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RE: Am I overreacting

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I would not freak out. Just like back in our normie days, most of us now

have days when we can eat next to nothing, and days when we have a

" hollow leg " ready to take on whatever we throw down our gullets. Think

about it... Pre-op, you would have eaten that quarter pounder plus a big

fry plus a big soda and probably would have been hungry in an hour. Now

you stopped because you were full.

Would I recommend you do this often? No way. I stay out of Mc's

near always, and that's greatly to the benefit of me AND my 4 year old

daughter. But once in a while's not going to kill you.

Now is the danger time, though, because you are still in the

" invincible " period... If you torch your good habits now because it

seems nothing puts weight on you, in 6 - 8 months, you'll find that

eating bigger meals and/or " badder " meals will add some pounds. It

happened to me. And that's where the common 10-20 pounds regain come

from. If you don't want those pounds to smooth out your skinny areas,

you've got to stick to protein and 1/2 portion or less meals. It's hard,

it's SO hard, because some days we just want to be normal, dammit. But

as discussed in another thread here today, being MO once means being MO

for life in some ways. Sorry.

Hang in there,


Open RNY 09/17/01



Am I overreacting

Hi everyone,

It has been a while since I have posted so a little background on me.

I had open rny 4/02. Total lbs lost are 156 and I am quite happy.

Since my wls I have had two other surgeries. I had my gallbladder taken

out June 03 and a bile duct bypass in August 03 (whew! that was a lot)

Overall I am happy but today I got worried.

Today I really had a craving for Mcs. I do not know why but I did.

So I went to Mcs and got a quarter pound w/cheese meal.

Well I was at my computer at work and I was working and eating and

before I knew it I had eaten about 3/4 of the burger. Now normally when

I have a hamburger I cut it in half with the expectation that the most I

can eat is half. But today was different. I even ate some fries.

Now all of this was within a 15 minute time period. I do not drink with

my meals. I saved my drink until 30 minutes after eating.

I really freaked out because that was the first time I could eat so


I feel like I should not be able to eat so much. Am I overreacting or is

this normal that I might be able to eat so much at 20 months out?

Any feed back is welcome! I know that I will not be going back to

Mcs anytime soon. I should have not gone today. If I go to

Mcs I normally get a kids meal but for some strange reason I just

had to have a quarter pounder.

Well thanks for listening and I look forward to your response.


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