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Thanks for posting this! Very interesting! I wondered when our DAN doctor

mentioned titer testing for our son at his next appt., indicating that if he

didn't show immunity (since he's had him MMR before, but not the 5 yr booster)

it would give us a better picture of his immune system as a whole. I know I

didn't show immunity to rubella and chicken pox when tested, even though I had

ALL of the childhood diseases as a child - chicken pox, rubella, measles, and

mumps. And now I wonder if the vaccines helped at all, and if building

immunity, either naturally (from getting the illness) or via vaccine is genetic?

So much we just don't know!



> Becky I found this about those that are vaccinated getting the mumps -below is

information on that from the State of NJ



> Is there currently a mumps outbreak in NJ?


> Yes. In July 2009, the largest U.S. mumps outbreak since 2006 has occurred,

with cases reported in multiple locations, including NY and NJ. As of February

16, 2010, 246 cases have been reported in NJ. The outbreak has primarily

remained confined to a tradition-observant religious community and the majority

of ill persons have been vaccinated with a mumps-containing vaccine.


> Is the mumps virus circulating in New Jersey and New York in 2010 different

from the usual mumps strain?


> No, the same strain has caused past outbreaks in the United States and the

United Kingdom. The current MMR vaccine covers this strain.

> Some people who have had both doses of the recommended MMR vaccine (to protect

against measles, mumps, and rubella disease) are still getting mumps.


> Does that mean that the vaccine is not effective?

> No, the mumps vaccine is effective. During outbreaks, we know that the people

who have not been vaccinated against mumps have a much greater chance of getting

mumps than those who are vaccinated. As with any vaccine, not everyone who is

vaccinated will develop immunity and be protected. For the mumps vaccine, 90% of

people will be protected after receiving the recommended 2 vaccines but about

10% of individuals will not develop immunity and remain susceptible. So we

expect that during an outbreak when many, many people are being exposed every

day, some people will get the mumps.


> The following example will explain this further.


> •

> After 2 doses of the mumps vaccine, 90% of people will be protected, 10% will

not be protected.

> •

> This means out of every 100 people vaccinated, 90 will be protected. However,

the vaccine will not " take " in 10 people, and these people will remain

susceptible to the disease.

> •

> By comparison, the measles vaccine (also part of the MMR vaccine) is about 98%

effective and the annual influenza vaccine is about 70-85% effective.

> Example 1:

> In a community of 100 people, 100% have been vaccinated. Everyone is exposed

to mumps. What happens?

> •

> 90 people (90%) in the community are protected by the vaccine and do not get


> •

> 10 people (10%) in the community become ill with mumps because the vaccine did

not " take " .

> •

> Of the 10 people who get mumps, all (100%) have been vaccinated.

> Example 2:

> In a community of 100, 98% have been vaccinated. That means 98 people are

vaccinated and 2 people are not. Everyone is exposed to mumps. What happens?

> •

> 88 people (90% of the 98 who are vaccinated) in the community are protected by

the vaccine and do not get mumps.

> •

> 10 people (10% of the 98 who are vaccinated) become ill with mumps because the

vaccine did not " take " .

> •

> 2 people who have never been vaccinated get ill because they have no immunity

to the disease.

> •

> Of the 12 (10 vaccinated +2 unvaccinated) people who get mumps, 83% (10/12)

were vaccinated.


> Thus a large percent of the people with mumps have been vaccinated. This is

expected in a highly vaccinated population when dealing with a vaccine that is

90% effective and a contagious disease like mumps. This does not mean that the

vaccine is not working; in fact the mumps vaccine is working as expected. Most

people who are vaccinated are not getting sick. You have to remember that during

outbreaks many, many people are exposed every day – 90% of them are not getting

sick because they have been protected by the vaccine.


> http://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/documents/mumps/mumps_public_faq.pdf



> =====


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I agree that parents should carefully consider each shot, and look at the risks

for your area, the benefits, and your own family's history.



> I've always thought that the later and the slower, the better.

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I know. It was horrible!! The other ped practice in town is much more expensive

and will not take families that don't fully vax. And now this practice seems to

be following suit. There are no other Dr's who take children under the age of

five in my town, so I need to start looking around in the surrounding towns. My

own family Dr. has a great holistic attitude, but doesn't have the insurance for

under 5's and so once my son is five, I'll take him there.



> Liralen-


> in my honest and humble opinion, the very fact that she tried to " divide

> and conquer " with you and your husband tells me that you need a new ped!

