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Hi ,

This post was interesting to me. I know a while back you had told hypers

to avoid foods with sulfur such as garlic, onions, eggs, etc. until our

copper levels were up. Well, I'd been wondering about this for awhile

because I LOVE garlic and have never really felt any problems from it.

Then in the last couple of weeks, I've been craving eggs. I thought maybe

there was something else in the eggs and garlic that I needed -- maybe it

was the sulfur after all. Now I feel I can relax when I eat the eggs (I

gave in this much from my vegan diet - I usually feed my body what it

craves within moderation) and enjoy them a lot more. Thanks for the info.



> From: BU007@...

> hyperthyroidismegroups

> Subject: Sulfur

> Date: Wednesday, December 02, 1998 10:45 PM


> Hi Everyone,

> This is sort of long, but I think you'll find it very interesting all

the way

> to the end.

> I've been out all day and just got online and see that many of you have

> concerns. I will get to all those concerns, but first I wanted to share


> you something which I think may be very important. As we struggle to

find the

> best nutritional pathway to get people out of this maze called

> hyperthyriodism, I sometimes forget that I found a path out that worked


> me. As I've been studying many nutritional aspects of the

hyperthyroidism I

> have second guessed myself several times. There are supplements which I


> thoughout my recovery which for one reason or another I've come to

discount as

> being helpful. Today I was remembering that I had tested and retested


> single supplement in the program that I followed until I was sure that it


> helping me. I believe that my experimentation was good, but I have come


> doubt some of that because of new information that I've discovered.


> the more I learn, the more I realize that every nutrient that I took was

> important. What I want to do is to give you a current list of nutrients


> upon the program that I took. I'll do that in the next post so that it


> be separate and you'll be able to print it out.

> First I want to talk about some important things from my program that I

> believe should be included in every hyper's program.

> First I want to talk to you about sulfur. Many of you will remember

that we

> talked about it before. I had been taking a sulfur supplement, called


> (methylsulfonylmethane, 500 mgs., made by GYN Nutriment Pharmacology, and

> called Bio-Plex). We had noted that I and other people felt that foods


> onions and garlic, which are high in sulfur, bothered us as hypers. When


> talked to Dr. Larry , who wrote the textbook about hair mineral

> analysis, he told me that many people, including himself, get copper

toxic and

> take MSM because the sulfur causes the body to excrete copper. He said


> people have high copper levels in their hair and after a few months on


> these copper levels drop back down into the normal range.

> I accepted this information as truthful, because I thought that Dr.

> must know what he's talking about. I recommended to people not to eat


> sulfur foods and didn't recommend taking the MSM, despite the fact that I


> taken it. I felt that perhaps I would have

> built up my copper levels and recovered faster if I hadn't taken it.

> Now, however, I am thinking that I may have been wrong in accepting Dr.

> 's information as fact. For some reason, sulfur came into my head


> night as I was going to bed and it stayed there all night burning away.


> started wondering if sulfur might not be an antagonist of copper, but

rather a

> partner and essential for it's utilization. We had been talking about

all the

> vitamins that have a reputation for restoring hair color and health, and

I was

> surmising that they probably did this because they worked with copper


> appears to be not only the critical mineral for hair color, but also the

> critical mineral for collagen and hair construction. It they worked with

> copper in the hair, then they might very well be important in making


> work in other functions, like the one we are interested in, slowing the

> thyroid.

> I was thinking that if these so-called " copper toxic " persons, who


> high copper levels in their hair, were sulfur deficient, and sulfur were

> critical for copper utilization, then the body might be trying to excrete


> copper because it was unuseable without the sulfur. For many years, my

> calcium and magnesium levels were extremely high in my hair tests, but I


> that my blood levels were low because of my symptoms. I thought maybe


> same was happening with copper. The high hair levels indicated that it


> getting into the body's cells and being utilized. Once the MSM (sulfur

> supplement) was taken, the copper would then be useable and would no

longer be

> shunted off into the hair.

