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5th day on Trienza and major side effects

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My daughter has just started Trienza and is on day 5 now. She has

been doing awful on the enzymes. I am going to keep going but the

side effects have been really difficult. She has spd and has been

gfcf for almost 6 months. We were at a really good place before the

enzymes with the exception of getting terribly sick all the time, but

she had been calmer, almost never melting down and able to communicate

better. The enzymes seemed to have caused hyperactivity, but also

melt downs and aggressive behavior. It seems like she is " on drugs " .

I feel so sad to watch her regress, but the diet has been so emotional

draining for her and I am sure her " gut " has issues. We see a DAN

doctor, but can't get in until May. We scheduled the appt in

November, but it is really hard to get in. Anyway, is this reaction

to enzymes normal and when should I begin to see improvement?


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I recently started trying both Nutribiotic GSE for yeast and Trienza for the

first time and my son's aggression has been decreasing each day. Have you tryed

GSE yet? It seems to really work. I am going to add in Magnesium (calms) and

Biotin soon as recommended by so many in the group. Maybe these would help.

My daughter has just started Trienza and is on day 5 now. She has

been doing awful on the enzymes. I am going to keep going but the

side effects have been really difficult. She has spd and has been

gfcf for almost 6 months. We were at a really good place before the

enzymes with the exception of getting terribly sick all the time, but

she had been calmer, almost never melting down and able to communicate

better. The enzymes seemed to have caused hyperactivity, but also

melt downs and aggressive behavior. It seems like she is " on drugs " .

I feel so sad to watch her regress, but the diet has been so emotional

draining for her and I am sure her " gut " has issues. We see a DAN

doctor, but can't get in until May. We scheduled the appt in

November, but it is really hard to get in. Anyway, is this reaction

to enzymes normal and when should I begin to see improvement?



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>>The enzymes seemed to have caused hyperactivity, but also

> melt downs and aggressive behavior.

She might not tolerate it, or she might need to start with a much

lower dose than you are giving now.


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> Do you know if there are side effects with the GSE?

It is high phenol, so give it with No-Fenol if your child has issues

with phenols.

It can cause bad bacteria if you give it when the yeast is gone.

It does not interact well with certain medications.

>>I am nervous now

> about all these different supplements since seeing callan react so

> strongly.

Try biotin at first, instead of GSE.


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> Hi Dana,

>>Would you recommend keeping her at the

> 2 capsules a day until she seems regulated and then add more. That

> seems logical to me.


>>We also started the epsom salt baths. Do you

> recommend us starting anything with this now or should we wait until

> we we see that she is tolerating the enzyme.

Wait. You want to be able to determine the causes of any other

reactions she might have, to other things you change/add.


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