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Diane don't be nervous..We are with you in spirit as we always are..Your sister and freind is in my thoughts and prayers as always..Glad to hear your sister is doing better...Get the rest you deserve,,See we were all put on this earth for a reason..Yours is to look out for your loved ones...Keep in touch when you have the time girl...Love ya bunches.....

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Hey You Guys!!!!!!!

You are all out here misbehaving without me.. ;o Geezzzzzzzzzzz.

Can't leave for a day or 2 and you all misbehave!!!!! Now you can't

blame me for corrupting Jan, without pants on!! LOL.....

Update on my sister Lois: She is doing much better..... was moved into a

room today! I am very relieved.... Was caused by dehydration from

constant diahreha.... Caused all of the other things to happen.... Now

my longtime friend is in icu with ammonia in his blood.... totally

incoherent...got 7 units of blood and is in real bad shape.... He is in

the bed next to where my sister was.... They brought him in yesterday

when I was there, and I didn't even know he was there.... Has a bad

liver, and drank some vodka for a few days... This was the result.... My

son just called me to let me know how he was doing and guess who is on

his contact list named first for making decisions? you're

right...ME..... Another friend is in the same hospital having chemo....

He stays with the other friend..... I am really having a go round here!

I couldn't get up to go anywhere today...... I am exhausted..... I was

resting in bed and sleeping most of the day... Tomorrow starts another


Please pray for my sister Lois Kot, Banfill ( close friend) and

Baird the chemo friend... I got into it with the cancer Dr's for

ie... He was laying there for 2 days waiting for a port a cath to

be put in to start chemo.... They never came to see him at all.... I

went out and had he paged and let them have it.... Needless to say he

got the port a cath the next day and his chemo began!!!!!! That's the

sad thing when you have no one.... God is filling my plate again

guys...... The good thing is he put them all in the same hospital for

me!!!! ;o I just go from floor to floor...

A Big warm welcome to all the newcomers..... Hang in there

everyone!!!!!! Love & Prayers to all..... Miss you guys & gals...... I

will check in and keep everyone updated..... Pray for me too....... I

sure need it..... I go to the heart Dr. on Tuesday for the calcification

in the stomach Aorta the heart. Wish me luck... I am a bit nervous.


Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hi Diane

Glad to hear that your sister is doing better. I'll continue to keep all of

you in my prayers.

Re: [ ] (no subject)

> Hey You Guys!!!!!!!

> You are all out here misbehaving without me.. ;o Geezzzzzzzzzzz.

> Can't leave for a day or 2 and you all misbehave!!!!! Now you can't

> blame me for corrupting Jan, without pants on!! LOL.....


> Update on my sister Lois: She is doing much better..... was moved into a

> room today! I am very relieved.... Was caused by dehydration from

> constant diahreha.... Caused all of the other things to happen.... Now

> my longtime friend is in icu with ammonia in his blood.... totally

> incoherent...got 7 units of blood and is in real bad shape.... He is in

> the bed next to where my sister was.... They brought him in yesterday

> when I was there, and I didn't even know he was there.... Has a bad

> liver, and drank some vodka for a few days... This was the result.... My

> son just called me to let me know how he was doing and guess who is on

> his contact list named first for making decisions? you're

> right...ME..... Another friend is in the same hospital having chemo....

> He stays with the other friend..... I am really having a go round here!

> I couldn't get up to go anywhere today...... I am exhausted..... I was

> resting in bed and sleeping most of the day... Tomorrow starts another

> day!!!!

> Please pray for my sister Lois Kot, Banfill ( close friend) and

> Baird the chemo friend... I got into it with the cancer Dr's for

> ie... He was laying there for 2 days waiting for a port a cath to

> be put in to start chemo.... They never came to see him at all.... I

> went out and had he paged and let them have it.... Needless to say he

> got the port a cath the next day and his chemo began!!!!!! That's the

> sad thing when you have no one.... God is filling my plate again

> guys...... The good thing is he put them all in the same hospital for

> me!!!! ;o I just go from floor to floor...

