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I need to vent

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--- Stimson <directgrafx@...> wrote:

> Am I just feeling selfish??? I'm tired, my feet are

> killing me, my hands ache (BUT - I LOOK WELL,

> therefore, no one even thinks about the fact that I

> want to run screaming from the building and never

> stop. Well, either that or break down and cry (of

> which I am doing as a write this).

> [deleted]

> Now here's the kicker, if I complain to anyone

> (outside of our circle here) they simply don't get .

> it. I feel like a schlemele. I just need a break.

Well , many things in your note resonated for

me, but the bit about no one understanding sure hit a

raw nerve with me! I have not ever and never will

" look good " -- I am not a particularly handsome man --

but the point is I don't _look_ ill. No one can tell

that my feet feel like they are going to bust out of

my orthopedic boots, no one can tell why I shake hands

with my left hand if I shake at all. And it is too

hard to explain it to them because I don't _look_ the

way I feel.

So do I have any help for you? 'Fraid not -- but I

can tell you that you are certainly not alone. Its

funny, before my arthritis was diagnosed for what it

is one of the MANY mis-diagnoses was carpal tunnel

syndrome and I wore the appropriate hand brace. When

I had that brace on people seemed to understand that

there was something wrong. Now that I know what the

problem is I understand that the brace would do more

damage than help and I have no external symbol of the

day-to-day pain, so people's understanding has lapsed.

Are any of us whining? Of course not. Do we want

people to open doors for us or carry our cups of tea

across the room for us? Of course not. But a little

damn understanding sure would not hurt --

And that's all I can do, , understand and

sympathise, and let you know that you are not alone.

cheers --



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Boy do I here ya !!!! I remember when I first started battling with

getting my Social Security Disability Benefits, people would say to me,

" Why are you applying? You don't look like a thing is wrong with you. "

It was so hard to listen to and I got tired of explaining the disease

and its effects. Hang in there, we are all hear to listen and help.


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  • 5 years later...

Please remember that I just had a baby 4 weeks ago so I may be

hormonal. From the very begining, Zeb's premature birth, his

blindness, his autism has never broke me, I stayed strong, I didn't

feel sorry for him or myself. I tried to do everything for him to

make his life the best it could be. But today I would give my arms

and legs for him to be normal. He has had a bad week, meltdowns,

misbehaving at school(which he never does). I started him on

Laurcidin on October 18th, could this be causing the behaviors, he

is doing strange stuff, like pushing his head against the T.V. and

radio until it leaves red marks, chewing his buttons off his shirts,

he has always been a happy little boy but not lately. Sometimes I

get up and I wish I didn't have to fill Zeb full of supplements,

vitamins and medication to get through the day and lately we have

not being doing that so well. I'm not having a delayed depression,

I've been through all the stages of grief and went through

depression. I don't know what's happening, maybe because I don't

have control and I can't control Zeb's autism. Maybe because I have

a new baby and I'm so scared she to will have to go through what he

has been going through. Thanks for listening.

Totally unrelated, this question is to Dana. Where do you get powder

Vitamin C and how would I give it to a infant, mix in her formula?

Thanks for all your help. Alisha

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>>I started him on

> Laurcidin on October 18th, could this be causing the behaviors, he

> is doing strange stuff, like pushing his head against the T.V. and

> radio until it leaves red marks, chewing his buttons off his shirts,

> he has always been a happy little boy but not lately.

Lauricidn caused NASTY yeast for my kids.

> Totally unrelated, this question is to Dana. Where do you get powder

> Vitamin C and how would I give it to a infant, mix in her formula?

> Thanks for all your help. Alisha

I buy mine from my local Henry's Marketplace [it is similar to Trader

Joe's in many respects]. It is a subsidiary of Wild Oats, so you can

check for that store where you live also.


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  • 2 years later...

I can certainly understand how you feel. My son has been in school for two weeks and last week he was trying to get to his locker and another child was blocking it. My son didn't know what to say to him so he poked the boy. The boy then started hitting him and choking him. My son was able to push the kid off of him. A teacher saw the whole thing and never informed me. The only reason I knew was because my son had a red mark on his neck and I asked him what happened.

Then Monday my son went to the bathroom at school and that same child punched him in the testicles for absolutely no reason. I asked my son what he did when the kid did that....he said "nothing...just cried it hurt so bad". He said he then went and told the teacher. Again, I was not notified. I called the school today and the Principal had not heard of either incident. He said he would talk to the boys. I asked my son if the Principal talked to him today and he said "no". It's no wonder that our children have meltdowns when they do what they are supposed to do like tell a teacher and not hit back but then nothing is done to the bully. I'm sure if my son was the one hitting someone he would have been suspended.

