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Re: someone please help

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Hi there. I am sorry you are having such a hard time. My situation is

similar to yours. My PA started with fever, joint pain, extreme fatigue

and headache. I have had psoriasis since the age of 17. At one point, my

doc thought it was in my head after doing tests to rule out heart

infection, etc. I stuck to my story and eventually he sent me to a

rheumatologist who examined me and took bloods and diagnosed me. I would

suggest going to a rheumatologist if you haven't already done so. Good


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Victor -

Have you seen a rheumatologist? If not, that's who

you need to talk to.. They can do a blood test

looking for the presence of the HLA-B27 antigen in

your blood, which is a pretty sure indicator of

psoriatic arthritis, and other some other conditions

as well.

--- victor.mckinnon@... wrote:

> First I would like to say thank you to all the

> friends who have

> given much encouragement though this web site.

> Could

> someone please help me I am a man who has had

> psoriasis

> from about seven years old, I am now 49. At

> various times most

> parts of my body has been affected. Of late this

> has been much

> improved except when under a great deal of stress.

> However it

> has been replaced by a great deal of pain in my

> joints especially

> in my fingers and toes, also most of my other joints

> including my

> rib cage. I have had great trouble in convincing

> the doctors that

> there is anything the matter, as there is little or

> no outward sings,

> such as swelling of the joints etc. this is in spite

> of the fact that

> one of the leading dermatologists said some time ago

> that I

> would have trouble with my joints as indicated my my

> finger nails

> being almost obliterated by psoriasis. I am now

> finding it most

> difficult to go about my daily routine. I have been

> unable to work

> this past few year due to depression and looking

> after my mother

> who has sine passed away.





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Hello Victor ,

Sorry about your Mom passing...

I can't understand how a Dr. can't believe you are

hurting , other than the fact that evidently he

doesn't have the PA, really only people that have this

auto-immune disease know the pain that they go through

, I have tried to get all the Dr's that I go to to

find out why my legs anfeet ankles and toes are so

swollen , of course it must be the PA , but why can't

something be done about it , the Rhuemy sent me to the

famil Dr. who checked my heart , that was ok, then had

me call my endo , nothing he is giving me is making my

legs swell and hurt ... ugh!!!! I want to scream.

Have considered changing your Rhuemy?

Hope the best to you , It seems that all my joints are

affected at one time or another.








Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear Children:

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us as

an offering and a sacrafice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Ephesians 5: 1,2


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" I have had great trouble in convincing the doctors that there is

anything the matter, as there is little or no outward sings, such as

swelling of the joints etc. "

I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time getting the docs to

listen to you. One thing I've learned through the years is that you

have to take a proactive approach to your treatment. I didn't

realize how lucky I was to have the docs I do until I started

checking out these message boards. I have a great relationship with

my primary doc, and through that he's been able to get me in with one

of the best rhumy's in the state.

When I was first diagnosed with PA 7 years ago, I went through a

period of depression. I was only 25 and it was hard to accept that

my life would now have it's limitations. But I came to realize that

you can adapt. I still have times when I long for just one pain free

day, but hey this is what I was delt and I'm playin my hand through.

I had to come to the conclusion that I have PA, it doesn't have me.

Bottom line, do not listen to the nay~sayers! If they don't believe

you, poo on them. Get aggressive with the docs. Make them listen to

you and your symptoms. If your doc won't help you, change until you

find one that will. (I thank my lucky stars that my doc's mother had

psorisis, so he knows exactly what this disease is like.) Arthritis

is nothing is play with. It can become a very serious illness with

fatal consequences.

Take comfort in knowing that we are here, we understand how you

feel. That's what this is all about, people helping each other


On a side note~my condolences on the loss of your Mother.

Much luck to you...

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Hi Victor - I just wanted to say that I can relate to your troubles. I had

my first flare after a period of stress and depression (although no one

recognized it at the time as PA) and it sounds like that is what you are

going through. Like the emotional side of life's traumas aren't enough,

that's when PA decides it will rear it's ugly head.

Anyway, I agree with all the medical advice I've seen posted - please see a

rheumatologist. And keep posting and reading here for the emotional side.

It helps to vent to someone who can understand.

Take care,

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Find a Board Certified rheumatolgist in your area. He(or she) willtest to rule

out other arthritis' and most likely begin medicationimmmediately. steroids like

prednisone help w/pain and immflamationbut long term use has its own set of

problems. methotrexate hashelped both my psoriasis and the artritis. Good luck,

take care.

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Hi There,

since you are taking MTX , could you please tell me

your dosage, I am taking 80mg and also volataren (sp)

for pain, I still feel like I am being attacked and

should be able to function better than I am.

Judi --- twotriangles@... wrote:

> Find a Board Certified rheumatolgist in your area.

> He(or she) willtest to rule out other arthritis' and

> most likely begin medicationimmmediately. steroids

> like prednisone help w/pain and immflamationbut long

> term use has its own set of problems. methotrexate

> hashelped both my psoriasis and the artritis. Good

> luck, take care.





Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear Children:

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us as

an offering and a sacrafice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Ephesians 5: 1,2


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I am taking 50 mg of MTX weekly, along with 30 mg of Arava daily. I take

Celebrex twice a day and Prilosec too. I take lots of medications for a

severe sinus condition and Plaquinel twice a day. My doctor said I was

overdosing on the Folic Acid, I was taking two a day, so I stopped taking


I don't take anything for depression, but often wonder if I should. I'm not

sure what to take. I find that for two to three days after injecting my MTX,

I feel so bad that I should take something. I do take Promethezine for

nausea everyday, and that does help some. Any suggestions for depression?

Amy Deel

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Amy -

Obviously I am not a doctor, but when I was first

misdiagnosed with systemic lupus, my doctor offered me

Zoloft.. and I should think it's really been helping

with dealing with mental side effects of having PA.. I

take 50mg of Zoloft day, and mentally, I really have

never felt better, considering the situation. Plus,

aside for a little nausea for the first 2-3 weeks, it

gave me no side effects.. no loss of appetite, sexual

dysfunction, nothing..It's the first time that an

anti-depressant has not had some bad side effect on


--- amydeel@... wrote:

> Hi,


> I am taking 50 mg of MTX weekly, along with 30 mg of

> Arava daily. I take

> Celebrex twice a day and Prilosec too. I take lots

> of medications for a

> severe sinus condition and Plaquinel twice a day.

> My doctor said I was

> overdosing on the Folic Acid, I was taking two a

> day, so I stopped taking

> them.


> I don't take anything for depression, but often

> wonder if I should. I'm not

> sure what to take. I find that for two to three

> days after injecting my MTX,

> I feel so bad that I should take something. I do

> take Promethezine for

> nausea everyday, and that does help some. Any

> suggestions for depression?


> Amy Deel




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In a message dated 06/28/2001 2:57:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

amydeel@... writes:

<< My doctor said I was

overdosing on the Folic Acid, I was taking two a day, so I stopped taking

them. >>

Hi Amy - Did you stop taking the folic acid altogether? I would question

your doctor if so because you need some extra folic acid to keep the side

effects (hair loss, mouth sores, etc.) of the MTX at bay.

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In a message dated 6/28/01 1:56:53 AM Central Daylight Time, amydeel@...


> . Any suggestions for depression

and i thought i took a lot of meds. i'm sorry you feel so bad. i started

taking zoloft for depression (100 mgs daily) but it was prescribed by a

psychiatrist. helping the depression also helped the psoriasis because it

'calmed' me and reduced stress. hands hurting-gotta go.

chicagoland sharon

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I did stop taking the Folic Acid, which I have taken for over 3 years. Now,

I have to admit, when I first started taking it, I noticed a huge difference

in the way I felt. But, now that I'm off, I don't really notice any change.

I'm wondering if since I've been on these medications so long, if perhaps, I

am just used to them.

Amy Deel

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Folic acid helps you mostly due to the drugs depleting this very important item

in your body. I don't know if you will notice anything specificially but would

be sure to check w/your dr before going off all folic acid.


Re: [ ] Re: someone please help


I did stop taking the Folic Acid, which I have taken for over 3 years. Now,

I have to admit, when I first started taking it, I noticed a huge difference

in the way I felt. But, now that I'm off, I don't really notice any change.

I'm wondering if since I've been on these medications so long, if perhaps, I

am just used to them.

Amy Deel

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In a message dated 07/01/2001 9:38:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

amydeel@... writes:

<< I did stop taking the Folic Acid, >>

Amy - If you are taking MTX, you need to take at least 1 MG of folic acid a

day - please check with your rheumy.

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  • 6 years later...
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I highly recommend that you contact the NH Parent Training Information Center. They will be able to give you good information about the area and what kinds of services and supports are available for children and families with special needs. Here is the information. They will be at a Regional Conference next week. I work at the PTIC in RI and we are always together at these regional conferences (New England region). Here is the contact information:

Judith Raskin, Director Parent Information Center (PIC) P.O. Box 2405 Concord, NH 03302-2405 (603) 224-6299; (603) 224-7005 (V/TTY) (800) 232-0986 (In NH) or (800) 947-7005 (In NH) E-mail: picnh@... Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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I think a good place to start would be to contact the Board of

Education and talk to the Special Ed Supervisor. ALso see if you can

find any local chapters of the Autism Society and STEP!


On Jul 17, 2007, at 4:30 AM, Miriam wrote:

> I need information before I move to New Hampshire. If anyone knows

> anything about the schools and living up there with Asperger Syndrome

> please email me. I moved to Texas 3.5 years ago without enough

> information and ended up in a terrible situation with a school here.

> Now that I'm moving again I'm trying desperately to get the information

> I need but I'm not getting enough information from anyone.


> Miriam





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The Asperger's Association of New England has a NH Chapter. This is a

very informative organization and I'm sure they could give you some

information. You can get contact information on their website at


Good luck,


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  • 4 years later...
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Test + DHEA look ok to me.

Have you tried thyroid? What happens when you try it?

Have you had Estradiol checked?

Have you had growth hormone checked?

were you the person who was going to try cortef?

What makes you feel better or has made you feel better previously?


> Im currently trying to fix my poor health my symptoms are:


> Low sex drive

> leg/back ache

> Slow speech

> concentration issues

> weak erections


> These are my ressults

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