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Hi sherry,

I grew up around DC with a fair bit of time in the

Carolinas, where my folks live now. I don't have much

of an accent speaking anymore (until I've been home

for a few days, or had a couple of drinks) after

living on the west coast for 20 years, but I know it

comes out when I write.

Baton Rouge has probably changed a great deal since

the one and only time I was there, in 1985, but I

remember it being a pretty nice stop on a drive from

Shreveport to Philadelphia that started late in the

day on spring break in college.

Nice to meet you.

--- " S. Zorzi " <szorzi_1999@...> wrote:

> Welcome, Jaye! Where are " y'all " originally from?

> (I'm in Baton

> Rouge.) <grin> Glad to welcome someone who speaks

> my language.


> regards,

> sherry



> >

> > Hi folks,

> >

> > I thought I should introduce myself to this group.

> My

> > name is Jaye, and I am 42. I live in Bellevue,

> WA.









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Hi, Your story so similar to me yes I had a dream and help went down hill from

there now Im on disability and taking methotrexate and hydromorphine not much

they can do except try to live with it. Well, Im in British Colombia and its

very nice here and moutains are very nice Ive just moved here three years ago

and still learining about the place. Im sorry that you had to stop your plan

but I know how PA can change ones life and trying to find a way to live with it

Keep a possitive out look and I will keep you in my prayers.

take care t

[ ] Intro

Hi folks,

I thought I should introduce myself to this group. My

name is Jaye, and I am 42. I live in Bellevue, WA.

I was first diagnosed with Palmar Plantar Pustular

Psoriasis in September, 2004, while living in the SF

Bay Area with my husband on our boat. My hands and

feet were so painful that I could barely walk, or use

my hands. I tried topicals, which did next to

nothing, and finally ended up on 50mg of Soriatane a

day, which actually worked pretty well for my hands

and feet.

In the spring of 2005, my husband and I quit our jobs

to realize a long held dream of spending a season

cruising on our boat in Washington and British

Columbia. About half way through our cruise, my knee

started to swell alarmingly, and HURT. I knew what it

probably was, but I wasn't giving up on our trip, so I

started buying aspirin by the half gallon and gritted

my teeth through the end of our trip. Cruising is

fairly physical, so it probably wasn't the greatest

thing to do, but it was something I really wanted. By

the time we got back to Anacortes, where we had a slip

for the boat and hoped to work and live, I could

barely walk. I had symptoms in my knee, both thumbs,

both hips and shoulders and in my neck.

I had no job at this point, but I had COBRA, so I set

about finding a rheumatologist. No easy job in a

small town. Finally found one who could take me, an

80 minute drive away. She put me on Feldene,

Sulfasalazine and gave me cortisone shots, which

worked for a while.

In the meantime, my husband and I both found work in

the Seattle area, so we resigned ourselves to moving

off the boat and renting an apartment. When my new

insurance from my job kicked in, I started Enbrel.

All this time, I had been trying to get off Soriatane,

since it was making my hair fall out and had other

annoying side effects. Enbrel worked great for my

joints, but didn't do jack for my skin. Found a

dermatologist down here, who prescribed Tazorac and

Clobex spray. Still no go.

This dermatologist referred me to a closer

rheumatologist, who I saw last week. She wants me to

start Remicade and MTX at a very low dose. I'll

decide this week if I'm going to try it. MTX scares

me, and there's no way that I'm going to cut drinking

out of my life entirely -- I've given up enough from

this -- running, wearing nice shoes, walking

everywhere, being an active co-captain on our boat --

but she's quite adamant that I should take 7.5

mgs/week, and just says she'll monitor my liver.

It's amazing, and quite depressing, frankly, to have

gone from a healthy, active 40 year old to a rather

disabled 42 year old. I imagine you all have similar


This looks like an interesting -- glad y'all are here.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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Thanks for the rec. I may check his office out. I

picked up the MTX prescription Monday, but haven't

taken any. I may lobby for just staying on

Sulfasalazine, which has worked reasonably well for me

with very few side effects.

