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Just a thought, does he have any sensory issues??

My son had a hard time with clothing and we eventually learned it was

because of his sensory dysfunction. We had to purchase certain

clothing items he found not irritating. Just an idea..

> > >>start with 6.25 mg of

> > > DMSA every 4 hours for 7 days straight and then 7 days off and

> start

> > again but after the

> > > 2nd day I couldn't and my son couldn't tolerate it. His stims were

> > absolutely

> > > uncontrollable.

> >

> >

> > What were the stims?

> >

> >

> > >>I would like to hear from others whether they had a really tough

> > > nut kid (non-verbal- high verbal stimming - not retaining ABA

> > therapy- intense hand

> > > stimming - eating his shirt -biting- giggling/drunkeness)

> >

> >

> > My son was a non-responder to most things, because 1) most things

> > required precursers, so he responded once the precursers were in

> > place, and 2) he had a LOT of medical issues, so I did not notice

> many

> > changes until a substantial portion of them had been addressed.

> >

> > What my son needed for language is written here

> >

> > http://www.danasview.net/issues.htm

> >

> > There were two types of verbal stimming, and several types of hand

> > stimming, so you will need to describe exactly what your child does.

> >

> > Eating shirt can be caused by zinc deficiency, food/supplement

> > intolerance, or yeast overgrowth.

> >

> > Glggling and " drunkenness " was many times yeast overgrowth, and

> other

> > times viruses.

> >

> > Dana

> >


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> Thank you all for your responses. They are much appreciated. His

hand stimming started

> off 2 years ago where he would rub his hands together as if he were

about to sit down for

> his favorite meal.

B6 toxicity or yeast overgrowth sound like possibilities.

>>he makes a grinding

> growling or loud eeeaaa while doing it.

This sounds like yeast.

>>This stim has also had him chewing his

> shirt at the same time also. Basically I thought it couldn't get

worse but it has with the

> shirt biting.

For some kids, zinc deficiency. At my house, intolerance and yeast.

> I will take out Biotin and add GSE - is there a brand you recommend.

Is it drops or

> supplements. I may add OoO.

I used Nutribiotic brand GSE. You can buy it as drops or tablets.


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> Dana

> Does carnatine have a opposite....like zinc and copper or lysine and

> arginine? Am trying to make sure I keep things in balance....I know

> that that isn't always possible...but would like to watch for it...if

> I need to.

Not that I know of, altho giving too much can cause problems.

>> Can you tell me how you found out about the

> lysine/arginine connection....



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Hi and welcome.

Most of us men feel like this and it's not depression but low

testostereone. & nbsp; And you should run labs to see it this is the

problem. & nbsp; Most of us are sent to see a psychologist and put on them dam

Anti-Depressent meds that make one with low testosterone feel worse. & nbsp; I

went through this for 5 yrs before we figured out it was not depression but Low


& nbsp;

This is taken from Dr. 's site at www.allthingsmale.com in TRT: A Recipe for


• Total Testosterone

• Bioavailable Testosterone (AKA " Free and Loosely Bound " )

• Free Testosterone (if Bioavailable T is unavailable)


• Estradiol (specify the Extraction Method, or " sensitive " assay for


• LH


• Prolactin

• Cortisol

• Thyroid Panel


• Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

• Lipid Profile

• PSA (if over 40)

You would do good to go to his site and read TRT: A Recipe for Success in this

are the above tests and why you need them.

Here is & nbsp;a good link about low T.


Read this and if you need more info just ask.

Co-Moderator & amp;quot;Don & amp;#39;t believe anything you hear and only half of

what you see. & amp;quot;


From: sparadoxon & lt;sparadoxon@... & gt;

Subject: new to the group

Date: Thursday, June 5, 2008, 12:47 AM

Hello, my name is ,

I have read some of the different messages the group has posted, I

recognize myself as having some or similar sympthoms, like being tired

all the time, having a lack of libido (which unfortunatelly my wife can

not understand at all) feeling sometimes depressed, etc.