> Don't hesitate-- RUN to find another one.

> The second factor is that she bullied you into making the decision, and to

> top if off with the proverbial cherry-- she threatened you if you did say

> now.


> Truly-- find a new Ped-- SOON


> Bek



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We went to the library yesterday and I cleaned out the shelf on vax's (3 books)

One is an older edition of this book, so although some of the material is dates,

I'm still reading through. It presents the material without alot of fear

mongering, which I find in many vaccine guides, both pro or con.

I have not read the measles chapter, but the risk of Rubella isn't for children,

according to this Dr, but to pregnant ladies. The risk of Mumps isn't to

children again, but young men. If a pregnant lady gets Rubella there is a very

large % that her child will miscarry or be mentally damaged. If a man gets

Mumps there is a smaller, but still large % of sterility. When they were

deciding on MMR vaccine and where it fit into the schedule, there was a debate

b/t requiring it for all children (carriers of the diseases) or Rubella for

young ladies and Mumps for young men in their teens. They decided, according to

this book, that it would be easier to enforce compliance with toddlers/babies

than with young people. Unfortunately the immunity seems to last only 14 years,

so adults are at risk. They also thought that by vax'ing toddlers, they could

eradicate MMR, but that has been proven ineffective (as the outbreak in NY


At this point, I am leaning towards holding off and vaxing him for Mumps as a

teen. Also I am not immune to Rubella anymore and we are wanting another child,

so I am going to get the booster.

I have many websites to wade through and I am still reading my library books, so

this may change. When it comes to MMR and autism, I think that you can not look

at one thing to cause such a complex problem. I suspect that these kids have

all sorts of environmental toxins that turn on and off the genes, maybe the

parents have DDT or other pesticides in their blood still, vaccines, food

choices the toddler makes...sometimes it just takes one more thing to push a

person over. I really believe each parent should look carefully at the

information and make decisions based on their live and family history. It is

not a one size fits all, as many of us know. The thing that I am frustrated

about is that there is so much obfuscation and fear being peddled, like I said

before, on both sides. This is something that we feel very strongly about, so I

want to thank all who have sent links and made comments for my family to

consider, and for keeping this from falling into needless and potentially

hurtful debate.



> Another great resource on vaccine INFORMATION (not pro or con, but rather

> information to do with as you see fit)


> _http://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Guide-Benefits-Children-Adults/dp/1556434235/

> ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1267936268 & sr=8-1-spell_



sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & s

> =books & qid=1267936268 & sr=8-1-spell)


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Hello, I just wanted to add to this. My child had all his shots on time. He had

a reaction to the Chicken Pox one. He also lost words. We had a DX for Apraxia,

then Expressive Language Disorder, now Phonological Processing disorder. he

talks wonderfully in long sentences and ALL the time!~( He is 4 1/2 yrs old) But

his articulation is very tricky, anyway, his Kindergarten shots are coming up.

The MMR and Chicken Pox. My anxiety was high, I just couldn't do it, not yet. I

need him to be bigger, stronger and have better speech, so I had a blood draw

for the titers. Guess what?? He DOES NOT NEED the 2nd shots. His antibodies are

within the immnutity range. I am happy, his Dr is happy and the school will have

all the medical documents it needs. IF he was low, I was going to try to wait a

year. I beleive in vaccines, but not how or when they are given. I will test his

titers as necessary and hopefully it will be a few years before he needs

anything. I have learned that only about 15 % of the population actually need

the 2nd shots but they give them to everyone as it is easier than checking

titers, so I have read. I just thought that someone somewhwere could use my

experience. This may not help the original poster with the 1 st shots, but it

may help someone else. Thanks



> I am confused,  " I have heard it said a few times that vaccinations are

believed as causation in about 35% of autism cases "


> WHO said this?  You just " heard it " ...???


> As the person who originally started this thread said- she was looking for

info, not to start a huge debate.  Everyone will do what they feel is best for

their particular situation, but as a parent, I dont find statements such as

above very helpful without the facts/names/studies to back it up. 


> So please, especially for those posting alarming information, such as the

above, please provide ALL the information so each parent can decide for

themseleves instead of just being scared. 



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how did they check his titers? How much did it cost?

> >

> > I am confused,  " I have heard it said a few times that vaccinations are

believed as causation in about 35% of autism cases "

> >  

> > WHO said this?  You just " heard it " ...???