-- Jaye

--- rachelviognier@... wrote:


> In a message dated 6/27/2006 3:46:52 A.M. Pacific

> Daylight Time,

> jayesails@... writes:


> She wants me to

> start Remicade and MTX at a very low dose. I'll

> decide this week if I'm going to try it. MTX scares

> me, and there's no way that I'm going to cut

> drinking

> out of my life entirely -- I've given up enough

> from

> this -- running, wearing nice shoes, walking

> everywhere, being an active co-captain on our boat

> --

> but she's quite adamant that I should take 7.5

> mgs/week, and just says she'll monitor my liver




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Hi Jaye,

I hate to " butting in " but.....

I was slightly apprehensive about taking MTX too.

I changed my mind. I realized with the help of my Rheumy that by

taking only NSAIDS like your sulfazine, I was merely treating

symptoms and not getting to the cause of my PA. DMARDs like MTX

actually treat the cause of the disease. So while you may be easing

your pain with Sulfazine, the reason you have pain will not diminish.

In fact it could continue and increase.

I've been taking MTX orally for over 4 years. I have ZERO side

effects and went from barely walking to 98% normal. I've had a flare

or two, but they are usually short-lived. I started on 10mg per week

and just 3 months ago increased to 12.5mg. I was starting to have

some sausage digits that weren't going away. But, I'm fine now.

YES, you need to be committed to giving up alcohol, but as I've

mentioned in other posts, I do have a glass of wine now and then.

But, I limit it to one, and really it's rare that I have 2 glasses in

a month.

I know it's tough to try and figure the best choice, but I thought

rather the just keep medicating the symptom, I'd medicated the cause.

Stay Well,

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In a message dated 6/29/2006 1:02:40 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

david@... writes:

help of my Rheumy that by

taking only NSAIDS like your sulfazine, I was merely treating

symptoms and not getting to the cause of my PA. DMARDs like MTX

actually treat the cause of the disease.

Sulfasalazine is not an NSAID, it is a DMARD. It isn't effective for all,

but is for some. For a good classification of all of the meds, the Arthritis

Foundation magazine (Arthritis Today, comes with your membership to the

Foundation) publishes a very thorough guide once a year. I didn't save the


one or I would send you a copy. MTX is prescribed much more frequently, and

their have been clinical trials that represent the efficacy of MTX + each of

the biologics, which is why most rheumies recommend it.

Obviously, MTX is a personal decision to be made with your doctor...but if

someone doesn't want or can't deal with the side effects of MTX, there is no

reason not to start with sulfasalazine along with a biologic...you can always

change to MTX if the sulfasalazine doesn't work.

I am proof that the combination of sulfasalazine and Remicade can work:-)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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In a message dated 27/06/2006 11:46:30 GMT Daylight Time, jayesails@...


I thought I should introduce myself to this group. My

name is Jaye, and I am 42. I live in Bellevue, WA.

Hi Jaye,

............and welcome to the group. It's great that you didn't let all the

pain you were going through stop you from doing the things you wanted to do.

I hope the change to Remicade along with the MTX works wonders for your skin

as well as your joints. Have you actually started it or have you yet to?

Best of luck,

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I thought I should introduce myself to this group. My name is Jaye, and I am 42.

I live in Bellevue, WA.

Welcome to the group Jaye... My name is Shaun... I am fairly new myself...

Love and Peace Always

Shaun and Barb

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  • 4 weeks later...


I usually leave the welcoming job to the pros (Betz and ). However

your intro hit home with me. I also have multiple medical problems. At times

I have been on as many as 32 different medications which keeps the pharmacist

on his toes making sure the doc and I don't end up killing me as a side


Feel free to share and express your concerns about this disease and mixing

meds. We have a few medical folks here who may be able to put your mind at

ease or to alert you to possible problems.

Sandy swOhio

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Welcome, Cat. It may be that the meds he will try will be different

ones from what you have been taking for OA. Don't panic. If it is

PA, there are meds that can make you feel better plus stop the

progress of the disease. You may find you feel *much* better if you

are finally treating the *right* disease!

wishing you well,

sherry z


> Hi all,


> My name is Cat and I live in Southeast TN with my husband of 21

years and

> 6cats and one dog. I am dealing with multiple medical conditions.

