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flu shot question

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In a message dated 12/12/00 3:35:20 PM Central Standard Time, dlneff@...


<< Does everyone get flu shots for their kids with DS? >>

I only had Jimmy get one when he was on chemo. So he hasn't had one for 4

years now


Jimmy-O 13

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In a message dated 12/12/00 3:35:26 PM Central Standard Time, dlneff@...


> . If she doesn't

> get one this year, will she have to get 2 next year like she did the first

> year she got it?


I think the answer to this is no. When first got one 2 yrs ago she had

to have 2 and when I asked why, I was told because for the first they had to

have two, if they are under a certain age maybe?. after that they would only

need one.

I haven't called yet to see if she can get in for one yet either. Probably

should do that. :-)


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At 03:33 PM 12/12/2000 , wrote:

>In my area, there are hardly any flu shots to go around so Caty may not get

>one this year. She's been getting them for probably 6 years. If she doesn't

>get one this year, will she have to get 2 next year like she did the first

>year she got it?


Len Leshin, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Father to Avi, 7 y/o with DS

Down Syndrome: Health Issues http://www.ds-health.com

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Once turned a year old we started getting flu shots. Every

year up until last year we were faithful. Even little brother. I'm

not sure if it helped or not cause we got everything else including

para-flu's. has issues with sensory and his hands are in

his mouth all the time. Constantly something. For instance the week

before Thanksgiving he had a sever case of Chicken Pox. Then the

week of Thanksgiving his brother got them and an ear infection as

well. Then got a sinus infection. Returned to school for a

week and a half and then the stomach virus. Little brother has it

now. Before I had my kids I rarely got sick...not even a cold.

Barb mom to (7ds) and Tyler (5nds)


- In egroups, " " <dlneff@o...> wrote:

> I have a dumb question...maybe someone knows the answer. I can't

seem to

> get through to my daughter's pediatrician today.

> In my area, there are hardly any flu shots to go around so Caty may

not get

> one this year. She's been getting them for probably 6 years. If she


> get one this year, will she have to get 2 next year like she did

the first

> year she got it?

> Caty is very healthy, so I'm sort of questioning if she needs it or


> anyway. When she was younger and had started in the school


> caught every bug anyone in the class got, but her immunities are

very good

> now. (KNOck on wood!) She has had a VSD repaired and still has a


> mitral valve. Does everyone get flu shots for their kids with DS?


> mommy to Caty 10 1/2 yr.

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My son Jordan (5) hasn't had a shot in a couple of years. The ped still

calls me every year to let me know that it is available if I would like to

take advantage of it for Jordan. In Jordan's case, we spent 2 weeks in the

hospital suffering from RSV when he was a little over 9 months. For the

next couple of years Jordan received the shots but he is rarely sick so I

have begged off getting the shots these last couple of years.

Dr. Len, should I continue with them anyways? Let me know! Thanks! Kim.

<< Does everyone get flu shots for their kids with DS? >>

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<< Does everyone get flu shots for their kids with DS? >>

had an AV canal repair at age 5 his cardio has insisted that

he have a flu shot every year since then. He is rarely sick now but

we each get one anyway


mailto: tmac@...

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At 05:36 PM 12/12/2000 , Doll, Kim L wrote:

>My son Jordan (5) hasn't had a shot in a couple of years. The ped still

>calls me every year to let me know that it is available if I would like to

>take advantage of it for Jordan. In Jordan's case, we spent 2 weeks in the

>hospital suffering from RSV when he was a little over 9 months. For the

>next couple of years Jordan received the shots but he is rarely sick so I

>have begged off getting the shots these last couple of years.


>Dr. Len, should I continue with them anyways?

I think children with Ds who get frequent respiratory infections should get

the flu vaccine.

Len Leshin, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Father to Avi, 7 y/o with DS

Down Syndrome: Health Issues http://www.ds-health.com

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HI ,My grandson used to get the flu shot , but his new

ped does not think it s agood idea. Itworries me

because he did have heart surgery at three and a

halfand does have alot of sinus and upper res


--- mainrajah@... wrote:

> In a message dated 12/12/00 3:35:20 PM Central

> Standard Time, dlneff@...

> writes:


> << Does everyone get flu shots for their kids with

> DS? >>

> I only had Jimmy get one when he was on chemo. So he

> hasn't had one for 4

> years now


> Barbara

> Jimmy-O 13



Carole,wife to rich, mom to angela and shawn .m-i-l to cindy and george and

grandmom to jared 8 d s and asd , ashley 6 adhd and possible asd logan 2

all boy and seth 6month charmer.

