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my advice would be to read bee's overcoming candida

successfully over and over and then again. Begin with

the diet and begin slowly.

I too was overwhelmed with information and feeling

terrible in June 06. It was rough for a few months =,

some people say they feel better quickly, i did not.

But you have to stick with it and know that eventually

you do begin to see the light at the end.

Begin slowly with the supplements, but begin! Maybe

cut out sugars and work you way up on the diet alone.

Read read and read everything you can and what helped

me was i highlighted what was important to me and i

red that again. The supplements confuse me also but

make alist of what you comprehend from the article

then post it here and we will allhelp you figure out

if it is ok and maybe we can offer advice on how to

order some of the supplemtns. I was confused with CLO

yesterday..today debra gave me a tip on where to get

it and i ordered it this morning. Its hard to find

the supplements all at one time, so make yourself a

list and just refer to it.

ANything we can do to help, we will. That is what

this group is all about...

Thanks... Sue


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HI again,

I'm wondering about the supplements. I have pure Vit. C crystals in

ascorbic acid but it contains no bioflavinoids. Can I buy them separate and

in what doses.?

Also, CLO. I have Nordic Naturals but the Vit D in this product is around

20 IU's. This is nowhere near what your files say. Is 800-1200 IU's

correct? How do I get that much? Even combiing oils that I have doesn't

bring me near to that number and it says to get your Vit A up use halibut

liver oil caps without Vit D. That isn't making sense to me.


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> Hi Everybody,


> I'm a newby and feeling quite overwhelmed with how much there is

to keep track of.


> The ratios thing has me almost crying. And I don't know what to

eat. I can't find info on when and how to take supplements. I'd

like to put my 9 yr old on it but don't know how to do the

supplements with him and he goes to his dad's frequentlly and eats

junk. Is it pointless to do the diet only when he's here with me?

==> I understand how frustrating it is because of so much

information, but just take one step at a time. Don't push yourself

or feel like you have to do everything perfectly. Yes your dear son

would benefit doing the diet when he's with you.


> I'm starving right now. My brain fog makes this so daunting, I

truly don't know what to do. But I'm so sick, if I don't do

somthing, I'm scared I'm going to die. My symptoms began when I was

in my 20's. Now I'm 46. I managed pretty well until my marriage,

then he was so awful, the stress made me struggle for health, then

having a baby by c section put me over the top and I have been

rapidly going down hill from there.


> Last year I tried the SCD diet. I liked it and managed pretty

well. But I fell off the wagon too soon and feel sicker than ever.

I'm spacey and my memory is horrible.


> Any tips would be very appreciated. I've read all over the files

section. I can't find many of the suitable doses for the

supplements. Have you said in the recent discussion that Carlsons

COD is okay? I do know that it is a reputable oil but don't know if

it's suitable for this.


> Should I start right in with the electrolyte drink?

==>Yes, start with that drink. , all of the doses for the

supplments are in my main article under Essential Supplements, and

they are also in the Files - see the Candida Supplements Folder.

Also see the 1st Folder in our files for the article " Candida, How

to Get Started " . There's also a Cod Liver Oil Folder & a Coconut

Oil Folder.

Hang in there. You'll make it; just take one step at a time and

write to us.

Luv, Bee

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> HI again,


> I'm wondering about the supplements. I have pure Vit. C crystals

in ascorbic acid but it contains no bioflavinoids. Can I buy them

separate and in what doses.?

==>The exact amounts are in my article " How to Successfully Overcome

Candida " Please be sure to print out that part, or print out the

articles in the Candida Supplements Folder, and take it with you so

you know what to buy and what size, etc. You do buy a vitamin C

separately which contains bioflavonoids, rutin, herperidin, etc. -

mix ascorbic acid 50/50 with baking soda and then take it in water.


> Also, CLO. I have Nordic Naturals but the Vit D in this product

is around 20 IU's. This is nowhere near what your files say. Is

800-1200 IU's correct? How do I get that much? Even combiing oils

that I have doesn't bring me near to that number and it says to get

your Vit A up use halibut liver oil caps without Vit D. That isn't

making sense to me.

==>See the Cod Liver Oil File for the article CLO Nutrients In where

I evaluated different brands; Nordic Naturals is not recommended

because it is way too low in vitamins A & D. Vitamin A is just as

important as vitamin D. The best cod liver oils are called High

Vitamin, i.e. Blue Ice from Radiant Life - but again the websites

are in the Folder too. I buy Garden of Life and take 2 tbls. per

day; sometimes I buy Carlson's and I take 1 tbls but I also take

halibut liver oil capsules along with it.


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First off, you want to start off slow both because you want to slow down the

effects of die off and you want to get used to this. For starters, don't worry

about the drinks, supplements or any of that. Just do the basics, which is eat

only M.O.V.E:

Meat - fresh unprocessed

Oils - Health like olive, coconut, animal oils

Veggies - Green veggies are usually the best like broccoli, asparagus,

spinach, cabbage

Eggs - Fresh and cage free

Start with stir fries.. they are quick easy and tasty.