> A Big warm welcome to all the newcomers..... Hang in there

> everyone!!!!!! Love & Prayers to all..... Miss you guys & gals...... I

> will check in and keep everyone updated..... Pray for me too....... I

> sure need it..... I go to the heart Dr. on Tuesday for the calcification

> in the stomach Aorta the heart. Wish me luck... I am a bit nervous.

> ;-(


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity







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Diane Nightengale needs rest too before her freinds are going visit her...Remember that Diane..I'm so happy to hear your sister is doing better...I wish your dear freind the best...The Chemo freind is doing their best too I see..My Dad took his Chemo well but wasn't as fortunate to make it to his last treatment..Glad to know your freind is..Try to rest Diane...

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Dave don't you hate it when you need to sneeze and all it does is burn your nose and make your eyes water??Ok I want to know who was so kind as to send me this cold?? Speak up!!!

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Hey Girl,

REST???????? What is that? I have 3 of them in the hosp. now.......

My sister was moved to a regular room. She is doing much better........

Another friend who is like a brother is in icu and incoherent.... He was

bleeding out inside. Tore something inside from coughing and vomiting so

much..... Has ammonia in his blood and is touch and go....From the

Liver!!!!! He drank his whole life and just slowed down..The bleeding

was already in progress.... Then my Chemo friend who may go home

tomorrow is taking it like a trooper... He has his last treatment today!

Tomorrow is my day for the heart Dr... ;-( Say a prayer for me....ok?

Good Morning to one and all.... Have a super day! Sending angel hugs and

love to all.... Gotta get moving..... Diane Nightingale is being

called... LOL......

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Well, I'm now lurking in the neighborhood. I have come

down with a slight cold, too. I was sick all last

week, but I seemed to have come out of it on Saturday.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Ok am I the only one up and kicking this morning??

> Where is everyone at?? I

> am coming down with a cold since over the

> weekend...All I do is

> sneeze...cough...and blow my nose..Hope veryone else

> is doing ok..Maybe I

> need a little warming or babying or BOTH!!! Diane

> hope you are catching up on

> your rest..Dennis I need some wood...Dave I need

> some PC lessons...Vicky I

> need ya to wake up..Deb send some laughs..Raf how

> bout a hello for us..and to

> the rest of ya just let us know how you are doing

> this morning...



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Hang in, Diane, you can only do so much. -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> Hey Girl,

> REST???????? What is that? I have 3 of them in

> the hosp. now.......

> My sister was moved to a regular room. She is doing

> much better........

> Another friend who is like a brother is in icu and

> incoherent.... He was

> bleeding out inside. Tore something inside from

> coughing and vomiting so

> much..... Has ammonia in his blood and is touch and

> go....From the

> Liver!!!!! He drank his whole life and just slowed

> down..The bleeding

> was already in progress.... Then my Chemo friend who

> may go home

> tomorrow is taking it like a trooper... He has his

> last treatment today!

> Tomorrow is my day for the heart Dr... ;-( Say a

> prayer for me....ok?


> Good Morning to one and all.... Have a super day!

> Sending angel hugs and

> love to all.... Gotta get moving..... Diane

> Nightingale is being

> called... LOL......


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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I hope it wasn't me. I'm not sure if this virus can be

transmitted electronically or not... :) -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Dave don't you hate it when you need to sneeze and

> all it does is burn your

> nose and make your eyes water??Ok I want to know who

> was so kind as to send

> me this cold?? Speak up!!!



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jan...sorry to hear ya have the crud....its always

sooooooooo attractive to be coughing blowing and

sneezing ...ya think? get well my dear...deb


deb, the wicked one


" Between two evils, i always pick the one i haven't tried before. " Mae West


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Hi Jan

I was just coming in from work as you were posting this message. Went to bed for a little while and am just now reading my email. Hope you get to feeling better pretty quick.

