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Re: Frustrated...

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Thank you Thank you Thank you. Lots of info on this web page. That will take

me a little while to study it and get back to you.

Thanks for these specific tips on what to do.

I would like to know what you use for food preparation

Bread maker ?

blender ?- non seeping (I have an old 3600 Vita mix) I dont know if it seeps

metal or not.

Juicer ?

knives ? ( I have one ceramic - I am looking for good s steel)

Plates ?

silverware ?

pans ?

I cant find references to good products by name...

Thank you so much for sharing this info. I will study it.

Best regards,



> Link for dentist not working. Does anyone know if the dentist has another?


> Re: Re: Frustrated...




> Hi there. Here's some information for you.


> If interested, here is one of Dr 's best known Syncrometer testers.

> _http://www.ctsoriginals.com/_ (http://www.ctsoriginals.com/)


> here is the dentist that worked with Dr. in Mexico. He did the

> surgical clean ups for her clients. Contact Dr. Solario with questions.

> _www.drsolario.com_ (http://www.drsolario.com)




> In our family, we've successfully used Hulda's " 21-day late stage cancer

> cleanse " from " The Cure for ALL Advanced Cancers " , pg 179. This is for ALL

> cancers, as Dr states. It is very detailed, but has worked for us

> several times.


> At the very least, get back on your parasite herbs and stay on them!.

> (When dealing with illness, we stay on the maintenance dose, but twice weekly,

> rather then once weekly.)

> _http://www.frequencyrising.com/bodycleanses.htm_

> (http://www.frequencyrising.com/bodycleanses.htm)



> We also use a " rife machine " for cancer in our family. This is a

> non-invasive, powerful kind of zapping. (different than Hulda's) We know 2


> with brain tumors that have used rifing to eliminate them. (using no clark

> products) You can zap your body, head, and tumors directly and safely.

> _http://www.frequencyrising.com/royalrife.htm_

> (http://www.frequencyrising.com/royalrife.htm)



> If you already have a zapper (that you know is configured properly),

> you may consider getting one of Arthur's Super Zappicators. This " body

> plate " device allows your zapper signal to penetrate 8-10 inches into the

> body. No zapper alone can do this! Zappers only zap your blood. That has

> always been one drawback of the zapper. Now - you can zap your body's tissue,

> organs, brain, and tumors. This device also makes it very easy to

> complete a full " mouth zapping " without using the wands. This will help with


> dental issues. And you can zap your food!

> _http://www.frequencyrising.com/super-zapper.htm_




> Magnets are another great way to heal. Specifically, the NEGATIVE (north)

> side of a magnet offers freakish healing properties. Dr Phiplott has used

> magnet to cure cancer for years. There are many benefits magnets provide.

> Place the magnets directly on tumor areas, the liver, painful areas and

> more. (Dr also uses magnets)

> _http://www.frequencyrising.com/magnettherapy.htm_




> For water, if you are limited on funds, AT LEAST get an ozonator. This

> options will give you not only CLEAN water, but you also get the benefit of

> ozone therapy to help radically detox.

> _http://www.frequencyrising.com/ozone.htm_




> Consider VERY HIGH doses of Glutathione and B2. Dr. 's 21-day late

> stage cleanse uses these to really attack and break apart tumors. As many

> as 40 500mg caps in a day! (only for a very short time) Read all you can

> about glutathione. _http://www.frequencyrising.com/glutathione.htm_

> (http://www.frequencyrising.com/glutathione.htm)




> To see all the products we use when dealing with cancer, see this page.

> All of these product have their own value and work in different ways. The

> more you can add to your protocol, the more synergy exists.

> _http://www.frequencyrising.com/alternativecancertreatment.htm_

> (http://www.frequencyrising.com/alternativecancertreatment.htm)



> Hope this helps. Best wishes. Hang in there!


> chad



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Guest guest

I have the book Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle by

I tried to order it but no one will ship it to me here in Europe. Too dangerous

to ship...

I need to find a european reference, maybe in Germany. France is against

alternative medicine and very very pro allopathy. (The french take more

prescription drugs per person than anywhere else in the world ).