I've had

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> Hi all,


> My name is Cat and I live in Southeast TN

> > now my doctor is thinking this might really be PA. I

> guess I'm afraid he might be right too. > Thanks for listening

> Cat



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I hadn't looked at it that way. Thanks, that is hopeful.


-- [ ] Re: Intro

Welcome, Cat. It may be that the meds he will try will be different

ones from what you have been taking for OA. Don't panic. If it is

PA, there are meds that can make you feel better plus stop the

progress of the disease. You may find you feel *much* better if you

are finally treating the *right* disease!

wishing you well,

sherry z


> Hi all,


> My name is Cat and I live in Southeast TN with my husband of 21

years and

> 6cats and one dog. I am dealing with multiple medical conditions.

I've had

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In a message dated 13/08/2006 12:24:11 GMT Daylight Time,

LaffinCat@... writes:

My name is Cat and I live in Southeast TN with my husband of 21 years and

6cats and one dog. I am dealing with multiple medical conditions. I've had

psoriasis for about

15 years and OA but now my doctor is thinking this might really be PA. I

guess I'm afraid he might be right too. Anyway I thought I'd check it out

and see. I don't know what can be done about it cos I am already on so many


Hi Cat,

Welcome to the group. You have come to the right place. There are plenty of

caring and knowledgeable people here so if you have any questions, fire away.

Someone will be able to help I'm sure.

Take care,

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Hi Kat, nice to hear from you.

I whought I would comment upon your question:

" 4 years ago had a mild back injury that literally changed my life.

Needless to say it took 2 years to recupe from that injury and I was

never diagnosed with Arthritis for 3 yrs - my drs all thought I just

had sore muscles and it would go away. Amazing...I sometimes wonder if

I was a guy with the same problems for that long if I would have been

so neglected. "

I have had TMJ problems since shortly after the huge strp infection I

got 30 years ago. Regarding my being a man and having my back

complaint diagnosed: It took about 15 years to find that my spine and

SI joint complaints have been PA/AS. I have about 1/2 of an SI joint

left; my spine is 80% involved; and, I had to make the diagnosis

myself and show it to the rheumatologist!

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HI Kat- Welcome!

I'm sorry to hear that this has affected you at a young age. I am 27

and was diagnosed at 17- I think one of the more frustrating things

is people telling you that you are too young to have arthritis.I know

I always fell a bit jealous of the people who get it later in life.

I too, pop and creak more than i'd like- I love how you said like a

bowl of rice krispies:)

This is a great group of people, who are really willing to give any

advice they can. You've picked a good spot to share.I hope your new

meds work wonders for you!

Try to stay positve!


-- In , " Kat " <vicenza77@...> wrote:


> Hi Everyone!


> Glad I finally decided to reach out and find other folks who are

> suffering from PsA!


> My story in a nutshell. I am 28 yr old and was diagnosed with PsA a

> year and a half ago. Actually, it was my new oral surgeon checking

> out my TMJ who realized that I had a serious Rheumtological


> not the usual suspects in TMJ and promptly sent me to my Rhumy.


> I started with TMJ when i was 19 yrs old and 4 years ago had a mild

> back injury that literally changed my life. Needless to say it

took 2

> years to recupe from that injury and I was never diagnosed with

> Arthritis for 3 yrs - my drs all thought I just had sore muscles and

> it would go away. Amazing...I sometimes wonder if I was a guy with

> the same problems for that long if I would have been so neglected.

> The amazing thing is this...my Primary Physician is a Rheumtologist


> well. Needless to say I don't see him anymore.


> So then started my long winded path to where I am now. After a


> of elimiation it was determined I have PsA - I have never had the


> condition. So at my tender age I have a bad neck, jaw, back, Left

> knee and now it is creeping into both of my hands. Although I will

> say this...PsA seems to effect my left side more than the right.

> Which lead to a scare a few years ago that I had MS...but mulitple

> MRIs and a new scare related to Enbrel shows that i don't.