Supplements you can start with the basics:

- Vitamin C

- Calcium

Later you can add cod liver oil, b vitamins, oregano oil, acidpholus, etc, but

don't worry about it for now. To me, the two above are the most important.

Later you can figure out which coconut oil is best, what ratios you should eat,

and lots more. But for now, eat the basics, and take the basic supplements,

read and learn.

Each day, try to read a little bit more of the files you are sent. Make a

goal to read one page per day.

Hope that helps.. :)



San , CA

<kenstar@...> wrote:

Hi Everybody,

I'm a newby and feeling quite overwhelmed with how much there is to keep

track of.

It is a lot easier to act ourselves into new thinking than to think ourselves

into a new action.

My son Hunter Hudson (10/11/04) http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/

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> I haven't seen this anywhere, but if you are taking Vit C crystals in

water make sure you drink through a straw. The acid removes enamel

from the teeth.

That is true . That's why you mix ascorbic acid crystals with

baking soda 50/50 which makes it into sodium ascorbate.

Luv, Bee

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


> I've read through a bunch of bee's files and old posts but I still

> have a few questions. I'm sorry if they've been asked a thousand


> already ;)


> 1. I'm only allowed 52g of protein .. I exercise 4-6 days a week so

> should I put this amount up abit?

==>Since you are 5 feet tall you should calculate your ratios based

on calories required - see:



> 2.In the past I've gone 2-3 weeks with no bowel movement and the

only hope I had was my coffee in the morning. On this diet, since only

> decaf is allowed I'm really nervous about going that long again with

> no bm. Today I am starting the fish oil and Vit. C..should that help

> move things even in the very beginning?

==>I recommend you start out by going on the 9-day program:



> 3.I definitely need to lose weight (I put alot on doing the Specific

> Carbohydrate Diet)..so if I understand correctly this means sticking

> completely to my ratio's except carbs which can be lower? If I don't

> get my fat up to 130g will this also pile on the weight?

==>Depending upon how overweight you are, working out your ratios

based on the amount of calories you require to maintain your energy

will help.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I think my scar does go pretty far down -- to just above the crack.

My husband is very careful when he wipes my bottom for me (great guy!)

Bernie told me that as I walk more, the circulation will improve and

some of the pain should be less. She may have specifically meant the

pain in my thigh, though. It is getting better.

I was surprised that my leg actually felt better after riding home in

the car. Maybe it is like exercise--painful at first, but good for


I have some pain near my tailbone sometimes when I roll to my back or

when I sit in the car. I think it may be a bit of hardware pain.

The put the screws in during the first surgery, and I could sure feel

them during that first week. Once they put the rods in and tightened

up the screws, I don't notice any except the lowest ones.

Bernie said I will feel a lot of weird pains while I am healing and

that I should try not to worry about it. Just follow the precautions

and everything should be ok (of course, though, I wonder if I am

following the precautions correctly!)


> I have some questions that if anyone knows the answers I'd


> it!

> 1. Has the 2 stage revision surgery with fusion to the sacrum ever


> done without rods to stabilize the cages that were installed? I'm

> wondering because Dr. Hu didn't mention any " hardware " being


> I'm really wondering what I'll see on my 6 wk. X-rays!


> 2. Does everyone's scar go clear down to the actual tailbone? Once


> had the staples out, I didn't feel as much " poking " in that area,

but I

> still have the nerve and pressure pains there and in my legs. Would

> walking more help these pains?


> If I think of more, I'll ask later. (my memory isn't very long


> days!)


> Carol V.


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I would bet real money that you have implants and rods. I don't know

why you wouldn't get the state of the art...and since you are up and

walking around I believe that indicates the presence of " hardware " .

Remember in the " good old days " before they invented all this stuff you

were not allowed to move around until the fusion was pretty

solid....and the dreaded body cast.

Yes, my scar goes right down my tailbone to the bottom.

You chould check with DrHu re:any pains that concern you. Are you doing

the walking they prescibed at your check out of the hospital? When do

you see Hu again? You don't want to underdo, and you don't want to

overdo...you really want to go with the target they set!

Take Care, Cam

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

1. Has the 2 stage revision surgery with fusion to the sacrum ever been

done without rods to stabilize the cages that were installed?

Not that I'm aware of...

2. Does everyone's scar go clear down to the actual tailbone? Once I

had the staples out, I didn't feel as much " poking " in that area, but I

still have the nerve and pressure pains there and in my legs.

Adam describes the incision to people as " shoulder blades to valley " . I

am stunned at how many people figure this out quite quickly - I don't

get embarrassed much EVER, but this kind of makes me ultra-self-aware

that people are picturing my " valley " .

Would walking more help these pains?