Still searching...

Thanks much for the reminder.





> Goggle food grade hydrogen peroxide and brain tumors. Tumors and many other

things cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.


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Guest guest

Here you go




Re: Frustrated...

I have the book Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle by

I tried to order it but no one will ship it to me here in Europe. Too

dangerous to ship...

I need to find a european reference, maybe in Germany. France is against

alternative medicine and very very pro allopathy. (The french take more

prescription drugs per person than anywhere else in the world ).

Still searching...

Thanks much for the reminder.





> Goggle food grade hydrogen peroxide and brain tumors. Tumors and many other

things cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.


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I got my food grade H202 from ebay. If you email them perhaps they could help .

It is info@... dee

On 24 Mar 2010, at 13:01, Madison wrote:


> I have the book Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle by


> I tried to order it but no one will ship it to me here in Europe. Too

dangerous to ship...


> I need to find a european reference, maybe in Germany. France is against

alternative medicine and very very pro allopathy. (The french take more

prescription drugs per person than anywhere else in the world ).


> Still searching...


> Thanks much for the reminder.


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Guest guest

Take a look at our SuperZappicator page here:

www.BestZapper.com/super_zapper.html It has almost everything Hulda wrote on

zappicators, which I find a LOT easier and simpler to use than ozone generation

and super-freezing and plate zapping. It also is easy and helpful to use on the

body directly to reach areas like the bowel contents and teeth.

God bless you!





On Mar 24, 2010, at 5:25 AM, Madison wrote:

> Thank you so much for the reference. I know about the Dr clark store. In fact,

it was this organisation that recommended Dr. Kubler as a dentist. That is one

reason why I wrote to warn everyone so that people don't waste their precious

time and money.


> I need to know about which blender to buy, which breadmaker ? which metal pans

? which silverware ? or which plates ? Right now I am using everything le

Creuset that I can find and lexan plasticware but I need to cook and to eat and

it is very frustrating to not know and to be all alone with no one who even

understands what I am talking about. My husband is starting to read a little bit

of Hulda 's books but he cannot advise me or help me to advance...


> I buy Kosher meat and I am using ceramic knives and Le Creuset cookware. I

ozone my vegetables, but I have not been able to find a sonicator - one gallon -

no touching the bottom - 5 min timer - no special fluids etc. If I buy a UV

wand, how do I know the distance and time frame to use without syncrometer

testing ?


> I don't have a guide on how to clean and sanitize food. Dr gives some

directions but no one seems to have put it all together like a guide. Like

freeze your meat, but not your mik. Defrost and sonicate meat before eating.

ozone the milk. Do you understand what I am saying? We need guide that goes by

basic necessities like eating first. :)


> Are halogen ovens good ?


> For the dentist is Flexite still considered a good material. I have a metal

partial so I am basically not going outside much because of embarrassement, but

I need to keep metals out of my body and out of my head. So I need the basics

that touch my social life so I can continue to fonction and not a prisoner of my



> ¨Please forgive me if I talk too much, I have been in isolation by this

medical situation. In France, it is considered a crime to not help someone in

danger so there is a bit of fear of people forcing me to use standard allopathic

methods here so I am not free to really talk about these things too openly.


> Well, thanks so much for your efforts

> Francine. I do very much appreciate it.



> >

> > >

> >

> > > Hello,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I am searching much needed information and I am a bit frustrated as I

search all the old posts. (I have a brain tumor that I had addressed 20 ago and

shrunk to half its size with natural healing methods but recently it has began

to grow.) I am trying to implement all of Hulda 's protocols. I know I am

sulphur allergic and I had a lot of metal in my mouth, but now I have no metal

teeth or root canals. However by taking a photocopy of my photos and photocopy

of the photocopy over and over again, the light patterns on my face show two

obvious 'vampire like' traces of darkness which I am sure is infection regularly

draining from parasited dry pockets. I have not completed the dental cleanup.

Recently I wasted much time and money in Germany with a recommended dentist, Dr.