> I started thinking that maybe the people in the group who are taking


> but who are not seeing any improvement in their hyper symptoms are sulfur

> deficient. They can't utilize the copper, because copper needs sulfur to


> utilized. I was able to get better on 5 mgs of copper a day, because I


> taking 2 tablets of MSM sulfur every day, and the copper was being fully

> utilized because of the presence of the sulfur.

> Now I experiment on myself all the time, and I had stopped taking the


> about 10 days ago. I noticed in the last few days that I wasn't feeling


> well as usual and was getting a feeling of tightness in my body as if it

> couldn't relax. Despite the fact that I was taking 10 mgs. of copper a


> and had drastically reduced my zinc intake, I was having chocolate


> It seemed like I was deficient in copper, but I was wondering, how could


> be?

> About 4 am this morning I woke up feeling very uncomfortable. I got up


> took two tablets of MSM sulfur and went to bed. For breakfast I took


> more tablets of the MSM. A couple hours later as we were driving to the


> to go bike riding, I started feeling a wonderful relaxed feeling come

over me.

> I felt great all day and haven't had that uncomfortable feeling again nor


> I craved chocolate. I can't be sure the MSM was responsible, but I sure

> suspect there is a connection.

> This evening I decided to do some research on sulfur to see if it was

> involved in any of the same things that copper is involved in. Although


> is very little information in the nutrition books about sulfur, what I


> is very intriguing. Most interesting is that sulfur isn't even a trace

> mineral, it's a major mineral. Why isn't more work done on it?

> Apparently all sulfur in the body is bound in proteins. There are three


> sulfur containing amino acids: methionine, taurine, cystine, and


> Remember cysteine? That is the amino acid which facilitates B-6


> which in turn facilitates zinc metabolism. Interesting....

> The vitamins thiamine (B-1) and biotin both contain sulfur. Remember

that we

> think B-1 is the main B vitamin which assists copper utilization.

> The sulfur containing proteins are found as: hemoglobin, hormones,


> and antibodies. Very interesting. Sulfur deficiency causes arthritis


> arthritic degeneration of cartilage, ligaments, and tendons; and causes

> " collagen diseases. "

> Another source says that sulfur appears to be important for collagen

> synthesis (just like copper) and keeps hair glossy and smooth and the

> complexion clear and youthful (copper is involved in hair and skin


> Sulfur is found in keratin which is a tough protein which forms joints

> (glucosamine sulfate), skin, nails, and hair.

> Sulfur is found in insulin, the hormone that regulates carbohydrate

> metabolism. (If it's in one hormone it may be in many more.)

> Basically there are alot of hints here that sulfur may well work with


> throughout the body, and be necessary for copper utilization. But I


> some more interesting things also.

> Methionine and taurine are both sulfur containing amino acids.

Methionine is

> an essential amino acid which is involved in the health of the liver,


> and the immune system. It is " Protective against chemical allergic

> reactions. " This means to me that it inhibits and controls immune system

> functions.

> Taurine, a non essential amino acid (but deficiencies occur if

methionine is

> low), is a potent anti-seizure nutrient. It helps control hyperactivity,

> epilepsy, heart disorders, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, hypertension,


> high cholesterol. See all the hypers and hypos in that sentence.


> appears to be an important inhibitor of extremes.

> Another source says that numerous studies have shown that taurine has a

> depressant effect on the central nervous system, and that is why it has

> attracted interest in using it as for control of epilepsy, which involves


> state of neural overexcitation.

> To me, sulfur containing amino acids appear to be involved in inhibitory

> processes in the body. Hyperthyroidism appears to be a disease caused by

> deficiencies of inhibitory hormones and possibly neurotransmitters. The

> thought occurred to me that if hypers are deficient in useable copper, in

> large part because they are deficient in sulfur, then sulfur deficiency

may be

> a very important factor in hyperT. And if these sulfur-containing amino

> acids, methionine and taurine, are as involved in inhibitory responses in


> body as it looks, then deficiencies of these key amino acids may rightly


> suspected of being prime causes of hyperthyroidism.

