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breasties that are small and tender

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In a message dated 12/17/03 6:42:05 PM, Graduate-OSSG writes:

<< Just wish i had enuf to put into a champagne glass :-( >>

Dear Tara: It is true that going fom this one size to that other size with

breast lifts and reductions is a transition psychologically that takes time. To

the degree a person has body dysmorphia (inaccurate estimates of one's body

shape, weight, size, and other features) they may have the same challenge to

realize the same about their 'new' breasts.

But SIZE is not where it's at, regardless. It's like anything else, do your

breasts work-- feel good, have sensation, love to be loved, any or all or

different than above. Each soul is different, has a different relationship to


own breasts. I don't know that any are wrong. But some are far more gratifying

and happy than others.

I just mention in the 34 years I have practiced clinically, I have seen women

with no hips, wide waists and tiny breasts having so much attention from fine

folk that they hardly knew what to do with it all. I have seen other women

with no hips, wide waists and tiny breats being miserable about their bodies and

about major parts of life as well. They do not easily attract others. What

iis the difference, if the bodies are more or less the same? (This includes

bodacious hips and tiny waists and only one breasted women--the configurations


not seem to matter)

It is about the fire within. that is what makes the diference, I promise you.

Some women (and men I might add), say they would like to have big breasts for

just a while (men say they would never go to work ever again---they would

just stay home all day touching, weighing, bouncing, bobbling, mashing,


etc.,.......grin). Some women say they would like just for a while to have

the ahem male um, stallion apparatus. They are divided about what they would do

during that time. I know what I would do, but alot of women would just like to

see if there really is an easier 'pass' in business dealings becuase of the

'package.' In other words, a lot about various body parts is FANTASY. It is

not about size. It is about the mind.

For me, as a lover, I want only to know that my lover is built for four alram

fires. I don't care about the configurations.

that;'s all


evil ceep wrote that last part

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In a message dated 12/17/2003 10:39:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lacorona@... writes:

For me, as a lover, I want only to know that my lover is built for four alram

fires. I don't care about the configurations.


Sorry, that does not sound a bit like evil Ceep, it sounds like angel Ceep

just wanting a good time. Evil Ceep Ceep would have been a lot more descriptive.

Fay Bayuk




Open RNY 150 cm

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In a message dated 12/18/2003 4:02:41 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Graduate-OSSG writes:

> For me, as a lover, I want only to know that my lover is built for four

> alram

> fires. I don't care about the configurations.


> that;'s all


> love,

> evil ceep wrote that last part



I'm so glad both ceep and evil ceep are back!


Boca Raton, FL

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