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I have to get on something warm and head out for the Airport. I am not

looking forward to this drive!!!!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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I don't even want to go there!!!!!!!! He must have known the answer,

or he wouldn't have asked the question....

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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It was in the 30's last night girl!!!!!!! We are having a heat wave

today of about 60..... The temp drops when the sun goes down........

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Well I gotta go soon... I'll be on later if I don't get tied up........

Take care and I'll talk to you later!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Raf. I think the personal questions would be better asked of a man!!!!We support each other but we don't discuss our private lives..... If youhave more than one partner, then it would be of common sense to try toprotect an innocent person from the chance of being infected....

Sorry if I asked questions that you don't like. As my doctor told me there was no danger, and surfing on the internet I find out that there can be a danger I wanted to ask this in this group.

I think when I cannot ask questions like that here I am in the wrong place.

Sorry, keep on talking about the good and bad wheather.

I will leave you


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DAVE!!!!! Good MOrning!!!! Ok so my typing is just a littl eoff today...I think it will be up in the 70"s here today..It is foggy once again here..About in the 50's right now..Not bad

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Dave sorry to tell you but I think it's the brain fog....Hell I've fought all my life and it seems the battle is just starting..Hell I'm tired..Hey wanna hear something funny?? The other day I went to meet my WONDERFUL (ha yeah right) husband at work for a few minutes and he gave me a quick kiss bye..Well one of the guys he works with said Mr. Floyd I don't want to seem out of place but that GIRL yu were kissing seems a little young for you..Needless to say Floyd replied" That girl was my wife you moran"..Floyd is 48... I know I laughed..The poor guy couldn't have seen me up close that's for sure but hey I'm not going to push my luck and let him either... hahaha

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Dave I too find peace in him.....If it weren't for him I would not be here today with all I have put myself through not to mention what life has dealt me....They say life is what you make it..I think that if I had known this is how I would have made my life I would have changed the floor plan!!!

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We are expecting 60 today also, which is about as warm

as we can hope for this time of year. -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> Send some of that heat here!!!!!!!!!!!


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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42, Hell I'm 48 and I have not yet begun to fight!

Keep praying and we'll pray right along with you. When

the fight is over you will be with your maker. I seem

to be getting my messages backwards again, because I'm

not following very well, or maybe it's just the brain

fog... :)

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Diane thankyou for your thoughts of me..Don't worry

> about me I am a fighter

> remember..Sometimes though I do feel like giving up

> the fight...Hell I'm

> 42..That's too damn old to fight anymore..I just

> want a little peace in my

> life..All I can do is pray it all works out..Still

> not getting my hopes up

> though..



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I am sure I responded to this question. Maybe it

didn't get through. According to my dr if in a

monogamous relationship have your so tested and

continue your sex life without changes. I am married,

but he suggested that if that should change and I

faced the possibility of new partners I should use a

condom. I think today, at least here in the US until

you are in a monogomous relationship it makes sense to

do so, just for your own protection. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Raf don't go..You can talk about anything

> here..Goodness knows we all do..You

> did not ask anything some us haven't already...Hep C

> is very rarely caught in

> sex...It is transmitted through the blood

> though...It is your choice if you

> want to use condoms or not...I'm sorry if I didn't

> answer you sooner about it

> but I felt or Dave or Dennis should...Hey by

> the way the weather is

> great here!! How bout where you are??? I have

> messenger...My SN is

> janetf76@... if you can me...Just keep

> checking when I am on

> which is almost always...



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I guess we are never really entirely in peace during

this life, although relatively it could get a lot

better! The peace I do find is in my relationship with

my higher power (who I call God), while the world

around me is in chaos, God and his love for us is

unchanging. I know we may have differing religious

views, but I think most of us accept the idea of a

higher power. Hang in there. I will continue to keep

you in my prayers. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Dave thankyou once again...It just feels good to

> know that I can talk about

> my problems..It does help to releive the stress..I

> just keep asking " WHERE'S

> THE PEACE? " ...I'm 42 yrs. old and have been looking

> for it all my life..I'm

> ready for some at this point in my life......



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I could be just a recognition on his part that

something is wrong. My first marriage had a serious

lack of communication, I think there was probably a

point in time when we could have saved our marriage,

but we let it get too far out of hand. I hope that

things haven't gotten to that point for you and you

can still reach some understanding. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I have messenger...My SN is

> janetf76...I'd enjoy talking with

> you or anyone else that would like to...I told my

> hubby that he was killing

> our marriage..I have learned one thing after being

> married twice before and

> that is when your spouse is accusing you of

> something it is they that are

> doing it...See I don't drink anymore and can't stand

> the smell of it so when

> he comes home after having a few I can smell it

> right away...What makes me

> mad is him trying to make me look stupid...



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Eat it up! Keep the self esteem at a nice high level,

you deserve it. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Dave sorry to tell you but I think it's the brain

> fog....Hell I've fought all

> my life and it seems the battle is just

> starting..Hell I'm tired..Hey wanna

> hear something funny?? The other day I went to meet

> my WONDERFUL (ha yeah

> right) husband at work for a few minutes and he gave

> me a quick kiss

> bye..Well one of the guys he works with said Mr.

> Floyd I don't want to seem

> out of place but that GIRL yu were kissing seems a

> little young for

> you..Needless to say Floyd replied " That girl was my

> wife you moran " ..Floyd

> is 48... I know I laughed..The poor guy couldn't

> have seen me up close that's

> for sure but hey I'm not going to push my luck and

> let him either... hahaha



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Well, we have little or no control over what happens

to us in our lives, what we can control is our

attitude about it and how we choose to deal with it.

It takes more strength than we think we have

sometimes, but we just have to dig a little deeper to

find it. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Dave I too find peace in him.....If it weren't for

> him I would not be here

> today with all I have put myself through not to

> mention what life has dealt

> me....They say life is what you make it..I think

> that if I had known this is

> how I would have made my life I would have changed

> the floor plan!!!



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At our church fellowship group, one of the couples

young girl (only about 3) thought my wife was my

mother. I didn't even let her find out about that! :)

But it made me feel young... -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Oh trust me I did after I stopped laughing..I could

> just picture my husband's

> face when that man called me a girl!!! LOL



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