> So I was on Enbrel for 1 month and it was working great until the MS

> symptoms creeped up. So after months of tests and being depressed,


> asked my Rhumy for an alternative medicine...so now I am taking

> Sulfalasazine...I think I spelt that right. All I know is that I

> can't pronounce it! :) I hope it works - so far I have had


> side effects...with me and my super sensitivity to medications, that

> is a miracle. Or a sign that it won't work. :(


> Since my intial diagnosis, I have gone through a litany of


> medicine and tons of Dr appts to see if I have food allergies

(none -

> but i found out i was allergic to cats and dogs!), leaky gut


> by taking the Sinai Sugar Test (I do, but the regimine to fix it was

> incredible and the test itself was not fool-proof), taking

> Glucosamine, vitamin D, Vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium


> (nothing worked), and other alternative medical routes.


> I will say this...when my back was at its worst 2 years ago, it was

> Chiropratic care that got me walking again...and it was Acupunture


> a Barbara Brennan healer that were able to give me respite from the

> pain. Unfortunatly, I can't affoard any of these so I just pop


> like it is candy and exercise. I have found water aerobics to be a

> god send.


> Also, there is a new side effect of PsA that i have been

> expereincing...maybe some of you are familiar with it...ligament and

> tendinosis problems.


> Sorry this is so long! I rarely ever tell anyone the details of my

> PsA because of my age no one seems to understand or believe anything

> is wrong with me! I am pretty functional...I jsut can't walk 10


> anymore, have difficulty getting out of the car and pop like a bowl


> Rice Krispie cereal - especially on rainy days! I hope to learn


> everyone here and to find glimers of hope and stories of bravery

> because right now i am feeling pretty hopeless and alone with this

> disease. I really don't know anyone else with PsA and I am


> of my future with it.


> Thanks for listening!

> Kat


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Hi Kat

We guys get no quicker diagnosis... First time I went to a doc for

joint problems was 1978, I was finally diagnosed with PsA last summer

and started dmards. The last 5 years were pretty rough, if it wasn't

for bodywork and a regular stretching program I would've had no relief.

Joint problems have been episodic, but I've had chronic tendonitis and

tenosynovitis for 15 years. I've been on Enbrel since April and that

has made a big difference in the tenosynovitis in general, but certain

areas flare unpredictably here and there...

Sorry you're a member of the club, but glad you found us. This is a

great group of supportive folks.

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Kat...that sounded alot like me when I was 28. I had some rashes though

that nobody ever thought was psoriasis. Now I know that it was. I'm 45

now. I take Enbrel now but am off of it (temporarily I hope) til a UTI

clears up. I also take Plaquinel. You are lucky that you are diagnosed

early and not years down the road. You'll do better than most of us and

the horror stories you read about us will be things that you can be

thankful that you won't have to worry about hopefully with all the

research and progress that is being done now. Glad you are here Kat but

I'm not glad that you have to be here. -Betz

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In a message dated 27/08/2006 13:34:58 GMT Daylight Time, vicenza77@...


have difficulty getting out of the car and pop like a bowl of

Rice Krispie cereal - especially on rainy days! I hope to learn from

everyone here and to find glimers of hope and stories of bravery

because right now i am feeling pretty hopeless and alone with this


Hi Kat,

Well, once you start to snap and crackle you will really know you are in

trouble. lol

Welcome to the group. I am glad you found us but sorry that you are in the

position that you had to. No need to be alone with this now. You have just

found 2831 friends in one move! lol

I'm sorry the Enbrel caused you so much bother and worry. I hope the

Sulphalazine works wonders for you.

Regarding stories of bravery. Some day I will tell you about the time I

fought an escaped lion but I don't want to bore you when you have just newly

joined. lol

Hope to hear from you again Kat.

Take care,

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Hey Kat... Welcome aboard... You'll find a lot of people her who have

a lot of the same symptoms and problems you have... Don't be afraid

to ask if anyone feels a certain way, or has had some of your

symptoms or side effects, because there probably a dozen or so who


OK ... on the subject of the escaped lion... let me guess,

toothless and clawless???




