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Well, that's when you unleash strength you never knew

you had. Just don't start your fingers bleeding.. :)


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I have to dig so deep at times my nails are getting

> shorter!!



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Ha Ha Jan & -dz- They do get ticked when someones says that type of

thing!!!!!! I got that a lot.... Someone was always asking if my husband

is my Father..... LOL... ;o

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hey.... What did I miss????? Why are you digging -dz- and what are you

digging for?? I slept the day thru yesterday... Now the crap has gone to

my chest.. What next....

Hi everyone!!! ;o Have a Super Day!!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Gonna go watch Crossing Over.... Today is visitation day for Hubby with

the cats!!!!! Is that a good one or what?????

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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HEY WHAT? I'm laying back and enjoying a few days off.

I just took my shower at 2:00 this afternoon. I don't

want to push myself too hard.. :) -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Ok Dennis we haven't heard much from you...How is

> the voice now?? I hope you

> are doing well..Get your behind on line...Good

> morning to the rest of all of

> you...See Diane I am behaving...The first of my 2

> day promise...Goodness it's

> hard..Hey you all if I break it blame Diane

> ok....She's going to try to get

> me acting up...I feel it coming on...LOL...HEY

> DAVE!!!!!



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My attention span must be suffering because I can't

quite remember that line of thought... -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> Hey.... What did I miss????? Why are you digging

> -dz- and what are you

> digging for?? I slept the day thru yesterday... Now

> the crap has gone to

> my chest.. What next....


> Hi everyone!!! ;o Have a Super Day!!!!!!!


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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Thanks Jan

Some times it gets a little hard for us. Since I work 4 days of the week it is Kay that does most of the work taking care if him. She really does a good job of it.

[ ] (no subject)

Let's keep and Kay in our prayers...They are going through a trying, stressful time with the elderly gentleman they are caring for..Harold is 95...He is not doing very well at this time... and Kay you are in my thoughts and prayers and I am always here to talk when yu need me just like the rest of us are...

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Well he took one step of the walk..One day sober..It's better than none..I've heard alot of talk in my life and didn't see any of the walks though....How's the vacation going??Is it cold there?? It is cool here..Need some warming...LOL

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Well, it sounds like he's talking the talk, now let's

see if he walks the walk. Good luck and I hope that

God guides you both to the right solution. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Hubby just called..He said he was sorry and he would

> quit..How many times

> have I heard that one??? All I can say it is in

> God's hands now..I wash mine

> of it...He can do a better job than me

> anyway..Thanks to all of you for

> listening...



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Hi Jan

If you there fire up your messenger. I need to ask you something

At least one day is a start. Our prayers are with the both of you

Re: [ ] (no subject)

Well he took one step of the walk..One day sober..It's better than none..I've heard alot of talk in my life and didn't see any of the walks though....How's the vacation going??Is it cold there?? It is cool here..Need some warming...LOL

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I'm not getting as much done as I had hoped, but I am

enjoying my R & R. It is pretty cold up here, in the

30's. Luckily it was a little bit warmer Sunday when

we went to the game. The cold came in Monday. We could

use a little warming, you think you could send some

our way? -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Well he took one step of the walk..One day

> sober..It's better than none..I've

> heard alot of talk in my life and didn't see any of

> the walks though....How's

> the vacation going??Is it cold there?? It is cool

> here..Need some

> warming...LOL



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, He is suppose to go to an AA meeting tonight..I hope he keeps his word but I didn't even mention it to him so as not to nag..If he's going to do it he don't need me harping on him..My little dog is alot better now..Don't know what he got ahold to but he is doing alot better..Little thing cost $100 at the vet's office but he was worth it to me..He has been there for me when I had no one and when Floyd was drinking..Oh it's been 2 days sober now..It's a start..

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Dave thanks..Like I said all I can do is pray it works out..I have done my best..I can fight to keep things together if he is sober but if the drinking keeps on I will quit trying..

