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Undies question.. ok I heard some one laughin...

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I'm serious. After all these years of being post op I still have a

clothing issue, and I can't seem to solve it on my own.

You remember we had to learn to find clothing and figure out how to

wear something other than old lady or old man clothing... well...

ummmm ...I can't seem to get my undies to fit right and it's just

dang uncomfortable to go around with panties acting like they wanna

be thongs! I get the hip and waist area right but the legs just ride

right up my (_)_)! I have tried walking into the undies section in a

store but I get to embarrassed to ask anyone. How do you make undies

fit right without riding up your... you know... thong country.

Also on my weight issue...

A few weeks ago...I started with liquids trying to jump start my body

back to day one, which didn't seem to go well. But that jump started

my wanting protein after a few days with just fluids and broth's. Now

when I'm hungry I grill a pork chop or some meat, or boil or scrable

2 eggs. I'm watching my carbs and in a little over two weeks I am

down 7.5 pounds!! Taa Daa!! :) I am not touching soda anymore

either. That's unbelievable to me. No anything sweet and full of

sugar at all anymore. I'm not even missing it. Those few days without

all the junk and drinking liquids and broths must have cleaned my

system out. All I know is I seem to be headed in the right direction

again...that's after a year or so of sliding UP the scale. I'm

headed to my goal again.

Hope to hear how you figured out the undies. I figure the guys can't

help on this one. Not gonna even ask about anything more personal...

eee-gads! lol

Tink :]

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