> In a message dated 27/08/2006 13:34:58 GMT Daylight Time,


> writes:


> have difficulty getting out of the car and pop like a bowl of

> Rice Krispie cereal - especially on rainy days! I hope to learn from

> everyone here and to find glimers of hope and stories of bravery

> because right now i am feeling pretty hopeless and alone with this

> disease.



> Hi Kat,


> Well, once you start to snap and crackle you will really know you

are in

> trouble. lol


> Welcome to the group. I am glad you found us but sorry that you are

in the

> position that you had to. No need to be alone with this now. You

have just

> found 2831 friends in one move! lol

> I'm sorry the Enbrel caused you so much bother and worry. I hope


> Sulphalazine works wonders for you.

> Regarding stories of bravery. Some day I will tell you about the

time I

> fought an escaped lion but I don't want to bore you when you have

just newly

> joined. lol


> Hope to hear from you again Kat.


> Take care,






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In a message dated 30/08/2006 02:33:49 GMT Daylight Time,

michaelr_321@... writes:

OK ... on the subject of the escaped lion... let me guess,

toothless and clawless???

Lol Yes ,

...............and that goes along just fine with me as I'm brainless and

clueless! lol

Take care,

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In a message dated 30/08/2006 02:36:33 GMT Daylight Time,

hannah_disney@... writes:

My name is Hannah I have had PA for 15 years, since I was 11.

Hi Hannah,

Welcome to the group. I see Kathy has told you about the Biologics so that

saves my little fingers. lol I hope you can see a rheumatologist soon and you

can look into the possibility of starting on one of these.

Good luck,

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That's OK, . We love you even if you ARE tootless and




> In a message dated 30/08/2006 02:33:49 GMT Daylight Time,

> michaelr_321@... writes:


> OK ... on the subject of the escaped lion... let me guess,

> toothless and clawless???





> Lol Yes ,


> ..............and that goes along just fine with me as I'm

brainless and

> clueless! lol


> Take care,






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have difficulty getting out of the car and pop like a bowl of Rice Krispie

cereal - especially on rainy days! I hope to learn from everyone here and to

find glimers of hope and stories of bravery because right now i am feeling

pretty hopeless and alone with this disease.

Nope um your not alone... I have a lot of trouble with my back, hips, legs and

feet... Going to the damn store is a trial in its own... I sometimes borrow the

little carts that drive themselves and me around... Its not your fault... This

disease has a lot of does and don'ts and I wish it would just stop but we know

that wont be happening... Just do what you can and go on as best you can...

That's my motto...

Love and Peace Always

Shaun and Barb

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  • 3 months later...

Hi : Welcome to the group. was appointed by Betz (how are you

Betz? Long time!) to be the official greeter, I expect him to send you a

welcome message as soon as he can. there are great people in this group as I am

sure you know by now.

I have similar symptoms to yours but to a much lesser extent. For the A, I

use Mobic only and very sparingly. Since Feb. I used about 55 tablets. I am

not sure if Mobic stops the progression or just reduce the pain. I also have a

few spots of P on my scalp and very few on other places including the inside of

my ears. A few days ago I shaved my head and I am using Clobextasol (0.05%) and

I find immediate improvement. I used Clobex in my ears two or three times then

the P go away and I stop, the P comes back, etc. Since I bothered to shave my

head I think I will stick to twice daily on my scalp for a week or more. I also

use Clobex very sparingly.

About a month ago there were a few emails about treating the P on the scalp.

I saved those emails and I intend to read them again, no energy or no time or no


I share with you the use of Mobic and Clobex. Welcome again to the group.

[Editor's Note: Hiya, . Mobic is an NSAID (non steroidal anti inflamatory

drug) that treats the pain and inflammation of arthritis but it does not slow

the progression of the disease. For that you would need a DMARD (disease

modifying arthritis drug) or a biologic. Kathy F.]

momto23weeker <momto23weeker@...> wrote:

I've been occasionally lurking for a few months and have finally had

a chance for an intro post.