> >  

> > As the person who originally started this thread said- she was looking for

info, not to start a huge debate.  Everyone will do what they feel is best for

their particular situation, but as a parent, I dont find statements such as

above very helpful without the facts/names/studies to back it up. 

> >  

> > So please, especially for those posting alarming information, such as the

above, please provide ALL the information so each parent can decide for

themseleves instead of just being scared. 

> >  

> >


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For titers, his Dr wrote a lab script. We drew blood, 3 vials. I have been told

that my insurance may not pay. i do not know the cost unless I get a bill. I

will let you know, however the cost of the titers test will be no where near the

possible cost of giving him vaccines he didn't need.

> > >

> > > I am confused,  " I have heard it said a few times that vaccinations are

believed as causation in about 35% of autism cases "

> > >  

> > > WHO said this?  You just " heard it " ...???

> > >  

> > > As the person who originally started this thread said- she was looking for

info, not to start a huge debate.  Everyone will do what they feel is best for

their particular situation, but as a parent, I dont find statements such as

above very helpful without the facts/names/studies to back it up. 

> > >  

> > > So please, especially for those posting alarming information, such as the

above, please provide ALL the information so each parent can decide for

themseleves instead of just being scared. 

> > >  

> > >

> >


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Oh course, I'm curious b/c one of my friends was asking me about it, and I know

that I need a Rubella booster, but I would like my husband to be checked for


I bet it is such a relief for you to find out he's good.




> Hi,

> For titers, his Dr wrote a lab script. We drew blood, 3 vials. I have been

told that my insurance may not pay. i do not know the cost unless I get a bill.

I will let you know, however the cost of the titers test will be no where near

the possible cost of giving him vaccines he didn't need.

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As far as the mumps--I had them and had no side effects. One of my children had

them and had no side effects. Several of my kids had whooping cough and did

fine. Yet, having chosen not to vaccinate, they all were breastfed and we did

try to eat healthy etc to keep immune system strong. It is a very hard

decision, whether or not to vaccinate. Every parent has to make an informed

decision. What I have found to be true, after twenty years of parenting and

researching vaccines, is that research takes 10 years to become accepted and

used by pediatricians. I've had pediatricians get angry and act like I was

completely mislead, and then ten years later, the American Academy of Pediatrics

adopts the practices based upon the research I had shared ten years previous. I

never got a letter of apology! So, due to my experience of seeing my crackpot

quackery becoming medical practice---- I tend to see that the research I read

about vaccines being harmful was " truth " and changes were ultimately made to the

DPT, polio shot, and with the mercury etc. Yet, over the past 20 years even

more vaccines have been added and suddenly there has been a huge increase in

autism--it is ridiculous. How long will it take to make changes in each of these

new vaccines? Also, even if a child didn't get vaccines, was the child ever in

the hospital and have to receive meds? Our special needs son has not had

vaccines, yet has had to have meds for asthma, pneumonia etc that I think have

affected him. He is 5 and has DS and dyspraxia and SI.


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  • 11 months later...

Oh, boy, there is so much out there about autism and vaccines, not just the MMR but those with mercury. I'll defer to others to provide the best info on that. But to answer her question about the kids with autism who weren't vaccinated--ask her to name them. What children with autism does she know that weren't vaccinated? If there are any, then ask her if the mom's had mercury fillings or any mercury-containing vaccines while pregnant (or any time, really).

Get specific. Make people think about what they're asking and have them come up with the answers rather than expecting to be spoonfed reasons they can reject. Tell her she knows this is an issue so if it happens to her child, she cannot pretend to be ignorant about it. She is forewarned.

And tell her autism is but one condition to worry about. There are so, so many more (asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, death...) Get her to read Neil 's books. Remind her that no vaccines are guaranteed to work.

Winnie MMRVaccinations > I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her > son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically > asking me about the MMR shot and autism.> > She also wants an answer to "what about the kids with autism who > aren't vaccinated?" > > I gave her this link about MMR: > http://drtenpenny.com/MMR_vac_not_holy_water.aspx> > What else can I give her?> > My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least > I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only > taken me 3 years!> > Adelyn > > > >

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The only child I know not vaccinated live near a TOXIC mercury plant!"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"http://www.vaccinesafetyfirst.com/Home.htmlFrom: wharrison@...

