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I've been waiting to post here forever.......

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Hi Gang, Well, I'm new to the group. My one year anniversary was

Dec. 6th -- Lap RNY - Started at 270 lbs - down to 115 today! Started

out in size 24's and today in 2's and 4's......... actually I'm TOO

skinny! And need to stop losing, hopefully it will stop soon as I'm

beginning to worry! THIS IS A LONG POST -- so please bear with


I've had some recent complications that I'd like to ask about here

and see what your opionions might be of them!

I've felt great up until Oct. 4 - was able to eat what I wanted, when

I wanted, never got sick, vomited or had any issues AT ALL!!!!!!

This was so wonderful.... then Oct 4th I started having serious pains

on my left side under my rib cage. They ran some tests, catscan, x-

rays, etc.. which showed nothing - ONLY by Friday night I was in the

ER in intense pain... another catscan and x-rays that night showed a

intestional obstruction with a hernia -- they put me in the hospital

that whole week with no food or water, trying to get my intestines

to " deflate " -- anyway, ended up having surgery to correct the

problem - they did it Lap and I went home 2 days later.... I still

had a strange sensation on my left side which never quite went

away.... I went in for more tests again... towards the middle of

Novemeber.... The cat scan showed possible edema in my old

stomach....but nothing else....the doctors were now thinking I'm

CRAZY and just being a hypocrodrite (sp?)or something and suggested I

take some anti-depressants... ANYWAY, the weekend before Thanksgiving

I had lunch with a client and ate some crab fondue with mozzerrela

cheese on it... well I started having severe pains on my left side

and dry heaving - it was horrible -- by the time I ended up in the ER

the pain was gone -- they saw nothing on the x-rays.... They think

some of the cheese got stuck.... it passed and I went home!!! Then

FRIDAY after Thanksgiving it hit again...... SAME PAINS, SAME dry

heaves, it was horrible.... I went to the ER - this time they

couldn't examine me because I was having such bad dry heaves until

they gave me some meds.... They ADMITTED ME - gave me some Demoral

and Phenergan and took me to my ROOM -- NO X-RAYS mind you this

time....... I laid in that room all day Saturday in the most

horrible pain imaginable = screaming, tearing at the sheets - begging

them to do something - They finally started Morphine at about 6:00

that night... that only helped for about a hour at a time.......

Finally the next morning they came to get me for a Upper GI -- they

took x-rays first and the next thing I know my Doctor is standing

there telling me we have to go to surgery NOW..... I had another

obstruction.... but they weren't sure where it was this time so they

would have to OPEN me up all the way..... within the hour - I was in

surgery! When I got out of surgery I didn't wake up --- I ended up

on LIFE SUPPORT for 3 days, they say because of the morphine and the

weakened condition I was in..... I was so scared! My family was

mortified! They are telling me that ADHESIONS wrapped themselves

around my intestines causing a hernia and that this could actually

happen again......... NOW I'm scared to death that this will happen

again and am consummed with fear of dying! I'd like to know if

anyone else out there has had these issues and IS THERE ANY

HOPE???????????????? HELP PLEASE!! I'm not real happy with the

hospital or my doctor right now either for what they did to me -- I

do not think this would have been so life threatening if they had

done the x-rays on Friday night showing the hernia again.... I think

they just thought something was stuck again.... both my husband and I

got the impression they were admitting me to PACIFY me... and that

doesn't sit well with me at all........... Thanks for listening ---

any advice on how to GAIN weight would be appreciated too -- I need

to gain back at least 10 pounds.... I don't like being this skinny -

I look too sick!!!!!! Cheers, Tammy

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