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Hi Jan

Glad to hear about the good news.

Re: [ ] Hello

To all of you that knew I was having a legal battle............I WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any prayers you may have said got me back what was mine after many years. Now if you don't mind please also say a prayer of thanks for me too. I have but all of them help. I have been blessed !!!!!!!

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Hi Diane

Glad to see that you are able to keep up a good attitude through the hard

times. You'll be in my prayers.

Re: [ ] Hello

> Hi Vicky,

> Hanging in there.... Just got off the phone with my Gastro.... My

> viral load is close to 6 million...... he also did a cancer screening

> and that was slightly elevated in the pancreas...... The strange thing

> is that I have the blockage in my stomach Aorta, but my cholesterol came

> back normal for the first time in a long time...... I am just thinking

> positive..... And I know all will turn out for my benefit..... I am

> not throwing in the towel yet..... I am too ornery for that....... ;o

> Seems as tho' everything is falling apart.... My husband leaves and now

> this..... But ya know what.... I am becoming stronger and more

> determined to fight back...... Look out Rocky!!!!!! Diane is going to

> run up and down those steps in Philly..... LOL..... ;o



> Angel Hugs,

> Diane





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Good for you! Praise God. Too often we tend to think

of God only when we are in trouble or pain. We

remember to pray for help, but forget to thank Him

when we get it. We worry about the things we don't

have, rather than being thankful for the things we do

have. I guess that's part of our human frailty, I know

I am often guilty of this, but a good reminder now and

then always helps me get back on that narrow path.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> To all of you that knew I was having a legal

> battle............I WON

> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any prayers you may have

> said got me back what was

> mine after many years. Now if you don't mind please

> also say a prayer of

> thanks for me too. I have but all of them help. I

> have been blessed !!!!!!!



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Good for you for hanging in there. I guess many of us

know how difficult it is to deal with our bureacracy,

be it the courts, or insurance companies, etc. It's

and Goliath all over again. It takes tenacity to

keep up the fight. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Thanx soooooooo much Diane. For the first time in my

> life I finally done

> something Legal and won!!! I know it may not seem

> like that alone is a major

> accomplishment but beleive me when I tell you for me

> it is. Now me and my 11

> yr. old daughter are finally back together after 11

> years. I love her so much

> and she is happy here. Thanks again all.



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Give her a group hug by proxy for us. My ex-wife left

the state with my son when he was 3. I saw him in the

summer only for 3 years. This was the time the bottom

dropped out in my fight against alcoholism/substance

abuse. I finally found out the only way I could win

that fight was to surrender 6 years ago. I know how

tough it can be to be separated from your children.

They now live only about 35 miles from me and I praise

God for that, but not as often as I should.


--- diane214@... wrote:

> Jan,

> This is just another reason for you to get

> better..... I am so glad

> that the stress is over for you.... BE HAPPY AND


> GIRL!!!!!!!!!

> Sending Luv to you and your Family......




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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Keep on the high ground. Your attitude inspires me to

keep on fighting these troubles. -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:


> That's a good one -dz-......

> Time is already showing who is regretting their

> actions and it isn't

> me.... ;o




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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It make me smile inside to hear a man say how they miss their

kids..... My son is with me now from Florida cause she left him for

another man.... He has only 1 son and he is heartbroken. His choice was

to get away because he was afraid of his actions if he saw the guy.....

He sends 150-200 every week on his own for child support..... This is

not a court order.... She should thank her lucky stars..... He doesn't

want his son to go without anything because he is not there.... I see

the hurt on his face every day and it break my heart........ So for

every deadbeat dad there are also ones who take responsibility........ I

am proud of him....

Angel Hugs,


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Oh I will keep on keeping on..... LOL.... I am a hard headed Irish

Aries.... Need I say More???? ;o I might be little, but my mouth can

be heard around the world!!!!! We have to keep up a good attitude -dz-

or we will lose... No matter what the situation.... and I have all of

you. We gain strength and knowlege from each other.... Luv you

all....... Now where is that song -dz- ????? We have enough real life

experiences' to write about here.... ;o

Angel Hugs,


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I agree, we were separated for about 2 years (neither

one of us could afford the divorce) and I always paid

support on my own before we got a court order. In fact

it worked out much better before the child support

agency got involved, now the money goes to them and

they send it to my ex-wife. I pay $85/yr for the

privledge of having them take my money.