[ ] (no subject)

Ok am I the only one up and kicking this morning?? Where is everyone at?? I am coming down with a cold since over the weekend...All I do is sneeze...cough...and blow my nose..Hope veryone else is doing ok..Maybe I need a little warming or babying or BOTH!!! Diane hope you are catching up on your rest..Dennis I need some wood...Dave I need some PC lessons...Vicky I need ya to wake up..Deb send some laughs..Raf how bout a hello for us..and to the rest of ya just let us know how you are doing this morning...

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Diane thanks for the prayers and thoughts of ..I'm still waiting to here what's wrong with him..Kristy is doing fine..She shows her butt sometimes but that's typical for an 11 yr. old..She gets a little sasy or lazy but hey...who don't..I just talk to her and fix it..I'm hoping your sister will do fine Diane..As far as your freind all you can do is put it in the Lord's hands..DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF ALSO!!! GET SOME REST!!!

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You got it Jan. I hope all is well with him, I will

add him to my prayers. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I found out my 12 yr. old son either broke or

> sprained his foot real bad..He

> was in PE and they heard it pop..His dad has known

> since yesterday and just

> made him an appt for tomorrow...What a jerk..I just

> found all this out

> tonight..I am so mad..I feel so sorry for him. He

> said he was upset mostly

> because he just made the basketball team and felt he

> was letting the team

> down since he is such a good player..Keep him and

> his foot in our prayers

> please..I'll let you know what is wrong when I find

> out tomorrow ok!!!



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Tell him Mrs. Diane said he will be just fine.... I am praying for my

buddy.... How is Kristy? You haven't mentioned her for a while.

I am off to the hosp. My sister was doing well and now she took a

backslide. Put the line back in her groin. My friend never came around

yet and every time they do the lactalose enema it comes right back

out.... They can't go down his throat with a tube because they banded

off the bleed.... I am really upset to see him in this condition......

The longer he lays like this the worse it is... My prayers go out to all

of you..... I was so exhausted yesterday that I fell asleep about 8pm

with the tv and all the lights on.... Woke up at 12:30am and shut my

sons tv off and mine. Forgot to turn the tree lights and outside lights


Gotta run now! Have a good day......

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hey I'll take this family too!!! Yall all come on down!!! I'd love it..The more the merrier!! Maybe it is true that they wil help me to fight this dragon because I had thought too like you did at times..I guess we all do and feel like throwing in the towel at times but my kids need me and it took a while for me to see that....

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The whole fam damily eh? It reminds me of that saying,

" be careful what you wish for! " Just kidding, I'm very

happy for you. Maybe God is bringing your family

together to help give you strength to fight off the

dragon. I know there were times when I figured that I

was ready to die and wasn't worried about it, then I

think about my son and wife and I know I don't want

them to lose their father/spouse. I am not only here

to amuse myself anymore. Good luck with the kids and

keep getting stronger! -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Hello all..I hope everyone's weekend went well.. I

> had my kids down and that

> is always a pleasure..My 14 yr. old wants to move

> back home now..I am

> blessed!!! My family is finally coming back!! Keep

> us in your prayers

> please..We really need them at this time!! My side

> continues to bother me as

> usual..I'll be glad when I go back to the Dr..Though

> it is a pain isn't

> it..Hey everyone wake up and let's all say hi!!!



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Send them down here..Sure could use that wood though..Here it isn't near as cold as where you are but I sure could use the fire..hahaha...I need some warming..Things are really cold here if ya know what I mean...LOL

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Hi Jan

I was at work too - I did wood yesterday. Sorry you're cold but I need my wood. We got 5" of snow early Sunday and it got cold. You'll have to get some long johns. (you southerners probably wear short johns and that's why your nees get cold. :-) If you can't get them down there I may have an old pair.


[ ] (no subject)

I see eeryone took today off since it is Monday...LOL..Hummmm..Let's see..We know Diane is busy with her sister and freind...Dave is at work..Deb(the wicked one) is working...ssshhh about those 2..Vicky must be at work too...Dennis may be cutting wood...Raf is overseas...The new ones I can't remember your names cause of CRS (Can't remember S) but you are somewhere too..You all get in touch ok??

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