Kûbler, Waldshut, Germany, who was highly touted but did not do the Hulda

Cleanup at all. He called what he did " the Hulda Dental Cleanup

Perfectionned " but there

> > was no syncrometer testing allowed, nor geiger muller testing allowed, no

gum cutting, no tattoo searching... he even used isopropyl alchol and his office

is very close to a major nuclear power plant - so much for radiation free water.

He even repaired a tooth the first visit, no testing for radiation in fact, I am

pretty sure he added radiation to my toxic load...because he explained..well,

" everything has some radiation " So I hope to warn others not to waste your time,

he simply does NOT do the Hulda Cleanup even though he did do this work in

the past. He seems pretty invested in implants, and that means for the moment, a

high probability of radiation.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I have had low grade infections on my blood tests, that doctors could not

find the source, for over 20 years. I need to find a real Hulda dentist to

help me complete my dental cleanup.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > So, I am in good water area, but I need a filter that I can afford.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I am wondering if people in this forum take into consideration the 2007

book of Hulda , I seem to see many quotes from books before this book,

which was an eye opener on radiation.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I recently moved from bad bleach water area to NSF bleach water region and

now I need to start making my own bread. I have not yet finished building my

syncrometer and I am not yet trained so I cannot test myself. I have paid many

syncrometer testers to get the double assurance of moving into a good water

area. Now I am looking for a good breadmachine, a good blender, which pans to

buy, here in Europe. I am in France close to Germany.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I had so hoped that people would do what HC suggested in putting the

results of their syncrometer testing online. I can't find this. And I have so

many needs and very little resources as I have been disabled about 30 years so

my resources have been tapped by illness and now I need to be able to surmount

this new challenge.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > When I search on this site, I see a few entries from 2007 and 2008.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In summary, I am just trying to get started with the basics as my tumor is

growing and I need to react quickly and I need support.

> >

> > > H E L P !!!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > All constructive comments are profoundly appreciated.

> >

> > > m

> >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

You gotta see http://www.purity.com

or http://www.store.com

> Thank you so much for the reference. I know about the Dr clark store. In fact,

it was this organisation that recommended Dr. Kubler as a dentist. That is one

reason why I wrote to warn everyone so that people don't waste their precious

time and money.


> I need to know about which blender to buy, which breadmaker ? which metal pans

? which silverware ? or which plates ? Right now I am using everything le

Creuset that I can find and lexan plasticware but I need to cook and to eat and

it is very frustrating to not know and to be all alone with no one who even

understands what I am talking about. My husband is starting to read a little bit

of Hulda 's books but he cannot advise me or help me to advance...


> I buy Kosher meat and I am using ceramic knives and Le Creuset cookware. I

ozone my vegetables, but I have not been able to find a sonicator - one gallon -

no touching the bottom - 5 min timer - no special fluids etc. If I buy a UV

wand, how do I know the distance and time frame to use without syncrometer

testing ?


> I don't have a guide on how to clean and sanitize food. Dr gives some

directions but no one seems to have put it all together like a guide. Like

freeze your meat, but not your mik. Defrost and sonicate meat before eating.

ozone the milk. Do you understand what I am saying? We need guide that goes by

basic necessities like eating first. :)


> Are halogen ovens good ?


> For the dentist is Flexite still considered a good material. I have a metal

partial so I am basically not going outside much because of embarrassement, but

I need to keep metals out of my body and out of my head. So I need the basics

that touch my social life so I can continue to fonction and not a prisoner of my



> ¨Please forgive me if I talk too much, I have been in isolation by this

medical situation. In France, it is considered a crime to not help someone in

danger so there is a bit of fear of people forcing me to use standard allopathic

methods here so I am not free to really talk about these things too openly.


> Well, thanks so much for your efforts

> Francine. I do very much appreciate it.



> >

> > >

> >

> > > Hello,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I am searching much needed information and I am a bit frustrated as I

search all the old posts. (I have a brain tumor that I had addressed 20 ago and

shrunk to half its size with natural healing methods but recently it has began

to grow.) I am trying to implement all of Hulda 's protocols. I know I am

sulphur allergic and I had a lot of metal in my mouth, but now I have no metal

teeth or root canals. However by taking a photocopy of my photos and photocopy

of the photocopy over and over again, the light patterns on my face show two

obvious 'vampire like' traces of darkness which I am sure is infection regularly

draining from parasited dry pockets. I have not completed the dental cleanup.

