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neuro appointment

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A high proportion of carpal tunnel symptoms relate to the neck - especially the

scalenes. Many of your other arm sx's my relate to these mucsles impinging on

the neurovascular bundle in your neck. There may be some role of degenerative

changes in the vertebral foramina, but it is more likely a muscular/anatomical

issue. This is a common error and why carpal tunnel release surgery in part

fails. I am fairly sure your dr. Is chasing down the wrong path - autoimmune

and thyroid issues are not likely related. Doctor's don't understand these

issues well. A highly trained PT may be more knowledgable.

Re: neuro appointment

You likely have problems with you scalene muscles. Find a md, chiroprator

(preferrably an upper cervical one), a PT, or a rolfer that understands this

relationship, especially in regards to carpal tunnel. I would avoid any

tunnel release surgery, etc as it is not likely to be helpful....

-----Original Message-----

From: " JW " <joyfulfeathers@...>

Subj: neuro appointment

Date: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:26 pm

Size: 14K

<neck pain >

Well, it's over with. I went and he doesn't think I have a

pinched nerve. I

asked him why I get the burning shooting pain going down my left arm and


pins and needles in my right arm/hand. He didn't know. He thinks my pain is

from muscles being very tight. He did an exam, and then sent me to the lab

for a blood draw to check for inflammatory issues. I looked at the lab slip

and amongst other things he's checking my thyroid and also for rheumatoid

arthritis. I asked him about my painful swollen hands (especially the left)

and he said many times carpel tunnel will present this way and I also told

him I wake up (both in the middle of the night and in the morning) with


hands and sometimes numb up toward my elbow. He them tested my wrists by

tapping on them with that little rubber hammer and I immediately for a LOT

of pain in both hands. He wants to wait for the lab results before saying

its carpel tunnel. So, now I get to wait even longer with a VERY painful

swollen hand. :-( I'll be researching carpel tunnel in depth tonight. For

now, I'm still going to keep my appointment with the back guy on March 6.


Gizmo, Yoda, Max, Jazzy, Artemis, Shelby, & Padme'

<http://www.toolady.com/www/breeders/joyfulfeathers/index.html> Joyful


" Helping Birds Find People "

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I'm still not too sure as I still get a lot of shooting pain or pins and

needles from my neck to hands. I was not the driver when we were hit from

behind. I did put my hand out to grab the bar (I have a Jeep Wrangler that

has a grab bar right in front of the front passenger seat on the dashboard).

I think my chiropractor has it right: slightly pinched nerve in my neck

(surgery not needed) and because of that my nerves along that " line " are

reacting causing nerve pain in my hands. It wouldn't surprise me at all if I

do have carpel tunnel though as I have had symptoms for years and I work at

a computer all day (editor, graphic artist, and website design &


I've been on an anti-inflammatory ever since the accident, along with

flexaril. Neither seems to be helping anymore. It confuses me as to why my

hand is swollen while I'm on the anti-inflammatory. It's like each day it

gets a little bigger. It does go down a little by morning, but it just

swells up again. I still have quite a lot of pain in that hand when I move

it wrong (or right?). I'm also concerned about my wedding ring. I can't

budge it anymore and that finger is VERY painful by the end of the day. I

don't want to have to have it cut off but what should I do? The neurologist

didn't seem alarmed at my hand being so swollen but I am. :-( Do I just

wait to see the ortho guy for my back or find a hand ortho guy? I'm getting

so sick of having to go over and over this with each health care person but

I'm scared about my hand. The only thing I can think of that changed (after

thinking about it for almost two weeks now) is I helped my neighbor with a

cat. We had to go to her mom's and pick up the cat, put it in a carrier and

take him to someone she knows to have him bathed. I thought to myself I

shouldn't be the one to help with this, but there wasn't anyone else and she

just had knee surgery and is on crutches. If her mom was my mom, I'd have

told her it would have to wait until I wasn't on crutches and could carry

the cat in the carrier myself. I can't believe her mom expected her to do

that in the first place! Anyway, this cat is a VERY large cat...like 20-25

pounds not including the carrier. Could that have caused the flare up? I

know my neck/upper back was burning with pain when I had to carry the stupid

cat and actually my hands were hurting some too. They felt like the bones

were popping. I just can't believe me doing that would cause the hand issue.

I've always been a VERY strong person, so this is really weird for me.


Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Front Amazon

Jazzy, Crisom-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby & Birdie, pineapple & normal green cheek conures

and Padme', rosifrons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "


That's great news that the neuro thinks you don't have a pinched nerve

in your neck. So you don't need a spine guy. If it's carpal tunnel, I was

thinking that maybe during the accident you gripped the steering wheel

really hard and that's what aggravated your wrists. I actually have some

carpal tunnel too, but it comes and goes. Perhaps you can take some

anti-inflamatories like ibuprofen or get steroid injections to take down the

inflamation. The inflamation may be causing the pinched nerve in your wrist

and not the other way around, so if you could get the inflamation down the

nerve pain would go away. The wrist like the neck is a narrow area where

lots of structures must pass through and nerve pinching is so much more

likely. The kind of doctor you'd go to for this would probably be an ortho,

who speciallizes in hand and wrist. Darn, then you probably do need to see

one of the orthos that is now overbooked.


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I'm still not too sure as I still get a lot of shooting pain or pins and

needles from my neck to hands. I was not the driver when we were hit from

behind. I did put my hand out to grab the bar (I have a Jeep Wrangler that

has a grab bar right in front of the front passenger seat on the dashboard).

I think my chiropractor has it right: slightly pinched nerve in my neck

(surgery not needed) and because of that my nerves along that " line " are

reacting causing nerve pain in my hands. It wouldn't surprise me at all if I

do have carpel tunnel though as I have had symptoms for years and I work at

a computer all day (editor, graphic artist, and website design &


I've been on an anti-inflammatory ever since the accident, along with

flexaril. Neither seems to be helping anymore. It confuses me as to why my

hand is swollen while I'm on the anti-inflammatory. It's like each day it

gets a little bigger. It does go down a little by morning, but it just

swells up again. I still have quite a lot of pain in that hand when I move

it wrong (or right?). I'm also concerned about my wedding ring. I can't

budge it anymore and that finger is VERY painful by the end of the day. I

don't want to have to have it cut off but what should I do? The neurologist

didn't seem alarmed at my hand being so swollen but I am. :-( Do I just

wait to see the ortho guy for my back or find a hand ortho guy? I'm getting

so sick of having to go over and over this with each health care person but

I'm scared about my hand. The only thing I can think of that changed (after

thinking about it for almost two weeks now) is I helped my neighbor with a

cat. We had to go to her mom's and pick up the cat, put it in a carrier and

take him to someone she knows to have him bathed. I thought to myself I

shouldn't be the one to help with this, but there wasn't anyone else and she

just had knee surgery and is on crutches. If her mom was my mom, I'd have

told her it would have to wait until I wasn't on crutches and could carry

the cat in the carrier myself. I can't believe her mom expected her to do

that in the first place! Anyway, this cat is a VERY large cat...like 20-25

pounds not including the carrier. Could that have caused the flare up? I

know my neck/upper back was burning with pain when I had to carry the stupid

cat and actually my hands were hurting some too. They felt like the bones

were popping. I just can't believe me doing that would cause the hand issue.

I've always been a VERY strong person, so this is really weird for me.


Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Front Amazon

Jazzy, Crisom-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby & Birdie, pineapple & normal green cheek conures

and Padme', rosifrons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "


That's great news that the neuro thinks you don't have a pinched nerve

in your neck. So you don't need a spine guy. If it's carpal tunnel, I was

thinking that maybe during the accident you gripped the steering wheel

really hard and that's what aggravated your wrists. I actually have some

carpal tunnel too, but it comes and goes. Perhaps you can take some

anti-inflamatories like ibuprofen or get steroid injections to take down the

inflamation. The inflamation may be causing the pinched nerve in your wrist

and not the other way around, so if you could get the inflamation down the

nerve pain would go away. The wrist like the neck is a narrow area where

lots of structures must pass through and nerve pinching is so much more

likely. The kind of doctor you'd go to for this would probably be an ortho,

who speciallizes in hand and wrist. Darn, then you probably do need to see

one of the orthos that is now overbooked.


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I'm still not too sure as I still get a lot of shooting pain or pins and

needles from my neck to hands. I was not the driver when we were hit from

behind. I did put my hand out to grab the bar (I have a Jeep Wrangler that

has a grab bar right in front of the front passenger seat on the dashboard).