I was officially dx'd with PsA this past summer. I've unknowingly

had psoriasis since my early 20's (now 37). Nearly three years ago,

I had six strep throat infections and not long after starting having

nail changes (always had pitting) and then psoriasis on my scalp. It

was misdiagnosed for quite some time as first ringworm, then a fungal

infection. About the same time as the nail changes, I started having

chronic low back pain.

I self-referred to a rheumy over a year ago and he totally blew me

off, saying, " You must have broken your tailbone sometime. " No lab,

no Xrays, minimal physical exam. I was so mad. I then went to a

chiropractor who at least took spinal Xrays. I have severe

degeneration in my cervical spine (more in line with OA). My lumbar-

sacral area doesn't show anything on Xray.

The chiro helped my neck a little bit, but it did nothing for my

lower back. At the same time, I had a huge plantar fasciitis flare

up so the podiatrist put me on Mobic 15. It helped my back for quite

some time. It got expensive when my new insurance wouldn't cover it,

so I went to taking Aleve. That helped for awhile, too.

Finally this past summer I'd had enough. The plantar fasciitis came

back with a vengeance. We'd moved and the new podiatrist did an MRI

of my foot and ankle, b/c I also had some serious ankle pain. The

MRI showed extensive fluid on my ankle, and also in my large toe. My

bunions that I've had for a long time are arthritic.

I self-referred to a pain clinic while waiting to find a family

practice doc. They finally took me seriously and did a full lab

workup and also static and motion Xrays. I tried Relafen and it

didn't do squat, so I went back on Mobic.

I was doing so-so for a few months, but now I've had enough. I just

went to the FP doc and told him I needed a referral to a rheumy, so

that will happen next week. I've been dealing with a lot of

depression from " adjustment disorder " due to our out-of-state move,

and from hormonal changes, so the doc put me on Effexor 37.5 to see

if it helps until I can get in to see the rheumy.

In addition to the PsA, I have the OA in my neck and also polycystic

ovarian syndrome. So I'm on a lot of meds: oral contraceptive

(monophasic Levlen taken continously), Avandia, Spironolactone,

Verapamil (migraine prevention), Mobic, and now the Effexor.

The FP said it sounds like I need a DMARD, and I agree. Things are

just quickly progressing and I feel like I'm falling apart. I have

kids ages 8 and 6. I homeschool the 8 yr old, and the 6 yr old

(public school) has multiple disabilities. So I need to keep up with


The joints that bother me are the aforementioned neck and low back,

plantar fascia, R ankle, R jaw joint, three L finger joints

(thankfully not the hand I write with), R & L large toes, L elbow, L

knee...I think that's all (this week anyway).

Thankfully the psoriasis is usually limited to my scalp. The FP gave

me a 'script for Clobetasol today that I think will help. It's been

an hour since I put it on and already feel better. I use Denorex and

Scalpacin it helps some, but not much. I've had spots on my neck and

elbow and can get rid of it with capisican arthritis rub. I just

keep my nails trimmed down and it helps.

I appreciate having a group to read and feel " at home " with

others in the same situation. I'm on many other groups for other

topics, so this is an easy way to connect. Thank you to the


Off to take a nap and rest my fingers after all this typing!


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Hi ,

I am also a " " who is new to the group. I was just diagnosed with PA in

September by a Rheummy. I went straight to a Rheumatologist when I started to

have joint pain in my fingers for the first time in August. My right thumb

actually felt broken. I also had something sticking out of the side of my left

foot which was painful which I thought was an arthritic spur. The MRI and bone

scan showed that it was swelling from Psoriatic Tendonitis and Arthritis in that

area. I have had some pain in my feet for a couple of years now, but I always

thought it was from wearing flip flops all the time or from walking bare foot so

much. Now I know I was wrong. Now I wear very good and supportive shoes and

that really helps my PA in my feet. I have PA in both feet, both ankles, my

right wrist and most of my fingers. I have had P since I was 22, mostly on my

scalp, and now PA at 34. I also have two children close to the same ages as

yours, an 8 year old daughter and a 7

year old son, and running around with them is hard sometimes. Today, I took

them ice skating for the first time, and it was so much fun, but my ankles and

hands are soar, especially because I fell on my hands and cut one of them open.