I am so frustrated. I don't know exactly what to do.

-TxSee what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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You would think that schools would have zero tolerance for aggression after the awful things that have happened in schools across North America....very short sighted of that principal.


brenda, wife, mom and grandma to my beloved aspies

Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

Aspergers Treatment From: slfogg2000@...Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:14:19 -0700Subject: ( ) I need to vent

I don't post much but always read and have learned so much from you all. today I need to vent.

My soon to be 12 yr. old son (AS) was walked home by a parent from the schoolbus stop this AM after being sucker puched by an older kid over the spot in line to get on the bus. This kid has been trouble (zeroing in on his social issues)to my son in the past. I took ds to school and connected up with his emotional support teacher and got to speak with the new principal. My son is not an angel and I'm sure he may have elbowed the other kid, but hauling off and hitting another kid...UGH! The principal didn't seem to get it...I'm constantly teaching my kids that one does not justify the bad response.

I was hoping this was going to be a better year. Maturity has helped some...

Oh, I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening. in PA

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Thank you so much Robin. I tell you, I was up all night last night crying thinking about him in the bathroom crying. He has had to deal with bullying his whole life and it still continues even at ten years old.

Another thing I am annoyed about is that he is supposed to be getting Social Skills training at school per his IEP and when I have asked him what he does during that time he says he plays LEGOS. I asked the teacher who is supposed to be working with him and she said ", I don't know anything about Aspergers. I took a class in college that touched on Austism but I don't know anything about Aspergers and I don't know what to do with him.". What???????? Isn't the school district supposed to find someone qualified to administer social skills training? I told the diagnostician today that I don't want just anyone doing it with him because if she doesn't know what she is doing she could do more damage than good. She said she would give that teacher some books. UGH.

So not only am I dealing with the bullying issue already, I am also dealing with this. These poor kids just can't get a break. The lady I talked to at the school told me that child who punched my son in the testicles was smaller than my son. So what????? Like punching him in the (excuse my language) balls is going to hurt any less? If he was so hurt he sat in the bathroom and cried, it was serious.

I hate the school system.

-TxSee what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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I am reading these 2 posts and I cannot believe it. My son is only 7

and this terrifies me. God help the people who have to deal with me if

anything like that ever happened to my son. I would get a lawyer and

press charges against the family of the children that punched my son

and against the school district. I bet the principal would listen



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Go INTO school tomorrow and make sure they talk to the boy. Make sure they don't pull your son and the boy in the same room at the same time. This makes it obvious that your son told....and lying little shits always seem to be able to "out lie" good kids. Inform them of the "NO BULLYING POLICY" that is, I believe, in most schools and maybe check out your student handbook before you go so that you can SHOW them their own policy!!!! Don't put up with it. Let us know how it goes. And remember,,,,,,,,even if the bully says something about your son being annoying or bothering him or poked him or whatever,,,,,,,,gives him no right to hit or attack back. Your sons' IEP states his issues. They are asperger issues. They are a bit annoying and may not always be the right "responses",,,,,,,but they aren't mean and hurtful. That other boy WAS. YOU GO GIRL. RobinTheweaverfive@... wrote: I can certainly understand how you feel. My son has been in school for two weeks and last week he was trying to get to his locker and another child was blocking it. My son didn't know what to say to him so he poked the boy. The boy then started hitting him and choking him. My son was able to push the kid off of him. A teacher saw the whole thing and never informed me. The only reason I knew was because my son had a

red mark on his neck and I asked him what happened. Then Monday my son went to the bathroom at school and that same child punched him in the testicles for absolutely no reason. I asked my son what he did when the kid did that....he said "nothing...just cried it hurt so bad". He said he then went and told the teacher. Again, I was not notified. I called the school today and the Principal had not heard of either incident. He said he would talk to the boys. I asked my son if the Principal talked to him today and he said "no". It's no wonder that our children have meltdowns when they do what they are supposed to do like tell a teacher and not hit back but then nothing is done to the bully. I'm sure if my son was the one hitting someone he would have been suspended. I am so frustrated. I don't know exactly what to do. -Tx See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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frankly? id go to the police and file a police report then go with an escort to the school and file an official complaint. if it were my kid... thats what Id do anyhow. No one lays a hand on my child for one.. for two.. how DARE the school not tell you... for three.. our kids arent socially advanced. There have to be allowances with the school and students for that. special education should apply to everyone.. not just the spectrum kids. This means to me that everyone in the school and in the life of my child should be educated about what to expect from my child... what is acceptable in handling undesirable behavior and what to do if these nerotypical kids are lost as to a solution, such as "if johnny pokes you and solution A fails.. come see me and we will work it out" I mean... really..not tellng you that the abuse occured is surely illegal sense even the school did nothing about it. H and/or Robin Lemke