I think my chiropractor has it right: slightly pinched nerve in my neck

(surgery not needed) and because of that my nerves along that " line " are

reacting causing nerve pain in my hands. It wouldn't surprise me at all if I

do have carpel tunnel though as I have had symptoms for years and I work at

a computer all day (editor, graphic artist, and website design &


I've been on an anti-inflammatory ever since the accident, along with

flexaril. Neither seems to be helping anymore. It confuses me as to why my

hand is swollen while I'm on the anti-inflammatory. It's like each day it

gets a little bigger. It does go down a little by morning, but it just

swells up again. I still have quite a lot of pain in that hand when I move

it wrong (or right?). I'm also concerned about my wedding ring. I can't

budge it anymore and that finger is VERY painful by the end of the day. I

don't want to have to have it cut off but what should I do? The neurologist

didn't seem alarmed at my hand being so swollen but I am. :-( Do I just

wait to see the ortho guy for my back or find a hand ortho guy? I'm getting

so sick of having to go over and over this with each health care person but

I'm scared about my hand. The only thing I can think of that changed (after

thinking about it for almost two weeks now) is I helped my neighbor with a

cat. We had to go to her mom's and pick up the cat, put it in a carrier and

take him to someone she knows to have him bathed. I thought to myself I

shouldn't be the one to help with this, but there wasn't anyone else and she

just had knee surgery and is on crutches. If her mom was my mom, I'd have

told her it would have to wait until I wasn't on crutches and could carry

the cat in the carrier myself. I can't believe her mom expected her to do

that in the first place! Anyway, this cat is a VERY large cat...like 20-25

pounds not including the carrier. Could that have caused the flare up? I

know my neck/upper back was burning with pain when I had to carry the stupid

cat and actually my hands were hurting some too. They felt like the bones

were popping. I just can't believe me doing that would cause the hand issue.

I've always been a VERY strong person, so this is really weird for me.


Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Front Amazon

Jazzy, Crisom-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby & Birdie, pineapple & normal green cheek conures

and Padme', rosifrons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "


That's great news that the neuro thinks you don't have a pinched nerve

in your neck. So you don't need a spine guy. If it's carpal tunnel, I was

thinking that maybe during the accident you gripped the steering wheel

really hard and that's what aggravated your wrists. I actually have some

carpal tunnel too, but it comes and goes. Perhaps you can take some

anti-inflamatories like ibuprofen or get steroid injections to take down the

inflamation. The inflamation may be causing the pinched nerve in your wrist

and not the other way around, so if you could get the inflamation down the

nerve pain would go away. The wrist like the neck is a narrow area where

lots of structures must pass through and nerve pinching is so much more

likely. The kind of doctor you'd go to for this would probably be an ortho,

who speciallizes in hand and wrist. Darn, then you probably do need to see

one of the orthos that is now overbooked.


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I'm still not too sure as I still get a lot of shooting pain or pins and

needles from my neck to hands. I was not the driver when we were hit from

behind. I did put my hand out to grab the bar (I have a Jeep Wrangler that

has a grab bar right in front of the front passenger seat on the dashboard).

I think my chiropractor has it right: slightly pinched nerve in my neck

(surgery not needed) and because of that my nerves along that " line " are

reacting causing nerve pain in my hands. It wouldn't surprise me at all if I

do have carpel tunnel though as I have had symptoms for years and I work at

a computer all day (editor, graphic artist, and website design &


I've been on an anti-inflammatory ever since the accident, along with

flexaril. Neither seems to be helping anymore. It confuses me as to why my

hand is swollen while I'm on the anti-inflammatory. It's like each day it

gets a little bigger. It does go down a little by morning, but it just

swells up again. I still have quite a lot of pain in that hand when I move

it wrong (or right?). I'm also concerned about my wedding ring. I can't

budge it anymore and that finger is VERY painful by the end of the day. I

don't want to have to have it cut off but what should I do? The neurologist

didn't seem alarmed at my hand being so swollen but I am. :-( Do I just

wait to see the ortho guy for my back or find a hand ortho guy? I'm getting

so sick of having to go over and over this with each health care person but

I'm scared about my hand. The only thing I can think of that changed (after

thinking about it for almost two weeks now) is I helped my neighbor with a

cat. We had to go to her mom's and pick up the cat, put it in a carrier and

take him to someone she knows to have him bathed. I thought to myself I

shouldn't be the one to help with this, but there wasn't anyone else and she

just had knee surgery and is on crutches. If her mom was my mom, I'd have

told her it would have to wait until I wasn't on crutches and could carry

the cat in the carrier myself. I can't believe her mom expected her to do

that in the first place! Anyway, this cat is a VERY large cat...like 20-25

pounds not including the carrier. Could that have caused the flare up? I

know my neck/upper back was burning with pain when I had to carry the stupid

cat and actually my hands were hurting some too. They felt like the bones

were popping. I just can't believe me doing that would cause the hand issue.

