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You're on! As far as putting up with crap, I dish it

out as well as I take it, so I expect I'm about even

on that score.. :) -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Dave I'll save ya a seat right next to me ok???

> He'll let ya in for beings

> freinds with me and putting up with all my

> crap....LOL



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dave thankyou....It has been real hard recently and I pray it does change to the good...I would go to the alanon meetings but I have no transportation...That makes it hard for many reasons..I know I have tried but one has only so much strength and patience..All mine has run out..I stay exhausted both mentally and physically...He is on the anxiety medicine Celexa..He had been out so that may have had something to do with it...All I know is I make sure he takes it on a regular basis now...Thanks for your thoughts and prayers...

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Dave thankyou once again...It just feels good to know that I can talk about my problems..It does help to releive the stress..I just keep asking "WHERE'S THE PEACE?"...I'm 42 yrs. old and have been looking for it all my life..I'm ready for some at this point in my life......

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I have messenger...My SN is janetf76...I'd enjoy talking with you or anyone else that would like to...I told my hubby that he was killing our marriage..I have learned one thing after being married twice before and that is when your spouse is accusing you of something it is they that are doing it...See I don't drink anymore and can't stand the smell of it so when he comes home after having a few I can smell it right away...What makes me mad is him trying to make me look stupid...

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Sorry to hear of your domestic problems. Did you ever

consider alanon? If you think your spouse may have a

substance abuse problem, you can get some good support

from alanon, with others experiencing similar

problems. At any rate it seems he's making an attempt

to change the pattern, so maybe things will improve.

Our spouses/so's are not untouched by the problems of

our disease/treatment, etc. I'm not saying that

drinking or " escaping " is an appropriate response, but

I will pray for you and your husband that you can work

things out. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> First I want to tell Raf this group is basically for

> our disease but we do

> sometimes share personal things that are going on in

> our lives..I had told

> all of you last week I was having bad martial

> problems...I don't know what my

> husband was going through or may still be but he was

> always critizing me..Now

> I am 5'9 and very slim build...He would call me fat

> and ugly and lots of

> horrible names..He was coming home drunk every night

> from work...and other

> ways as well..We would fight from 5:00 am till he

> would pass out at whatever

> time..Now anyone with Hec C knows rest is very

> important..I was getting maybe

> 2 hrs. a night..I finally told my husband I couldn't

> take it anymore and

> wouldn't..Al I would do was cry or sleep while he

> was gone I was so

> depressed...I would get on line as you well knew but

> I guess from my not

> joking on a daily basis you knew something was

> wrong..I finally told him I

> could not take it anymore...Either he quit or we

> would have to separate

> because my nerves were shot...Of course he would

> accuse me of having an

> affair and God knows I wasn't..How could I when my

> self esteem is so low..He

> took what pride...spirit...and fight I had in me

> out..I felt I was

> nothing...It has been 2 days and he seems back to

> his old self but God

> forgive me I can't get my hopes up...Just keep me in

> your prayers that I

> don't completely lose it...If my marriage works

> GREAT.If it don't well then

> it wasn't meant to be..All I ask of you is to pray I

> don't have a

> breakdown....sorry this is so long but I did tell

> you when I felt I could

> talk about this I would and now I did...Thankyou so

> much for listening..Oh

> another great way to lose weight is to have family

> problems similar to

> mine..I have lost almost 10 pounds in 1 1/2

> weeks...Not good huh??? Get in

> touch when you can ok???



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If you are interested, I'm sure there are many

websites with alanon user groups where you might get

some good information. Good luck, and I hope the

patience on both sides holds out. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Dave thankyou....It has been real hard recently and

> I pray it does change to

> the good...I would go to the alanon meetings but I

> have no

> transportation...That makes it hard for many

> reasons..I know I have tried but

> one has only so much strength and patience..All mine

> has run out..I stay

> exhausted both mentally and physically...He is on

> the anxiety medicine

> Celexa..He had been out so that may have had

> something to do with it...All I

> know is I make sure he takes it on a regular basis

> now...Thanks for your

> thoughts and prayers...



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Hi Jan

I was around yesterday. Just trying to take it easy and relax. I hope that you had a good weekend and are doing OK.

[ ] (no subject)

Ok I know it's Vetran's day after Day but where is everyone at?? I have to bring my kids home today.I always hate that because I miss them before they leave...I hope all is well with everyone today..Get in touch when yall can and know I love all of you for without you and your thoughts...words of wisdom...and prayers... I'd be no where...Thankyou from the bottom of my heart...