Psalm#37 verse39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD:he is their

strength in the time of trouble.


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If Caty got a lot upper respiratory infections....I wouldn't even hesitate

to get it for her. I am just questioning it this year because she has been

very healthy in the last few years and the trauma of getting the shot is

worse than ever.


> From: carole any <carole9545@...>

> mainrajah@...; dlneff@...; UpsNdownsegroups

> Subject: Re: flu shot question

> Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 7:41 PM


> HI ,My grandson used to get the flu shot , but his new

> ped does not think it s agood idea. Itworries me

> because he did have heart surgery at three and a

> halfand does have alot of sinus and upper res

> problems.

> --- mainrajah@... wrote:

> > In a message dated 12/12/00 3:35:20 PM Central

> > Standard Time, dlneff@...

> > writes:

> >

> > << Does everyone get flu shots for their kids with

> > DS? >>

> > I only had Jimmy get one when he was on chemo. So he

> > hasn't had one for 4

> > years now

> >

> > Barbara

> > Jimmy-O 13

> >



> =====


> Carole,wife to rich, mom to angela and shawn .m-i-l to cindy and george

and grandmom to jared 8 d s and asd , ashley 6 adhd and possible asd

logan 2 all boy and seth 6month charmer.


> Psalm#37 verse39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD:he

is their strength in the time of trouble.



> __________________________________________________


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Hannah got one a few days ago and now has terrible diaper rash and diarrhea.

Hoping this passes quickly. The Ped. wanted her to get it because of her

recent ASD repair surgery.


wonder woman

(Wondering if I am a woman... lol)

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I had Hannah's Ped. perscribe ALMA creme for her. I put it on 45 minutes

before a shot visit and put gauze over it. On Monday she didn't even look up

from her pretzel to acknowledge the shot. For the past 6 shots so far, it's

been the best $30 I ever spent.


Caty got a lot upper respiratory infections....I wouldn't even hesitate

> to get it for her. I am just questioning it this year because she has been

> very healthy in the last few years and the trauma of getting the shot is

> worse than ever.


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> << Does everyone get flu shots for their kids with DS? >>

We've never had flu shots. Never had the flu either ... until last New

Year's weekend. I got sick first, then , then . was so bad

we had to take him to ER. They gave him two bags of fluid before they

released him. It was awful. I inquired about shots this year, but they were

unavailable. Oh well.



" Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. "

- Eleanor Roosevelt -


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  • 2 years later...

My opinion? Don't go back to the doctor. Stay away from antibiotics~ they're

just making you sicker. Find a qualified homeopathic doctor or naturopathic

doctor that can heal your system and you won't need to worry about any flu

or cold.

Ear infections are NOT helped by antibiotics.

The flu shot will make you sick. Don't even think about getting one.

Jan G.

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Stay away from doctors and find a good classical homeopath! It will be the best

decision you ever make for your family! Avoid antibiotics like the plague,

you're adding fuel to the fire, and they'll only drive your symptoms deeper and

never get to solving the real problem.



We've been to the doctor's at least 3 times each, me and my daughter, they

keep telling us that it's just a cold, or virus and we'll " get over it. " I've

been through a round of antibiotics, amoxil, which my daughter has also, and now

she's on zithromax, because they said the first round of amoxil didn't work.

Ideas, opinions?

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oh, my goodness....no offense intended, but get everybody off that

antibiotics crap!!!!!

Ear infections...go to your local GNC store and get some garlic oil capsuls

(sp?)....(cheap!)...cut one and literally pour it into the ear...it relieves

the pain AND kills the virus causing the infetion....works almost

immediately....which is faster than tylenol (which reduces the vitamin C in

your body needed to fight everything). Tylenol works just as fast as

amox....but I still wouldn't use it. If you don't stop with the

amox....you take a chance at your child developing CHRONIC ear

infections...getting the tubes...etc THANKS TO VACCINES for the ear

infections. Try out the homeopthaic too!



Does the supposed intent to irradicate from the human population animal born

viral and or bacterial diseases justify the blatant sacrifices of human

life? We (pro-lifers) may be particular with what cosmetic products we

avoid which contain aborted fetal tissue. After being informed of the

ongoing use of these blatant human sacrifices, just exactly how can any

acclaimed christian justify their continued participation by vaccinations

(containing aborted fetal tissue) without contradicting their Bible based

belief in the sanctity of human life?


that the abortion industry plays a large role in vaccine manufacturing?

Sorry folks, though this may look like a trumped up horror story, I strongly

suggest you research on government sites before dismissing the reality. Let

the manufacturer(s) and government tell you in their own words:


This website is updated daily

Flu shot question

> What is everyone's opinion on them?