<jrisjs@...> wrote: Go INTO school tomorrow and make sure they talk to the boy. Make sure they don't pull your son and the boy in the same room at the same time. This makes it obvious that your son told....and lying little shits always seem to be able to "out lie" good kids. Inform them of the "NO BULLYING POLICY" that is, I believe, in most schools and maybe check out your student handbook before you go so that you can SHOW them their own policy!!!! Don't put up with it. Let us know how it

goes. And remember,,,,,,,,even if the bully says something about your son being annoying or bothering him or poked him or whatever,,,,,,,,gives him no right to hit or attack back. Your sons' IEP states his issues. They are asperger issues. They are a bit annoying and may not always be the right "responses",,,,,,,but they aren't mean and hurtful. That other boy WAS. YOU GO GIRL. RobinTheweaverfiveaol wrote: I can certainly understand how you feel. My son has been in school for two weeks and last week he was trying to get to his locker and another child was blocking it. My son didn't know what to say to him so he poked the boy. The boy then started hitting him and choking him. My son was

able to push the kid off of him. A teacher saw the whole thing and never informed me. The only reason I knew was because my son had a red mark on his neck and I asked him what happened. Then Monday my son went to the bathroom at school and that same child punched him in the testicles for absolutely no reason. I asked my son what he did when the kid did that....he said "nothing...just cried it hurt so bad". He said he then went and told the teacher. Again, I was not notified. I called the school today and the Principal had not heard of either incident. He said he would talk to the boys. I asked my son if the Principal talked to him today and he said "no". It's no wonder that our children have meltdowns when they do what they are supposed to do like tell a teacher and not hit back but then nothing is done to the bully. I'm sure if my son was the one hitting someone he would have

been suspended. I am so frustrated. I don't know exactly what to do. -Tx See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage. Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Autos.

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Get a lawyer. Your school district HAS TO direct you to low cost/free legal representation. If it were my kid, Id pull him and file a law suit. Change wont happen unless we MAKE change happen. schools in general are lazy and care more about budgets than our kids. Its a sad fact that I believe whole heartedly ( i dont need to hear from the others arguing about the great teacher they have.. i realise there are exceptions...) that most schools are undereducated about autism and causing our kids more damage than good. call the police.. call a lawyer and create change! Gettng mad is ok.. use that anger to hit the school back in their"balls" too. HTheweaverfive@... wrote: Thank you so much Robin. I tell you, I was up all night last night crying thinking about him in the bathroom crying. He has had to deal with bullying his whole life and it still continues even at ten years old. Another thing I am annoyed about is that he is supposed to be getting Social Skills training at school per his IEP and when I have asked him what he does during that time he says he plays LEGOS. I asked the teacher who is supposed to be working with him and she said ", I don't know anything about Aspergers. I took a class in college that touched on Austism but I don't know anything about Aspergers and I don't know what to do with him.". What???????? Isn't the school district supposed to find

someone qualified to administer social skills training? I told the diagnostician today that I don't want just anyone doing it with him because if she doesn't know what she is doing she could do more damage than good. She said she would give that teacher some books. UGH. So not only am I dealing with the bullying issue already, I am also dealing with this. These poor kids just can't get a break. The lady I talked to at the school told me that child who punched my son in the testicles was smaller than my son. So what????? Like punching him in the (excuse my language) balls is going to hurt any less? If he was so hurt he sat in the bathroom and cried, it was serious. I hate the school system. -Tx See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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THIS is just ONE of the reasons I'm pulling out of school!

That stupid " NO BULLYING " Policy is only good when the teachers and

Principals see fit to use it.. and it seems like it is working AGAINST

my son!!!

MAKE SURE they don't bring your son in with the bully.. that's what

they did at my school and it only has made it worse for my son!!! Now

he's getting fists shaked at him BEHIND the teachers back and my son is

told to quit being a tattle tale!!!!


On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:36 PM, and/or Robin Lemke wrote:

> Go INTO school tomorrow and make sure they talk to the boy. 

> Make sure they don't pull your son and the boy in the same room at the

> same time.  This makes it obvious that your son told....and lying

> little shits always seem to be able to " out lie " good kids.

> Inform them of the " NO BULLYING POLICY " that is, I believe, in most

> schools and maybe check out your student handbook before you go so

> that you can SHOW them their own policy!!!!

> Don't put up with it.

> Let us know how it goes.

