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Re: Hi! New here and feeling overwhelmed / anxious...

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Wow, what a story. I'd be super upset in your case as well. But at least you

were persistent and your daughter is now getting the care she needs. It is

frustrating how it seems most docs don't take this condition seriously. I mean

not only can it lead to medical issues later, but who wants their kid to grow up

with a crooked head? LOL! I mean seriously! My doc went so far as to say to me

that if it were her kid she wouldn't do anything about it.... that made me feel

about 2 inches big. But like you said, at least she was willing to go along

with whatever path I felt we needed to take. Thankfully. Between my daughter's

evaluation and casting (almost 3 weeks) her plagio worsened in all of the

measurements, which is interesting since she is primarily on her belly all the

time for sleep (she rolls there herself) or in an exersaucer or bumbo or front

carrier the rest of the time. She probably has an hour a day on her back these

days, if that. Her brachy #'s were the same... CI of 93%. Anyway, I'm rambling

now... my point is that I'm glad I went with my gut and went ahead with

everything, especially now that I know she certainly would not have improved

with simple repositioning or just with " time " . I'm sorry you had to deal with

the run around for so long. Hopefully more and more docs will be getting more

educated on this and will be more proactive in the future.

> >

> > Hi! I thought I'd introduce myself... I'm Robyn, I have 2 little boys, a 4

year old and now an almost 5 month old who brings me here - that's Riley. We

noticed his head seemed a little misshaped and a prominent flat spot last week.

He also seems to really tilt his head, especially later in the day as he

tires... we brought him to our ped, who I was fully expecting to tell me we're

crazy, it's nothing to be concerned about, etc. Not so! He gave me a scrip for

xrays, just to make sure it's nothing on the inside and a brochure for CT. I

left that office appointment so extremely upset.

> >

> > That was last Friday. After going online to the CT site, finding this group

and going for our xrays, I honestly feel so much better. We have an appointment

at CT in Paramus, NJ, next Wednesday. It's a bit of a road trip for us, about 2

hours each way, but we definitely want to go with a DOC band, if need be. And

they're considered in network for our insurance, so even better.

> >

> > But it's been a roller coaster of emotions. Thank God it's nothing worse -

sitting in the waiting room for pediatric radiation to get our xrays was a real

wake up call. He's not sick, this can be treated and I feel kind of silly for

being as upset as I am about all of this. But at the same time, of course I'm

upset, this is my little boy!

> >

> > We've been trying some repositioning on our own and some simple neck

exercises. I can't wait to go to CT next week to find out more and just get this

all started. I'd be shocked if they said he didn't need a helmet / band. I think

it's a pretty mild case, but what do I know really. And he's still very young,

he's 4 and a half months - I'd rather just do anything and everything we can NOW

since we caught it. Why wait.

> >

> > This site is great though, I've had a lot of my questions answered already.

And I'm just really glad to have a resource of other parents going through the

same thing. So thanks!!

> >


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