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He's been on Ritalin for four weeks, the bad appetite goes way back so can't

put the blame on ritalin or not entirely anyway. It did appear to make it

worse although it is a little better this week which coincides with him

managing to go to the toilet twice so constipation could be the root cause

of his lousy appetite. He doesn't tend to eat foods with added colourings

etc mainly through his choice rather than me having naything to do with it.

Am working on the water thing, I keep nagging, he keeps moaning that I am

nagging! Salad isn't an option though or fruit or vegetables, he has refused

to eat them for a long time now although he did actually touch fruit

yesterday at cubs and made a fruit kebab so that's progress! The peanut

butter and honey ideas are no goes for him but my middle son also has bowel

problems so will use that as another alternative for him. At the moment he

has 4 pysillium husk capsules a day and they seem to do the trick. capsules

are way too big for youngest though!

~Best Wishes~


Re: Questions

| Hi Ruth


| As you are probably aware, Ritalin takes the appetite away. I'm not


| taking Ritalin, but its probably one of the reasons your child is on the


| side. As far as BM could you get your son to eat salad, spinach or flax


| oil is good too, helps them go . Drinking enough water helps too.. If


| not gluten free than s Bran is good if you can sprinkle it on his


| I mix supplements with peanut butter or honey it seems to work well around

| here. We haven't tried the enzyme route here either. My daughter has


| also, Ritalin and Adderall made here off the wall ever the tiniest dose.


| taking red dye and additives and preservative, low sugar and low phenol


| here too. Hope some of this helps you.


| K




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> From making a list of foods the other day on another list someone


> there could be a wheat problem as he eats a lot of that type of

product. I

> have no chance of switching him to much else. That's why I was thinking

> peptizyde.

Yes, this sounds right.

>> He doesn't eat any fruit so don't need the No Fenol one.

No artificial colors/flavors either? If not, then stick with

Peptizyde and/or Zyme Prime.

>>But on the other hand he is at least getting a

> strong feeling of needing to go and not ignoring it.

This is a good thing.

Good luck.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
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> Should I be giving her more than 1/2 a capsule at this point with

> each meal?

You can try increasing to one full capsule with each meal, and 1/2

capsule with each snack, see if you notice any difference.

> Also, should I be giving her any other enzymes? Her stools are

> still very mushy and light.

You might want to consider SCD Zyme Prime [it does not contain

papain/bromelain, and neither does AFP Peptizyde]. That will address

more foods. Or consider No-Fenol, depending on what she generally eats.

> Last, I am interested in expanding her diet, but am concerned about

> regression. Does anyone have any suggestions here? Or any

> experiences of going off restricted diets while on enzymes?

Be sure that any food you want to try adding, you are giving an enzyme

that *should* address that food. My son still needed food removals,

even with enzymes, but the list of things he was able to eat was much

expanded while using enzymes.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Just my two cents worth- I wouldn't rely on a pediatrician for the leg turning out. I would get it checked out with the rheumy. n had pretty bad exzema that just appeared one day. She still gets it, mainly in the winter, for the last five years. We brought her to a pediatric dermatologist and got some medication for it. Good luck. (n,15,systemic)


My daughter Meaghan was diagnosed with pauci JRA about 2 years ago. I can not remember everything from then. My sister-in-law is concerned because my 2 year old neice's leg has been turning out. She spoke with the pediatrician at her 2 year check up and the doctor said it was nothing to worry about. Just recently she has been complaning about pain in her legs and running a low grade fever. She has a terrible case of ezecma(so the doctors say) on both legs, arms, and chest. Her pediatrician thinks it is nothing to worry about, stating she will grow out of it. Any ideas if this sounds like JRA or something else. Bridget (mom to Meaghan Pauci

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Get a second opinion on this child. I was told my daughter had growing pains. TOO many times. I didn't know any better but to believe the doctor. The doctor did some tests still said it was growing pains until one morning out of the blue my daughter couldnt walk. Get a second opinion

A childs legs dont turn out for no reason and a rash dont come on a child for no reason. If you have to carry the child to a childrens hospital with complaint of this and let another doctor check .


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  • 1 month later...

> Wonderful to have you back!