> And remember,,,,,,,,even if the bully says something about your son

> being annoying or bothering him or poked him or whatever,,,,,,,,gives

> him no right to hit or attack back.  Your sons' IEP states his

> issues.  They are asperger issues.  They are a bit annoying and may

> not always be the right " responses " ,,,,,,,but they aren't mean and

> hurtful.  That other boy WAS.


> Robin


> Theweaverfive@... wrote:


>> I can certainly understand how you feel.  My son has been in school

>> for two weeks and last week he was trying to get to his locker and

>> another child was blocking it.  My son didn't know what to say to him

>> so he poked the boy.  The boy then started hitting him and choking

>> him.  My son was able to push the kid off of him.  A teacher saw the

>> whole thing and never informed me.  The only reason I knew was

>> because my son had a red mark on his neck and I asked him what

>> happened. 


>> Then Monday my son went to the bathroom at school and that same child

>> punched him in the testicles for absolutely no reason.  I asked my

>> son what he did when the kid did that....he said " nothing...just

>> cried it hurt so bad " .  He said he then went and told the teacher. 

>> Again, I was not notified.  I called the school today and the

>> Principal had not heard of either incident.  He said he would talk to

>> the boys.  I asked my son if the Principal talked to him today and he

>> said " no " .  It's no wonder that our children have meltdowns when they

>> do what they are supposed to do like tell a teacher and not hit back

>> but then nothing is done to the bully.  I'm sure if my son was the

>> one hitting someone he would have been suspended.


>> I am so frustrated.  I don't know exactly what to do.

>> -Tx





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I have learned the hard way that bus behavior is treated

differently than school behavior. The school does not take

responsibility for bus bullying at all. It's a he said-he said thing

they won't address. If we had taken out school insurance, it may

have been covered but I didn't take it out because we have good

medical coverage. However since we don't have any dental coverage,

we had to pay out of pocket for Adam's teeth. As for hiring a

lawyer, the family is low income. Winning a case doesn't always end

in getting paid. I was far more angry with the school for knowing

this kind of thing happens yet no implementation of bus monitors has

been made.

I am very surprised your district has social skills written

in an IEP. Mine won't add anything social because " their job is

education, not social skills " . I am sadly not surprised your child's

teacher knows nothing about Asperger's. As parents it seems a no

brainer that a teacher should know the diagnosis' of all children

with IEP's but the sad fact is, they don't. Last year Noah was sent

to the principal for being " defiant " by not writing a paragraph.

When I called his teacher and told her he doesn't know how to, she

told me he does because his journal is full of stories. It wasn't

until I read them that I was able to tell her he wrote the entire

script of his favorite tv show--one she hadn't heard about. She was

floored! I gave her two books on Asperger's and told her about a

conference. Thankfully the district paid for her to go to it. She

now understands Noah but has limited knowledge on how to teach him.

I'm sure all you parents with younger children are horrified to

hear these stories. However, you are quite blessed to learn this

while your children are young so you can do something about it

throughout their education.

As for in school bullying, document everything and send a copy to

the principal as well as the school board president. This way you

don't have to involve the other child. As I see it, the school is

responsible for implementing the no bullying policy. If we only

address the bully brats, the overall problem will continue but with

a different bully. Along with your documentation, let them know you

will be contacting a lawyer specializing in the rights of disabled

children. I believe the lawyer fees are free of charge if you go

through.....I forget the name of the organization but know it's the

one who supports the rights of the disabled. Perhaps someone here

knows what I'm referring to.


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Just wanted to let you know in case you don't, that it is within your

rights to press assault charges against a kid who hits your kid

(assuming there were witnesses and you are sure who did it.) That is

terrible that the school only gave the other kid a 1 day ISS. But

they couldn't make the other parents pay for your dr bills, you would

have to do that through the court system. That can get ugly, but

sometimes can be worth it.



> I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your son. Thanks for

> venting here. *hug* My older son was punched in the face, on a

> school bus, a few years ago. His four front teeth were damaged and

> had to have bonds put over them. I thought for sure our school would

> do something about the situation but they didn't. The child only

> received an in-school suspension. His parents ignored all attempts

> at contact, no supervision was added to the buses and we were left

> to pay the enormous bill. The only solution we had was for me to

> drive him to school and back which I did. I was very offended by the

> whole situation; even now when I read your story, all those feelings

> came back.

> My suggestion to you would be to drive him to school and back. If

> your school system is like mine, they won't take any responsibility

> for bus behavior.

> I wish I had better advice for you.