Recently I wasted much time and money in Germany with a recommended dentist, Dr.

Kûbler, Waldshut, Germany, who was highly touted but did not do the Hulda

Cleanup at all. He called what he did " the Hulda Dental Cleanup

Perfectionned " but there

> > was no syncrometer testing allowed, nor geiger muller testing allowed, no

gum cutting, no tattoo searching... he even used isopropyl alchol and his office

is very close to a major nuclear power plant - so much for radiation free water.

He even repaired a tooth the first visit, no testing for radiation in fact, I am

pretty sure he added radiation to my toxic load...because he explained..well,

" everything has some radiation " So I hope to warn others not to waste your time,

he simply does NOT do the Hulda Cleanup even though he did do this work in

the past. He seems pretty invested in implants, and that means for the moment, a

high probability of radiation.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I have had low grade infections on my blood tests, that doctors could not

find the source, for over 20 years. I need to find a real Hulda dentist to

help me complete my dental cleanup.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > So, I am in good water area, but I need a filter that I can afford.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I am wondering if people in this forum take into consideration the 2007

book of Hulda , I seem to see many quotes from books before this book,

which was an eye opener on radiation.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I recently moved from bad bleach water area to NSF bleach water region and

now I need to start making my own bread. I have not yet finished building my

syncrometer and I am not yet trained so I cannot test myself. I have paid many

syncrometer testers to get the double assurance of moving into a good water

area. Now I am looking for a good breadmachine, a good blender, which pans to

buy, here in Europe. I am in France close to Germany.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I had so hoped that people would do what HC suggested in putting the

results of their syncrometer testing online. I can't find this.  And I have so

many needs and very little resources as I have been disabled about 30 years so

my resources have been tapped by illness and now I need to be able to surmount

this new challenge.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > When I search on this site, I see a few entries from 2007 and 2008.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In summary, I am just trying to get started with the basics as my tumor is

growing and I need to react quickly and I need support.

> >

> > > H E L P !!!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > All constructive comments are profoundly appreciated.

> >

> > > m

> >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

You gotta see http://www.purity.com

or http://www.store.com


From: ce <checksum2@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Frustrated...


Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010, 1:06 PM


Here you go

http://www.bookdepo sitory.co. uk/book/97899626 36250/Hydrogen- Peroxide-

--Medical- Miracle


Re: Frustrated.. .

I have the book Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle by

I tried to order it but no one will ship it to me here in Europe. Too dangerous

to ship...

I need to find a european reference, maybe in Germany. France is against

alternative medicine and very very pro allopathy. (The french take more

prescription drugs per person than anywhere else in the world ).

Still searching...

Thanks much for the reminder.





> Goggle food grade hydrogen peroxide and brain tumors. Tumors and many other

things cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.


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Guest guest

You gotta see http://www.purity.com

or http://www.store.co-Francine

From: Madison <madisonmb@...>

Subject: Re: Frustrated...


Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 12:57 PM


Thank you Thank you Thank you. Lots of info on this web page. That will take

me a little while to study it and get back to you.

Thanks for these specific tips on what to do.

I would like to know what you use for food preparation

Bread maker ?

blender ?- non seeping (I have an old 3600 Vita mix) I dont know if it seeps

metal or not.

Juicer ?

knives ? ( I have one ceramic - I am looking for good s steel)

Plates ?

silverware ?

pans ?

I cant find references to good products by name...

Thank you so much for sharing this info. I will study it.

Best regards,



> Link for dentist not working. Does anyone know if the dentist has another?


> Re: Re: Frustrated.. .




> Hi there. Here's some information for you.


> If interested, here is one of Dr 's best known Syncrometer testers.

> _http://www.ctsorigi nals.com/ _ (http://www.ctsorigi nals.com/)


> here is the dentist that worked with Dr. in Mexico. He did the

> surgical clean ups for her clients. Contact Dr. Solario with questions.