==>Thanks Connie!

>>>Why do you not recommend Bentonite? I haven't tried it yet but was

thinking about it.

==>Bentonite contains heavy metals and there are other better clays

that can be used, i.e. French Green Clay. There are also better ways

to obtain minerals, especially Celtic Sea Salt and good water for

trace minerals. I also believe the clay can be hard for the body to

deal with. I think the candida diet with plenty of good fats is

important for building up the immune system, which should be the

primary focus. I only recommend a handful of supplements (listed in

my article). This also keeps things simplier for people to deal

with. I have very severe candida back in the 1980s and did the whole

candida program without any bentonite or psyllium. I did take a

multi-mineral tablet, calcium/magnesium, vit. C, vitamin B complex,

Chlorella, vitamins E, A & D, and EFAs. But these are all

standard " tried & true " supplements for nutrients and boosting the

immune system.

>>>How often did you do coffee retention enemas? They have helped me

so much. I have more energy, less gas and bloating and am able to

tolerate antifungels that previously made me very ill(oregano oil

and grapefruit seed extract).

==>At first I did one every two weeks for a couple of months and then

about once a month for 4 months. I'm pleased you've had such good

results from them. They are wonderful aren't they? And to be more

tolerant of antifungals makes coffee enemas pretty important eh?

>>>I am still at war with vaginal yeast and skin infections on my

face and torso. I do everything you suggested and use an applicator

of yogurt vaginally every night.

==>In my article in the files on Vaginal Yeast yogurt is not at the

top of the list for vaginal yeast. Maybe re-read that article and

see what you can find that is going to work better for you. I highly

recommend alternating douches with an antifungal and then a probiotic.

>>It works until I go somewhere or exercise. Last week all I did was

go to buy groceries and I came home and discovered patches of fungus

all over my torso, front and back. It is very hot here and impossible

to go outside without sweating. Nystatin cream doesn't help the rash,

only staying dry and cool and caldescene powder. Any suggestions? I

am confined to the house if I want to keep the rash at a low roar. I

am feeling better and having more energy so it really drives me crazy

having to stay in the house. When I was so sick I did not care where

I was, just wanted to get through the day.

==>Have you tried taking baking soda or epsom salt baths? Also apply

coconut oil all over your body. Or just apply nystatin powder. You

can get a sprayer that puffs it onto the skin and into the vagina

from the drug store. They offered it to me last week but I'd rather

douche with it. Puffing it into the air won't hurt you either

because you can breath it into your lungs.

Oatmeal mixed with water into a paste may also be helpful. Or put a

cup of oatmeal in a cheesecloth bag. Tie it to the bathtub tap and

let the water run through it. Then use the bag to rub the goo all

over your body. It is very soothing and healing.

You could also try tea tree oil or aloe vera. Maybe someone else has

more ideas for you Connie. I feel for you having to suffer like

that. If I come up with anything else I will let you know. >

Let us know what works for you, okay? I hope something helps you

soonly. Will your hot weather let up any time soon?

Hang in there Connie.

The best,


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Dear ,

I'm not an expert on speech and language, so I'll leave those questions to

others, but I did want to address your ADHD/ODD question.

I found a very helpful book on ADD by Amen called Healing ADD: The

Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See and Heal the 6 Types of ADD.

(Andy recommended it). Amen is " the country's foremost pioneer in applying

brain-imaging science to clinical practice. " He is a psychiatrist in

Newport Beach. The book includes an assessment to discern what TYPE of ADD

someone has. It also includes recommendations for prescription drugs,

nutraceutical therapy, cognitive reprogramming, parenting, and educational

strategies. IT IS VERY READABLE and explains things well. We did the test

for my older son last night. It suggested that has ADD Inattentive

type. The book includes case studies. I read one to re: his type, and

it sounded just like him. It gave dietary (low carb, high protein),

nutraceutical (l-tyrosine 100-500 mg. 3x/day), and exercise (high aerobic

activity) as well as prescription (Adderall) and neurofeedback suggestions.

It also has recommendations for the family, school strategies, and a section

on how to find the best help. I would highly recommend it.