> Kelley

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Please keep all emails you get from the school and after you have any conversation with anyone,,,,,,write it down. You have a major case , here. It doesn't matter if they've never heard of AS. It just doesn't. It doesn't matter if the boy is smaller.....that was a nasty comment. She could get herself in a lot of trouble. Bi**h. (sorry). I honestly don't know the "route" to go,,,,,but you need to contact the Autism Society of (your state) and get some advice and help NOW. There are people out there who will let your school know what their responsibilities are. They will help you. Maybe someone on this group knows more "legal" ways and who to contact. I'm thinkin of you, woman. Keep plugging along. Keep us posted. RobinTheweaverfive@... wrote: Thank you so much Robin. I tell you, I was up all night last night crying thinking about him in the bathroom crying. He has had to deal with bullying his whole life and it still continues even at ten years old. Another thing I am annoyed about is that he is supposed to be getting Social Skills training at school per his IEP and when I have asked him what he does during that time he says he plays LEGOS. I asked the teacher who is supposed to be working with him and she said ", I don't know anything about

Aspergers. I took a class in college that touched on Austism but I don't know anything about Aspergers and I don't know what to do with him.". What???????? Isn't the school district supposed to find someone qualified to administer social skills training? I told the diagnostician today that I don't want just anyone doing it with him because if she doesn't know what she is doing she could do more damage than good. She said she would give that teacher some books. UGH. So not only am I dealing with the bullying issue already, I am also dealing with this. These poor kids just can't get a break. The lady I talked to at the school told me that child who punched my son in the testicles was smaller than my son. So what????? Like punching him in the (excuse my language) balls is going to hurt any less? If he was so hurt he sat in the bathroom and cried, it was serious. I

hate the school system. -Tx See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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-Please get an advocate or a lawyer. Do it for your son and for other

children that will come after him. If it is in the IEP that your son

get social skills they must provide it by someone appropriate to

deliver the service. They are NOT in compliance and shouldn't get away

with that. This makes me soo angry. Something has to happen about the

punching also. Cause change to occur! Please let us know about your

progress with this. We really do care.




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Thanks everyone for the supportive replies to my problem. It's so nice to have such a support system and I don't even know y'all. However, it's like having a whole bunch of best friends who stick up for each other during these trying times.

Robin....you mentioned a virtual school. What is that? I would really be interested in that as maybe an alternative.


-TxSee what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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Isn't the principal going to punish the boy who punched him?

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) I need to vent

I don't post much but always read and have learned so much from you all. today I need to vent.

My soon to be 12 yr. old son (AS) was walked home by a parent from the schoolbus stop this AM after being sucker puched by an older kid over the spot in line to get on the bus. This kid has been trouble (zeroing in on his social issues)to my son in the past. I took ds to school and connected up with his emotional support teacher and got to speak with the new principal. My son is not an angel and I'm sure he may have elbowed the other kid, but hauling off and hitting another kid...UGH! The principal didn't seem to get it...I'm constantly teaching my kids that one does not justify the bad response.

I was hoping this was going to be a better year. Maturity has helped some...

Oh, I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening. in PA

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Yep. That happened with Ian. Little shits were baiting him. He took the bait. They were all hauled into the office and the shits sat and lied. There sat Ian. Saying, "Yes,,,I hit him." They didnt' take into account that the boys were laughing at him, telling him they'd pay him $5 if Ian would fight. Idiots. Anyway,,,,,I gotta say that Ian has been doing the virtual school so far since the 4th. It has been incredible. It's a lot of work......more for me...haa haa. BUt,,,,,,,,,he talks. He's learning. We go to the Y....just him and I. He helps me around the house. He still wants out of schoolwork...he he. But,,,,,,,,he's not scrunching up his face and getting tense every morning in anticipation of going to school. He's not NEEDING to sit on teh computer for 1 hour AT LEAST after school just so he can get "OK" in his head

that school is done for the day. There is no homework. If he can learn it and pass the "assessment",,,,we move on. If not,,,,we work on it longer........or the next day. HEAVEN........HEAVEN................HEAVEN...................................... For those out there who are dealing with these little bullies.......don't put up with it. The school may try to turn it around. YOU have theh IEP. If you have to,,,,,,get some advice from a local Autism society. OR a lawyer. Heck,,,,,,,,from the sounds of some older posts,,,,,,just mention "lawyer" and things may change. Good luck. Robin <hunebear3@...> wrote: THIS is just ONE of the reasons I'm pulling out of school! That stupid "NO