> _www.drsolario. com_ (http://www.drsolari o.com)




> In our family, we've successfully used Hulda's " 21-day late stage cancer

> cleanse " from " The Cure for ALL Advanced Cancers " , pg 179. This is for ALL

> cancers, as Dr states. It is very detailed, but has worked for us

> several times.


> At the very least, get back on your parasite herbs and stay on them!.

> (When dealing with illness, we stay on the maintenance dose, but twice weekly,

> rather then once weekly.)

> _http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ bodycleanses. htm_

> (http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ bodycleanses. htm)



> We also use a " rife machine " for cancer in our family. This is a

> non-invasive, powerful kind of zapping. (different than Hulda's) We know 2


> with brain tumors that have used rifing to eliminate them. (using no clark

> products) You can zap your body, head, and tumors directly and safely.

> _http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ royalrife. htm_

> (http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ royalrife. htm)



> If you already have a zapper (that you know is configured properly),

> you may consider getting one of Arthur's Super Zappicators. This " body

> plate " device allows your zapper signal to penetrate 8-10 inches into the

> body. No zapper alone can do this! Zappers only zap your blood. That has

> always been one drawback of the zapper. Now - you can zap your body's tissue,

> organs, brain, and tumors. This device also makes it very easy to

> complete a full " mouth zapping " without using the wands. This will help with


> dental issues. And you can zap your food!

> _http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ super-zapper. htm_ (http://www.frequenc

yrising.com/ super-zapper. htm)



> Magnets are another great way to heal. Specifically, the NEGATIVE (north)

> side of a magnet offers freakish healing properties. Dr Phiplott has used

> magnet to cure cancer for years. There are many benefits magnets provide.

> Place the magnets directly on tumor areas, the liver, painful areas and

> more. (Dr also uses magnets)

> _http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ magnettherapy. htm_ (http://www.frequenc

yrising.com/ magnettherapy. htm)



> For water, if you are limited on funds, AT LEAST get an ozonator. This

> options will give you not only CLEAN water, but you also get the benefit of

> ozone therapy to help radically detox.

> _http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ ozone.htm_ (http://www.frequenc yrising.com/




> Consider VERY HIGH doses of Glutathione and B2. Dr. 's 21-day late

> stage cleanse uses these to really attack and break apart tumors. As many

> as 40 500mg caps in a day! (only for a very short time) Read all you can

> about glutathione. _http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ glutathione. htm_

> (http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ glutathione. htm)




> To see all the products we use when dealing with cancer, see this page.

> All of these product have their own value and work in different ways. The

> more you can add to your protocol, the more synergy exists.

> _http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ alternativecance rtreatment. htm_

> (http://www.frequenc yrising.com/ alternativecance rtreatment. htm)



> Hope this helps. Best wishes. Hang in there!


> chad



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  • 5 months later...

She recommends J. Jerome, DDS. Read his book Tooth Truth. The book tells

how the dentistry should be done safely. http://dentistry-toothtruth.com/


> Hello,


> I am searching much needed information and I am a bit frustrated as I search

all the old posts. (I have a brain tumor that I had addressed 20 ago and shrunk

to half its size with natural healing methods but recently it has began to

grow.) I am trying to implement all of Hulda 's protocols. I know I am

sulphur allergic and I had a lot of metal in my mouth, but now I have no metal

teeth or root canals. However by taking a photocopy of my photos and photocopy

of the photocopy over and over again, the light patterns on my face show two

obvious 'vampire like' traces of darkness which I am sure is infection regularly

draining from parasited dry pockets. I have not completed the dental cleanup.

Recently I wasted much time and money in Germany with a recommended dentist, Dr.

Kûbler, Waldshut, Germany, who was highly touted but did not do the Hulda

Cleanup at all. He called what he did " the Hulda Dental Cleanup

Perfectionned " but there was no syncrometer testing allowed, nor geiger muller

testing allowed, no gum cutting, no tattoo searching...he even used isopropyl

alchol and his office is very close to a major nuclear power plant - so much for

radiation free water. He even repaired a tooth the first visit, no testing for

radiation in fact, I am pretty sure he added radiation to my toxic

load...because he explained..well, " everything has some radiation " So I hope to

warn others not to waste your time, he simply does NOT do the Hulda

Cleanup even though he did do this work in the past. He seems pretty invested in

implants, and that means for the moment, a high probability of radiation.


