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Re: Zach- one year later-

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Hi ,

When we banded at 9 months- I felt so guilty because we took him for his first

ortho exam at 4 months too. We decided to wait and see but when we took him to

his pedi at 9 months she told me basically I had missed a huge opportunity for

correction- and that crushed me.

Throughout treatment- this board helped me so much because I could talk to other

Moms- and a few Dads :) that felt the same things I did. Zach's face was kinda

the same after treatment- I could see that one side was up higher than the

other. But as the months progressed it started to get less and less noticable-

and I think it has some to do with him growing too. We all can attest to the

fact that when they are babies thier heads are a bit big for their bodies- but

as they start to walk and grow into little " guys and gals " they start to fill

out proportionally. I took a picture of him looking in the mirror the other day

when he was getting a haircut- (it is on my blog) and that is about the only

time I can really see the asymetry still because I am looking at the opposite of

what I am used to. It used to be so much worse- like his face was distorted

(pushed in) on one side.

I am not one to say if it matters when they are banded- I do agree that the

earlier the better. But I couldn't help but have a smile on my face when the

same pedi that told me I had missed a huge opportunity because we waited to band

said- " wow- If I hadn't seen him in the band I never would have known he had

worn one " - that only from the top of his head can you even barely see the flat

spot- and who can even look at the top anyways after a certain age :) I think

as a Mom I will always see it- but no one else really can :)

Hope that helps :)

Kristy and Zach

> > >

> > > How old was Zach when he started helmet therapy and how old was he when

> > he

> > > finished? His results are great! I just need some assurance that it will

> > > work for my son Evan. So far the results are coming along very slowly.

> > I'll

> > > be happy if the desired results are achieved even if it may take a little

> > > longer. We'll see:)

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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