I want to run some studies, please someone indicate me in detail which

exactly studies should I get done and what has to be meassured to

clarify if I am having an hormonal situation or not. Somebody

suggested me before to go to a psychologist but I want to start first

with body analysis than mind ones.

thank you all

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

, vulvovaginitis and its relatives responds to ozonated olive

oil and also ozonated water douche better than to antibiotics and has

no side effects. This is practiced rather extensively in Eastern

Europe and has been in peer-review. Maybe a naturopath near you has

done it.



> I just got back from the doctor and was prescribed a steroid cream


> the diagnosis was vulvitis. I recently had a bladder infection

that I

> was prescribed cipro for and then given diflocan because they


> I would get a yeast infection from the antibiotic. I was still


> symptoms and a vaginal culture was done after two weeks and it


> I had an e coli infection. I was given an injection of rocephin for

> the infection. That was a week ago. I don't have any type of

> discharge and haven't during this whole time. I also do not have


> itching. I am just very red, a little swollen, dry and irritated.


> have not had any type of problem with my vagina in 20 years. I'm 38

> years old. I just started having sex after a dry spell of 6

years. I

> was leading a very healthy lifestyle until about 2 months ago. I


> a vegetarian, no dairy, no smoking, and trying to eat all natural

> foods. Most of the symptoms started to appear after getting back


> vacation. I also went back to eating dairy and eat some meat. I

> don't know if this has anything to do with anything, I just want


> to go away!!! My doctor also did a stool sample, that came back

> negative and he says that the infection is gone as well. Any advice

> would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Also, this all started after


> a bath and doing a sugar scrub in the bath.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

wow I am sorry you are dealing with this and have a baby to care for too.

look at the links I sent to I am not a crook.





i was recently diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis (hyper) and it

has now become hypo. Feeling really sluggish, have not slept in 4

nigths running and having trouble losing weight. I live in the NYC

area. my doctor wants to repeat the b/w in 6 weeks but i simply dont

think i can live like this for 6 more weeks. if anyone has any

important info to share, i would love to hear it.


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You go through what 1,00's of women go through. My hypo became sever after

birth # 3. I think it had something to do with the c-section. Did your doc

give you any meds? If not, call him Monday morning and demand something.

You cannot raise a baby properly being hypo. You'll forget about the poor

thang. :) So be your own advocate and you may possibly have to find a good

doc and I know is in NY and may be able to help you with a doc

wherever she () may be!

Keep us posted


-- New to the group


i was recently diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis (hyper) and it

has now become hypo. Feeling really sluggish, have not slept in 4

nigths running and having trouble losing weight. I live in the NYC

area. my doctor wants to repeat the b/w in 6 weeks but i simply dont

think i can live like this for 6 more weeks. if anyone has any

important info to share, i would love to hear it.


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Hi, DK. It might help if you posted you b/w results [be sure to include

the ranges].

I don't know if post partum thyroiditis is different from regular


Do you have Hashimoto's?


> New to the group








> Posted by: " kensingtoncourt2002 " dianne@...

> <mailto:dianne@...?Subject=%20Re%3ANew%20to%20the%20group>

> kensingtoncourt2002

> <kensingtoncourt2002>



> Thu Jul 3, 2008 7:34 pm (PDT)


> hi

> i was recently diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis (hyper) and it

> has now become hypo. Feeling really sluggish, have not slept in 4

> nigths running and having trouble losing weight. I live in the NYC

> area. my doctor wants to repeat the b/w in 6 weeks but i simply dont

> think i can live like this for 6 more weeks. if anyone has any

> important info to share, i would love to hear it.


> dk

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Molly and Welcome,

I have been on TRT or HRT 26 yrs now if I were not on it I would not be here

talking to you. Not one problem do to being on Testosterone. I do well as long

as I keep my total and free T levels up into the upper 1/3 of my labs range and

keep the Estradiol down to about 20 to 30 pg/ml.