> I have had low grade infections on my blood tests, that doctors could not find

the source, for over 20 years. I need to find a real Hulda dentist to help

me complete my dental cleanup.


> So, I am in good water area, but I need a filter that I can afford.


> I am wondering if people in this forum take into consideration the 2007 book

of Hulda , I seem to see many quotes from books before this book, which was

an eye opener on radiation.


> I recently moved from bad bleach water area to NSF bleach water region and now

I need to start making my own bread. I have not yet finished building my

syncrometer and I am not yet trained so I cannot test myself. I have paid many

syncrometer testers to get the double assurance of moving into a good water

area. Now I am looking for a good breadmachine, a good blender, which pans to

buy, here in Europe. I am in France close to Germany.


> I had so hoped that people would do what HC suggested in putting the results

of their syncrometer testing online. I can't find this. And I have so many

needs and very little resources as I have been disabled about 30 years so my

resources have been tapped by illness and now I need to be able to surmount this

new challenge.


> When I search on this site, I see a few entries from 2007 and 2008.


> In summary, I am just trying to get started with the basics as my tumor is

growing and I need to react quickly and I need support.

> H E L P !!!


> All constructive comments are profoundly appreciated.

> m


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Dean

It is almost one year later. I have not made the progress I would like to have

made but I thought that this information would be of interest to you. I have

done several syncrometer testings with the same two testers. Heike Seimes

Glatzel/SanaVital and CTS Originals. The results are not always the same. In

general they seem close but usually Heike Seimes Glatzel finds things that CTS

Originals does not. The reason for this difference could be the United States

security system because I am in France and I mail the tests to the US whereas I

go to Germany to mail the items for testing within German territory so no border

xrays or security interference is possible. If you hear of anything that is

refining the syncrometer testing world I would be interested in knowing about


best regards,



> > I recently moved from bad bleach water area to NSF bleach water region and

now I need to start making my own bread. I have not yet finished building my

syncrometer and I am not yet trained so I cannot test myself. I have paid many

syncrometer testers to get the double assurance of moving into a good water



> Hi,

> Well done on all the efforts you are making.

> I wonder if you could share the contact details of the syncrometer testers you


> Were the results reproducible with all the testers you used?

> Thank you,

> Dean



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Re: frustrated...

Breathe, !

A couple (very) quick thoughts--on my way out the door...

First, my Wii's scale is grossly inaccurate for any weight over 190-ish. It seems accurate in that I can step on it, get my weight, and do it again 5 minutes later and it'll say the same, but the next day I might be +/-5lbs. Getting a separate scale was one of the better things I've done. I got mine off Amazon and because it's rated to weigh up to 400+ lbs, it's accurate for higher weights.

Second, even if the scale is 100% accurate, I would bet that the flu and your period could make the scale jump 7lbs pretty easily. Hang in there--you are still down 13 pounds and that's fantastic! It may not be as quickly as you'd like (for me it NEVER is!), but it's still 13 pounds!!! :)

I had tons more thoughts, but I don't have time--out the door to a science class. Chin up because you are still doing GREAT!!!




> > OMG... FRUSTRATION... Watching what I eat for weeks. The numbers on paper say I should be way down. Jan 1 was 271... Friday night I was 249.5 on the Wii board... I thought WOW good 20 lbs... Not bad. Mind you the virus that week so I know I lost alot of body fluids. Drank lots of water... Ate out sunday but didnt go way overboard... Today scale said 257. WTF... OK breathe. My thought is if I was having my period maybe it would be now... That could account for such an increase so fast. I cant lose faith now. Last night I was sitting there tummy was growling very late. So I had some peanuts. NOT A GOOD idea. So peanuts off my list of good choices. Ok thanks for letting me vent. > > ALSO I did call my dr to get my blood work going for next month. I asked her to do everything under the sun in hopes maybe something would show up... > > NH



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