Without a doubt, the more I move, the better I feel. My walking was cut

down to almost none while I was fighting the upper respiratory

infections and much of my hip (nerve) pain returned with a vengeance. I

recall that when I was battling depression back in February, my

activity levels decreased too much and I had increased pain then as

well. Walking is best and since we've been getting SO MUCH

precipitation, I'm spending a lot of time at the Y...can't remember

when you are freed to get in the water, but I've discovered my post-

workout pain is significantly reduced if I sit in the hot tub before

and after swimming and then spend time stretching in the sauna. If I

skip one of these steps, the nerve pain seems more vengeful.


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  • 3 months later...


> Hi and thanks to all for your help.

> #1 -Do I have to take baking soda with the vitamin C? Is tooth

> protection the only reason.

==>Yes the baking soda is to buffer the ascorbic acid crystals so it

is easier on the stomach, and also to protect the teeth. But you can

take straight ascorbic acid crystals in water and just rinse your

mouth well afterwards.

> Will the Vitamin C cause gastric problems.

==>It can cause a stomach upset but taking it with foods helps, or

taking it along with cal/mag. Some people mix ascorbic acid crystals

in their Electrolyte Drink along with the sea salt and lemon, which

is a great combination too.

> I am concerned about getting too much sodium. I have been

> taking it if needed for pain in the gastro intestional tract that

> seems to have turned up on this diet as I detox. The sodium in

> baking soda seems to effect me with puffiness whereas the Celtic

> Salt does not. Is there anything else to do for the stomach pain?

Is it okay to drink camomile tea for the stomach pain?

==>Your stomach also makes baking soda, as well as the pancreas; for

every molecule of hydrochloric acid made in the stomach it also makes

a bicarbonate of soda molecule which goes out through the stomach,

which is circulated throughout the body to help with detoxification

and balancing of acidity/alkalinity in different organs & areas.

==>Yes, you can drink camomile tea, but I believe ginger or ginger

plus fennel teas are more helpful for digestion, gas & bloating. You

can also chew on raw ginger or fennel seeds. Do ensure you are

taking enough Betaine hydrochloric acid. Most candida sufferers have

low stomach acid which causes the same upsets and symptoms as high

stomach acid. Also eating 1-2 tbls of sauerkraut helps a great

deal. That is because sauerkraut raise stomach acid if it is too

low, and it lowers it if it is too high - it is actually quite

miraculous. In between meals sauerkraut also helps settle the


> #2 - Is it okay if I do not get a flush with Niacin. The first time

> I took it I did and lasted for 1 hour. After that I took it after

> having more food in my stomach and now don't get a flush.

==>Yes, it is okay not to get a flush with Niacin. If you wish you

can increase it gradually up to as high as 900 mg per day in divided

doses. Some people take a lot more without any ill effects.

> #3 - Is it oaky to eat Ezekial 4.9 Bread if I stay within my

> carbohydrate allotment for the day? It contains organic sprouts

> and " sprouts, all kinds " are on the okay food list.

==>This diet isn't about the total number of carbs only; it is mostly

the " kind of carbs " and the amount of carbs contained in each food

that is eaten. You can have 1/4 cup of it per day, but be cautious.

> #4 - I still get stomach pain from the " Egg Drink " . I am used to

> lots of coconut oil and butter. Could raw eggs be causing it?

==>Raw eggs contain sulfur which is also antifungal. You can let the

boiling water cook the whites before blending if you wish. Ensure

you are getting enough hydrochloric acid.

> #5 - Is there a recipe to make our own sauerkraut to eat? Not the

> rejuvenate, since this is to drink I think.

==>Yes, it is called Sauerkraut Relish and I think it is in the Lacto-

Fermented Folder in the Recipes. I don't have time to look it up for

you right now.

> Thanks so much for all the info and help. I look forward to your

> answers and thank you now.

==>You are very welcome Ellen.

Luv, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi from Kentucky. I am Jim from Wisconsin.

We were all new at one point. THe advantage YOU have over some, like myself,

is that there have been a bunch of us on herbs, for quite awhile now. When I

started there were only a couple on LymeNet that were, and THIS group didn't

even exist, so it was a struggle to say the least.

Glad you are getting through the Healing Lyme book. IT is a Godsend. You

will have to reread at least parts of it from time to time to get it all to sink

in. And asking questions on these groups helps also.

I will try to answer, best I can, on the things I personally KNOW about.

Although the book doesn't say so, I have found that Devil's Claw helps

tremendously with Vision Problems and also for brain fog. PERIWINKLE, or

vincamine, (they are one and the same), are quite helpful for neural problems

also. Stephania Root is also helpful.

AND YES, you CAN take them all at once. Only go SLOW at first. One pill of

each a day for the first few days. IF you seem to be having any kind of

problems with that, then drop it to ONE PILL of only ONE HERB A DAY, for a few

days and see if THAT HERB is okay for you. THen add one ot the other ones in at

one a day.

I take ALL my herbs WITH my meals. Helps the tummy.

It is hard to say WHERE is the BEST place to buy. Because the best is not

always the cheapest either.

