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OT-Re: missing spouses away serving our country

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It is a daily Hell to have to go through this. I am so encouraged to

read that e-mail and IM-ing are now available to some of our troops

and their families. I worked for the National Science Foundation at

spreading Internet around the world for the academic communities in

the late '80's and early '90's, though as Internet began to emerge as

a service for the general public, we never imagined all the things

that the technology could do for people. Still, a phone call, a

short video conference, or even regular e-mail or IMs can only

reassure you that hubby (or DW for the guys whose women have been

called up) are OK at that moment, and the separation has got to be an

absolute heart-wrencher.

A slight change of subject: as I learned of the plight of many

reservists and their families on TV news programs, not the least of

which included loss of a family business because the absent reservist

was the mainstay of the business, I wondered if there were avenues

for us here to assist families with every day life management issues.

Things like help with managing family finances, writing to creditors,

minor household repairs, and other things that frazzled families have

trouble coping with. Is anybody on this list aware of organizations

that offer such volunteer opportunities? When I was in the Naval

Reserve some 40 years ago there was an organization with a name like

Navy Aid, but I just do not know what is around these days.

I care about you, Jac, and I care about all the other Service

families that have been riven by world events. Any suggestions that

you have as to how I and others might help out are more than welcome.


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