I've always been a VERY strong person, so this is really weird for me.


Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Front Amazon

Jazzy, Crisom-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby & Birdie, pineapple & normal green cheek conures

and Padme', rosifrons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "


That's great news that the neuro thinks you don't have a pinched nerve

in your neck. So you don't need a spine guy. If it's carpal tunnel, I was

thinking that maybe during the accident you gripped the steering wheel

really hard and that's what aggravated your wrists. I actually have some

carpal tunnel too, but it comes and goes. Perhaps you can take some

anti-inflamatories like ibuprofen or get steroid injections to take down the

inflamation. The inflamation may be causing the pinched nerve in your wrist

and not the other way around, so if you could get the inflamation down the

nerve pain would go away. The wrist like the neck is a narrow area where

lots of structures must pass through and nerve pinching is so much more

likely. The kind of doctor you'd go to for this would probably be an ortho,

who speciallizes in hand and wrist. Darn, then you probably do need to see

one of the orthos that is now overbooked.


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I called my regular doc for a referral, which they will put in, to a highly

recommended PT guy and he's even very close to my house! They are going to

call me tomorrow to set up the appointment.


Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Fronted Amazon

Jazzy, Crimson-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby, Pineapple green cheek conure

Birdie, normal green cheek conure

And Padme', rosifrons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "

Re: neuro appointment

You likely have problems with you scalene muscles. Find a md, chiroprator

(preferrably an upper cervical one), a PT, or a rolfer that understands


relationship, especially in regards to carpal tunnel. I would avoid any

tunnel release surgery, etc as it is not likely to be helpful....

-----Original Message-----

From: " JW " <joyfulfeathers@...>

Subj: neuro appointment

Date: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:26 pm

Size: 14K

<neck pain >

Well, it's over with. I went and he doesn't think I have a

pinched nerve. I

asked him why I get the burning shooting pain going down my left arm and


pins and needles in my right arm/hand. He didn't know. He thinks my pain is

from muscles being very tight. He did an exam, and then sent me to the lab

for a blood draw to check for inflammatory issues. I looked at the lab slip

and amongst other things he's checking my thyroid and also for rheumatoid

arthritis. I asked him about my painful swollen hands (especially the left)

and he said many times carpel tunnel will present this way and I also told

him I wake up (both in the middle of the night and in the morning) with


hands and sometimes numb up toward my elbow. He them tested my wrists by

tapping on them with that little rubber hammer and I immediately for a LOT

of pain in both hands. He wants to wait for the lab results before saying

its carpel tunnel. So, now I get to wait even longer with a VERY painful

swollen hand. :-( I'll be researching carpel tunnel in depth tonight. For

now, I'm still going to keep my appointment with the back guy on March 6.


Gizmo, Yoda, Max, Jazzy, Artemis, Shelby, & Padme'

<http://www.toolady.com/www/breeders/joyfulfeathers/index.html> Joyful


" Helping Birds Find People "

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I called my regular doc for a referral, which they will put in, to a highly

recommended PT guy and he's even very close to my house! They are going to

call me tomorrow to set up the appointment.


Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Fronted Amazon

Jazzy, Crimson-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby, Pineapple green cheek conure

Birdie, normal green cheek conure

And Padme', rosifrons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "

Re: neuro appointment

You likely have problems with you scalene muscles. Find a md, chiroprator

(preferrably an upper cervical one), a PT, or a rolfer that understands


relationship, especially in regards to carpal tunnel. I would avoid any

tunnel release surgery, etc as it is not likely to be helpful....

-----Original Message-----

From: " JW " <joyfulfeathers@...>

Subj: neuro appointment

Date: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:26 pm

Size: 14K

<neck pain >

Well, it's over with. I went and he doesn't think I have a

pinched nerve. I

asked him why I get the burning shooting pain going down my left arm and


pins and needles in my right arm/hand. He didn't know. He thinks my pain is

from muscles being very tight. He did an exam, and then sent me to the lab

for a blood draw to check for inflammatory issues. I looked at the lab slip

and amongst other things he's checking my thyroid and also for rheumatoid

arthritis. I asked him about my painful swollen hands (especially the left)

and he said many times carpel tunnel will present this way and I also told

him I wake up (both in the middle of the night and in the morning) with


hands and sometimes numb up toward my elbow. He them tested my wrists by

tapping on them with that little rubber hammer and I immediately for a LOT

of pain in both hands. He wants to wait for the lab results before saying

its carpel tunnel. So, now I get to wait even longer with a VERY painful

swollen hand. :-( I'll be researching carpel tunnel in depth tonight. For

now, I'm still going to keep my appointment with the back guy on March 6.