--- diane214@... wrote:

> -dz-

> It make me smile inside to hear a man say how

> they miss their

> kids..... My son is with me now from Florida cause

> she left him for

> another man.... He has only 1 son and he is

> heartbroken. His choice was

> to get away because he was afraid of his actions if

> he saw the guy.....

> He sends 150-200 every week on his own for child

> support..... This is

> not a court order.... She should thank her lucky

> stars..... He doesn't

> want his son to go without anything because he is

> not there.... I see

> the hurt on his face every day and it break my

> heart........ So for

> every deadbeat dad there are also ones who take

> responsibility........ I

> am proud of him....




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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I am very proud of my son for the approach he took with his paying

child support..... By no means is my son an angel.... He likes to party

on the week-end but he does show he is responsible....

Angel Hugs,


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It is raining enough over here for you all too. It is time it stops. Hubby is a painter/blaster. Can't do that in this mess. Fixin to have to get our pirogues out....hahaha Hope everyone is doing fine today.

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Hi Diane

I've been pretty good. A little busy with my job and all of my Dr.

appointments. This month they all fell during the same week, so I had to do

quite a bit of traveling.

We finally got some badly needed rain this week. It has been several months

without any. Last three days we got 3 inches with more on the way.

Re: [ ] Hello

> Thank you . How have you been?



> Angel Hugs,

> Diane





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Diane, I don't think we have too many angels here on

Earth. I know I haven't been fitted for my wings yet.

It is usually pretty simple to know what the right

choice is, yet I don't always take it, whether it is

taking the easy way out, or just in a moment of

weakness indulging myself. God judges us by what is in

our heart, not by the mistakes we have made. Your son

is putting the well-being of his child ahead of his

own feelings towards his ex, I think that is a good

sign that his heart is in the right place. Good for



--- diane214@... wrote:

> Vicky,

> I am very proud of my son for the approach he

> took with his paying

> child support..... By no means is my son an

> angel.... He likes to party

> on the week-end but he does show he is

> responsible....




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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Hi ,

I know what you mean about Dr. appointments..... I have to go today. And

the Lab mess up my bloodwork so I have to go back and get a Liver

Profile.... They did a lipid profile instead.... Dummies..... Then it's

off to the Eagles Game.....

I am glad to hear that you got your rain.... ;o Have a great day

everyone.... Smile... It makes people wonder what you're up to.


Angel Hugs,


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Hey , we have caught up on our rain in Wisconsin

too. We had a little thundershower this morning

already. The weather has been odd the past couple of

years. Last summer we only hit 90 one day all summer

long, which is unusual. This summer it's been over 90

dozens of times. We had a colder than average winter

last year too. -dz-

--- <ralexan@...> wrote:

> Hi Diane


> I've been pretty good. A little busy with my job and

> all of my Dr.

> appointments. This month they all fell during the

> same week, so I had to do

> quite a bit of traveling.


> We finally got some badly needed rain this week. It

> has been several months

> without any. Last three days we got 3 inches with

> more on the way.




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Yes my son is doing the right thing and I am not only proud but

surprised..... He did it on his own...... I have been on both sides and

I know what it feels like to raise kids with very little money..... I

used t go hungry so they could eat... I waited till they were full

before I ate. I remember the 3 of them saying.. " Aren't you Hungry

Mommy? " Hell yeah I was hungry but they came first........ Have a good

day -dz-

Angel Hugs,


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I myself have done the same thing. I have missed many meals for my children. They were more important. I wish my oldest daughter could remember what I have done without so she could have. Today she says I've never been a mother much less a friend. That hurts but I can't let it get to me. I have a fresh new start with Kristy. As they say....out with the old and in with the new.

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