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


, He is suppose to go to an AA meeting tonight..I hope he keeps his word but I didn't even mention it to him so as not to nag..If he's going to do it he don't need me harping on him..My little dog is alot better now..Don't know what he got ahold to but he is doing alot better..Little thing cost $100 at the vet's office but he was worth it to me..He has been there for me when I had no one and when Floyd was drinking..Oh it's been 2 days sober now..It's a start..

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I'm glad your dog is doing better, it's tough to lose

them, they become just like family. Good for your

husband, that's a start. As they say a journey of

1,000 miles begins with a single step. As addicts we

are not generally very patient, we want it right now!

Sometimes recovery can be frustrating too, because we

don't think we are making progress fast enough. Many

times along the way I thought that it was not doing me

any good and why should I bother, (in hindsight I

think I was suffering from depression) drinking would

have helped those black moods, but I found out that in

time they passed on their own and I didn't have the

hangover or guilt that would have went with drinking

them away. Hang in there! -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Hi you all..Just wanting to let yall know that I

> almost lost my little dog..I

> don't know what happened to him but I had to rush

> him to the Vet Friday

> morning..He was dying..I cried so much..He has

> always been there for me but

> now he is doing so much better..Still breathes funny

> but is alot better..Hope

> to see yall soon..It is such a pretty day here

> today..Oh Dave it has been 1

> 1/2 days sober right now..That's great so far..He is

> going to a meeting

> tomorrow night..Hopefully he will find a sponser

> that will help him..I even

> talked to his boss who is a recovering alcholic and

> he even said he didn't

> have time for him..Now that is sad..If it were me

> having gone through this I

> would reach out to people not ignore them..I know

> with my drugs I talk

> against them to whomever listens to me..I tell them

> how much better it is

> without them..



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Great minds think alike. :) (I used the same phrase)

--- Cody <codyspain@...> wrote:

> A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


> Cody


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Hi Jan

Sorry to hear about your dog. Hope he gets better soon. Ours got real sick last summer and we almost lost her. Luckily she made a full recovery and I hope yours does also. It's surprising how attached someone can become attached to their pets.

1 1/2 days is a start. I hope that he can find a sponsor. Mine sure helped me when I needed it.

[ ] (no subject)

Hi you all..Just wanting to let yall know that I almost lost my little dog..I don't know what happened to him but I had to rush him to the Vet Friday morning..He was dying..I cried so much..He has always been there for me but now he is doing so much better..Still breathes funny but is alot better..Hope to see yall soon..It is such a pretty day here today..Oh Dave it has been 1 1/2 days sober right now..That's great so far..He is going to a meeting tomorrow night..Hopefully he will find a sponser that will help him..I even talked to his boss who is a recovering alcholic and he even said he didn't have time for him..Now that is sad..If it were me having gone through this I would reach out to people not ignore them..I know with my drugs I talk against them to whomever listens to me..I tell them how much better it is without them..

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Hi Jan

I'll be sure and keep you and Floyd in my prayers.

Re: [ ] (no subject)

, He is suppose to go to an AA meeting tonight..I hope he keeps his word but I didn't even mention it to him so as not to nag..If he's going to do it he don't need me harping on him..My little dog is alot better now..Don't know what he got ahold to but he is doing alot better..Little thing cost $100 at the vet's office but he was worth it to me..He has been there for me when I had no one and when Floyd was drinking..Oh it's been 2 days sober now..It's a start..

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If I was moving any slower I'd be going backwards, but

I AM moving! Glad to see you're still on. How are

things on the home front? -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Ok I am up so where is everyone?? I know I am not

> alone here...I guess

> everyone is getting ready for work this morning..We

> have lots more rain

> coming our way today...YUCK!!! Hey then the cold

> weather will be on it's way

> by tonight or tomorrow..Hope this finds everyone

> doing fine!! Deb once again

> it's nice to meet you...Dave get moving this

> morning...Dennis stop being so

> quiet... get up...Diane I am thinking of you

> but be sure and try to get

> some rest too...Vicky how are you since off

> TX....Raf stay in touch...and if

> I forgot anyone I am sorry........Love you guys!!!



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