I believe that 's ADD symptoms and oppositionality are related to his

heavy metals issues. My autistic son was found to have high copper levels,

so we had tested, and he, too, had toxic levels of copper, lead, and

mercury. We take and to the Pfeiffer Treatment Center in

Warrenville, Illinois. They have a lot of experience with ADHD, ODD, and

autism, and many times these issues are related to disordered metal


I would suggest you do a DDI Hair test to see if metals are an issue.

Feingold.org is a good resource for research re: diet (sugars,

preservatives, etc) and ADHD. The research is there, but physicians don't

know about it (don't want to know about it?)(Why?)

The Amen book references a website called Brainplace.com which may or may

not be helpful.

I hope this helps!


> Okay, I have a question and it may be a dumb one, but I am going to

> ask anyways. Okay, my daughter who is 5 was observed today by the

> speech pathologist at school. The pathologist determined that my

> daughter does not have a language problem, she has an articulation

> problem and will be doing further testing with her later next

> month. What I want to know is there anything I can give her that

> might help her with this problem?


> Also she is ADHD and ODD, is there anything I can give her that

> might help her with this?









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Hi :)

What I want to know is there anything I can give her that

might help her with this problem?

>>> EFA's - essential fatty acids, Enzymes HNI brand

Also she is ADHD and ODD, is there anything I can give her that

might help her with this?

>>>As above, Inositol os often recommeded for OCD behaviours also

Mandi in UK

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>>The pathologist determined that my

> daughter does not have a language problem, she has an articulation

> problem and will be doing further testing with her later next

> month. What I want to know is there anything I can give her that

> might help her with this problem?

For my son, chelation was a big step in improving articulation


Supplements which have recently helped, are B12/folic acid and


> Also she is ADHD and ODD, is there anything I can give her that

> might help her with this?

First I would consider phenol intolerance



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Can someone tell me a little bit more about the B12/folic acid and


Where can I buy it? I tried looking for B12/Folic acid at the store

today, but all I could find was B12 in different strengths and Folic

Acid by themselves? Can I use them like that and still achieve the

same effects? If so what strength should I start my daughter out on?

> >>The pathologist determined that my

> > daughter does not have a language problem, she has an


> > problem and will be doing further testing with her later next

> > month. What I want to know is there anything I can give her


> > might help her with this problem?



> For my son, chelation was a big step in improving articulation


> http://www.danasview.net/chelate.htm


> Supplements which have recently helped, are B12/folic acid and

> glutathione.



> > Also she is ADHD and ODD, is there anything I can give her that

> > might help her with this?



> First I would consider phenol intolerance


> http://www.danasview.net/phenol.htm


> Dana

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> Can someone tell me a little bit more about the B12/folic acid and

> glutathione?

Here is my son's experience with it


> Where can I buy it? I tried looking for B12/Folic acid at the store

> today, but all I could find was B12 in different strengths and Folic

> Acid by themselves?

Yep, I buy them separately.

>> Can I use them like that and still achieve the

> same effects? If so what strength should I start my daughter out on?

I would start at 500mcg B12 with 400-800mcg folic acid. Work up from

there if necessary. My #2 uses 3000mcg B12 and 1600mcg folic acid per

day. For #3, I use 1000mcg B12 and 800mcg folic acid.

For glutathione, start at 100mg.


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Also, check out NDD (neuro developmental delay). A good book is

Reflexes, Learning, and Behavior by Sally Goddard. A couple good

websites are:



Best Wishes


> Okay, I have a question and it may be a dumb one, but I am going to

> ask anyways. Okay, my daughter who is 5 was observed today by the

> speech pathologist at school. The pathologist determined that my

> daughter does not have a language problem, she has an articulation

> problem and will be doing further testing with her later next

> month. What I want to know is there anything I can give her that

> might help her with this problem?


> Also she is ADHD and ODD, is there anything I can give her that

> might help her with this?



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> Hey everyone, I don't post much but I read it all and appreciate

> your input. Zeb has been on DMG with Folinic Acid and Vit B. I'm

> interested in started SNT. Will this be to much Vit B and Fol. Acid

> or is it okay to give both together.

It depends on the total amount of each of the Bs, and the folic acid.

I also would like all the info.