> And here's a kicker: Very large quantities of taurine are found in the

> retina of the eye of many mammals, including people. In experiments,


> have been put on low taurine diets and have been shown to suffer a


> decline in tissue taurine levels after a few months. Retinal

degeneration was

> a result.

> When I read anything about a problem at the back of the eye, I think of


> involvement in Graves' disease. I have no idea if taurine deficiency

might be

> a cause of Graves' eye involvement, but I certainly see taurine as an

> extremely important supplement to experiment with.

> Taurine is found in high concentrations in bile, mother's milk, shark,


> abalone. I don't know about you, but I haven't had any of these foods in

> years.

> I'm sorry this post got so long, but I think you'll agree that some very

> interesting things have been unearthed here. I intend to look for a


> (or methionine) supplement tomorrow and give it a try. If anyone else

has any

> information or experience with sulfur, MSM, methionine, or taurine,


> share it with the rest of us. This looks like a very promising area of

> exploration.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> Go get it!

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  • 5 years later...


This lady's reply is certainly interesting.

However, there is another thing also. DR. Budwig said that to take the

Flaxseed Oil alone without mixing it with the sulfur based proteins

first is dangerous in that it might have the " oposite effect " .

I would not wish to deviate from the approach that she found is so

effective. I might be interested in doing what this lady suggests in

addition to following Dr. Budwig's ddirections.

I know that DMSO is readily absorbed and that it is the sulfur that does

the healing in that situation. I don't know how that would get

together with the Omega 3.

The need as I understand it is that the Omega 3 in the Flaxseed Oil

becomes water soluble and easily absorbable with the sulfur based

proteins added to it before consuming it.



On Tuesday 14 September 2004 10:14 pm, szukidavis@... wrote:

> In a message dated 9/14/04 5:10:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


> cliffb865@... writes:

> > All I know is that Dr. Budwig said that the sulfur bearing amino

> > acids should be mixed with the flax oil.

> > Companion nutrients are a product that is basically enzymes plus

> > 100 mgs. of methionine which is one of the three sulfur based

> > amino acids.

> > ******************************************************************

> >*********** *****

> > I forwarded this information to a friend of mine who has some

> > knowledge of


> this topic and this was her interesting reply:


> The problem is that sulphur bearing aminos (which are the aminos

> that help detox heavy metals through the liver) are very difficult to

> absorb because of the phenol sulfurtransferese problem (allergies to

> pheonols or any sulphur based supps or environmental products, foods,

> colorings etc.) The reason why this person suggested taking the flax

> oil with the aminos is to get the absorption to work.  Methionine is

> one of the supplements that help detox heavy metals.


> From everything that I know I would highly recommend not to take the

> sulphur aminos because you won't absorb them even with the suggestion

> of the flax seed on an empty stomach. I have found a few suggestions

> that work: Epson salt baths - magnesium sulphate - the baths absorb

> the sulphur really well.

> sulphur cream - the body absorbs the sulphur 100 percent better when

> it is given cutaneously. www.kirkmanlabs.com has the sulphur cream.

> Lastly, MSM and Glucosamine sulphate are much more absorbable than

> the sulphur aminos.


> The problem with the sulphur aminos is that they are the amino acids

> which detox the heavy metals from the body such as methionine,

> N'acetylcysteine, glutathione, cysteine etc.  You will feel like

> garbage and most likely won't be able to absorb them.  My suggestion

> is to buy the sulphur and glutathione creams and put them on the

> skin.  That should uptake much better than taking all these

> supplements that you won't absorb anyway.








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In a message dated 9/15/04 3:00:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

cliffb865@... writes:

> would not wish to deviate from the approach that she found is so

> effective. I might be interested in doing what this lady suggests in

> addition to following Dr. Budwig's ddirections.


I agree totally! I know from testimonials that the cc/flax works! What Ms.

Badillo says is that some people are able to absorb better than others,

depending on many factors. Perhaps that is why the protocol works better for


than others ..so to play it safe, the cream she mentions perhaps should be

incorporated into the protocol?

