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To Kathy

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Actually, you are doing the RIGHT thing by giving smaller

amounts of food to eat. Many of our RSS kids have delayed gastric

emptying which causes them to feel full. By offering small, more

frequent meals, you are not overloading his stomach and causing

possible discomfort and distress. The other good thing about the

smaller meals is that it helps keep blood sugars stable. Even

though you have not said anything about blood sugar issues, there is

always that risk of his developing them.

In reality, we all should be eating small, more frequent meals. But

we are so programmed to thinking three square meals a day.... I

know when I am trying to lose weight, I do much better on that

plan. I never feel too hungry, therefore I don't overeat because I

am starving by the time the next meal comes around.

In addition, you are probably getting more calories into him with

your method. I so clearly recall Dr. Harbison at the MAGIC

convention a few years ago pointing out a really interesting fact:

If a child eats one extra 50 calorie cookie (or she may have said

cracker) a day, that adds up to 350 extra calories a week, which

adds up to 3500 calories in 10 weeks. That is an extra pound! We

don't realize how those seemingly small, what-we-think-are-

insignificant calories do add up.

Keep up the good work. It will pay off in the longrun.

Jodi Z

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