> Me- 9 months pregnant had a " cold, " for 3-4 weeks

> Husband- had a " cold, " for 3-4 weeks

> Daughter- 1 year old, had a " cold, & ear infection " for 3-4 weeks


> We've been to the doctor's at least 3 times each, me and my daughter, they

> keep telling us that it's just a cold, or virus and we'll " get over it. "


> been through a round of antibiotics, amoxil, which my daughter has also,

and now

> she's on zithromax, because they said the first round of amoxil didn't



> Ideas, opinions?


> ~*Chivas*~

> Loving Mother to le- 1 year old!

> Baby Sara Expected 12-03




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At 08:42 PM 12/11/2003 EST, you wrote:

>What is everyone's opinion on them?


>Me- 9 months pregnant had a " cold, " for 3-4 weeks

>Husband- had a " cold, " for 3-4 weeks

>Daughter- 1 year old, had a " cold, & ear infection " for 3-4 weeks


>We've been to the doctor's at least 3 times each, me and my daughter, they

>keep telling us that it's just a cold, or virus and we'll " get over it. "


>been through a round of antibiotics, amoxil, which my daughter has also,

and now

>she's on zithromax, because they said the first round of amoxil didn't work.


>Ideas, opinions?



We all have been posting tons of stuff in the last 3 weeks


see tons there

ALL vaccines are dangerous

I share homeopathic information - have posted tons on that for coughs,

colds, flu symptoms

I encourage you to look into that and use homepathy instead of medicine and


Antibiotics don't work for so-called viruses

Are you on digest or no email or are you getting emails?



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm





" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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I second that! Taking antibiotics for ear infections just makes more ear

infections in the future!

I really like Sambucol for fighting illness, it is elderberry extract,

echinacea and propolis. It is really high in vitamin C and has drastically

reduced illness in this house.


> oh, my goodness....no offense intended, but get everybody off that

> antibiotics crap!!!!!

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How does the oil capsuls help an inner ear infection? Just curious...

Tim, Dorinda, Seth, & Baby Girl due 2/18/04

-- Re: Flu shot question

oh, my goodness....no offense intended, but get everybody off that

antibiotics crap!!!!!

Ear infections...go to your local GNC store and get some garlic oil capsuls

(sp?)....(cheap!)...cut one and literally pour it into the ear...it relieves

the pain AND kills the virus causing the infetion....works almost

immediately....which is faster than tylenol (which reduces the vitamin C in

your body needed to fight everything). Tylenol works just as fast as

amox....but I still wouldn't use it. If you don't stop with the

amox....you take a chance at your child developing CHRONIC ear

infections...getting the tubes...etc THANKS TO VACCINES for the ear

infections. Try out the homeopthaic too!


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Can you get Sambucol at GNC or health store?


> I second that! Taking antibiotics for ear infections just makes more ear

> infections in the future!


> I really like Sambucol for fighting illness, it is elderberry extract,

> echinacea and propolis. It is really high in vitamin C and has


> reduced illness in this house.


> Sara




> > oh, my goodness....no offense intended, but get everybody off that

> > antibiotics crap!!!!!







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they kill the " bug " ...and help relieve pain...scientifically, I couldn't

tell you how.


> How does the oil capsuls help an inner ear infection? Just curious...


> Tim, Dorinda, Seth, & Baby Girl due 2/18/04

> -------Original Message-------



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My great grandmother used to heat up a bit of " Sweet Oil " in a spoon and put

that into the ear canal for ear aches. I've tried it a few times on my kids and

it seemed to help. Breast milk in the ear is also supposed to be very helpful.



How does the oil capsuls help an inner ear infection? Just curious...

Tim, Dorinda, Seth, & Baby Girl due 2/18/04

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I get mine at the local health food store, I haven't been in a GNC in years,

so I don't know if they would carry it.


Re: Flu shot question

> Can you get Sambucol at GNC or health store?

> Kimberley



> > I second that! Taking antibiotics for ear infections just makes more


> > infections in the future!

> >

> > I really like Sambucol for fighting illness, it is elderberry extract,

> > echinacea and propolis. It is really high in vitamin C and has

> drastically

> > reduced illness in this house.

> >

> > Sara

> >

> >

> >

> > > oh, my goodness....no offense intended, but get everybody off that

> > > antibiotics crap!!!!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Warm oil helps to soothe the ear and garlic is a natural antibiotic.

Mullein oil is also really good for ear infections. It helps dry it out.


> How does the oil capsuls help an inner ear infection? Just curious...



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