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Re: Bad appointment today!

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Hi Jen,

I'm glad they are doing a new DSI. Do yo know if your baby has plagio, brachy or

a combo? Brachy is flat in back with extra width. My daughter had only very mild

asymmetry, so was treated only for brachy. Sometimes with brachy the head does

start to round in the back as babies spend less time on their head, but the

extra width will remain unless they are banded. This may be why you don't notice

much of a flat spot.

Please tell use what CT decides to do after the DSI and if you are getting a new

band, and if they feel her neck is weak. It does happen sometimes that tort is


Also Jen, I wanted to mention that i think your post was sitting in the spam

folder so didn't get approved for a few days - sorry. tries to figure out

which messages are spam and sometimes gets it wrong.


sydney, 4.5 yrs, starband grad

> >

> > Ok, 7 month old daughter in band for 6 weeks now went for DOC band check and

adjustment. When checking her head I asked if it was just me or did her greatest

point of protrusion at the back of her head actually seem off centered and more

on her previously flat side. Overcorrection? After checking and rechecking, and

having another person check, consensus.....Yes, protrusion is now on the

previously flat side and there is an indentation at the hold position. Now

what??? They took repeat pictures to show the headquarters people and see what

they want to do. We left her band there today and don't know what happens next.

New band? Done all together? send it to headquarters for major

adjustment/assessment? Repeat DSI to be sure of problem? I just don't know what

now. She was such a borderline case to begin with. I thought these were made so

that even if all the foam on the previously flat side were shaved, it still

didn't have enough room to overcorrect. I had thoug hts previously of this being

a problem with my son but after his appointment I was assured it was just my

eyes doing tricks on me because he had such a bad flat spot I wasn't used to

seeing it normal and rounded. This time, my concerns were actually RIGHT ON! I

hate when I am right. Has anybody heard of this and knows what the next step is?

Happy to know she is without the band but hope I didn't screw her head up now

worse that it would have been if I had just left well enough alone.

> > Jen

> >


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