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Stress Test

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Hi Stacie.

It's so good hearing from you. Your fears are quite understandable. I am 49

yrs. old (old, considering all my other problems' standards LOL). Being a

long-distance cyclist until recently, and before requiring a total knee

replacement, I couldn't walk. The tread machine was a no-no for me. The

hospital had a contraption that simulated a stationary bike, which allowed me

to do the stress test on it. I could paddle, but couldn't take more that a

few steps at a time because of the arthritic pain. Unfortunately, I needed

another sress test last year, but the hospitals, all of them, eliminated that

particular machine rom their inventories, and I ended doing the chemical,

drug-induced stress test.

I wish you all the best, and, keep in touch with us.

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yeh i wish it was that easy but they want me to go into a bad heart beat so they can see it and find out what it is where it coming from and what to do for it that's what scares me the ZAPPING PART but i guess i should be use to it by now huh i know my doctor will wacth out for me abd she DOE care about and WORRIES about me


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Stacie... first off, I'm gonna' invent a pill to cure our anxiety

prior to tests, etc... and then I'll adopt this entire group so we

can live really well on the profits ... I'm mean think of the market

out there :) ... but that aside... I think your cardio or whomever is

administering the stress test will watch that your h/r doesn't exceed

your ICD setting, you know, at which you'd be zapped ... I've had

numerous 'tests since being implanted back in '94 and never been

zapped yet :) ... I'm sure you'll be the same... they'll be watching

out for you... good luck and let us know how it goes ... if prayers

help, know I'll remember you in mine :)

JES :) in NJ...

If we stop living our lives they win.

God Bless America

> hi all hope you are okay well nexet week i have to have a stress

test i'm

> scared the last time i had a stress test was in 97 ( before my

jumper cables

> ) and i had v-tach this is my first stress test with my

defibrillator it

> scares me i'm afrad i will get you know SHOCKED i asked the doctor

if my mom

> or dad could be in the room when they do the test ( since it's not


> usely ) she said yes so i told her i would do the test but it still

scares me

> how does someone get over fear of getting shocked will on a

tredmill just

> though i would ask


> stacie,18

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Hi Stacie,

I can only tell you that when I had a stress test done (treadmill) they

turned off my ICD during the test. They had a technician

standing by who restarted my ICD after my heart had calmed down and that

was after the test was done. I will really be surprised if they let

your ICD on during the test. That doesn't seem right, especially if

there is professional help right by you. Anyway, I hope all goes

well for you. Did they absolutely tell you that your ICD would be

left on during the test?

Tom in PA

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Stacie, I'm sure there are those who would put no belief in what I am going to say. Honey, put your fears into the hands of God, your heavenly Father. He can do more for you than any person here on earth.

Love you, you are a precious child. Ila

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they want to leave it on (as far as i know ) they are doing the treadmill to see exatly how i look feel and how my heart is with exerice my doctor asked before saying the stress test if i am willing to do it the thang is when i do little or no exirce i go into a bad heart rythm but they can not cach it on a hoter moniter so they feel that the stress test is in my best intest i'm not sure if i feel the same way but i understand what they are saying they need to know how to controll my heart beats i paged my doctor the other day and talked to her i feel alittle better now she told me that she is going to do the test because i did not feel cofetable and safe with it instead of having someone easle do the test i thank she cares alot and she told me she did so i still am SCARED but i feel safer with her doing the test

by the way on a nother note I"M A LEGAL DRIVER FINALLY i'm so happy after waiting so long they never did ask about my defibrillator even if they would have i had a note from my doctor stateing that i can drive for the simple fact i have never in all my shocks ever passed out thang god hey to all going to the confrenice i will not be able to make it this year but i am going if they have one nexeted year if my heart gos into v-tach i will be put in and have a albation or ep study or meds change


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In that case Stacie... I can't be of any help... never been stressed

w/intent of putting me into V-tach... when that was goal they did EP

Study... so why isn't EP study in order for you? There must be a

perfectily good reason... but it doesn't come to me right now ...