Some men on TRT that are not at good levels have problem with Fatigue and low

libodo. And some that doing keep there Estradiol down end up with low cortisol

and Thyroid Problems.



> From: Molly <mollylynnbrown@...>

> Subject: New to the group


> Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 2:33 PM

> Hi all,


> I'm new to the group, as I'm not a guy you may

> wonder why I'm here. My

> guy had testical cancer a couple years ago, second time so

> he's had

> both testies removed. He's been using androgel for a

> little over a year

> and it seems to be working fine. He's pretty much the

> same in every

> respect, and I don't have to worry about BC. I'm a

> little worried about

> any long term issues. Has anyone been on HRT for a long

> time?


> Molly



> ------------------------------------



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  • 3 weeks later...

My guess is ,it is a healing crisis. The LDN, helps youe immune system work

better. Including going after bacteria, toxins, etc. Many of the bacteria, form

cysts and combine, to isolated them from the body defences. When you exercise,

it revs up your body, and it works to go after these enemies, and kills them,

them you have a herx, reaction, where toxins, [waste] is dumped into the blood

and it makes you feel worse, for a time, several months, depending how long you

have been sick.You are being cured, but there is a price to pay. Stop all

exercise, see how you feel, detox [ take IntestiNew, drink 3 glasses of pure

water, with a fresh squeezed lemon, everyday, and other detox] You will feel

better, in a week. The wait 2 weeks, go back to exercise, start slow, and

continue to detox. Will take min, of 6 months

Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have moved onto PPMS after being

diagnosed 10 years and started on LDN this last August. The symptom reduction

was immediate for me and I was quite pleased. My bladder was better and

especially my fatigue and balance. Since my fatigue issues were SO improved, I

started some aquatic physical therapy. The therapy pool is 90 degrees and I had

45 minute sessions, but since I started about a month ago, I have gradually gone

downhill. At first, I thought it was just the sudden addition of exercise but

now I am thinking that it might be the temperature in the pool. This week I

have been feeling like I did before I started the LDN and am discontinuing the

pool time for now. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences with anything

similar? Thanks, Brynn


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Thank you, Ron. I will try that. I would love to think this relapse is only temporary and that I will continue to heal.

From: Ron Ball <rball@...>Subject: RE: [low dose naltrexone] New to the grouplow dose naltrexone Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 11:42 AM

My guess is ,it is a healing crisis. The LDN, helps youe immune system work better. Including going after bacteria, toxins, etc. Many of the bacteria, form cysts and combine, to isolated them from the body defences. When you exercise, it revs up your body, and it works to go after these enemies, and kills them, them you have a herx, reaction, where toxins, [waste] is dumped into the blood and it makes you feel worse, for a time, several months, depending how long you have been sick.You are being cured, but there is a price to pay. Stop all exercise, see how you feel, detox [ take IntestiNew, drink 3 glasses of pure water, with a fresh squeezed lemon, everyday, and other detox] You will feel better, in a week. The wait 2 weeks, go back to exercise, start slow, and continue to detox. Will take min, of 6 monthsHi everyone, I am new to this group. I have moved onto PPMS after being diagnosed 10 years and started on LDN this last August.

The symptom reduction was immediate for me and I was quite pleased. My bladder was better and especially my fatigue and balance. Since my fatigue issues were SO improved, I started some aquatic physical therapy. The therapy pool is 90 degrees and I had 45 minute sessions, but since I started about a month ago, I have gradually gone downhill. At first, I thought it was just the sudden addition of exercise but now I am thinking that it might be the temperature in the pool. This week I have been feeling like I did before I started the LDN and am discontinuing the pool time for now. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences with anything similar? Thanks, Brynn ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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Have you been checked for lyme. If not you need to do this. If lyme, you need to

do another protcol, in addition to LDN. Best test is Igenex, in Palao Alto Ca.