> anyone can give on Chelation. I know there are some who use

> different types of Chelation than others.

Here is my general info page



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  • 2 weeks later...

I had read a lot from people on the treatment that were on anti-depressents and wished they had started them sooner. I talked to my dr about that and he started me on an anti-depressent before I started the treatment. Depression is a common side effect of the treatment. -dz-Rhonda <rhondahudson@...> wrote:

Good morning everyone :)Some questions.When I was at the Dr. yesterday I felt as if I were being grilled aboutwhether or not I have ever had any problems with depression or thoughts ofsuicide, his reason being this treatment can intensify these feelings.Have any of you experienced any depression while going through treatment?Also I didn't realize I would be so closely monitored. A once a month visitand monthly blood tests.Again I didn't realize this.I got my prescription now am waiting for hubby to get back home as he hasbeen sent out of state for several weeks. Once he is home and myprescription is filled Dr. wants me to come in so I can do the first shotunder his supervision.Anyone else have to do this?RhondaBEGIN:VCARDVERSION:2.1N:Hudson;RhondaFN:Rhonda HudsonEMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:rhondahudson@...REV:20040915T124809ZEND:VCARD

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Oh great. As if the winter months aren't depressing enough-lol


Re: [ ] Questions

> I had read a lot from people on the treatment that were on

anti-depressents and wished they had started them sooner. I talked to my dr

about that and he started me on an anti-depressent before I started the

treatment. Depression is a common side effect of the treatment. -dz-


> Rhonda <rhondahudson@...> wrote:Good morning everyone :)

> Some questions.

> When I was at the Dr. yesterday I felt as if I were being grilled about

> whether or not I have ever had any problems with depression or thoughts of

> suicide, his reason being this treatment can intensify these feelings.

> Have any of you experienced any depression while going through treatment?

> Also I didn't realize I would be so closely monitored. A once a month


> and monthly blood tests.

> Again I didn't realize this.

> I got my prescription now am waiting for hubby to get back home as he has

> been sent out of state for several weeks. Once he is home and my

> prescription is filled Dr. wants me to come in so I can do the first shot

> under his supervision.

> Anyone else have to do this?

> Rhonda



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Hi Rhonda. I took Paxil and Effexor for the depression and Risperdal to counter the mild psychotic episodes. I did the first shot at the office but the rest at home. The first is the worst as far as I'm concerned. With all the possible side effects they tell you about, you expect to turn into a monster after the shot but in reality it's fear of the unknown that's the worst. You shouldn't feel any worse than if you had a mild case of the flu. I am 3b but did not respond to treatment after 72 wks of trying but I'm in the minority.

The blood tests are to check your red cell count, white cell count and possibly to check your thyroid levels which may be affected by treatment. BobRhonda <rhondahudson@...> wrote:

Good morning everyone :)Some questions.When I was at the Dr. yesterday I felt as if I were being grilled aboutwhether or not I have ever had any problems with depression or thoughts ofsuicide, his reason being this treatment can intensify these feelings.Have any of you experienced any depression while going through treatment?Also I didn't realize I would be so closely monitored. A once a month visitand monthly blood tests.Again I didn't realize this.I got my prescription now am waiting for hubby to get back home as he hasbeen sent out of state for several weeks. Once he is home and myprescription is filled Dr. wants me to come in so I can do the first shotunder his supervision.Anyone else have to do this?RhondaBEGIN:VCARDVERSION:2.1N:Hudson;RhondaFN:Rhonda HudsonEMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:rhondahudson@...REV:20040915T124809ZEND:VCARD__________________________________________________

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I'm wondering now if I should ask for a prescription.

I took Wellbutrin to quit smoking 4 years ago and as much as it worked like

a miracle for quitting smoking it sure made me stupid. Couldn't add 2 and 2

together.I also didn't know at the time that it is an anti-depressant.There

is no one more clueless then me when it comes to medication-lol


Re: [ ] Questions

> Hi Rhonda. I took Paxil and Effexor for the depression and Risperdal to

counter the mild psychotic episodes. I did the first shot at the office but

the rest at home. The first is the worst as far as I'm concerned. With all

the possible side effects they tell you about, you expect to turn into a

monster after the shot but in reality it's fear of the unknown that's the

worst. You shouldn't feel any worse than if you had a mild case of the flu.