BULLYING" Policy is only good when the teachers and Principals see fit to use it.. and it seems like it is working AGAINST my son!!!MAKE SURE they don't bring your son in with the bully.. that's what they did at my school and it only has made it worse for my son!!! Now he's getting fists shaked at him BEHIND the teachers back and my son is told to quit being a tattle tale!!!!JackieOn Sep 11, 2007, at 4:36 PM, and/or Robin Lemke wrote:> Go INTO school tomorrow and make sure they talk to the boy. > Make sure they don't pull your son and the boy in the same room at the > same time. This makes it obvious that your son told....and lying > little shits always seem to be able to "out lie" good kids.> Inform them of the "NO BULLYING POLICY" that is, I believe, in most > schools and maybe check out your student handbook before you go so > that you can SHOW them their own

policy!!!!> Don't put up with it.> Let us know how it goes.> And remember,,,,,,,,even if the bully says something about your son > being annoying or bothering him or poked him or whatever,,,,,,,,gives > him no right to hit or attack back. Your sons' IEP states his > issues. They are asperger issues. They are a bit annoying and may > not always be the right "responses",,,,,,,but they aren't mean and > hurtful. That other boy WAS.> YOU GO GIRL.> Robin>> Theweaverfive@... wrote:>>>> I can certainly understand how you feel. My son has been in school >> for two weeks and last week he was trying to get to his locker and >> another child was blocking it. My son didn't know what to say to him >> so he poked the boy. The boy then started hitting him and choking >> him. My son was able to

push the kid off of him. A teacher saw the >> whole thing and never informed me. The only reason I knew was >> because my son had a red mark on his neck and I asked him what >> happened. >> >> Then Monday my son went to the bathroom at school and that same child >> punched him in the testicles for absolutely no reason. I asked my >> son what he did when the kid did that....he said "nothing...just >> cried it hurt so bad". He said he then went and told the teacher. >> Again, I was not notified. I called the school today and the >> Principal had not heard of either incident. He said he would talk to >> the boys. I asked my son if the Principal talked to him today and he >> said "no". It's no wonder that our children have meltdowns when they >> do what they are supposed to do like

tell a teacher and not hit back >> but then nothing is done to the bully. I'm sure if my son was the >> one hitting someone he would have been suspended.>> >> I am so frustrated. I don't know exactly what to do.>> -Tx>>>>>>>>>> See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.>> Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Autos.

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I know not everyone is able to or think it is the best route for

their child but I think homeschooling is great. I did it working full

time and am so glad I did. The special education teacher was locking

him in closets and would laugh when he wanted out and also calling

the police on him without the principal knowing. Our kids go through

to much to have to put up with this also. I am also tired of family

not understanding. I have disassociated myself from my brother

because he has judged my son and me too many times. I am tired of my

son and me feeling bad about things he says and does. He doesn't

understand because he doesn't face these problems and my mom says if

he did he wouldn't know what to do. On the other hand, I am glad that

my other son who will probably have to help him when I am no longer

here one of these days sees this and says I see what Uncle does and I

sure don't want to be like him. I told my mom if for no other reason

this was something good that came out of it. I am a single parent

and sometimes it is hard. The other people I don't understand are

church people who think you can name it and claim it, chase " demons "

out of your house and think you are just complaining. Sorry I had to

vent. Donna

> >>

> >> I can certainly understand how you feel. My son has been in


> >> for two weeks and last week he was trying to get to his locker


> >> another child was blocking it. My son didn't know what to say

to him

> >> so he poked the boy. The boy then started hitting him and


> >> him. My son was able to push the kid off of him. A teacher saw


> >> whole thing and never informed me. The only reason I knew was

> >> because my son had a red mark on his neck and I asked him what

> >> happened.

> >>

> >> Then Monday my son went to the bathroom at school and that same


> >> punched him in the testicles for absolutely no reason. I asked


> >> son what he did when the kid did that....he said " nothing...just

> >> cried it hurt so bad " . He said he then went and told the


> >> Again, I was not notified. I called the school today and the

> >> Principal had not heard of either incident. He said he would

talk to

> >> the boys. I asked my son if the Principal talked to him today

and he

> >> said " no " . It's no wonder that our children have meltdowns when


> >> do what they are supposed to do like tell a teacher and not hit


> >> but then nothing is done to the bully. I'm sure if my son was


> >> one hitting someone he would have been suspended.

> >>

> >> I am so frustrated. I don't know exactly what to do.

> >> -Tx

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

> >

> > Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Autos.