If you have lyme, it is good, there is a cure. If not ,it is good, LDN and

detox, will help most symptoms, 85-95%. I'm 99% symptom free. No pain and even

got rid of my psoriosis.

Thank you, Ron. I will try that. I would love to think this relapse is only

temporary and that I will continue to heal.

From: Ron Ball <rball@...>

Subject: RE: [low dose naltrexone] New to the group

low dose naltrexone

Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 11:42 AM

My guess is ,it is a healing crisis. The LDN, helps youe immune system work

better. Including going after bacteria, toxins, etc. Many of the bacteria, form

cysts and combine, to isolated them from the body defences. When you exercise,

it revs up your body, and it works to go after these enemies, and kills them,

them you have a herx, reaction, where toxins, [waste] is dumped into the blood

and it makes you feel worse, for a time, several months, depending how long you

have been sick.You are being cured, but there is a price to pay. Stop all

exercise, see how you feel, detox [ take IntestiNew, drink 3 glasses of pure

water, with a fresh squeezed lemon, everyday, and other detox] You will feel

better, in a week. The wait 2 weeks, go back to exercise, start slow, and

continue to detox. Will take min, of 6 months

Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have moved onto PPMS after being

diagnosed 10 years and started on LDN this last August. The symptom reduction

was immediate for me and I was quite pleased. My bladder was better and

especially my fatigue and balance. Since my fatigue issues were SO improved, I

started some aquatic physical therapy. The therapy pool is 90 degrees and I had

45 minute sessions, but since I started about a month ago, I have gradually gone

downhill. At first, I thought it was just the sudden addition of exercise but

now I am thinking that it might be the temperature in the pool. This week I have

been feeling like I did before I started the LDN and am discontinuing the pool

time for now. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences with anything

similar? Thanks, Brynn

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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I will look into this.From: Ron Ball <rballgoodmanball (DOT) com>Subject: RE: [low dose naltrexone] New to the grouplow dose naltrexoneDate: Tuesday, October 21, 2008,

11:42 AMMy guess is ,it is a healing crisis. The LDN, helps youe immune system work better. Including going after bacteria, toxins, etc. Many of the bacteria, form cysts and combine, to isolated them from the body defences. When you exercise, it revs up your body, and it works to go after these enemies, and kills them, them you have a herx, reaction, where toxins, [waste] is dumped into the blood and it makes you feel worse, for a time, several months, depending how long you have been sick.You are being cured, but there is a price to pay. Stop all exercise, see how you feel, detox [ take IntestiNew, drink 3 glasses of pure water, with a fresh squeezed lemon, everyday, and other detox] You will feel better, in a week. The wait 2 weeks, go back to exercise, start slow, and continue to detox. Will take min, of 6 monthsHi everyone, I am new to this group. I have moved onto PPMS after being diagnosed 10 years and started on LDN this

last August. The symptom reduction was immediate for me and I was quite pleased. My bladder was better and especially my fatigue and balance. Since my fatigue issues were SO improved, I started some aquatic physical therapy. The therapy pool is 90 degrees and I had 45 minute sessions, but since I started about a month ago, I have gradually gone downhill. At first, I thought it was just the sudden addition of exercise but now I am thinking that it might be the temperature in the pool. This week I have been feeling like I did before I started the LDN and am discontinuing the pool time for now. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences with anything similar? Thanks, Brynn ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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Testing lyme:






> From: Ron Ball <rball@...>

> Subject: RE: [low dose naltrexone] New to the group

> low dose naltrexone

> Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 11:42 AM





> My guess is ,it is a healing crisis. The LDN, helps youe immune

system work better. Including going after bacteria, toxins, etc. Many

of the bacteria, form cysts and combine, to isolated them from the

body defences. When you exercise, it revs up your body, and it works

to go after these enemies, and kills them, them you have a herx,

reaction, where toxins, [waste] is dumped into the blood and it makes

you feel worse, for a time, several months, depending how long you

have been sick.You are being cured, but there is a price to pay. Stop

all exercise, see how you feel, detox [ take IntestiNew, drink 3

glasses of pure water, with a fresh squeezed lemon, everyday, and

other detox] You will feel better, in a week. The wait 2 weeks, go

back to exercise, start slow, and continue to detox. Will take min, of

6 months


> Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have moved onto PPMS after

being diagnosed 10 years and started on LDN this last August. The

symptom reduction was immediate for me and I was quite pleased. My

bladder was better and especially my fatigue and balance. Since my

fatigue issues were SO improved, I started some aquatic physical

therapy. The therapy pool is 90 degrees and I had 45 minute sessions,

but since I started about a month ago, I have gradually gone downhill.

At first, I thought it was just the sudden addition of exercise but

now I am thinking that it might be the temperature in the pool. This

week I have been feeling like I did before I started the LDN and am

discontinuing the pool time for now. Does anyone have any thoughts or

experiences with anything similar? Thanks, Brynn


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __


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Dear Brynn:

I'm new to LDN therapy, too, but I'd like to comment about the pool temperature.

I was diagnosed with RRMS in 1980, and SPMS in 2002. I was told it was " too late " for therapy because the Secondary Progressive was advancing too rapidly.

I refused to accept that, so I began my own program of diet, & physical & occupational therapy. For the physical therapy, I began working with a Water Aerobics group at our local Wellness Center, at the suggestion of the instructor. At that time, I could not even stand alone, & only for a few seconds with help. The group I joined was made up of people with health conditions similar to mine, or recovering from hip surgery, strokes, etc., & was oriented toward stretching. The aerobic part was continuous, if slow, movement. In a couple of weeks of daily exercises in the pool, I was standing in the water for 30-40 minutes, & outside the water (with help) for about 5 minutes.

The pool was 86 degrees, which seemed cool at first, but I quickly got used to it. I checked with a friend who specializes in MS physical therapy (she helped me set up my own program), & she said that was the optimum temperature for people with MS.

One day, the heater in the pool was acting up & the water was warmer than usual. I'd gotten used to the cooler water, so noticed it right away & asked, & was told it was 90 degrees. Within 15 minutes, I was so weak & tired, I couldn't finish. By then, I'd gotten up to staying in for the entire hour, with the rest of the group. I didn't connect it with the water temperature right away. I thought I was having a setback, for some reason.

The next day, I had to drag myself back, but did. The water was back to the usual 86 degrees, & I was able to exercise the whole hour, as usual. When I asked my friend, the therapist, if 4 degrees could have made that much difference, she assured me it could.

Each person reacts differently, including with MS, but we generally tend to be more sensitive to temperatures --- ambient as well as water --- than most other people.

I'd suggest you change water temperature before you change your LDN dosage.

By the way, after a year of water therapy, I was walking with a walker or with a cane. Within another year, I was walking alone or with a cane, occasionally, and still am. The water exercise also helped reduce my spasticity tremendously.

Doctors (most, at least) don't like to admit they could have been wrong, so I've been told I'm " in remission " ... from SPMS. Go figure. I just know I'm so much better than I was 6 years ago.

Now, I'm trying LDN to see how much better I can feel!


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Brynn <brynn2068@...> wrote:

Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have moved onto PPMS after being diagnosed 10 years and started on LDN this last August. The symptom reduction was immediate for me and I was quite pleased. My bladder was better and especially my fatigue and balance. Since my fatigue issues were SO improved, I started some aquatic physical therapy. The therapy pool is 90 degrees and I had 45 minute sessions, but since I started about a month ago, I have gradually gone downhill. At first, I thought it was just the sudden addition of exercise but now I am thinking that it might be the temperature in the pool. This week I have been feeling like I did before I started the LDN and am discontinuing the pool time for now. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences with anything similar? Thanks, Brynn


