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Re: Re: Where am I going wrong? - Mara, Sandy, Davina, Suneeti, Kim, Jodi and Jean.

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> I only eat small amounts at a time. One thing I should say is that eating for

me is a nightmare as apart from the nausea and discomfort I never feel hungry

except at 11pm. This is the only time of the day that I feel hungry and the only

time of the day that I feel almost normal. This seems weird to me but I can't

help but wonder whether this holds the key to my illness because this happens

every day and it seems there is some sort of body clock going on here so I am

trying to find out what the body does at this time of day, any ideas anyone?

Wow, that does seem key to unravelling the whole mystery. Here's hoping the low

stomach acid -

betaine HCl route will work for you in solving this. And maybe digestive

enzymes, too? Or have

you tried those already and had no luck?

It's really like detective work at times like this - too bad we don't have a

brilliant medical investigator

who loves solving difficult problems working as a consultant for us.

You would think that some doctor somewhere would enjoy the challenge of trying

to solve this.


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