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had to share/ jacob was runner-up for spelling bee

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hi all,

jacob was runner-up for the school spelling bee for the 2nd and

3 rd grade's he is in the 2nd grade. a 3rd grade won. we are a very

small school of about 140 kids so in his grade so in his grades

there were about 7 or 8 kids but him and the kid that won went for

like 6 rounds.

jacob was having a hard time is school up til this year and does

super in spelling. for those of you that don't know him at this time

last year they were ready to send him to all day sp. ed class i

would not let them do to this was a different school and they could

see him part time in our school. he has changed so much. the am sure

the the GHT HAS ALOT TO DUE WITH THIs. he was small headed now it is

normal along with his wieght and hieght is much better. additude

self esteam and all are far better then befor i fell like a million

buck tonight for that kidand he does tooo!!!

cara mom to jacob 8 (9 next monday) rss sga

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