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Hi Tarra, thank you so much for your experience. I have access to a pool that is 86 degrees rather than the PT therapy pool, so I think I will get my "homework" from the PT and do my work in the cooler pool to see how it goes. I am glad to hear that you have a program that has given you such good results. It is such an emotional rollercoaster that we are all on. I have been really pleased with the results of my LDN use so far, so I am definitely going to fight through this. Thanks again and take care, Brynn

Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have moved onto PPMS after being diagnosed 10 years and started on LDN this last August. The symptom reduction was immediate for me and I was quite pleased. My bladder was better and especially my fatigue and balance. Since my fatigue issues were SO improved, I started some aquatic physical therapy. The therapy pool is 90 degrees and I had 45 minute sessions, but since I started about a month ago, I have gradually gone downhill. At first, I thought it was just the sudden addition of exercise but now I am thinking that it might be the temperature in the pool. This week I have been feeling like I did before I started the LDN and am discontinuing the pool time for now. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences with anything similar? Thanks, Brynn____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __Do

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Hi, .  You don't say how old your Mom is but I am definitely a senior

citizen and I developed PsA just a little over a year ago.  I was lucky and it

was diagnosed within six months of the first symptom; but during that six

months, I developed so much pain that I literally had to crawl up the stairs at

night to go to bed.  My rheumatologist put me on Enbrel - and yes, the warning

label is pretty frightening.  So, I talked to my internist and my orthopod to

get their opinions about the best approach which they boiled down to prednisone

(which is only a stop gap measure to relieve pain because it has such

terrible, long-term, damaging effects); drugs like MTX which can and do affect

the liver; and the biologics, like Embrel which can weaken your immune system

and do carry a risk of lymphoma.  But they both agreed with my rheumatologist

that the biologics were the best of the three options so I took the plunge and

within 24 hours I could

see a reduction in the swelling in my legs, feet and ankles.  However, the pain

relief came more slowly - so slowly that you didn't really notice it.  But then

one day, after about 2 months, I suddenly realized that I didn't hurt much at

all any more. 


For me, Enbrel has been a godsend.  Only a little over a year later, I feel like

I am completely back to where I was before the disease struck.  Additionally, I

have been very lucky in that my immune system not only has not been weakened but

I haven't had so much as a cold over the past 15 months and this is the first

winter in years that I haven't gotten an upper respiratory infection.


Everybody reacts differently to the drugs so my experience may not be your

Mom's; but listen to your rheumy and follow his/her suggestions.  Many doctors

seem to start with MTX because - among other things - it's been on the market

for a long time and is cheaper.  But whatever is prescribed, give it a little

time but if it doesn't work, let the doctor know!!!  There are other

alternatives and there is hope. 


 Joanna Hoelscher

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Hi ,

It's great you are looking into this for you mom. Unfortunately

there are NO miracles.

I understand that many people are fearful of the drugs that are used

to combat PA, but in my opinion, the fear comes from not knowing and

not getting all the info. The drugs are strong and can have side

effects, but so do ALL drugs. Is your mom afraid of aspirin or

Tylenol? Has she ever read the " possible side effects " on the side

of those bottles? Many of the same side effects are listed on those

drugs as are listed on the drugs to combat PA.

I don't mean to make light of possible side effects, but in most

cases an infinitely small percentage of folks ever experience them.

I was never one to pop pills and the thought that I might need to

take something for the rest of my life, made me apoplectic.

However, after some time, the pain, swelling, sleeplessness won over

and I was willing to do virtually anything that " might " help.

I'm glad I did. I take 12.5mg of Methotrexate weekly and I have my

life back!!! I don't know how old your mom is, but I'm 48. WAY TOO

young to just give up.

Urge your mom to get info, get involved in her own recovery. You can

help her and advise, but ultimately it's up to her. She needs to be

on the team, because in this case, it is HER team.