I used to buy from many different companies on the internet, because some had

certain herbs and others had others. IF you are going with ready mades at

first, then you might try Vitacost, Herbs-WHolesale, and StarWest Botanicals.

You can Google all of them easy enough.

I later went to 1st Chinese Herbs as they seem to have ALL the herbs, their

prices are reasonable, AND they have them in bulk, so I can encapsulate the PURE

herbs myself, AND save about 75 to 80% over the readymades, plus don't get all

the fillers and preservatives. Call , at 1st Chinese, she is nice as

others will tell you and quite knowledgable too. And you only need a $40 order

to get free shipping there. Some never give free shipping, and others you need

a $100 order to get it.

This past winter was the only year since 1996 that I didn't get the flu shot.

I will probably get it this year again.

Buhner strongly recommends WHOLE HERB Cat's Claw, as he rightly should. THe

other leaves you wanting for the other good attributes of the whole herb, such

as the TOA's. And yes, it is SO MUCH CHEAPER. A waste of your money on the

others. You won't get exactly the name brands in the book from 1st chinese, but

I don't think it is necessary. And the conveniece is worth it to me. I have

stopped Cat's Claw a few days ago, myself. After taking it for 21 months. I am

still continueing with my other herbs though.



<richardsonqh@...> wrote:

I am new here and I have posted once asking where to find the book. You

guys were very helpful. I found it and I have finally been able to

struggle through it. My brain fog and contentration problems have made

it difficult. Not to mention the sight issues. Now I have some many many

questions for all of you that have been down this road longer.

I have been going through this for 3 years. I go back to my Neurologist

on thursday and she hates me when I start talking herbs. Okay questions

are... The core protocol, please don't think I am stupid I just have

comprehension problems as well. I was wondering do you take all of the

core herbs at the some time? I didn't think that the book explained that

very well. Where is the best and cheapest place to buy them? I went to a

local GNC, that was a joke, they had Cat's Claw but none of the other

core herbs. The Cat's Claw was not the suggested brand in the book so I

did not buy it even though it was very cheap. Natures Fingerprint 500mg

100tabs for $7.99.

Okay some other questions that have been bugging me. Has anyone with

Lyme had reactions to vacinations?? I had a tetanus shot, not my first

one in my 45 years and it made me extremely ill, almost to the point of

hopital. I have never had a flu shot but I also had never had flu until

I had lyme and over the winter of " 06 " I thought I might die I was so

sick with the flu, I am thinking of getting a flu shot this fall but now

I am so leary after my epoisode with the tetanus.

Also before I found you all I had already found some other sites that

had suggested some things to try and I have been using some of the other

vitamins and herbs in the book. I have been using Samento which is very

expensive and a form of Cat's Claw and I see that Buhner thinks it's

unnecessary which is fine but what I want to ask about is the herxing. I

have read about some of you talking about your sweat being poison. When

I work at my horse barn and sweat my face and neck breaks out in a rash

and itches profusely. I have never had this happen in all of my life. I

have a raised red face for days like a sunburn. Would this be herxing?

And what should I do? It is especially bad on my left side where I was

bitten in my hair, I have had bells palsy and still have numbness and

hearing loss.

Okay I know I have a ton more questions but I can't think of any more at

this moment. I appreciate all of you as a group. You are all so

knowledgeable, and I now know there are so many others who suffer as

well I as do.

By the way did anyone see the woman on ABC Good Morning America with

Lyme this morning. You might be able to go to their website and watch it

or read the transcript.

Thanks in advance

from Kentucky

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Dear ,

Hi and welcome to the list.

I'll jump in and answer a couple of your questions and I'm sure others

will too.

I know how confusing it can seem at first so stick with it, it will

get clearer, and all of us on the list know about brain fog.

If you read the messages at the group site, on the left is a series of

categories. Click on " Links " and go to " where to buy herbs " . That will

give you a good place to start.

More information is found on the archives, maybe you have somebody

there with you who can help you search the archives.

Re your question re vaccination: I don't have any experience with it,

just my opinion: I know that many people have adverse reactions to

various vaccinations, so I would not assume it was the Lyme, altho it

could be.

And also re whether or not to take the flu vaccine, I don't know, but

I do think that if you start the herbal protocol, that in the future -

you will probably resist the flu and other ailments, because your

immune system will be built up.

This is a very compassionate, helpful and knowledgable group, so keep

asking questions.





> I am new here and I have posted once asking where to find the book. You

> guys were very helpful. I found it and I have finally been able to

> struggle through it. My brain fog and contentration problems have made

> it difficult. Not to mention the sight issues. Now I have some many many

> questions for all of you that have been down this road longer.


> I have been going through this for 3 years. I go back to my Neurologist

> on thursday and she hates me when I start talking herbs. Okay questions

> are... The core protocol, please don't think I am stupid I just have

> comprehension problems as well. I was wondering do you take all of the

> core herbs at the some time? I didn't think that the book explained that

> very well. Where is the best and cheapest place to buy them? I went to a

> local GNC, that was a joke, they had Cat's Claw but none of the other

> core herbs. The Cat's Claw was not the suggested brand in the book so I

> did not buy it even though it was very cheap. Natures Fingerprint 500mg

> 100tabs for $7.99.


