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Arthur Doerksen, How I was Healed of Cancer - Twice!

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How I was Healed of Cancer - Twice!

By Arthur Doerksen


My name is Arthur Doerksen, president of A.D.Comtronics & Engineering

in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. I am not a medical practitioner, and

do not prescribe or treat. I am simply sharing my story and opinions to

encourage others to consider alternative approaches and to take

responsibility for their own health. I am a naturally skeptical electronic

engineer who has had cancer twice (malignant melanoma, October/87, and

breast tumor April/94), and has very successfully used Dr. 's low dose

herbal approach to get rid of the breast tumor - in just three months. I

now use the Auto-Zap zapper every other day to remain parasite-free.

My mother's family history was rife with cancer: she had five different

types of cancer on five different occasions. Before she was married she

lost her right leg to sarcoma in the knee. Her mother and most of her

siblings died early of cancer. On the other side, my father's father was

the first recorded victim of pancreatic cancer in the province of Manitoba.

I thought I definitely had the " cancer genes " or predisposition to this

dread disease.

My first cancer developed from a mole on my left shoulder. It had been a

bit red, but not alarmingly so. I had had many moles taken off before, just

to be safe, but none had tested malignant. When I bumped this one on a

machine I was fixing, it bled profusely. I went straight to the doctor to

have it excised. He took it off routinely, but found it was a very

aggressive malignant melanoma, 's level 3. I went to a surgeon who

recommended a five-inch circular full depth excision and dissection of the

lymph nodes under my left arm, followed by radiation and chemo. When I

rejected his " cut, burn and poison, " he put enormous pressure on my wife,

Lyn, to persuade me.

We instead contacted the Cancer Control Society, and began intensive

research on alternative cancer therapies. Though I had been well versed in

medical technology and pharmacology, a cursory survey of the efficacy of

conventional treatments showed that " modern medical science " was losing the

war on cancer at an alarming rate (see the details: click here).

Alternatives were needed, and we chose to build up my immune system rather

than let the surgeon have it.

We committed my health into God's hands in prayer, and I began taking ten

grams of Vitamin C a day (as sodium ascorbate, recommended by Linus

ing). Lyn moved us to a diet of foods " as close as possible to the hand

of God " , free of sugar, processing and preservatives. We also tried herbal

teas (Essiac and taheebo) and anti-oxidants: vitamins A (beta carotene), E,

selenium and zinc. At Christmas, 1989, I had an excision about two inches

in diameter at the original site to clear up some things Lyn did not like.

The pathology showed melanoma, but the margins were clear. Nothing came

back after that.

I first noticed the tumor in my left breast in April 1994 when I felt a

sharp pain when I got a hug. I assumed it was a bruise, but it did not go

away. My wife Lyn checked it and found a small lump directly behind the

nipple. It grew in size and discomfort for seven months till it was about

1.25 inches across and 0.25 inches thick, and was starting to head toward

my armpit. I was still taking eight grams of vitamin C daily with the other

anti-oxidants. Then in November 1994, we got Dr. Hulda Regehr 's first

book, The Cure for All Cancers. In the book she gives her theory that

cancer is caused by a common parasite, the human intestinal fluke

(fasciolopsis buskii), " catalyzed " by isopropyl alcohol accumulated in the


On November 23, 1994, I began the herbal parasite program, and Lyn went

through the house clearing out all isopropyl-tainted soaps, shampoos,

foods, body products, cleaners and other solvents. She put four cardboard

boxes of the stuff outside under our deck. After five days on the parasite

herbs I noticed that the pain reduced greatly (Dr. says the parasites

die on the fifth day with the herbs), and after two weeks Lyn could feel a

noticeable decrease in size of the tumor. After three months the tumor was


On February 22, 1995 Lyn and I spent two full hours with Dr. (then at

the Manner Clinic in Tijuana) to be tested and learn all we could so that

we could help others in Canada. I tested free of malignancy, but had high

mercury levels from tooth fillings (Lyn and I have since had all the metal

removed from our mouths and replaced with a composite called Helio-Molar

from IvoClar). Dr. told us (correctly) that we had a gas leak in our

home 1600 miles away, because we had high vanadium levels in our bodies.

She found that in about two seconds: do you know any other test that fast,

sensitive and cheap? A friend that she tested with us was told that she had

Freon from a leaking fridge (right again!).

Lyn and I have met Dr. several times, and can assure you that she is

a very careful scientist who insists on controlled, repeatable testing and

keeps good records. For twenty years she did government-funded research in

human physiology at the University of Indiana, Bloomington. She got into

natural methods after her life was saved by a natural antiviral potion that

killed herpes simplex that had reached her eyes and brain (see The Story of

L-G, page 411 in The Cure for HIV and AIDS). The orthodox medical experts

had just said, " Sorry - it's a virus. "

Hulda Regehr , Ph.D., N.D., is also a humble and teachable

lady-compare that with your average oncologist! If she does not know

something she will say so, and add with a twinkle, " Why don't you find

out? " Dr. did not publish until she had 100 theoretically cured cases

in December 1993. She has over a thousand from her own practice now, and

many more around the world through her books. All her " secrets " are

published: she wants you to " do it yourself " . You can contact her through

the Self Health Resource Center at the address in the back of the books, or

by phone at 619-409-9500 [619-409-9501 fax]: please be patient, as she gets

a ton of mail and calls.

I believe that Hulda 's greatest contribution has been the linking of

parasites with environmental toxins as co-factors in the genesis of cancer

and many other diseases. And this link was discovered by good detective

work, using the Dermatron and her simple " Syncrometer " tester. Her

development of the zapper is also a major contribution to the war on


If you have read this far and it sounds too good to be true, please read

one of her books before you blast Dr. , her methods, or her results.

You will be pleasantly surprised if you follow her advice. And her methods

embody the Hippocratic principle: at least do no harm. Compare that with

the " cut, burn and poison " of the other guys.


Lyn and I have found a wonderful way to rebuild & maintain optimum health.

Check out the Hallelujah Diet by Malkmus (http://hacres.com). It

fits well with Dr. 's parasite approach, and can speed healing from

all kinds of conditions. Do try it! By the way, the AIM BarleyGreen™ alone

has perked us up beyond belief. Call us toll-free at 1-888-533-7007 to find

out how to order BarleyGreen™. Call or e-mail us if you have questions, and

do let us know your results. We are in this great adventure together!

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