I've had numerous Stress Tests since my implant, but I don't go into

V-tach 'til 172(?) bpm I think... gosh it's been so long ... and my

ICD doesn't go off 'til my h/r gets slightly over that ... they

always stop test before that.

Tom... you must go into V-tach at a lower point? ... I've never had

my unit turned off for a Stress Test... as a matter of fact... only

time it's ever been turned off for anything was during THAT screening

I had back in early Summer... you know the one I mean :)

JES :) in NJ...

If we stop living our lives they win.

God Bless American

> yeh i wish it was that easy but they want me to go into a bad heart

beat so

> they can see it and find out what it is where it coming from and

what to do

> for it that's what scares me the ZAPPING PART but i guess i should

be use to

> it by now huh i know my doctor will wacth out for me abd she DOE

care about

> and WORRIES about me


> stacie,18

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Stacie, I don't know if this will help but when I had to take mine after

jumper cables were installed they gave me a little something to help keep me

calm and when things started to speed up they just made me stop [when I got

to my danger peak which is 138. They work to keep my heart rate at 58

regularly so when I got up to about 116 they had me stop. When I didn't

settle right down and I went into VT they gave me an amnesiac which helped I

remember getting shocked but I don't remember a lot else.


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Hi all --

Why is it necessary for someone to have

these stress tests after it's already been

determined at what point to set their ICD?

(I've probably missed something here -- please

pardon if I'm asking a question that's already

been answered. Seems like I'm awfully good,

lately, at that sort of thing!)



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I had a second stress test done because my left leg/foot suddenly swelled up.

I have a long history with the leg. (At 19, I was in a severe automobile

accident. Now, at 49, age, wear and tear, and arthritis, are taking their

toll. Also, in '98, due to an unsuccesful ablation attempt, I developed a 2

1/2 ft. long blood clot, which compounded the already poor circulation in

that leg). I recently required a total knee replacement, and the hip

replacement looming up in the near future. The swelling in the leg always

alarms the doctors since it is a indication of a serious blockage of blood

flow, and the stress test shows its effects on the heart. Thus, another

stress test.

I hope that explains it away.

I'll be fine.

Not much choice in the matter. Must be fine.

As was said somewhere before, the best revenge is living long and well

despite everything we are going through.


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Hi Pam...

'seems w/Stacie it's to check for when & why she goes into V-tach if

I have my thoughts straight... w/me it's usually to check my

endurance level what w/my DCM (dialated cardiomyopathy) ... and thus

far, if anything, that's improved :)... however, I'm sure there are

many reasons for stress tests from time to time.

JES :) in NJ

If we stop living our lives they win.

The best revenge is to live long and well.

God Bless America!

> Hi all --

> Why is it necessary for someone to have

> these stress tests after it's already been

> determined at what point to set their ICD?

> (I've probably missed something here -- please

> pardon if I'm asking a question that's already

> been answered. Seems like I'm awfully good,

> lately, at that sort of thing!)


> Thanks,

> ~Pam

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Janet ..

> I've never had a stress test. Has anyone else not had one? What

> determines whether you need one?



> My husband Rich (our ICD dude) had a couple after the MI in '94 that

> led eventually to his ICD

> this yr. But he hasn't had once since then. It is a way to measure the

> heart function, and what

> remains of it after a heart attack or viral attack or the like. I

> suppose if the person was becoming

> sicker, or even better, they would do another to measure the

> difference between the previous one,

> to determine how to adjust the person's meds., or what other action

> might be needed.


> I had one this yr. myself. Was having heart type symptoms of

> palpitations (severe enuff to wake me

> up at night), and high BP. It turned out to have normal results, even

> tho they had to stop it before i

> reached the target pulse rate they'd set for me (i guess due to my

> weight, gender, and age) because

> my BP got astronomically high. I thot it was funny that they kept

> asking me if i worked out regularly

> (hell NO!), couldn't believe that i'm a smoker (hell YES).

> Sue

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are there any people in here around the age of 16.. im 16 and i dont know anyone my age with this.... soo please email me!!!.. i have to get out of the because i get to much email as it is.. so please email me at gmhsalmtot@... or jrtstiggurl@... thanks!

