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Re: Where am I going wrong? - Mara, Sandy, Davina, Suneeti, Kim, Jodi and Jean.

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Mara, Sandy, Davina, Suneeti, Kim, Jodi and Jean,

Thank you all so much for your suggestions. I have to admit to being a little

overwhelmed by them all but then having a condition with no diagnosis one has to

accept that finding a solution is like shooting in the dark, nonetheless I am

grateful for your input.

To answer some of the questions raised:-

Jean, I had nausea long before I took mirtazapine, in fact if anything it has

made things better but only marginally. I don't eat garlic, onions or asparagus

but thanks for the ideas.

Sandy, how does one check to see if anything is added to meat, or should one

just get organic?

Mara and Suneeti, I didn't do the Introduction Diet because I have never

suffered from diarrhoea (English spelling) and I assumed that I didn't need to

undergo initial healing and so I just went immediately for all the legal foods.

Maybe I should try the Intro Diet. I have to say that having kept a diary of all

foods for over 2 years I have never been able to find anything that makes me

worse or seems to trigger things. Out of all the foods I currently eat I have

omitted all of them from my diet for several weeks to see if any of them were

the culprit.

Suneeti, I eat brussell sprouts not bean or lentil sprouts. I also don't suffer

from gas so I assumed that legal vegetables were ok.

I don't take probiotics at the moment as I have previously tried many different

types so for the time being I just take the SCD yoghurt. I don't eat " nut baked

goodies " .

Kim, what are " flavouring solutions " please? I don't add any spices to any of my

food. Btw, you really are an amazing lady to put up with all of your symptoms

yet help so many others with your diligent work.

Mara & Jodi, interesting idea about the rectal swabs. I have had 6 stool tests,

all done by different labs and all were negative. My last stool test was done by

the Hospital for Tropical Diseases which specialise in worms and parasites etc.

so I would assume they really know about such things. I am wondering why a

rectal swab would be useful, this is the first time I have heard of it to be


Davina, thanks for the link to the brilliant information on broths, very useful

for me.

Mara, thanks for the idea about appendicitis. I know that you didn't have

classic symptoms and neither do I. I will ask the doctor next time but you will

know as well as I do that doctors are so dismissive of such ideas when one

doesn't display normal symptoms. In fairness I have had numerous tests and one

doctor remarked that I am probably the most tested individual in the UK!

Jodi, I have had a complete thyroid panel done several times but all was normal.

With regards to stomach acid I have tried proton pump inhibitors in the past but

were no help. But with regards to low stomach acid I have just started

experimenting with Betaine HCL to see if it helps, the problem is getting the

dosage right. What will a urine dysbiosis test tell me?

I only eat small amounts at a time. One thing I should say is that eating for me

is a nightmare as apart from the nausea and discomfort I never feel hungry

except at 11pm. This is the only time of the day that I feel hungry and the only

time of the day that I feel almost normal. This seems weird to me but I can't

help but wonder whether this holds the key to my illness because this happens

every day and it seems there is some sort of body clock going on here so I am

trying to find out what the body does at this time of day, any ideas anyone?

Thanks again.


Chronic Nausea and Digestive System Discomfort - August 2008

SCD - 18/12/09

Mirtazapine - 30mgs


> > Hi all,

> > I have been on SCD since December 2009 but have not had any change in my

condition, either negative or positive. My symptoms are admittedly different

from anyone else I have encountered on these boards and consist of constant

nausea and/or stomach pain/ache/discomfort as well as some discomfort in my

colon. I open my bowels 2-3 times per day and whilst my stools are generally

formed things are not quite right in this area as I don't produce long golden

banana shapes that we all strive for. My symptoms are constantly changing in

severity and change seemingly for no reason. The worst symptom by far is the

nausea. I never feel normal or well, not even for 5 minutes and I have felt like

this for over 2 years now.

> >

> > I think I have been strict on the diet but I thought I would list my

complete food list and ask you guys if you can see where I am going worng. The

foods I consume are as follows:- grilled plain salmon, grilled plain chicken and

turkey, home made '24hr' yoghurt, mild cheddar cheese, broccoli, carrots,

cauliflower, greens, sprouts, leeks, cabbage, beets, cashew nuts, almonds,

brazil nuts, walnuts, apples, bananas and nectarines. I only drink bottled

water. I don't eat anything else.

> > The only medication I take is Mirtazapine which I believe is legal. I don't

take any supplements.

> >

> > I would welcome any thoughts please.

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Someone with more knowledge than I do can also tell you more about " checking

out " the meat you purchase. I went to the meat department at my store and

talked to the manager and he assured me that there was nothing added to the meat

I purchase from them (such as solutions, etc.). I wonder sometimes if the

reason some people may struggle with the diet is because of the meat they are

eating. I am unable to get organic meat in my area and I have been told that we

do not have to have it organic. If you have " checked out " your meat purchases

then I am sure it is fine - good luck to you and I hope you are feeling better




> Mara, Sandy, Davina, Suneeti, Kim, Jodi and Jean,


> Thank you all so much for your suggestions. I have to admit to being a little

overwhelmed by them all but then having a condition with no diagnosis one has to

accept that finding a solution is like shooting in the dark, nonetheless I am

grateful for your input.


> To answer some of the questions raised:-

> Jean, I had nausea long before I took mirtazapine, in fact if anything it has

made things better but only marginally. I don't eat garlic, onions or asparagus

but thanks for the ideas.

> Sandy, how does one check to see if anything is added to meat, or should one

just get organic?

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