> Okay some other questions that have been bugging me. Has anyone with

> Lyme had reactions to vacinations?? I had a tetanus shot, not my first

> one in my 45 years and it made me extremely ill, almost to the point of

> hopital. I have never had a flu shot but I also had never had flu until

> I had lyme and over the winter of " 06 " I thought I might die I was so

> sick with the flu, I am thinking of getting a flu shot this fall but now

> I am so leary after my epoisode with the tetanus.


> Also before I found you all I had already found some other sites that

> had suggested some things to try and I have been using some of the other

> vitamins and herbs in the book. I have been using Samento which is very

> expensive and a form of Cat's Claw and I see that Buhner thinks it's

> unnecessary which is fine but what I want to ask about is the herxing. I

> have read about some of you talking about your sweat being poison. When

> I work at my horse barn and sweat my face and neck breaks out in a rash

> and itches profusely. I have never had this happen in all of my life. I

> have a raised red face for days like a sunburn. Would this be herxing?

> And what should I do? It is especially bad on my left side where I was

> bitten in my hair, I have had bells palsy and still have numbness and

> hearing loss.


> Okay I know I have a ton more questions but I can't think of any more at

> this moment. I appreciate all of you as a group. You are all so

> knowledgeable, and I now know there are so many others who suffer as

> well I as do.


> By the way did anyone see the woman on ABC Good Morning America with

> Lyme this morning. You might be able to go to their website and watch it

> or read the transcript.


> Thanks in advance


> from Kentucky





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Hi ,

I don't remember if I replied to your post or not, brain fog hitting

bad today, so please ignore me if I did. But welcome to the group. I

thought there were some fuzzy spots as to what to start with in the

book and some things would have been a lot less painless if it had

just stated take the Andrographis with Devil's Claw and Red Root and

Sarsaparilla. They seem to help with the side effects and herxing.

Use the Cat's Claw he recommends. He did all the research and we're

using his book so we might as well trust him on that as well. At least

that's how I feel. I am too brain fogged to try to figure out any more

than I have to at this point.

Vitacost, iherb, and LuckyVitamin are some places to get the stuff he


As far as the sweating and the red marks on your face, my bites were

on my left cheek and I always have raised red marks there, especially

if I get hot. They take forever to go away and they only thing I have

found that helps them is to wash them with Cetaphil. My skin has

become extremely sensitive. I've had Lyme since 2001 or '02, can't

remember now but my skin has really gotten bad on my face. Since I

started using the herbs it has drastically improved but I couldn't

tell you from what herb since I use so many on his list. I thought I

would start with the core protocol but I really needed the support

ones and pretty soon I was taking most of them.

I had a tetanus shot last year and it didn't hurt but they told me to

rub it a lot and put ice on it and I did. I would not, at this point,

subject myself to a flu shot but that is just me. I tend to get really

sick with them so I am not going for that. You have to decide that for

yourself. Do you have a Dr. you trust? (I know, a lot of you are

snickering at that, but some people do). You could ask your doctor if

you do.

Good luck,

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I don't think you replied before but that's sounds like me, I repeat

myself a lot too. Thanks for the advise and also from Ellen this

morning. I believe I am going to need some of the support herbs and

supplements as well but I get sick just thinking about taking all of

these pills. I am not a great pill taker anyway. How do you all

manage it??? Also with the Stephania Root, I am having a hard time

finding it, maybe I just gave up too easy. Also I know in the book

you are not to take this if you take a beta blocker, I take a very

very small amount of one called Bisoprolol 5mg, it is for the fast

pulse I have developed, one of my many symptoms. They seem to want to

treat the symptoms but not the disease. I also take 100 mg of

Topamax, and that doesn't help with the brain fog issues. So does

anyone think that it would be risky to take Stephania Root along with

that small dose of beta blocker. I still have bells palsy issues, but

my doctor seems to think that it is permanent, oh joy! I would love

to prove her wrong.

I know I am going to think of a dozen more questions, but I have

ordered the Core Herbs and I did get the Cats Claw that Buhner said

to get. He didn't have preferences on the rest that I could find. I

also got several other support herbs.



> Hi ,


> I don't remember if I replied to your post or not, brain fog hitting

> bad today, so please ignore me if I did. But welcome to the group.


> thought there were some fuzzy spots as to what to start with in the

> book and some things would have been a lot less painless if it had

> just stated take the Andrographis with Devil's Claw and Red Root and

> Sarsaparilla. They seem to help with the side effects and herxing.


> Use the Cat's Claw he recommends. He did all the research and we're

> using his book so we might as well trust him on that as well. At


> that's how I feel. I am too brain fogged to try to figure out any


> than I have to at this point.