Love Always

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hey thanks for email me back. I am havin a such a bad time with this! I had the surgery in June after goin into v-tach during a stress test.. but i had another stress test done as part of a cardiolite test and went into v-tach again.. they found out w/ the results of the cardiolite test that i ahve 2 clogged arteries and so my doctors are talkin to like a billion other doctors about what to do bcause im so young... BEING SICK SUCKS!

Love Always

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There is at least one other teenager in the group, a girl named Stacie, and I am sure she'll be writing you, if she hasn't already done so.

Please don't leave the . it may be a lot of mail, but you can always delete the stuff you do not want. The information that comes across the internet on this site is extremely valuable, especially when something new comes up, something you do not have xperience with. it is especially valuable when you deal with your cardio and have questions to ask.



Re: Re: stress test

are there any people in here around the age of 16.. im 16 and i dont know anyone my age with this.... soo please email me!!!.. i have to get out of the because i get to much email as it is.. so please email me at gmhsalmtot@... or jrtstiggurl@... thanks! Love Always Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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I may be too old for this *grin* - but I'm 22, and got my ICD when I was 21. I can understand what its like to be young with this. While all my friend were going out to bars for the first time, I was learning what my first zaps felt like. They go out on dates - I'm in bed early becuase of my medication. They are out at gyms, while I have to stay away.

Its not easy - but it is liveable.

If you need someone to talk to, I'm here :)


Re: Re: stress test

are there any people in here around the age of 16.. im 16 and i dont know anyone my age with this.... soo please email me!!!.. i have to get out of the because i get to much email as it is.. so please email me at gmhsalmtot@... or jrtstiggurl@... thanks! Love Always Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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... you can also go into your " preferences " for this site and

make it so you don't recieve mail to your mailbox... I know I did

that as I to get way too much mail and I also am leary of opening

mail w/attachments.

JES :) in NJ...

God Bless America

> :


> There is at least one other teenager in the group, a girl named

Stacie, and I am sure she'll be writing you, if she hasn't already

done so.


> Please don't leave the . it may be a lot of mail, but you

can always delete the stuff you do not want. The information that

comes across the internet on this site is extremely valuable,

especially when something new comes up, something you do not have

xperience with. it is especially valuable when you deal with your

cardio and have questions to ask.


> best.


> Bill

> Re: Re: stress test



> are there any people in here around the age of 16.. im 16 and i

dont know anyone my age with this.... soo please email me!!!.. i have

to get out of the because i get to much email as it is..

so please email me at gmhsalmtot@a... or jrtstiggurl@a... thanks!


> Love Always


> Please visit the Zapper homepage at

> http://www.ZapLife.org



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LOL! Bob... ... could it have anything to do w/the lemons? LOL!

> hey katie,


> good one. never quite heard anyone put it quite that way.


> being sick does suck.


> bob in pa

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I don't know where you live, but if you are any where near Yipilante

Michigan, you should try to attend the YOUNG ICD

CONFERENCE, this Friday night and all day Saturday. It

is just what you need, and you will find people there even younger than

you! You will see and learn alot! If you can make it, call

Theres on at U of M (734)-936-5544 to register - it is FREE!


GMHSALMTOT@... wrote:


there any people in here around the age of 16.. im 16 and i dont know anyone

my age with this.... soo please email me!!!.. i have to get out of the

because i get to much email as it is.. so please email me

at gmhsalmtot@... or jrtstiggurl@... thanks!

Love Always

Please visit the Zapper homepage at


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--- Janet <jifrance@...> wrote:

> I've never had a stress test. Has anyone else not

> had one? What determines whether you need one?


I have never had a stress test done either. Only a



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--- J <robertj@...> wrote:

> hey katie,


> good one. never quite heard anyone put it quite

> that way.


> being sick does suck.


> bob in pa


> It's KATHIE not KATIE . But I'll forgive you this

time MR.bob in pa


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LOL... good point!

JES :) in NJ...

> > I've never had a stress test. Has anyone else not

> > had one? What determines whether you need one?

> >

> I have never had a stress test done either. Only a



> __________________________________________________


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