> ---------------------------------

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You can get training in Autism Spectrum for anyone working with the student written into the IEP. If the district is not following the IEP you need to follow the process. First, request an IEP Meeting and discuss all the outstanding issues. If that is not successful, file for mediation. Pam :)See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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Donna. Your "vent" is right on. It took us years, also,,,,,,but we simply don't hang with those who won't accept with us, anymore. We used to try to "fit" ourselves into the "norm-mold". We never fit. ha ha. You know what, though? Sometimes I think that AS has made us become more REAL. All of us go through our days. We interact, we have good times and we have bad times. I think the "difference" that our son/family (or any family that has differences) has, has made us deal with what we want or don't want in our lives. We don't accept anything other than "good vibes" into our "circle or friends"........this isn't to say that we don't have to deal wtih others. We do. That's life. But,,,,,,,we have a choice as to who we allow to influence our emotional well-being. Our "circle" would have probably been much bigger had

we not been introduced to AS, ADHD, Anxiety, OCD, whatever,,,,,,,,,,but what we "got" now, is REAL. Keep venting, Donna. Have a super day.Robindonnaemmons999 <betty.one@...> wrote: I know not everyone is able to or think it is the best route for their child but I think homeschooling is great. I did it working full time and am so glad I did. The special education teacher was locking him in closets and would laugh when he wanted out and also calling the police on him without the principal

knowing. Our kids go through to much to have to put up with this also. I am also tired of family not understanding. I have disassociated myself from my brother because he has judged my son and me too many times. I am tired of my son and me feeling bad about things he says and does. He doesn't understand because he doesn't face these problems and my mom says if he did he wouldn't know what to do. On the other hand, I am glad that my other son who will probably have to help him when I am no longer here one of these days sees this and says I see what Uncle does and I sure don't want to be like him. I told my mom if for no other reason this was something good that came out of it. I am a single parent and sometimes it is hard. The other people I don't understand are church people who think you can name it and claim it, chase "demons" out of your house and think you are just complaining. Sorry I had to vent. Donna

> >>> >> I can certainly understand how you feel. My son has been in school > >> for two weeks and last

week he was trying to get to his locker and > >> another child was blocking it. My son didn't know what to say to him > >> so he poked the boy. The boy then started hitting him and choking > >> him. My son was able to push the kid off of him. A teacher saw the > >> whole thing and never informed me. The only reason I knew was > >> because my son had a red mark on his neck and I asked him what > >> happened. > >> > >> Then Monday my son went to the bathroom at school and that same child > >> punched him in the testicles for absolutely no reason. I asked my > >> son what he did when the kid did that....he said "nothing...just > >> cried it hurt so bad". He said he then went and told the teacher. > >> Again, I was not notified. I called the school today and the > >> Principal had

not heard of either incident. He said he would talk to > >> the boys. I asked my son if the Principal talked to him today and he > >> said "no". It's no wonder that our children have meltdowns when they > >> do what they are supposed to do like tell a teacher and not hit back > >> but then nothing is done to the bully. I'm sure if my son was the > >> one hitting someone he would have been suspended.> >> > >> I am so frustrated. I don't know exactly what to do.> >> -Tx> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.> >> > Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Autos. > > > ---------------------------------> Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play Sims Stories at Games.

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Another Donna here ;)

I totally agree. We used to try to work things out so we can 'fit in'

but we gave up after we realized it was too much work, unrealistic, and

unfair. If people can't accept us like we are, as a family, then seeya.

If people make comments or ask me to stop him from doing something or

just pull their kids away, whatever, that's it. This year, in fact, I'm

shortening my son's bday party list even more. I used to invite any

friends with kids his age, or even close, but as they stopped inviting

him (some even going so far as handing out invites in front of us,

skipping him) we are removing them. It's just not right. And, if they

see ds in his own environment but at a wild party (bouncer, lots of

noise, etc.) so he does act out now and then, I'm not sure it would

help anyway.

I like how you say "real." That's SO true, and it's a shame it took

something like this to get us this way, but here we are, and it's

better to be real.

and/or Robin Lemke wrote:


Your "vent" is right on.

It took us years, also,,,,,,but we simply don't hang with those

who won't accept with us, anymore. We used to try to "fit" ourselves

into the "norm-mold". We never fit. ha ha.

You know what, though? Sometimes I think that AS has made us

become more REAL.

All of us go through our days. We interact, we have good times

and we have bad times.

I think the "difference" that our son/family (or any family that

has differences) has, has made us deal with what we want or don't

want in our lives.

We don't accept anything other than "good vibes" into our

"circle or friends"........this isn't to say that we don't have to

deal wtih others. We do. That's life.

But,,,,,,,we have a choice as to who we allow to influence our

emotional well-being.

Our "circle" would have probably been much bigger had we not

been introduced to AS, ADHD, Anxiety, OCD, whatever,,,,,,,,,,but

what we "got" now, is REAL.

Keep venting, Donna.