<wharrison@...>Subject: Re: MMRVaccinations Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 9:19 PM

Oh, boy, there is so much out there about autism and vaccines, not just the MMR but those with mercury. I'll defer to others to provide the best info on that. But to answer her question about the kids with autism who weren't vaccinated--ask her to name them. What children with autism does she know that weren't vaccinated? If there are any, then ask her if the mom's had mercury fillings or any mercury-containing vaccines while pregnant (or any time, really).

Get specific. Make people think about what they're asking and have them come up with the answers rather than expecting to be spoonfed reasons they can reject. Tell her she knows this is an issue so if it happens to her child, she cannot pretend to be ignorant about it. She is forewarned.

And tell her autism is but one condition to worry about. There are so, so many more (asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, death...) Get her to read Neil 's books. Remind her that no vaccines are guaranteed to work.

Winnie MMRVaccinations > I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her > son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically > asking me about the MMR shot and autism.> > She also wants an answer to "what about the kids with autism who > aren't vaccinated?" > > I gave her this link about MMR: > http://drtenpenny.com/MMR_vac_not_holy_water.aspx> > What else can I give her?> > My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least > I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only > taken me 3 years!> > Adelyn > > > >

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thats really a good question. I always wondered what the percentage of autistic children are non vaccinated children .... compared to those who were .... is there a study on that ? deb :) 

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Chollick <lchollick@...> wrote:


The only child I know not vaccinated live near a TOXIC mercury plant! " The person who says it cannot be done

 should not interrupt the person doing it " http://www.vaccinesafetyfirst.com/Home.html

From: wharrison@...

<wharrison@...>Subject: Re: MMRVaccinations

Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 9:19 PM


Oh, boy, there is so much out there about autism and vaccines, not just the MMR but those with mercury. I'll defer to others to provide the best info on that. But to answer her question about the kids with autism who weren't vaccinated--ask her to name them. What children with autism does she know that weren't vaccinated? If there are any, then ask her if the mom's had mercury fillings or any mercury-containing vaccines while pregnant (or any time, really).


Get specific. Make people think about what they're asking and have them come up with the answers rather than expecting to be spoonfed reasons they can reject. Tell her she knows this is an issue so if it happens to her child, she cannot pretend to be ignorant about it. She is forewarned.


And tell her autism is but one condition to worry about. There are so, so many more (asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, death...) Get her to read Neil 's books.  Remind her that no vaccines are guaranteed to work.


Winnie MMRVaccinations

> I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her > son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically > asking me about the MMR shot and autism.> > She also wants an answer to " what about the kids with autism who

> aren't vaccinated? " > > I gave her this link about MMR: > http://drtenpenny.com/MMR_vac_not_holy_water.aspx

> > What else can I give her?> > My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least > I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only > taken me 3 years!>

> Adelyn > > > >

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no, no study

but those that I know that are thought be unvaccinated:

1. they really got hep b vax at birth and parents didn't know

2. there were antibiotics involved during pregnancy, labor and

delivery or post delivery directly to baby or via breastmilk.

All that I know have antibiotics in their history.

I think they are close to being as dangerous as vaccines


At 05:32 PM 2/22/2011, you wrote:

thats really a good question. I

always wondered what the percentage of autistic children are non

vaccinated children .... compared to those who were ....

is there a study on that ?

deb :)

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Chollick


> wrote:

The only child I know not vaccinated live near a TOXIC mercury


" The person who says

it cannot be done

should not interrupt the person doing it "






Subject: Re: MMR



Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 9:19 PM

Oh, boy, there is so much out there about autism and vaccines, not

just the MMR but those with mercury. I'll defer to others to provide the

best info on that. But to answer her question about the kids with autism

who weren't vaccinated--ask her to name them. What children with autism

does she know that weren't vaccinated? If there are any, then ask her if

the mom's had mercury fillings or any mercury-containing vaccines while

pregnant (or any time, really).

Get specific. Make people think about what they're asking and have

them come up with the answers rather than expecting to be spoonfed

reasons they can reject. Tell her she knows this is an issue so if it

happens to her child, she cannot pretend to be ignorant about it. She is


And tell her autism is but one condition to worry about. There are

so, so many more (asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, death...) Get

her to read Neil 's books. Remind her that no vaccines are

guaranteed to work.





> I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her

> son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically

> asking me about the MMR shot and autism.


> She also wants an answer to " what about the kids with

autism who

> aren't vaccinated? "


> I gave her this link about MMR:




> What else can I give her?