I am 3b but did not respond to treatment after 72 wks of trying but I'm in

the minority.

> The blood tests are to check your red cell count, white cell count and

possibly to check your thyroid levels which may be affected by treatment.



> Rhonda <rhondahudson@...> wrote:

> Good morning everyone :)

> Some questions.

> When I was at the Dr. yesterday I felt as if I were being grilled about

> whether or not I have ever had any problems with depression or thoughts of

> suicide, his reason being this treatment can intensify these feelings.

> Have any of you experienced any depression while going through treatment?

> Also I didn't realize I would be so closely monitored. A once a month


> and monthly blood tests.

> Again I didn't realize this.

> I got my prescription now am waiting for hubby to get back home as he has

> been sent out of state for several weeks. Once he is home and my

> prescription is filled Dr. wants me to come in so I can do the first shot

> under his supervision.

> Anyone else have to do this?

> Rhonda



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It's one of those drugs with multi-uses, there are many. My insurance would not cover wellbutrin if it was prescribed to quit smoking, but did for depression. There are many choices out there and if you didn't like wellbutrin, tell your dr that. -dz-Rhonda <rhondahudson@...> wrote:

I'm wondering now if I should ask for a prescription.I took Wellbutrin to quit smoking 4 years ago and as much as it worked likea miracle for quitting smoking it sure made me stupid. Couldn't add 2 and 2together.I also didn't know at the time that it is an anti-depressant.Thereis no one more clueless then me when it comes to medication-lolRhonda Re: [ ] Questions> Hi Rhonda. I took Paxil and Effexor for the depression and Risperdal tocounter the mild psychotic episodes. I did the first shot at the office butthe rest at home. The first is the worst as far as I'm concerned. With allthe possible side effects they tell you

about, you expect to turn into amonster after the shot but in reality it's fear of the unknown that's theworst. You shouldn't feel any worse than if you had a mild case of the flu.I am 3b but did not respond to treatment after 72 wks of trying but I'm inthe minority.> The blood tests are to check your red cell count, white cell count andpossibly to check your thyroid levels which may be affected by treatment.Bob>> Rhonda <rhondahudson@...> wrote:> Good morning everyone :)> Some questions.> When I was at the Dr. yesterday I felt as if I were being grilled about> whether or not I have ever had any problems with depression or thoughts of> suicide, his reason being this treatment can intensify these feelings.> Have any of you experienced any depression while going through treatment?> Also I didn't realize I would be so closely monitored. A once a

monthvisit> and monthly blood tests.> Again I didn't realize this.> I got my prescription now am waiting for hubby to get back home as he has> been sent out of state for several weeks. Once he is home and my> prescription is filled Dr. wants me to come in so I can do the first shot> under his supervision.> Anyone else have to do this?> Rhonda>>

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I got the Wellbutrin through our insurance company's quit smoking program

which has since been discontinued. I chose it because I knew the other quit

smoking options wouldn't work for me. The gum is yucky and annoying anyway,

I have skin allergies so couldn't use the patch, etc.

I think I really do need to call and talk to him about it.

Thank you Dave :)


Re: [ ] Questions



> > Hi Rhonda. I took Paxil and Effexor for the depression and Risperdal to

> counter the mild psychotic episodes. I did the first shot at the office


> the rest at home. The first is the worst as far as I'm concerned. With


> the possible side effects they tell you about, you expect to turn into a

> monster after the shot but in reality it's fear of the unknown that's the

> worst. You shouldn't feel any worse than if you had a mild case of the


> I am 3b but did not respond to treatment after 72 wks of trying but I'm in

> the minority.

> > The blood tests are to check your red cell count, white cell count and

> possibly to check your thyroid levels which may be affected by treatment.

> Bob

> >

> > Rhonda <rhondahudson@...> wrote:

> > Good morning everyone :)

> > Some questions.

> > When I was at the Dr. yesterday I felt as if I were being grilled about

> > whether or not I have ever had any problems with depression or thoughts


> > suicide, his reason being this treatment can intensify these feelings.