We still had a blast though. My daughter also has some issues that are hard to

deal with at times, she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Thanks to a good

child psychologist she started seeing in October, her OCD is so much better. I

just need to keep an eye on her and her stress level. I also need to take care

of my stress level as well. I know how hard an out-of state move is. We moved

here to Florida from California 4 1/2 years ago and it was very stressful, and I

didn't even have PA yet, so I know that it must have been extra hard on you.

Since my diagnosis, I have found Arava very helpful( that is a DMARD) and Aleve.

There are a lot of helpful medicines out there for PA. I hope you find a good

Rheumatologist soon, so that you

can get medicines to help with the progression of your disease. Good luck with


from FL.

momto23weeker <momto23weeker@...> wrote:

I've been occasionally lurking for a few months and have finally had

a chance for an intro post.

I was officially dx'd with PsA this past summer. I've unknowingly

had psoriasis since my early 20's (now 37). Nearly three years ago,

I had six strep throat infections and not long after starting having

nail changes (always had pitting) and then psoriasis on my scalp. It

was misdiagnosed for quite some time as first ringworm, then a fungal

infection. About the same time as the nail changes, I started having

chronic low back pain.

I self-referred to a rheumy over a year ago and he totally blew me

off, saying, " You must have broken your tailbone sometime. " No lab,

no Xrays, minimal physical exam. I was so mad. I then went to a

chiropractor who at least took spinal Xrays. I have severe

degeneration in my cervical spine (more in line with OA). My lumbar-

sacral area doesn't show anything on Xray.

The chiro helped my neck a little bit, but it did nothing for my

lower back. At the same time, I had a huge plantar fasciitis flare

up so the podiatrist put me on Mobic 15. It helped my back for quite

some time. It got expensive when my new insurance wouldn't cover it,

so I went to taking Aleve. That helped for awhile, too.

Finally this past summer I'd had enough. The plantar fasciitis came

back with a vengeance. We'd moved and the new podiatrist did an MRI

of my foot and ankle, b/c I also had some serious ankle pain. The

MRI showed extensive fluid on my ankle, and also in my large toe. My

bunions that I've had for a long time are arthritic.

I self-referred to a pain clinic while waiting to find a family

practice doc. They finally took me seriously and did a full lab

workup and also static and motion Xrays. I tried Relafen and it

didn't do squat, so I went back on Mobic.

I was doing so-so for a few months, but now I've had enough. I just

went to the FP doc and told him I needed a referral to a rheumy, so

that will happen next week. I've been dealing with a lot of

depression from " adjustment disorder " due to our out-of-state move,

and from hormonal changes, so the doc put me on Effexor 37.5 to see

if it helps until I can get in to see the rheumy.

In addition to the PsA, I have the OA in my neck and also polycystic

ovarian syndrome. So I'm on a lot of meds: oral contraceptive

(monophasic Levlen taken continously), Avandia, Spironolactone,

Verapamil (migraine prevention), Mobic, and now the Effexor.

The FP said it sounds like I need a DMARD, and I agree. Things are

just quickly progressing and I feel like I'm falling apart. I have

kids ages 8 and 6. I homeschool the 8 yr old, and the 6 yr old

(public school) has multiple disabilities. So I need to keep up with


The joints that bother me are the aforementioned neck and low back,

plantar fascia, R ankle, R jaw joint, three L finger joints

(thankfully not the hand I write with), R & L large toes, L elbow, L

knee...I think that's all (this week anyway).

Thankfully the psoriasis is usually limited to my scalp. The FP gave

me a 'script for Clobetasol today that I think will help. It's been

an hour since I put it on and already feel better. I use Denorex and

Scalpacin it helps some, but not much. I've had spots on my neck and

elbow and can get rid of it with capisican arthritis rub. I just

keep my nails trimmed down and it helps.

I appreciate having a group to read and feel " at home " with

others in the same situation. I'm on many other groups for other

topics, so this is an easy way to connect. Thank you to the


Off to take a nap and rest my fingers after all this typing!


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