> My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least

> I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only

> taken me 3 years!


> Adelyn





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I agree with Sheri,The use of antibiotics is a significant factor in the development of autism for some children. When I was conducting research for my book, I spoke with/emailed many parents of children on the spectrum--for those children with autism who were unvaxxed, invariably there was a prior history of antibiotic use (either heavy use in the mother preconception, during pregnancy, during labor, or in the infant). Sometimes this antibiotic use can even go back several generations (e.g. the grandmother). There also tended to be other environmental exposures in the mother that disrupted gut flora (a key part of the autism 'puzzle') including long term birth control use, use of PPIs (reflux meds) or other gut-altering medications, in addition to toxin

exposures (e.g. exposure to agricultural pesticides, mercury amalgams, etc.). There are children on the spectrum who are unvaxxed and this serves to remind us that the etiology of autism is MULTIFACTORIAL --with vaccines and history of antibiotic use (and usually both combined) being at the top of the list of risk factors. Beth LambertAuthor, A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America's Childrenwww.acompromisedgeneration.comwww.epidemicanswers.orgFrom: Sheri Nakken <vaccinedangers@...>Vaccinations Sent: Wed, February 23, 2011 12:37:01 AMSubject: Re: MMR

no, no study

but those that I know that are thought be unvaccinated:

1. they really got hep b vax at birth and parents didn't know

2. there were antibiotics involved during pregnancy, labor and

delivery or post delivery directly to baby or via breastmilk.

All that I know have antibiotics in their history.

I think they are close to being as dangerous as vaccines


At 05:32 PM 2/22/2011, you wrote:

thats really a good question. I

always wondered what the percentage of autistic children are non

vaccinated children .... compared to those who were ....

is there a study on that ?

deb :)

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Chollick


> wrote:

The only child I know not vaccinated live near a TOXIC mercury


"The person who says

it cannot be done

should not interrupt the person doing it"






Subject: Re: MMR



Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 9:19 PM

Oh, boy, there is so much out there about autism and vaccines, not

just the MMR but those with mercury. I'll defer to others to provide the

best info on that. But to answer her question about the kids with autism

who weren't vaccinated--ask her to name them. What children with autism

does she know that weren't vaccinated? If there are any, then ask her if

the mom's had mercury fillings or any mercury-containing vaccines while

pregnant (or any time, really).

Get specific. Make people think about what they're asking and have

them come up with the answers rather than expecting to be spoonfed

reasons they can reject. Tell her she knows this is an issue so if it

happens to her child, she cannot pretend to be ignorant about it. She is


And tell her autism is but one condition to worry about. There are

so, so many more (asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, death...) Get

her to read Neil 's books. Remind her that no vaccines are

guaranteed to work.





> I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her

> son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically

> asking me about the MMR shot and autism.


> She also wants an answer to "what about the kids with

autism who

> aren't vaccinated?"


> I gave her this link about MMR:




> What else can I give her?


> My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least

> I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only

> taken me 3 years!


> Adelyn





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You can tell her my son is. He

has never had a vaccine and has classic autism… not just asperger’s.

I also have 1 unvaxxed kid w/ asperger’s and 1 that only had shots at age

2 who has asperger’s


mom to: 18, Jon 16, 14, 12, 9, Christian (7/16/03 to

8/22/04), 5, Isaac 3 and , due 3/2011

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for

possibly current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.

She also wants an answer to " what about

the kids with autism who aren't vaccinated? "

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Yes, the unvaccinated cases I've seen have some kind of toxic load history from

the parents and/or environment. Others have that plus other stresses that

affected the nervous system and other areas.



> From: wharrison@... <wharrison@...>

> Subject: Re: MMR

> Vaccinations

> Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 9:19 PM



























> Oh, boy, there is so much out there about autism and vaccines, not just

the MMR but those with mercury. I'll defer to others to provide the best info on

that. But to answer her question about the kids with autism who weren't

vaccinated--ask her to name them. What children with autism does she know that

weren't vaccinated? If there are any, then ask her if the mom's had mercury

fillings or any mercury-containing vaccines while pregnant (or any time,



> Get specific. Make people think about what they're asking and have them come

up with the answers rather than expecting to be spoonfed reasons they can

reject. Tell her she knows this is an issue so if it happens to her child, she

cannot pretend to be ignorant about it. She is forewarned.


> And tell her autism is but one condition to worry about. There are so, so many

more (asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, death...) Get her to read Neil

's books.  Remind her that no vaccines are guaranteed to work.