> > Have any of you experienced any depression while going through


> > Also I didn't realize I would be so closely monitored. A once a month

> visit

> > and monthly blood tests.

> > Again I didn't realize this.

> > I got my prescription now am waiting for hubby to get back home as he


> > been sent out of state for several weeks. Once he is home and my

> > prescription is filled Dr. wants me to come in so I can do the first


> > under his supervision.

> > Anyone else have to do this?

> > Rhonda

> >

> >

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You are lucky to only have to go in every month. I have to go every

two weeks! And have blood work every two weeks too! I guess it is

because of my iron deficient anemia. They want to make sure my blood

counts stay up.

My doctor not only grilled me about depression, but also told me

that she would be asking me everytime I came in if I were feeling

suicidal or homicidal! She insisted that I be honest with her. I

guess there may have been some people that have severe reactions to

the meds. However, in all the literature that I've read, it is a

very small amount of people who have those types of severe side


I had to go to the office for " training " . They had a neat strap on

device that I did a practice injection into. Both the doctor and the

support nurse that I have told me to call if I needed to be walked

through the first shot. Rhonda, don't worry about it too much. It

really is easy and it doesn't hurt. I was so surprised!

BTW...my side effects seem to be going away. I was feeling pretty

yucky up until about 8am and now I'm feeling pretty good. I hope it

is like this every week. Crappy feeling for a day, fine the next.

Could I get so lucky?? I hope so!!


> Good morning everyone :)

> Some questions.

> When I was at the Dr. yesterday I felt as if I were being grilled


> whether or not I have ever had any problems with depression or

thoughts of

> suicide, his reason being this treatment can intensify these


> Have any of you experienced any depression while going through


> Also I didn't realize I would be so closely monitored. A once a

month visit

> and monthly blood tests.

> Again I didn't realize this.

> I got my prescription now am waiting for hubby to get back home as

he has

> been sent out of state for several weeks. Once he is home and my

> prescription is filled Dr. wants me to come in so I can do the

first shot

> under his supervision.

> Anyone else have to do this?

> Rhonda

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Much like you, my hemogobin levels were dropping down near dangerous levels when for some inexplicable reason, they bounced back up a little bit and I was able to complete the treatment without a change to my tx. I didn't have any problems with my thyroid, although I know they kept tabs on it, so it must be a common problem. I also had my first shot in the nurses office. -dz- Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote:

Yes to everything. I was on prozac for PMDD before I started treatment. My hep dr warned me they might have to increase the dosage. I had no problem, but many people do. I was monitored monthly. You are going on a form of chemotherapy. It can cause severe anemia. I stayed just above the stage where they have to decrease your dosage.. It did cause permanent damage to my thyroid but Synthroid has taken care of that. And yes, I had to do my first shot at the dr's office.


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I was on antidepressents, but I still had my little fits of rage. I suppose they may have been much worse, had I not been treated for the depression. -dz-Lynne <lynne@...> wrote:

I was able to stay off the depression meds, but I would have fits of rage. The drugs intensify everything, plus the no sleep made the mind worse. Once I go on meds for sleeping (even though I woke up every couple of hours) and got some needed sleep I felt better mentally. But looking back I should have done the depression meds, I tough it out and was witchy as hell and down right hateful. Luckily where I worked they knew it was the drugs and not me, and I was nice to clients, but the people I worked with, bless their souls. It felt like I was on a roller coaster, one moment in a nice mood, or giddy, then bam some little thing would send me into a meany.

Lynne Dunham

NVSR Director, Follow-up Coordinator


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Unfortunately, we end up taking more meds to combat the meds than we do to combat the hcv. I found ambien to work very well for my sleeping problems. My insurance company wouldn't cover it, so I tried dalmane, and one other one I can't remember, but I guess the way my insurance company worked, after two other meds were tried without success, then they would approve the ambien. A slight warning, it took a while to get back to sleeping normally without the ambien, when it was all over. No withdrawals or anything like that, just a little sleeplessness. -dz-Rhonda <rhondahudson@...> wrote:

Thank you to everybody for answering my questions :)Sounds like I need to ask for anti-depressants AND sleeping pills. Shoot Idon't sleep as it is :(Are we having fun yet?

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