Stay Well,

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Hi, . I send my best to you and your mom. She needs to see a

rheumatologist and talk about her fears about the drugs. The risk of

cancer is very, very low. The risk of having her joints destroyed if

she doesn't take the drugs is actually higher. Most of us understand

her fears - we were all hesitant at first to take the meds. But most

of who do are SO GLAD we finally did! I take Humira and it has given

me a lot of my life back. I was bedridden 3 years ago and today I can

do most of what I could before PA, except for having to pace myself.

regards, sherry z

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Hello all , justin i will tell u alil of what i have been through ,

i was at the hospital er at least once a month , with unexplained pain

, sweats and my elbow had locked up completly which i was told was

gout and it would free up in time , i finally went to the er 1 nite

and met a fantastic doc , i was having chest pains and shoulder pains

with tingling at my finger tips , she ran all the usual heart tests

and said hey your heart is fine but we need to find out what is going

on , after maybe 6 months of trying everything under the sun she was

on a conference call with a rhemy and he had her ask me if i had

psoriasis i said yea here and here showed her she said we might have

a clue to whats going on refered me to a fantastic rhemy he wasnt

afraid to get blood work and xrays and MRI's then he gave me my

diagnosis, i was like ok how do i fix this and when can i go back to

work , he just kinda laughed and said well its not quite that easy ,

we will get you better but its going to take time and alot of

patience, alot of trial and sometimes error, but u have to find a

rhemy and a reg md doc that you trust , i suffer from panic disorder

, and i am terrified to take meds , when i read the side effects hell

i went crazy lmao, walmart gives you a 10 page print out on everything

u take , i was like no way, i will live on lortab i wont take that,

fear is a horrible thing that will consume your if u let it believe me

i know first hand, i am on 10 mtx pills weekly, 4 folic acid , daily,

i am also on 4 lortab 10-650 daily , klonapin 1mg 2daily was on ativan

liked it better not to metion all my blood pressure meds and

testosterone gel , i am 37 soon to be 38 i dont even think about how

much meds i take now or it would scare me to death i just read the

bottles and take what the doc says, u have to trust your docs thats

the key, my great rhuemy moved to a new docs group and they dont take

my ins so i am awaiting 3 months for a visit with a new rhumey , and

my md doc put me back on mtx about a month 1/2 ago, i have sweats

really bad, thought it was just my pain meds causing it , i will be

sitting somewhere and just soak my shirt add that to panic attack

chest palps and there is a er visit, btw does anyone else have a

metal taste in there mouth when they take mtx? But on a good note

psoriasis is getting better, t-gel shampoo i rub it on my scalp and

ears and even on my low back let it sit for 10 mins it really helps

with the scaling , dont give up things will get better, it just takes

time and patience , stress avoid at all cost, it just makes it worse,

ok i am done with my book now,any way i can help i am

bigjkahuna@... or just john in here

> Hi ,

> It's great you are looking into this for you mom. Unfortunately

> there are NO miracles.

> I understand that many people are fearful of the drugs that are used

> to combat PA, but in my opinion, the fear comes from not knowing and

> not getting all the info. The drugs are strong and can have side

> effects, but so do ALL drugs. Is your mom afraid of aspirin or

> Tylenol? Has she ever read the " possible side effects " on the side

> of those bottles? Many of the same side effects are listed on those

> drugs as are listed on the drugs to combat PA.

> I don't mean to make light of possible side effects, but in most

> cases an infinitely small percentage of folks ever experience them.

> I was never one to pop pills and the thought that I might need to

> take something for the rest of my life, made me apoplectic.

> However, after some time, the pain, swelling, sleeplessness won over

> and I was willing to do virtually anything that " might " help.

> I'm glad I did. I take 12.5mg of Methotrexate weekly and I have my

> life back!!! I don't know how old your mom is, but I'm 48. WAY TOO

> young to just give up.

> Urge your mom to get info, get involved in her own recovery. You can

> help her and advise, but ultimately it's up to her. She needs to be

> on the team, because in this case, it is HER team.