Have a super day.


donnaemmons999 <betty.onesbcglobal (DOT) net>


I know not everyone is able to or think it is the best route


their child but I think homeschooling is great. I did it working full

time and am so glad I did. The special education teacher was locking

him in closets and would laugh when he wanted out and also calling

the police on him without the principal knowing. Our kids go through

to much to have to put up with this also. I am also tired of family

not understanding. I have disassociated myself from my brother

because he has judged my son and me too many times. I am tired of my

son and me feeling bad about things he says and does. He doesn't

understand because he doesn't face these problems and my mom says if

he did he wouldn't know what to do. On the other hand, I am glad that

my other son who will probably have to help him when I am no longer

here one of these days sees this and says I see what Uncle does and I

sure don't want to be like him. I told my mom if for no other reason

this was something good that came out of it. I am a single parent

and sometimes it is hard. The other people I don't understand are

church people who think you can name it and claim it, chase "demons"

out of your house and think you are just complaining. Sorry I had to

vent. Donna

> >>

> >> I can certainly understand how you feel. My son has been



> >> for two weeks and last week he was trying to get to his



> >> another child was blocking it. My son didn't know what to


to him

> >> so he poked the boy. The boy then started hitting him and


> >> him. My son was able to push the kid off of him. A

teacher saw


> >> whole thing and never informed me. The only reason I knew


> >> because my son had a red mark on his neck and I asked him


> >> happened.

> >>

> >> Then Monday my son went to the bathroom at school and

that same


> >> punched him in the testicles for absolutely no reason. I



> >> son what he did when the kid did that....he said


> >> cried it hurt so bad". He said he then went and told the


> >> Again, I was not notified. I called the school today and


> >> Principal had not heard of either incident. He said he


talk to

> >> the boys. I asked my son if the Principal talked to him


and he

> >> said "no". It's no wonder that our children have

meltdowns when


> >> do what they are supposed to do like tell a teacher and

not hit


> >> but then nothing is done to the bully. I'm sure if my son



> >> one hitting someone he would have been suspended.

> >>

> >> I am so frustrated. I don't know exactly what to do.

> >> -Tx

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

> >

> > Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Autos.



> ---------------------------------

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Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their

life, your story.


Sims Stories at Games.

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Hi . Ok. The virtual school option is available to anyone. YOu do have to sign up in a specific 2-week period in Feb..........it's considered "school choice". Youcan check you states' DPI (department of public instruction) for more info. We had to 1) request a form to fill out to change districts) and 2) it was 1 page long,,,,,,,and after we returned it to the DPI, they sent a copy to the pub school letting them know. Hee hee . We didnt' know that would happen. Caught us off guard when a couple of his teachers said, "hey,,,,,,you're really doing this?". I'd google "virtual school (and then your state) and see if and where a school is located. The one we go through is located about 1 hour away and it is IN the public school. It is still considered a public school, so there are still the yearly state and federal tests that take place. They just take

place somewhere in your community. They'll let you know. Since Ian has a hard time "writing" what he knows, his assigned special ed teacher is going to come here and administer the tests to him over the 2 day period. Now,,,,,even though it is still considered a public school, it has its own curriculum. We follow K12. You can google this for more info. We were giving a computer, printer, all the books (I got the teacher guides) and all of the online "schedules". Free. At the end of the year, we return certain books, and keep everything else and wait for the new material to be delivered about 2-4 weeks before the start of the next school year. I know everything that is due for him to complete to finish 6th grade......I just "page" ahead to see it. So,,,,,,,,I click on the daily/weekly calendar. I see what

is expected of him. Not necessarily today. Simply,,,,,what will need to get done to move on to the next assignment. When we study what we should study and he proves to me that he gets it, he can do some homework problems. We do this for as long as he needs it. If he gets it, he takes an assessment (mini test) on line. Usually 10-20 questions. If he passes with an 80% or better, the next assignment for that subject pops up. If we feel like doing it, we do. If not, we hit it another day. If he DOESN'T seem to understand what we're working on,,,,,,,,,we don't have to stop for recess or band, or a different subject (and then bring what he DOESN"T get home for homework),,,,,we just keep working at it. If it gets really bad,,,,,we call his teacher for that subject. They are at the school. We can email or call anytime. We also have "online" classes and

meetings. The teacher and kids who can make it at that time (there are many diff times offered) meet and chat about the work. I ans' special ed teacher is going to come here every 3-4 weeks for a visit all afternoon. We will have an hour long conference with each specific-subject teacher (it will be btwn Ian, the teacher of the subject and me) every month. This is more 1 on 1 time than he's ever gotten. So,,,,,I know I've missed a lot.......and said a lot. Oh - and there are report cards. Hope this helps. RobinTheweaverfive@... wrote: Thanks everyone for the supportive replies to my problem. It's so nice to have such a support system and I don't even know y'all. However, it's like having a whole bunch of best friends who stick up for each other during these trying times. Robin....you mentioned a virtual school. What is that? I would really be interested in that as maybe an alternative. Thanks, -Tx See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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