Gizmo, Yoda, Max, Jazzy, Artemis, Shelby, & Padme'

<http://www.toolady.com/www/breeders/joyfulfeathers/index.html> Joyful


" Helping Birds Find People "

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I called my regular doc for a referral, which they will put in, to a highly

recommended PT guy and he's even very close to my house! They are going to

call me tomorrow to set up the appointment.


Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Fronted Amazon

Jazzy, Crimson-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby, Pineapple green cheek conure

Birdie, normal green cheek conure

And Padme', rosifrons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "

Re: neuro appointment

You likely have problems with you scalene muscles. Find a md, chiroprator

(preferrably an upper cervical one), a PT, or a rolfer that understands


relationship, especially in regards to carpal tunnel. I would avoid any

tunnel release surgery, etc as it is not likely to be helpful....

-----Original Message-----

From: " JW " <joyfulfeathers@...>

Subj: neuro appointment

Date: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:26 pm

Size: 14K

<neck pain >

Well, it's over with. I went and he doesn't think I have a

pinched nerve. I

asked him why I get the burning shooting pain going down my left arm and


pins and needles in my right arm/hand. He didn't know. He thinks my pain is

from muscles being very tight. He did an exam, and then sent me to the lab

for a blood draw to check for inflammatory issues. I looked at the lab slip

and amongst other things he's checking my thyroid and also for rheumatoid

arthritis. I asked him about my painful swollen hands (especially the left)

and he said many times carpel tunnel will present this way and I also told

him I wake up (both in the middle of the night and in the morning) with


hands and sometimes numb up toward my elbow. He them tested my wrists by

tapping on them with that little rubber hammer and I immediately for a LOT

of pain in both hands. He wants to wait for the lab results before saying

its carpel tunnel. So, now I get to wait even longer with a VERY painful

swollen hand. :-( I'll be researching carpel tunnel in depth tonight. For

now, I'm still going to keep my appointment with the back guy on March 6.


Gizmo, Yoda, Max, Jazzy, Artemis, Shelby, & Padme'

<http://www.toolady.com/www/breeders/joyfulfeathers/index.html> Joyful


" Helping Birds Find People "

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I called my regular doc for a referral, which they will put in, to a highly

recommended PT guy and he's even very close to my house! They are going to

call me tomorrow to set up the appointment.


Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Fronted Amazon

Jazzy, Crimson-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby, Pineapple green cheek conure

Birdie, normal green cheek conure

And Padme', rosifrons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "

Re: neuro appointment

You likely have problems with you scalene muscles. Find a md, chiroprator

(preferrably an upper cervical one), a PT, or a rolfer that understands


relationship, especially in regards to carpal tunnel. I would avoid any

tunnel release surgery, etc as it is not likely to be helpful....

-----Original Message-----

From: " JW " <joyfulfeathers@...>

Subj: neuro appointment

Date: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:26 pm

Size: 14K

<neck pain >

Well, it's over with. I went and he doesn't think I have a

pinched nerve. I

asked him why I get the burning shooting pain going down my left arm and


pins and needles in my right arm/hand. He didn't know. He thinks my pain is

from muscles being very tight. He did an exam, and then sent me to the lab

for a blood draw to check for inflammatory issues. I looked at the lab slip

and amongst other things he's checking my thyroid and also for rheumatoid

arthritis. I asked him about my painful swollen hands (especially the left)

and he said many times carpel tunnel will present this way and I also told

him I wake up (both in the middle of the night and in the morning) with


hands and sometimes numb up toward my elbow. He them tested my wrists by

tapping on them with that little rubber hammer and I immediately for a LOT

of pain in both hands. He wants to wait for the lab results before saying

its carpel tunnel. So, now I get to wait even longer with a VERY painful

swollen hand. :-( I'll be researching carpel tunnel in depth tonight. For

now, I'm still going to keep my appointment with the back guy on March 6.


Gizmo, Yoda, Max, Jazzy, Artemis, Shelby, & Padme'

<http://www.toolady.com/www/breeders/joyfulfeathers/index.html> Joyful


" Helping Birds Find People "

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Hi Joi,


   A while back when my hands were bothering me and also I had a lot of the

usual neck pain, I had a nerve conduction test that showed it wasn't a flare of

nerve root pain but carpal tunnel, which never would have occured to me.  I was

ready to do more epidurals but didn't need to do that. 