> Winnie



> Vaccinations


> > I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her

> > son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically

> > asking me about the MMR shot and autism.

> >

> > She also wants an answer to " what about the kids with autism who

> > aren't vaccinated? "

> >

> > I gave her this link about MMR:

> > http://drtenpenny.com/MMR_vac_not_holy_water.aspx

> >

> > What else can I give her?

> >

> > My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least

> > I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only

> > taken me 3 years!

> >

> > Adelyn

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Thank you for all of the input.

Last night she was telling me " A lot of the ingredients in vaccines are found in

foods we eat all the time. "

I just said " that is why we need to eat whole foods, not foods with

preservatives. "

I wish I had good answers to all of the questions I get about vaccines, but I

don't. I am glad I can come here for help. Thank you all.

> >

> >

> >

> >From: wharrison@... <wharrison@... >

> >

> >Subject: Re: MMR

> >

> >Vaccinations

> >

> >Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 9:19 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Oh, boy, there is so much out there about autism and vaccines, not just the


> >but those with mercury. I'll defer to others to provide the best info on


> >But to answer her question about the kids with autism who weren't

> >vaccinated--ask her to name them. What children with autism does she know


> >weren't vaccinated? If there are any, then ask her if the mom's had mercury

> >fillings or any mercury-containing vaccines while pregnant (or any time,

> >really).

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Get specific. Make people think about what they're asking and have them come


> >with the answers rather than expecting to be spoonfed reasons they can


> >Tell her she knows this is an issue so if it happens to her child, she cannot

> >pretend to be ignorant about it. She is forewarned.

> >

> >

> >

> >And tell her autism is but one condition to worry about. There are so, so


> >more (asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, death...) Get her to read Neil

> >'s books. Remind her that no vaccines are guaranteed to work.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Winnie

> >

> >

> > MMR

> >

> >Vaccinations

> >

> >

> >> I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her

> >

> >> son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically

> >

> >> asking me about the MMR shot and autism.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> She also wants an answer to " what about the kids with autism who

> >

> >> aren't vaccinated? "

> >

> >>

> >

> >> I gave her this link about MMR:

> >

> >> http://drtenpenny.com/MMR_vac_not_holy_water.aspx

> >

> >>

> >

> >> What else can I give her?

> >

> >>

> >

> >> My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least

> >

> >> I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only

> >

> >> taken me 3 years!

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Adelyn

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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I just had a similar discussion with my sis-in-law who is a Nurse Practitioner. She knows that my son had a bad reaction to vaccines, particularly MMR in which my son had very high fever and got measles 10 days after the vaccine. My son also has autism. I think, however, that all the vaccines contributed...especially his 12 month vaccines in which he received 6 vaccines at once, then a flu shot within a few weeks from that. It absolutely makes me sick that I allowed that to happen to him...but I did not know then what I do now. So, anyway, she still questions my decision of not vaccinating my youngest son. So this is some of the information I sent her. With her being in the medical field, she will only look at medical evidence...so i gathered some up for her. I have not heard back from her on the subject...hmmm....that was over a month ago. I have even more if you need them, but this is a good place to start with her. a

Study showing an increase in antibiotic resistant pneumonia from Prevenar Vaccine...


Article discussing a study in which vaccines showed brain damage in primates....


Study discussing failure of pertussis vaccine....



Study showing flu vaccine does nothing in preventing complications such as pneumonia from flu...


Complications with immunizing premature infants


Measles in vaccinated persons...


Article about study done at a University in North Carolina supporting Dr. Wakefeilds findings...( I don't have actual study)


Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants


Viruses found in vaccines


Hepatitis B vaccine and risk of CNS inflammation demyleniation in childhood


NIH - Boys vax'd as neonates had 300% greater odds for autism Dx vs boys unvaccinated or vaccinated after first month. http://ht.ly/389mg This just came outhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170

From: adelynwithers <adelynwithers@...>Vaccinations Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 4:50:02 PMSubject: MMR

I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically asking me about the MMR shot and autism.She also wants an answer to "what about the kids with autism who aren't vaccinated?" I gave her this link about MMR: http://drtenpenny.com/MMR_vac_not_holy_water.aspxWhat else can I give her?My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only taken me 3 years!Adelyn

