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starting solids, reflux, loss calories in relation to hypoglycemia

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Hey there

True has more complications beyond the hypoglycemia and possible

endocrine/growth issues. He has not been able to start solid foods because of


severe allergies and possible eosinophilic disease. We have been in a lengthy

diagnostic process to either rule out or confim ED. Part of that process is to

start food trials and then be re-scoped.

In two weeks, we are supposed to start our food trials. In the past, with

the other two we have done, vomitting and diarrhea are a major part of his


When he was hospitalized last time for hypoglycemia, the endocrinologist

said that vomitting just one time is enough to send his system in a downward

spiral b/c he doesn't have the storage (via body fat) to keep his glucose up

when that happens.

I know some of the RSS kids have reflux. I don't know how severe it is.

But I wondered if they ahve reflux and hypoglycemia...what does the vomitting

do to their glucose readings? I am quite nervous now to start food trials

(have been SO excited about it before this happened) although I still plan to


the hopes that we can find a few foods he can tolerate. However, I am

worried that we will get in this big cycle of feeing a food...him reacting with

vomitting or diarrhea...then blood sugar crisis...can anyone relate? I doubt

there's anyone out there with the exact same issues but advice is very

welcomed here.

Another question is...does diarrhea in your children cause a hypoglycemia


thank you

deb...mom to four fab adopted kiddos... (07.04.96-05.26.03) with

Mitochondrial Myopathy...G, 6, with High Functioning Autism, Hypoglycemia and

Precocious Puberty...B, 4, with VERY mild Cerebral Palsy...and True 1yo, with

Neuromotor Disorder, Hypoglycemia, Myoclonus, ulcers, undiagnosed GI problems

plus severe food allergies (Eggs, Peanut, Milk, Soy, Corn, Rice, Oats and

Crab/Neocate-only), Plagiocephaly and Dysphagia....Married for 12 years to


swell guy!_ www.caringbridge.org/tn/wells/_

(http://www.caringbridge.org/tn/wells/) (http://www.lifeofloveproject.org/)

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