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Hi Joi,


   A while back when my hands were bothering me and also I had a lot of the

usual neck pain, I had a nerve conduction test that showed it wasn't a flare of

nerve root pain but carpal tunnel, which never would have occured to me.  I was

ready to do more epidurals but didn't need to do that. 





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Hi Joi,


   A while back when my hands were bothering me and also I had a lot of the

usual neck pain, I had a nerve conduction test that showed it wasn't a flare of

nerve root pain but carpal tunnel, which never would have occured to me.  I was

ready to do more epidurals but didn't need to do that. 





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Hi Joi,


   A while back when my hands were bothering me and also I had a lot of the

usual neck pain, I had a nerve conduction test that showed it wasn't a flare of

nerve root pain but carpal tunnel, which never would have occured to me.  I was

ready to do more epidurals but didn't need to do that. 





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Hi Joi,


    Maybe you have cat scratch fever. Some people do not remember being

scratched by a cat.  But the bacteria can be carried on the fur and if you had a

small cut on your hand you could get infected. It takes over a week to show up,

lasts a month or two and usually goes away on its own.  The lymph glands are

involved and your hand would be swollen and painful. Also the swelling would

tend to reduce if your hand was elevated. Antibiotics can be used to treat it. 

If at all possible can you try to take your wedding band off. Elevate your hand

above your head for a while, try oiling it.

    Because of the swelling and inflamation, your doctor is doing those

rheumatological tests.  There has to be some kind of inflammatory process, not

just nerve impingement.




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Hi Joi,


    Maybe you have cat scratch fever. Some people do not remember being

scratched by a cat.  But the bacteria can be carried on the fur and if you had a

small cut on your hand you could get infected. It takes over a week to show up,

lasts a month or two and usually goes away on its own.  The lymph glands are

involved and your hand would be swollen and painful. Also the swelling would

tend to reduce if your hand was elevated. Antibiotics can be used to treat it. 

If at all possible can you try to take your wedding band off. Elevate your hand

above your head for a while, try oiling it.

    Because of the swelling and inflamation, your doctor is doing those

rheumatological tests.  There has to be some kind of inflammatory process, not

just nerve impingement.




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Hi Joi,


    Maybe you have cat scratch fever. Some people do not remember being

scratched by a cat.  But the bacteria can be carried on the fur and if you had a

small cut on your hand you could get infected. It takes over a week to show up,

lasts a month or two and usually goes away on its own.  The lymph glands are

involved and your hand would be swollen and painful. Also the swelling would

tend to reduce if your hand was elevated. Antibiotics can be used to treat it. 

If at all possible can you try to take your wedding band off. Elevate your hand

above your head for a while, try oiling it.

    Because of the swelling and inflamation, your doctor is doing those

rheumatological tests.  There has to be some kind of inflammatory process, not

just nerve impingement.




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Hi Joi,


    Maybe you have cat scratch fever. Some people do not remember being

scratched by a cat.  But the bacteria can be carried on the fur and if you had a

small cut on your hand you could get infected. It takes over a week to show up,

lasts a month or two and usually goes away on its own.  The lymph glands are

involved and your hand would be swollen and painful. Also the swelling would

tend to reduce if your hand was elevated. Antibiotics can be used to treat it. 

If at all possible can you try to take your wedding band off. Elevate your hand

above your head for a while, try oiling it.

    Because of the swelling and inflamation, your doctor is doing those

rheumatological tests.  There has to be some kind of inflammatory process, not

just nerve impingement.




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This cat was an inside cat and declawed. No scratches that I can find

anywhere. He's an old, really mellow cat. I'm just going for the ride

at this point. I got a call from the car insurance saying that the

chiroprator's report said he was now also treating for the previous

back pain, that not all was due from the accident. While my hands

might be that case, I know my neck isn't. I was NOT on perscription

meds before the accident and was only seeing the chiro for adjustment

and massage once per month. I can't not take the meds because my neck

flares up so badly I can't stay upright if I don't. I have no idea

where he got his info but I did call the office and left a voice mail

for him. I'm not a happy camper.



> Hi Joi,


>     Maybe you have cat scratch fever. Some people do not remember

being scratched by a cat.  But the bacteria can be carried on the fur

and if you had a small cut on your hand you could get infected. It

takes over a week to show up, lasts a month or two and usually goes

away on its own.  The lymph glands are involved and your hand would

be swollen and painful. Also the swelling would tend to reduce if

your hand was elevated. Antibiotics can be used to treat it.  If at

all possible can you try to take your wedding band off. Elevate your

hand above your head for a while, try oiling it.