> Vitacost, iherb, and LuckyVitamin are some places to get the stuff


> lists.


> As far as the sweating and the red marks on your face, my bites were

> on my left cheek and I always have raised red marks there,


> if I get hot. They take forever to go away and they only thing I


> found that helps them is to wash them with Cetaphil. My skin has

> become extremely sensitive. I've had Lyme since 2001 or '02, can't

> remember now but my skin has really gotten bad on my face. Since I

> started using the herbs it has drastically improved but I couldn't

> tell you from what herb since I use so many on his list. I thought I

> would start with the core protocol but I really needed the support

> ones and pretty soon I was taking most of them.


> I had a tetanus shot last year and it didn't hurt but they told me


> rub it a lot and put ice on it and I did. I would not, at this


> subject myself to a flu shot but that is just me. I tend to get


> sick with them so I am not going for that. You have to decide that


> yourself. Do you have a Dr. you trust? (I know, a lot of you are

> snickering at that, but some people do). You could ask your doctor


> you do.


> Good luck,



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, sorry you're going through this worst initial phase when you

still look for treatment.

No need to insist talking herbs with DUCKS (bad doctors). They simply

know nothing about herbs/ prevention/ immune system build up etc.

It's useless to try, they'll continuously talk to you how DANGEROUS

herbs are, how INEFICIENT, unscientific etc, because they're just not

knowledgeable about herbs.

Take all 4 core protocol herbs, starting one by one, not all at the

same time, so that you know if your body will react bad. I would

start Japanese Knotweed, sarsaparilla, cats claw and andrographis in

this order. The more you can take of them, the best, but not everyone

can stand all 4 herbs. They need to be taken simultaneously as they

act synergistically.

Vaccinations, in my opinion, are bad things to anyone, SPECIALLY for

the ones with weaker immune systems. I would at any cost avoid

vaccinations, they weaken your immune system (it's Dr. K's opinion!).

There are bad chemicals inside vaccinations, mercury sometimes

(thimerasol sp?) is used to preserve vaccinations.

I know a lady who lost a child hours after a vaccine, the child just

died a few hours after. Of course, this is extremely personal, I gave

shots for my daughter, but I didn't know many of the bad side effects

vaccines could have had at that time.

I also know that for very dangerous diseases, if my daughter caught

these, she also risked her life, so IT IS a SENSITIVE topic, and I'm

not sure I have a clear position on what to do. Vaccinations are bad

to the individual, but certainly good to the group/ society.

Having said that, I know that there are alternative methods (quite

trustful though) to eliminate the bad effects of vaccinations (a

treatment called LED with laser detoxification). I'm thinking to do

that to my little one. I don't know though if this would cancel the

protective effect a vaccine could give you.

I have experience with both samento and whole cats claw. The second

one gave me excellent results for LONGER term than samento. Much

longer (I took cats claw for about 90-95% of the time, while samento,

I only took for about 5-10%). I do energetic testing to discover what

herb works best in my case.

Another important herb to consider is stephania, specially for 'head'

symptoms. As you said you had bells palsy etc...

Hope you see some improvements after doing this protocol. It helped

me a lot, I can even say it saved my life (at least, the quality of

my life).

Some people feel better almost immediately after starting. I was one

of the lucky ones, but there are quite many other people who felt the


Good luck!


> I am new here and I have posted once asking where to find the book.


> guys were very helpful. I found it and I have finally been able to

> struggle through it. My brain fog and contentration problems have


> it difficult. Not to mention the sight issues. Now I have some many


> questions for all of you that have been down this road longer.


> I have been going through this for 3 years. I go back to my


> on thursday and she hates me when I start talking herbs. Okay


> are... The core protocol, please don't think I am stupid I just have

> comprehension problems as well. I was wondering do you take all of


> core herbs at the some time? I didn't think that the book explained


> very well. Where is the best and cheapest place to buy them? I went

to a

> local GNC, that was a joke, they had Cat's Claw but none of the


> core herbs. The Cat's Claw was not the suggested brand in the book

so I

> did not buy it even though it was very cheap. Natures Fingerprint


> 100tabs for $7.99.


> Okay some other questions that have been bugging me. Has anyone with

> Lyme had reactions to vacinations?? I had a tetanus shot, not my


> one in my 45 years and it made me extremely ill, almost to the

point of

> hopital. I have never had a flu shot but I also had never had flu


> I had lyme and over the winter of " 06 " I thought I might die I was


> sick with the flu, I am thinking of getting a flu shot this fall

but now

> I am so leary after my epoisode with the tetanus.


> Also before I found you all I had already found some other sites


> had suggested some things to try and I have been using some of the


> vitamins and herbs in the book. I have been using Samento which is


> expensive and a form of Cat's Claw and I see that Buhner thinks it's

> unnecessary which is fine but what I want to ask about is the

herxing. I

> have read about some of you talking about your sweat being poison.