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In a message dated 9/15/2004 1:02:00 AM Mountain Standard Time,

cliffb865@... writes:

My suggestion

> is to buy the sulphur and glutathione creams and put them on the

> skin.


The skin is our biggest organ and what you put on the skin does go into the


Essential oils taught me that. Peppermint oil has sulphurs in it and may be

the only one that does and it can be diluted and put on the skin. I take a

mineral product that has sulphur in it plus the peppermint oil in it too. It can

detox as it has the sesquiterpenes. Peppemint oil is analgesic,

anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory (prostate and nerves), antiseptic,

antispasmodic, and


The French uses are for asthma, bronchitis, candida, diarrhea, digestive aid,

fever (reduces) flu, halitosis, heartburn, hemorrhoids, hot flashes,

indigestion, menstrual,irregularity, migraine headache, motion sickness, nausea,

respiratory function (sids) shock, shin(itchy), throat infection, varicose


vomiting and may help anger, arthritis, colic, depression, fatigue, food

poisoning, headaches,hives, hysteria, inflammation, liver problems, morning

sickness, nerves(regenerate and support) rheumatism, elevate and open sensory


soothe and cool skin(may help keep body cooler on hot days), toothaches,

tuberculosis and adds flavor to water. It affects the digestive system, hormone

system, muscles and bones, nervous system, and respiratory system. It can be

inhaled and it is purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind.

Garlic has sulphur.

HGH is also amino acids/protein

Since Dr. Budwig's method worked so well that would be my first consideration.


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In a message dated 9/15/2004 2:32:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

md29again@... writes:

cliffb865@... writes:

My suggestion

> is to buy the sulphur and glutathione creams and put them on the

> skin.


The skin is our biggest organ and what you put on the skin does go into the


Essential oils taught me that. Peppermint oil has sulphurs in it and may be

the only one that does and it can be diluted and put on the skin. I take a

mineral product that has sulphur in it plus the peppermint oil in it too. It


detox as it has the sesquiterpenes. Peppemint oil is analgesic,

anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory (prostate and nerves), antiseptic,

antispasmodic, and




>>> Essential oils need to be diluted in a carrier or alcohol or oil to no

more than 8%.

These are powerful substances and a few drops go a long way.

Please do not overdo it with ANY essential oils.

Charlie's last stay in ICU found Oil of Peppermint (not the essential oil) by

his bedside to help with nausea. The hospital had been using it for some

time. I sure was impressed.

Peppermint Extract (in alcohol) from your kitchen cupboard can also be used

and in higher amounts than the essential oil.



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In a message dated 9/15/04 4:33:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, BADILLO9 writes:

> There is no replacement in an oil for glutathione, but the sulphur based

> essential oils should be good. The problem with the garlic and food based

> sulphur is absorbing it in the GI tract. Glutathione is the important link in

> getting the metals out of the body.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

It is powder or flakes, can't remember, sprinkle on the lawn.

[ ] Found 11 ticks on my horses tail today

> >

> >

> >> I have never had a problem with ticks on horses.

> >> Just an ocasional one.

> >> Today this is more than I have found in all the years combined.

> >>

> >> They mostly look like dog ticks but some were enjorged.

> >>

> >> I pulled them with tweezers and put them in a bottle with alchol.

> >>

> >> They are still moving around.

> >>

> >> I wanted to see if I could identfy the different ones because they

> >> are

> >> at differet stages and a couple did not look like the common dog tick.

> >>

> >> I wondered if anyone had used anything to keep ticks off there

> >> property?

> >> I saw a copy of the speach Dr Horowitz made and he had his property

> >> treated.

> >>

> >> I have bird feeders and like to watch the wild ducks on the ponds

> >> around our neighborhood.

> >> Do these birds carry ticks in?

> >>

> >> I have been told gunieas would eat ticks.

> >> Can anyone make suggestions?

> >>

> >> Thanks,

> >> Sandy

> >> Only

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Questions and/or comments can be directed to the list owner at

> > -Owner

> >>

> >>

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-Do you suppose that if you took the powder and put it into a hose

end sprayer you could spray with it and cover more ground.

