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18 days and the panic has just set in

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I happened to stumble across this site while i was searching for more

info on the procedure im having done.

Whilst browsing through the posts here you all seem very

knowledgeable... I however dont know much at all. Either I havent

listened or just havent asked much.

So I'm 19 and having a BiMaxillary Osteotomy. They're taking 5-6mm

from the top and 1-2mm from the bottom. I have a horrid overbite.

Theyre also taking a graft of bone from my hip to help the healing.

The op is scheduled for the 21st. and now im begining to worry. the

past 3 years leading up to it ive just joked it off and now im

beinging to actually think. For the past 3 years my friends have been

quite horrid with me for actually wanting this. Im stubborn about

things. my face being one. I hate it. I always thought my bottom jaw

stuck out and I guess to some extent my dad bullied me about it since

i was tiny. But according to the surgeon my bottom jaw is the proper

size, its the rest of my head thats too small :S **My profile pic is

under " Holly " **

but anyways, I was wondering if anyone had any tips to calm me before

i go in. I kinda hold everything in and i can tell that once my mom

leaves me the night before its all gonna come out and Im gonna be a


Also, Tips for afterwards. Im gonna be in the High Dependancy Ward

for 1-2 days then on a normal ward for the rest of the week if all

goes well. Im taking my MP3 player but i need something else.

I have no idea what to expect. does anyone have any photos of the

swelling or something?



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