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Hi Jan

I just want to let you know that my prayers are with you. I was not a very good husband to my wife for a very long time. At least not until I realized just how much she really cared about and supported me. Even during the times that I was drinking on a daily basis. I pray that your husband might come to the same conclusion about you. I'm sure that if it hadn't been for my wife I would have been dead a long time ago.

Just remember that all of us in the group love and care for you very much. If you use any of the instant messenger services let me know. I'll be sure and add you to my list so we can talk. I don't know if we would ever be online at the same time though. I'm usually on in the early hours of the morning on the days that I have to work. On my days off I don't know what times I'm on for sure. I'm usually on and off of the computer when I can get it away from my wife.

[ ] (no subject)

First I want to tell Raf this group is basically for our disease but we do sometimes share personal things that are going on in our lives..I had told all of you last week I was having bad martial problems...I don't know what my husband was going through or may still be but he was always critizing me..Now I am 5'9 and very slim build...He would call me fat and ugly and lots of horrible names..He was coming home drunk every night from work...and other ways as well..We would fight from 5:00 am till he would pass out at whatever time..Now anyone with Hec C knows rest is very important..I was getting maybe 2 hrs. a night..I finally told my husband I couldn't take it anymore and wouldn't..Al I would do was cry or sleep while he was gone I was so depressed...I would get on line as you well knew but I guess from my not joking on a daily basis you knew something was wrong..I finally told him I could not take it anymore...Either he quit or we would have to separate because my nerves were shot...Of course he would accuse me of having an affair and God knows I wasn't..How could I when my self esteem is so low..He took what pride...spirit...and fight I had in me out..I felt I was nothing...It has been 2 days and he seems back to his old self but God forgive me I can't get my hopes up...Just keep me in your prayers that I don't completely lose it...If my marriage works GREAT.If it don't well then it wasn't meant to be..All I ask of you is to pray I don't have a breakdown....sorry this is so long but I did tell you when I felt I could talk about this I would and now I did...Thankyou so much for listening..Oh another great way to lose weight is to have family problems similar to mine..I have lost almost 10 pounds in 1 1/2 weeks...Not good huh??? Get in touch when you can ok???

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Well look who's back and full of sass today!!!!!! I missed you so much!!!!I'm trying not to but at times it is real hard..Oh trust me I do fight back!! He hates when I do that..He can be such an (i) as you know..Next time let me know when ya disappearing..I was worried about your short ass...

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Diane thankyou for your thoughts of me..Don't worry about me I am a fighter remember..Sometimes though I do feel like giving up the fight...Hell I'm 42..That's too damn old to fight anymore..I just want a little peace in my life..All I can do is pray it all works out..Still not getting my hopes up though..

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Raf don't go..You can talk about anything here..Goodness knows we all do..You did not ask anything some us haven't already...Hep C is very rarely caught in sex...It is transmitted through the blood though...It is your choice if you want to use condoms or not...I'm sorry if I didn't answer you sooner about it but I felt or Dave or Dennis should...Hey by the way the weather is great here!! How bout where you are??? I have messenger...My SN is janetf76@... if you can me...Just keep checking when I am on which is almost always...

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Now let me tell you something girl!!!!! You have the most beautiful

heart and soul inside and out..... I love you dearly, and don't you dare

let that MAN of yours or anyone for that matter, belittle you, or tell

you that you are fat and ugly..... His ass wanted you didn't it.... He

wanted you enough to marry you, and it hasn't been that long ago. You

are beautiful, and don't you forget it either....

I am sorry I didn't write sooner but I was away.... I didn't want to

stay here alone sick. DO YOU HERE ME YOU CAJUN WOMAN??????????? Don't

make me come there and put my 5'1 " 106 lb. self up on a chair to whack

some sense into you LOL...... Or maybe I'll just bite your leg...


I have been there Jan. I will never let another man treat me like

that.... If I don't have 100% of the respect that I deserve, than I

don't want any.... I learned quite a bit in the last 4months. I will

never let anyone put me down, or put me 2nd ever again. I know that I am

a good person, and any one in my life who doesn't think so, can just

move on, as I have done!!!!!

Raf. I think the personal questions would be better asked of a man!!!!

We support each other but we don't discuss our private lives..... If you

have more than one partner, then it would be of common sense to try to

protect an innocent person from the chance of being infected....

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If I come that far, we might as well keep on going and pick him up in

Ft. Lauderdale....... ;o I am about ready to go back....... I may stay

a while this time!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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I'll take my web tv with me this time!!!!!!! You can do that with the

web...... How's that??????

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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