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Re: Occupational Therapy Student

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- I'm glad you found the info helpful. Regarding the eye, you can

certainly bring him to an eye doctor. It can't hurt to get another opinion. You

should look for a pediatric optholmologist. The low eyelid is probably from the

plagio. It should get somewhat better from the helmet, and may get better still

if any torticollis is treated. If I were you, I'd get him checked by an

experienced pediatric physical therapist even for mild tort. Our son's was mild

but still caused him problems, so I don't think it's something to " wait and see "

about. If you can't get your son into physical therapy because his tort is too

mild, you can still do torticollis stretches at home. You need to be sure you're

doing them for the correct side. For example, if he looks more toward the left

and tends to lean his ear toward his right shoulder, he probably has right

torticollis. You can find more info if you search the files section and on the

internet, including pictures of how to do the tort stretches. You might also

visit the torticollis board for more help. Best of luck!


> ,

> Thanks for ALL the information you posted to Mel. I found it to be so

> helpful. My son has the Hanger helmet and I too didn't know about the

> other bands. My son's left eye seems to be slightly smaller (because it

> doesn't open as much) as his left eye. The tech @ Hanger said it is " Lazy

Lid " ,

> and said we can take him to a pediatric eye doctor. Have you experienced

> this? As for the torticollis, the tech @ Hanger did mention that our son

> has (mild) limited range on his left side of his neck. She didn't recommend

> therapy though. Should it be done? My son is 6 1/2 months old and has

> been wearing the helmet for 6 weeks now. Last week we were told that his

> progress is well, and he will need the helmet for maybe another month.


> Thanks !


> --- Tommy's Mommy :)


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