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Re: Help new member- To Stephie

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Hi Stephie,

This whole process can be very difficult and that much harder when

others don't understand. I know exactly what you mean. As I was

recovering from my surgery, this group was wonderful just to have a

place where an entire group of people know what you're going through

and have dealth with family members or friends that Don't get it and

can make remarks that make the whole thing worse.

I am so sorry that you've had to go through the first surgery only to

have it now work out... to have to recover... and then go through

this all over again. That must have been so hard for you. YOu are

really a trooper! I really admire that... I can't imagine coming out

of the surgery to find that I'm facing a second one all over again

years away. That must have been really hard for you.

So, I'm glad that this time around they were able to perform the

surgery successfully. Thank goodness! I'm sorry about the blood

donation affecting your recovery. I'm sure that's made it harder for

you. I didn't donate blood- when I asked my surgeon about it, he

discouraged me from having it done. Regardless, I had a terrible

postop diet (I did the best I could!) and my energy was non existent

for a long time. You will get through it though. Hopefully by now you

are starting to get back to your old self a little??

At this point, I'm 6months post op- I was just commenting that I

remembered when I was about 4 or 5 weeks post op, I was really

looking forward to getting the splint out.... Since you said you were

about 5 weeks post op, I was wondering if you also were anticipating

getting your splint removed. BUT! Since you never had one, then you

didn't have to worry about that fun... lucky you! How is your diet

and eating going? Are you pleased so far with the results from your

surgery?? Let us know how you are doing!

Katja :)

> > > I am new to this group I 1st posted on the 5th or 6th (about

> 4wks

> > out

> > > of surgery) feeling very down and worried any no one replied.


> > A

> > > LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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