> I work at my horse barn and sweat my face and neck breaks out in a


> and itches profusely. I have never had this happen in all of my

life. I

> have a raised red face for days like a sunburn. Would this be


> And what should I do? It is especially bad on my left side where I


> bitten in my hair, I have had bells palsy and still have numbness


> hearing loss.


> Okay I know I have a ton more questions but I can't think of any

more at

> this moment. I appreciate all of you as a group. You are all so

> knowledgeable, and I now know there are so many others who suffer as

> well I as do.


> By the way did anyone see the woman on ABC Good Morning America with

> Lyme this morning. You might be able to go to their website and

watch it

> or read the transcript.


> Thanks in advance


> from Kentucky





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Hello Again ,

I take 200 mg. of Topamax a day. I also take Cymbalta, I do know you

aren't supposed to take Cymbalta with a Quinine type antibiotic (Cat's

Claw might qualify). However, I've seen many, many doctors tell people

to take both and I haven't had any problems.

You are certainly correct in saying Topamax dossn't help the brain

fog. They don't call it " Dopamax " for nothing. Could be why I forgot

why I am writing to you now. Oh, how I take all the pills. Yes, it is

hard. I take like 56 a day. My husband made up a chart using Excel (I

could never do it) and it's taped to a kitchen cabinet where all the

pills are. It lists all the times and what pills to take with the

actual names that are on the bottles (have you noticed that so many

have different names? It drives me crazy, I have a hard enough time).

Anyway, I just look at the list all day, take what it says. For

example: 7:30 Topamax 2 pills

9:00am PB8 2 pills Glucosamine 1 pill, etc. It's all on a chart and

very easy to follow. The only problem with it is it takes about 32 oz.

of water to get them all down and then I feel bloated. Sorry to

complain, I know its a small price to pay but it just feels like

another thing to add to all the other misery. Anyway, this was the

easiest way I found to do it. I tried pill boxes but there were too

many pills and I forgot when to take them. I tried setting clocks but

my parrot started imitating the alarms and I never knew what was what/

This way just works better for me.

The Stephania Root I have is actually called Inflammation Control and

I got it from Vitamin Research Products. WWW.vrp.com

I didn't have any herxing or side effects from it but I think one pill

equals 4 doses. I think so, I'm not sure, I'll check and get back to you.

I have no idea about the beta blocker thing though. I'm sorry.

> ,


> I don't think you replied before but that's sounds like me, I repeat

> myself a lot too. Thanks for the advise and also from Ellen this

> morning. I believe I am going to need some of the support herbs and

> supplements as well but I get sick just thinking about taking all of

> these pills. I am not a great pill taker anyway. How do you all

> manage it??? Also with the Stephania Root, I am having a hard time

> finding it, maybe I just gave up too easy. Also I know in the book

> you are not to take this if you take a beta blocker, I take a very

> very small amount of one called Bisoprolol 5mg, it is for the fast

> pulse I have developed, one of my many symptoms. They seem to want to

> treat the symptoms but not the disease. I also take 100 mg of

> Topamax, and that doesn't help with the brain fog issues. So does

> anyone think that it would be risky to take Stephania Root along with

> that small dose of beta blocker. I still have bells palsy issues, but

> my doctor seems to think that it is permanent, oh joy! I would love

> to prove her wrong.




> I know I am going to think of a dozen more questions, but I have

> ordered the Core Herbs and I did get the Cats Claw that Buhner said

> to get. He didn't have preferences on the rest that I could find. I

> also got several other support herbs.




> Thanks







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, We all know how confusing and overwhelming it is when you first

try to get started. I just focused on the core protocol to start; adding

stephania and red root later. I needed it simple.

As for flu, I don't know about that particularly. i dont' take the

shots. But I do know that the core protocol totally knocked out the

sinus infections and bronchitis that I had had recurring for 8 or more

years!!! If it did nothing for lyme, that would have been a miracle well

worth the effort of taking the herbs.

As for dosage, start small. One of each of the core protocol. Work up.

It becomes more clear as you have experience with it. No one can just

jump in full force; our bodies need time to deal with the dye off so you

don't need to know all the herbs in the beginning; just the core

protocol (plus red root perhaps).

Well, that's how I did it anyway. You'll find your way. jo

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and all.

32 ounces is only about half or less of the water you SHOULD take in each

day. I know I don't get enough water myself. I took 93 capsules of herbs a day

when I was at my max, plus tinctures and C-Salts and other vitamins. Only took

about 24 ounces of a juice/water combo. Now I am down to about 50 or less

capsules of herbs a day, and only about 16 ounces of the water/juice mix. Plus

a have another glass or two of water a day, maybe two or three glasses of skim

milk, maybe one soda, and a glass or two of juice.

When I don't have enough liquid, I can feel I am getting dehydrated. It is

kinda headachy even a brain fog feeling.