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wow,thank you everyone for your input .... this was very enlightening .... i never thought of the connection between Antibiotics and the Flora issue (well - i always knew that antibiotics kill the gut flora) - but i always read about autistic children having gut problems.... very very interesting. 

thank you everyone for responding ... its amazing how much i learn on this forum. deb :) On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:23 AM, a Kunselman <shawna_kunselman@...> wrote:


I just had a similar discussion with my sis-in-law who is a Nurse Practitioner. She knows that my son had a bad reaction to vaccines, particularly MMR in which my son had very high fever and got measles 10 days after the vaccine. My son also has autism. I think, however, that all the vaccines contributed...especially his 12 month vaccines in which he received 6 vaccines at once, then a flu shot within a few weeks from that. It absolutely makes me sick that I allowed that to happen to him...but I did not know then what I do now. So, anyway, she still questions my decision of not vaccinating my youngest son. So this is some of the information I sent her. With her being in the medical field, she will only look at medical evidence...so i gathered some up for her. I have not heard back from her on the subject...hmmm....that was over a month ago. I have even more if you need them, but this is a good place to start with her. a




Study showing an increase in antibiotic resistant pneumonia from Prevenar Vaccine...




Article discussing a study in which vaccines showed brain damage in primates....



Study discussing failure of pertussis vaccine....





Study showing flu vaccine does nothing in preventing complications such as pneumonia from flu...




Complications with immunizing premature infants



Measles in vaccinated persons...




Article about study done at a University in North Carolina supporting Dr. Wakefeilds findings...( I don't have actual study)




Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants




Viruses found in vaccines




Hepatitis B vaccine and risk of CNS inflammation demyleniation in childhood






NIH - Boys vax'd as neonates had 300% greater odds for autism Dx vs boys unvaccinated or vaccinated after first month. http://ht.ly/389mg

This just came outhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170

From: adelynwithers <adelynwithers@...>Vaccinations

Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 4:50:02 PMSubject: MMR 

I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically asking me about the MMR shot and autism.She also wants an answer to " what about the kids with autism who aren't vaccinated? "

I gave her this link about MMR: http://drtenpenny.com/MMR_vac_not_holy_water.aspxWhat else can I give her?

My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only taken me 3 years!Adelyn

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and we don't inject food into us


At 06:05 AM 2/23/2011, you wrote:

>Thank you for all of the input.


>Last night she was telling me " A lot of the ingredients in vaccines

>are found in foods we eat all the time. "


>I just said " that is why we need to eat whole foods, not foods with

>preservatives. "


>I wish I had good answers to all of the questions I get about

>vaccines, but I don't. I am glad I can come here for help. Thank you all.




> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >From: wharrison@... <wharrison@... >

> > >

> > >Subject: Re: MMR

> > >

> > >Vaccinations

> > >

> > >Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 9:19 PM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Oh, boy, there is so much out there about autism and vaccines,

> not just the MMR

> > >but those with mercury. I'll defer to others to provide the best

> info on that.

> > >But to answer her question about the kids with autism who weren't

> > >vaccinated--ask her to name them. What children with autism does

> she know that

> > >weren't vaccinated? If there are any, then ask her if the mom's

> had mercury

> > >fillings or any mercury-containing vaccines while pregnant (or any time,

> > >really).

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Get specific. Make people think about what they're asking and

> have them come up

> > >with the answers rather than expecting to be spoonfed reasons

> they can reject.

> > >Tell her she knows this is an issue so if it happens to her

> child, she cannot

> > >pretend to be ignorant about it. She is forewarned.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >And tell her autism is but one condition to worry about. There

> are so, so many

> > >more (asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, death...) Get her

> to read Neil

> > >'s books. Remind her that no vaccines are guaranteed to work.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Winnie

> > >

> > >

> > > MMR

> > >

> > >Vaccinations

> > >

> > >

> > >> I need help. My friend told me today that she is putting her

> > >

> > >> son (5 months) on a vaccine schedule and she was specifically

> > >

> > >> asking me about the MMR shot and autism.

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >> She also wants an answer to " what about the kids with autism who

> > >

> > >> aren't vaccinated? "

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >> I gave her this link about MMR:

> > >

> > >> http://drtenpenny.com/MMR_vac_not_holy_water.aspx

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >> What else can I give her?

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >> My ultimate goal here is to have her STOP vaccinating, at least

> > >

> > >> I have her beginning to question her decision. It has only

> > >

> > >> taken me 3 years!

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >> Adelyn

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >








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