>     Because of the swelling and inflamation, your doctor is doing

those rheumatological tests.  There has to be some kind of

inflammatory process, not just nerve impingement.









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This cat was an inside cat and declawed. No scratches that I can find

anywhere. He's an old, really mellow cat. I'm just going for the ride

at this point. I got a call from the car insurance saying that the

chiroprator's report said he was now also treating for the previous

back pain, that not all was due from the accident. While my hands

might be that case, I know my neck isn't. I was NOT on perscription

meds before the accident and was only seeing the chiro for adjustment

and massage once per month. I can't not take the meds because my neck

flares up so badly I can't stay upright if I don't. I have no idea

where he got his info but I did call the office and left a voice mail

for him. I'm not a happy camper.



> Hi Joi,


>     Maybe you have cat scratch fever. Some people do not remember

being scratched by a cat.  But the bacteria can be carried on the fur

and if you had a small cut on your hand you could get infected. It

takes over a week to show up, lasts a month or two and usually goes

away on its own.  The lymph glands are involved and your hand would

be swollen and painful. Also the swelling would tend to reduce if

your hand was elevated. Antibiotics can be used to treat it.  If at

all possible can you try to take your wedding band off. Elevate your

hand above your head for a while, try oiling it.

>     Because of the swelling and inflamation, your doctor is doing

those rheumatological tests.  There has to be some kind of

inflammatory process, not just nerve impingement.









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That's what the neuro doc wants to do next. Does carpel tunnel cause



Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Front Amazon

Jazzy, Crimson-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby, Pineapple mutation Green-cheeked conure

Birdie, normal Green-cheeked conure

& Padme', rosirfons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "

Re: neuro appointment

Hi Joi,


   A while back when my hands were bothering me and also I had a lot of the

usual neck pain, I had a nerve conduction test that showed it wasn't a flare

of nerve root pain but carpal tunnel, which never would have occured to me. 

I was ready to do more epidurals but didn't need to do that. 





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That's what the neuro doc wants to do next. Does carpel tunnel cause



Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Front Amazon

Jazzy, Crimson-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby, Pineapple mutation Green-cheeked conure

Birdie, normal Green-cheeked conure

& Padme', rosirfons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "

Re: neuro appointment

Hi Joi,


   A while back when my hands were bothering me and also I had a lot of the

usual neck pain, I had a nerve conduction test that showed it wasn't a flare

of nerve root pain but carpal tunnel, which never would have occured to me. 

I was ready to do more epidurals but didn't need to do that. 





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Hi Joi,


    From what I have read and from people I know with run-of-the-mill carpal

tunnel syndrome, there is no visible swelling involved.  However, if you have

some other illness that causes swelling in the wrist where the median nerve runs

through then you can have pinching of the nerve and get all the symptoms of

carpal tunnel.  Some of the other causes of carpal tunnel-like symptoms are

osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, diabetes, hypothyroidism (causes

deposition of glycogen under the skin thickening the wrist--I saw this happen to

my mom)  and obesity,

  Here is an article from webmd on Carpal Tunnel (They have great medical

articles). Rochelle


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Symptoms

The most common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are tingling, numbness,

weakness, or pain felt in the fingers or, less commonly, in the palm. Symptoms

most often occur in the parts of the hand supplied by the median nerve: the

thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. If your little

finger is not affected, this may be a sign that the condition is carpal tunnel

syndrome, because the little finger is usually controlled by a different nerve

than the thumb and other fingers. See a picture of areas affected in the hand.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome often occur in both hands, but symptoms

are usually worse in one hand than the other. You may first notice symptoms at

night. People with carpal tunnel syndrome can usually fall asleep, but pain or

numbness may wake them up.

Mild carpal tunnel symptoms primarily affect the hand and sometimes the forearm,

but they can radiate up to the shoulder. Symptoms include:

Numbness or pain in your hand, forearm, or wrist that awakens you at night.

(Shaking or moving your fingers may ease this numbness and pain.)

Occasional tingling, numbness, " pins-and-needles " sensation, or pain. The

feeling is similar to your hand " falling asleep. "

Numbness or pain that gets worse while you are using your hand or wrist,

especially when gripping an object with your hand or bending (flexing) your


Occasional aching pain in your forearm between your elbow and wrist.

Stiffness in your fingers when you get up in the morning.