MOST Americans do NOT get near enough liquid into their bodies each day. And

many that do are not getting good liquid. So much is contaminated with the

plastic bottles, especially when heated up. IF you leave your bottle in the

car, it gets really contaminated, from the heat of the summer sun. You can even

TASTE the plastic. NOT good for you. I have experienced some of that.



dellarana <dellarana@...> wrote:

Hello Again ,

I take 200 mg. of Topamax a day. I also take Cymbalta, I do know you

aren't supposed to take Cymbalta with a Quinine type antibiotic (Cat's

Claw might qualify). However, I've seen many, many doctors tell people

to take both and I haven't had any problems.

You are certainly correct in saying Topamax dossn't help the brain

fog. They don't call it " Dopamax " for nothing. Could be why I forgot

why I am writing to you now. Oh, how I take all the pills. Yes, it is

hard. I take like 56 a day. My husband made up a chart using Excel (I

could never do it) and it's taped to a kitchen cabinet where all the

pills are. It lists all the times and what pills to take with the

actual names that are on the bottles (have you noticed that so many

have different names? It drives me crazy, I have a hard enough time).

Anyway, I just look at the list all day, take what it says. For

example: 7:30 Topamax 2 pills

9:00am PB8 2 pills Glucosamine 1 pill, etc. It's all on a chart and

very easy to follow. The only problem with it is it takes about 32 oz.

of water to get them all down and then I feel bloated. Sorry to

complain, I know its a small price to pay but it just feels like

another thing to add to all the other misery. Anyway, this was the

easiest way I found to do it. I tried pill boxes but there were too

many pills and I forgot when to take them. I tried setting clocks but

my parrot started imitating the alarms and I never knew what was what/

This way just works better for me.

The Stephania Root I have is actually called Inflammation Control and

I got it from Vitamin Research Products. WWW.vrp.com

I didn't have any herxing or side effects from it but I think one pill

equals 4 doses. I think so, I'm not sure, I'll check and get back to you.

I have no idea about the beta blocker thing though. I'm sorry.

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Yes, and remember, EVERYONE is different, at least to some degree. THat is why

it is so hard to prescribe for everyone, and another reason NOT to take the

MULTI Curealls out there. There are none.

While herbs have helped my sinuses, etc., for awhile, many of my symptoms are

coming back now.

So who knows for sure. I have stopped some of the herbs now, TEMPROARILY just

to see what will happen and what will happen again once I restart them.



wyomin@... wrote:

, We all know how confusing and overwhelming it is when you first

try to get started. I just focused on the core protocol to start; adding

stephania and red root later. I needed it simple.

As for flu, I don't know about that particularly. i dont' take the

shots. But I do know that the core protocol totally knocked out the

sinus infections and bronchitis that I had had recurring for 8 or more

years!!! If it did nothing for lyme, that would have been a miracle well

worth the effort of taking the herbs.

As for dosage, start small. One of each of the core protocol. Work up.

It becomes more clear as you have experience with it. No one can just

jump in full force; our bodies need time to deal with the dye off so you

don't need to know all the herbs in the beginning; just the core

protocol (plus red root perhaps).

Well, that's how I did it anyway. You'll find your way. jo

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Hi Jim,

I think I am drinking enough, at least I sure hope so. I meant it

takes me about 32 oz. of water to get each " serving " of my pills down

which is 3x a day. So I always feel bloated.

Do you have any idea why some days you will feel ok and then just wake

up with the most horrible inflammation in your knees? The pain is just

about unbearable. Even Devil's Claw doesn't help. Any advice?


> and all.

> 32 ounces is only about half or less of the water you SHOULD

take in each day. I know I don't get enough water myself. I took 93

capsules of herbs a day when I was at my max, plus tinctures and

C-Salts and other vitamins. Only took about 24 ounces of a

juice/water combo. Now I am down to about 50 or less capsules of

herbs a day, and only about 16 ounces of the water/juice mix. Plus a

have another glass or two of water a day, maybe two or three glasses

of skim milk, maybe one soda, and a glass or two of juice.


> When I don't have enough liquid, I can feel I am getting

dehydrated. It is kinda headachy even a brain fog feeling.


> MOST Americans do NOT get near enough liquid into their bodies

each day. And many that do are not getting good liquid. So much is

contaminated with the plastic bottles, especially when heated up. IF

you leave your bottle in the car, it gets really contaminated, from

the heat of the summer sun. You can even TASTE the plastic. NOT good

for you. I have experienced some of that.


> Jim.

> ###

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  • 3 weeks later...

> 1. What is chicken skin and how do you get rid of it.

> Her son's have it as well as herself.

My #3 had this. I wrote on this page what it required


What worked best was EFAs, B vitamins especially B12, and anti-virals.

> 2. Has anyone heard of Methylcobalamin Liquid b-12 by

> Labortories? The dose of B-12 is 1,000 mcg.

> You use one drop of B-12 a day.

I have seen liquid sublingual at my local health food store.

> 4. What is the best way to address bacteria if you feel your

> child has that hindering their weight gain? This is for

> me on my child.

I used olive leaf extract for bacteria problems. You can also use oil

of oregano, or Culturelle.


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