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Shirley/Re: 7 week post op update

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Hi Shirley,

Thanks a bunches for your concerns. It does seem the pain under the

eye has decreased. I think the pain might of been from the jaw

trying to relapse. Now that the jaw is back in the correct

position, the pain is no longer there..So that is good news.

Now why do you want to hurt that back of yours? What are we going

to do with you..(haha) I hope the PT works fast for you so you can

enjoy that upcoming trip.

Yes, I do like the chocolate Boost. I bought some last week and

thought it was chocolate but ended up being Vanilla...YUC!! I will

be sure to pick up some more chocolate flavor for my upcoming road

trip. As far as taking the bands off for eating, at this point it

is just too difficult to try and put them back in especially the

tiny thick ones for the back teeth. It takes me about 15 minutes to

get them back in. The front band is not as thick or small and is

easier to put in.

Good luck on your dental cleaning. I go for my first cleaning post

op next month. I am hopeful the first week of September I will be

released to go back to my OD to get on with this treatment plan.

I can't believe you haven't heard the results of your sleep apnea

test. Geez, I guess they just want to keep you from sleeping a

little longer..(haha) I am still anxiously awaiting the results!

Hugs to ya,


> Hi (Caboose), Sorry to hear they had to tighten the bands

> even more. Ouch.... How's the pain under the eye? Hopefully


> better.


> I was suppose to go to the OD Monday, but put my back out on

> Sunday. So I'm getting PT again! I've got to get better as I


> a trip planned in less than 2 weeks! Rescheduled the OD appt. for

> same day I see OS again, August 29. So I'll probably be beginning

> my trip with sore teeth - just what I need!


> I don't know if you've tried the Boost Plus (I like the


> It's got 360 calories and it saved me from a major weight loss.

> I was drinking 3-4 day plus soft (foods I could suck in). I tried

> to keep my calories at least at 1800 calories, which isn't easy.


> lost about 10 lbs to begin with and am still about 2 lbs less than


> was before surgery.


> I know what you mean about chewing with rubber bands. Sometimes

> it's a pain to take on and off the rubber bands, wax, etc. But


> I try to chew with the rubber bands the food seems to get caught


> them, etc. It's bad enough to have the food stuck in the braces.

> And since I can't bite yet, I have to keep catching myself


> to take a bite of the toast and then have to cut it up.


> I noticed this morning I had put the rubber band on right side in

> the wrong position. Hopefully no damage! I really wanted to get


> OD this week as teeth on top are spreading out (and turning).


> need to put the power chains back on them. But alas, the back


> in should blade area) wouldn't allow me the long drive there and

> back and 1 1/2 hr appt in dental chair. I have an appt to get


> cleaned tomorrow and just hope I can handle the dentist chair for

> it. I went back on my stronger anti-inflammatories on Sunday.


> have a PT appt after the dentist.


> And believe it or not I'm still waiting on sleep study results. I

> finally called yesterday. Still no word!!! Gr...gr..


> I'm thinking of you. Hang in there. Hugs,


> Shirley

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