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-Worried About the Future

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My apologies if this is a repeat - I haven't seen the original message

I typed this morning show up.

Hi ,

I'm Hillary, and I am an RSS adult. I grew up without a lot of

intervention (no feeding tube, gh, etc.). I'd like to think that I

turned out just fine <grin>. I graduated with a BA from the

University of Colorado in May, and I am currently a first year law

student at Seattle University in Seattle, Washington. I'm happy and

well-adjusted (well, as well-adjusted as a first year law student can

be <grin>). If you were to ask me to name some of the worst things

that have ever happened to me in my life, RSS wouldn't even make the

list. My life is very typical for someone my age. So typical, in

fact, that i don't want to bore you with the details.

I know that right now things are very scary, but they can (and very

often do) get better. All of the RSS adults that I've met and/or had

the pleasure of corresponding with are happy, well adjusted people

with very full lives. They have successful careers and families.

I hope this helps ease your fears a little bit.


RSS adult

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