I have a name for a company that does tick treatments


I have called the one in my town and they have not called me back.

-- In , " fsmfarms " <fsmfarms@f...> wrote:

> It is powder or flakes, can't remember, sprinkle on the lawn.



> [ ] Found 11 ticks on my horses tail today

> > >

> > >

> > >> I have never had a problem with ticks on horses.

> > >> Just an ocasional one.

> > >> Today this is more than I have found in all the years combined.

> > >>

> > >> They mostly look like dog ticks but some were enjorged.

> > >>

> > >> I pulled them with tweezers and put them in a bottle with


> > >>

> > >> They are still moving around.

> > >>

> > >> I wanted to see if I could identfy the different ones because


> > >> are

> > >> at differet stages and a couple did not look like the common

dog tick.

> > >>

> > >> I wondered if anyone had used anything to keep ticks off there

> > >> property?

> > >> I saw a copy of the speach Dr Horowitz made and he had his


> > >> treated.

> > >>

> > >> I have bird feeders and like to watch the wild ducks on the


> > >> around our neighborhood.

> > >> Do these birds carry ticks in?

> > >>

> > >> I have been told gunieas would eat ticks.

> > >> Can anyone make suggestions?

> > >>

> > >> Thanks,

> > >> Sandy

> > >> Only

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Questions and/or comments can be directed to the list owner at

> > > -Owner@Y...

> > >>

> > >>

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Guest guest

interesting- I had my ddaughter take homeopaathic sulphur for what I thought

was scabies.She had severe symptoms. A hospital and 4doctors didn't help her.

One dose of 30c sulphur ended it. But, for my chronic lyme I have been


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--Have you looked into a miasm?

- In , gmetropulo@a... wrote:

> interesting- I had my ddaughter take homeopaathic sulphur for what I


> was scabies.She had severe symptoms. A hospital and 4doctors didn't

help her.

> One dose of 30c sulphur ended it. But, for my chronic lyme I have


> unsuccessful.




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  • 2 years later...
  • 11 months later...

Thanks for the info, i think im on the right track thanks to you kind

folks. lol. I didnt think sulfer was toxic much less lethal. I have

the MSM powder. I will mix it at a 1/12 ratio per Rays protocol.

I am soo blessed and grateful to have you all!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

> >

> > Hi,

> > I am wondering what percentage i should use the MSM with cream

> or

> > oil. On the scabies forum, it says to use 1/9 ratio for SULFER. I

> will

> > be using MSM on the baby, my 8 year old, myself, and hopefully my

> > husband. The guy on the scabies forum scared me saying i need to

> ask a

> > doctor as sulfer has killed babies before. Another poster said

> sulfer

> > was perfectly safe for babies. It worries me enough to ask some

> real

> > experts over here. lol.

> > I read a post abpout taking MSM internally, anybody know

> anything

> > about that? Is taking salt internally helping anybody?

> > Also if anyone knows...how long Ivermectin stays in your

> system? I

> > will be supplementing formula while taking it, and want to know

> when i

> > should be able to return to nursing.

> >

> >

> > Thank You

> >

> > Holly

> >


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Holly sweet girl, we are all routing for you and your little baby,

and you are welcome


> > >

> > > Hi,

> > > I am wondering what percentage i should use the MSM with


> > or

> > > oil. On the scabies forum, it says to use 1/9 ratio for


> > will

> > > be using MSM on the baby, my 8 year old, myself, and hopefully


> > > husband. The guy on the scabies forum scared me saying i need


> > ask a

> > > doctor as sulfer has killed babies before. Another poster said

> > sulfer

> > > was perfectly safe for babies. It worries me enough to ask


> > real

> > > experts over here. lol.

> > > I read a post abpout taking MSM internally, anybody know

> > anything

> > > about that? Is taking salt internally helping anybody?

> > > Also if anyone knows...how long Ivermectin stays in your

> > system? I

> > > will be supplementing formula while taking it, and want to


> > when i

> > > should be able to return to nursing.

> > >

> > >

> > > Thank You

> > >

> > > Holly

> > >

> >


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