With moderate or severe carpal tunnel symptoms, you may have numbness or reduced

strength and grip in your fingers, thumb, or hand. It may be difficult to:

Do simple hand movements, such as brushing your hair or holding a fork. You may

accidentally drop objects.

Pinch an object between your thumb and first finger (loss of pinch strength).

Use your thumb while doing simple tasks such as opening a jar or using a

screwdriver. With long-lasting carpal tunnel syndrome, the thumb muscles can get

smaller and weaker (atrophy).

Not all pain in the wrist or hand is caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. There are

many other conditions with similar symptoms.

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Hi Joi,


    From what I have read and from people I know with run-of-the-mill carpal

tunnel syndrome, there is no visible swelling involved.  However, if you have

some other illness that causes swelling in the wrist where the median nerve runs

through then you can have pinching of the nerve and get all the symptoms of

carpal tunnel.  Some of the other causes of carpal tunnel-like symptoms are

osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, diabetes, hypothyroidism (causes

deposition of glycogen under the skin thickening the wrist--I saw this happen to

my mom)  and obesity,

  Here is an article from webmd on Carpal Tunnel (They have great medical

articles). Rochelle


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Symptoms

The most common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are tingling, numbness,

weakness, or pain felt in the fingers or, less commonly, in the palm. Symptoms

most often occur in the parts of the hand supplied by the median nerve: the

thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. If your little

finger is not affected, this may be a sign that the condition is carpal tunnel

syndrome, because the little finger is usually controlled by a different nerve

than the thumb and other fingers. See a picture of areas affected in the hand.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome often occur in both hands, but symptoms

are usually worse in one hand than the other. You may first notice symptoms at

night. People with carpal tunnel syndrome can usually fall asleep, but pain or

numbness may wake them up.

Mild carpal tunnel symptoms primarily affect the hand and sometimes the forearm,

but they can radiate up to the shoulder. Symptoms include:

Numbness or pain in your hand, forearm, or wrist that awakens you at night.

(Shaking or moving your fingers may ease this numbness and pain.)

Occasional tingling, numbness, " pins-and-needles " sensation, or pain. The

feeling is similar to your hand " falling asleep. "

Numbness or pain that gets worse while you are using your hand or wrist,

especially when gripping an object with your hand or bending (flexing) your


Occasional aching pain in your forearm between your elbow and wrist.

Stiffness in your fingers when you get up in the morning.

With moderate or severe carpal tunnel symptoms, you may have numbness or reduced

strength and grip in your fingers, thumb, or hand. It may be difficult to:

Do simple hand movements, such as brushing your hair or holding a fork. You may

accidentally drop objects.

Pinch an object between your thumb and first finger (loss of pinch strength).

Use your thumb while doing simple tasks such as opening a jar or using a

screwdriver. With long-lasting carpal tunnel syndrome, the thumb muscles can get

smaller and weaker (atrophy).

Not all pain in the wrist or hand is caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. There are

many other conditions with similar symptoms.

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No it does not cause swelling.

Deb Rn

From: neck pain

[mailto:neck pain ] On Behalf Of JW

Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 1:49 AM

neck pain

Subject: RE: Re: neuro appointment

That's what the neuro doc wants to do next. Does carpel tunnel cause



Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Front Amazon

Jazzy, Crimson-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby, Pineapple mutation Green-cheeked conure

Birdie, normal Green-cheeked conure

& Padme', rosirfons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "

Re: neuro appointment

Hi Joi,

A while back when my hands were bothering me and also I had a lot of the

usual neck pain, I had a nerve conduction test that showed it wasn't a flare

of nerve root pain but carpal tunnel, which never would have occured to me.

I was ready to do more epidurals but didn't need to do that.


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No it does not cause swelling.

Deb Rn

From: neck pain

[mailto:neck pain ] On Behalf Of JW

Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 1:49 AM

neck pain

Subject: RE: Re: neuro appointment

That's what the neuro doc wants to do next. Does carpel tunnel cause



Gizmo & Yoda, Papillons " The Girls "

Max, Blue Front Amazon

Jazzy, Crimson-bellied conure

Artemis, Painted conure

Shelby, Pineapple mutation Green-cheeked conure

Birdie, normal Green-cheeked conure

& Padme', rosirfons conure

" Helping Birds Find People "

Re: neuro appointment

Hi Joi,

A while back when my hands were bothering me and also I had a lot of the

usual neck pain, I had a nerve conduction test that showed it wasn't a flare

of nerve root pain but carpal tunnel, which never would have occured to me.

I was ready to do more epidurals but didn't need to do that.


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