> Stay Well,



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hi justin,

The combination of psoriasis, arthritis, afraid of medication, depression have

only one umbrella solution.

The Dead Sea in Israel. at the beginning 4-5 weeks in May or latest June. the

amazing combination of the sun, heat, dry air, bromide in the air, the dead sea

itself, the sulfur bath, the hot mud packing, all together, about 10-123 hours

of treatments a day, after 4-5 weeks she will go home black, healthy, happy,


I'm 52 years old. I'm writing you from the Dead Sea right now. I will go home

next weekend after 4 weeks here. it does not cure the pa but it removes the I

symptoms for a while. after the dead sea period (I'm doing it already 21 years)

I'm a new person for myself and for my family.


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Wow ! You are a very caring and loving son. Your Mom is really

blessed having you care so much and really wanting to help her. I am

glad she isn't going through this alone and that she has a son who is

really trying to understand what she is feeling. Bless you both

and keep up the good work,

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes it could. Just have him follow the dose with fresh water and have him swish

it around before he swallows.

From: papanoelgas <papanoelgas@...>

Subject: New to the Group

Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 10:43 PM

Hello all,

I currently have my son on a mix of AFP-Peptizyde and Zyme Prime from Houston


My son has developed what looks like " blister " or " skin tag " on the side on one

his gums. I

suspect that this is due to enzyme residue left in his mouth. Can this happen

when enzymes

are mixed in liquids and not food? I am debating on whether or not I should

suspend enzyme

supplements until this " blister " or " skin tag " goes away. Thoughts or




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> I currently have my son on a mix of AFP-Peptizyde and Zyme Prime

from Houston Enzymes.

> My son has developed what looks like " blister " or " skin tag " on the

side on one his gums.

At my house, this was eliminated with lysine and selenium.


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  • 1 month later...


> Hi All,


> My name is , I live in Melbourne Australia.

+++Hi . If I haven't welcomed you before, Welcome!


> During the remainder of that 1st year I saw many doctors and was

give many more rounds of antibiotics - but I only got worse. fatigue

had now became a major factor for me!


> During the following 1.5 years I went on a dairy free, gluten free,

> processed food free diet. Took MANY supplements and probiotics but

> none of this helped.


> 3 months ago I started on a candida style diet. I am VERY careful

> about the amount of carbs that I eat. I track my diet using the

Fitday program, typically I would have 70g of Carbs, 180g of Fat and

180g of Protein per day. I am also taking antifungal herbs and

Nystatin. Yesterday I introduced a Probiotic.


> Since starting on this new resume my fatigue levels and brain fog

have increased. I am finding it difficult to control my temper (I am

> normally very passive),

+++, your temper is most likely caused by all of those horrible

toxins your body is getting rid of, along with candida toxins. It

will improve as you continue to progress.

> I have become soooooo very skinny. Muscle twitching (legs calf

muscles) is a big thing for me. It seems the faster I am detoxing

the more muscle twitching I am getting.

+++Muscle twitching is mainly caused by mineral imbalances,

particularly calcium and magnesium. So please ensure you are taking

the right kind of cal/mag supplements in the correct amounts - if

your supplements do not state " elemental amounts " you will need to

take more depending upon the kind.

> I have tummy pain and bloating as well. Since starting on the diet

my stools have been dark green every day and my urine pH has gone

from 7 to 5. I also note that in a recent blood test my liver enzymes

have returned to normal levels after being high for the last 2 years.


> I think I'm on the right track - just need to persevere. In Crook's

> yeast test I score 278 or 49%


> Prior to getting sick I was an athlete - cycling. I hope to get back

> to this once i rectify this problem!


> Any advise or encouragement will be gratefully received.

+++, the best encouragement you can get is by reading the

wonderful Success Stories by members of this group:


The only way is UP from here , so keep on keeping on, and

eventually you too will achieve total health like many others!

The best in health, Bee

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