morning..It's nice hearing from you Terry I just wonder where everyone else is..I know they didn't just disappear off the face of the earth.

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Hi I don't know if it's normal or not. But at

differant points you get scared. So far I haven't been

scared " I have put all of my cares in gods hands years

ago that is part of the reson the bigest part " . Susy

has been a big support to me. As I told Jan if it

wasn't for her I might fall apart. This group has been

a big support also. Just give Greg all the support you

can, encourge him to take his classes see his Doctor.

We will be praying for you & your family


--- WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

> So this is like normal. I saw Greg tonight and he

> has not scheduled the classes yet.

> Its like if I ignore this will it go away .......



> Re: [ ] (no subject)


> Hi Terry..Ask for Trazadone..It really helps..Hey

> even over the counter Benedryl helps..I used that

> alot too because I didn't like the effects of the

> trazadone that much..I honestly think the reason I

> couldn't handle the tx was I had alot of personal

> things going on in my life at the time..I was

> suppose to go for an appt. today but I messed up and

> missed my appt. so I will have to reschedule..You

> know when the Dr. office sends a certified letter to

> you saying MAKE AN APPT ASAP that your viral l oad

> isn't that good..Guess maybe I'm a litle scared to

> find the results..There I finally admitted it..I'm

> scared too..I have known I have this for about 2 yrs

> and I still have a fear of the NOT KNOWING..Ok so

> I'm human like everyone else but I am going to

> reschedule tomorrow morning..It's nice hearing from

> you Terry I just wonder where everyone else is..I

> know they didn't just disappear off the face of the

> earth.


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I am going to do my best to do that. Running scared was a good

way to describe it. He said mom you ask to many questions when

I asked if he called to set up the classes. He has not set

a doctors appt either. Its like the doctor that saw him

just sent him right on out the door to blow in the breeze.

> > So this is like normal. I saw Greg tonight and he

> > has not scheduled the classes yet.

> > Its like if I ignore this will it go away .......

> >

> >

> > Re: [ ] (no subject)

> >

> > Hi Terry..Ask for Trazadone..It really helps..Hey

> > even over the counter Benedryl helps..I used that

> > alot too because I didn't like the effects of the

> > trazadone that much..I honestly think the reason I

> > couldn't handle the tx was I had alot of personal

> > things going on in my life at the time..I was

> > suppose to go for an appt. today but I messed up and

> > missed my appt. so I will have to reschedule..You

> > know when the Dr. office sends a certified letter to

> > you saying MAKE AN APPT ASAP that your viral l oad

> > isn't that good..Guess maybe I'm a litle scared to

> > find the results..There I finally admitted it..I'm

> > scared too..I have known I have this for about 2 yrs

> > and I still have a fear of the NOT KNOWING..Ok so

> > I'm human like everyone else but I am going to

> > reschedule tomorrow morning..It's nice hearing from

> > you Terry I just wonder where everyone else is..I

> > know they didn't just disappear off the face of the

> > earth.

> >

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Hi Jan

I'm around. I was kind of pulling for the Rams also, but it didn't really matter to me who won. It was a good game though. For once in a long time I watched the whole game.

[ ] (no subject)

Ok where is everyone at?? I know I am not the only one here today someone else has got to be here too..Ok so the Superbowl didn't go as I wanted it to..How bout you Dave?? I was going for the Rams..It was a good game though..I hope today finds everyone ok..Get in touch....

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