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Re: Something is wrong

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Did you get an echocardiogram and did you see a cardiologist? The

symptoms you keep showing aren't necessarily connected to your lungs.

The rising pulse rate to those levels is the concern. Have you followed

up on everything your rehab people said? Sorry but I can't remember it

all. But you are showing symptoms of something and in some cases they

appear to be beyond what you'd expect from your PF. Also, sure your

oxygen is all hooked up secure and no leaks in connectors (can check

that by dipping that section into a glass of water and looking for

bubbles) and your humidifier tight?

You must get the stress test....must must must. Why are you getting your

lungs xrayed tomorrow? Are you experiencing coughing or cold or anything

that would require that?



ASSUME IT'S PF IF IT'S NEW OR DIFFERENT. Ok, through yelling, but Jack's

situation is the perfect reminder. His symptoms had nothing to do with

PF and he ignored them a couple of days. We have a newcomer who had

arterial blockage. I have so many conditions and no one knows which are

related but I have to take care of them all and not just my lungs.

Now get to a cardiologist and get the stress test and get treatment for

anything and everything that ails you, Joyce. And if you haven't had an

echocardiogram lately, get one (by lately I mean since these symptoms

showed up and within the last six months). Please take care of yourself

and turn the fear into action and insistence on help from your doctors.

You trust your GP so get to her and get some advice if you can't get to

the Cardiologist quicker. She can prescribe the tests at least while

you're waiting.


> I just got a scare. I decided to wear my oximeter while walking and I

> walked from the bathroom to the kitchen and started putting dishes in


> dishwasher and my 02 dropped to 90 and my heart rate was 159. I quit

and sat

> down. I sure wish they would finally call me to set up a stress

> test....tomorrow I will go get my lungs Xrayed...this is scaring me.

I can't understand

> why my stats are doing this. It is scary. Joyce R AZ birds


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I'd be shocked if you didn't have an echocardiogram at National Jewish

but if you haven't had one since then please insist your GP schedule one

for you tomorrow in addition to following up on the stress test. I know

it's scary but I've seen you when you get yourself in the solution mode

before so get with the doctor you trust and get help and get all these

tests taken care of. They'll explain things I believe. Chest xray is

useful just to rule out pneumonia. However, I hope they have previous to

compare to as sometimes they see one of ours and think pneumonia even

when its not the case. But its the echo and stress and cardiac tests

that most concern me right now.


> Bruce- tomorrow I am going in for a chest Xray. I have been coughing


> and she wanted a look. It's my fault that I haven't gotten it sooner


> will do so tomorrow. I keep waitinf for a call from the hospital to

make an

> appointment for a stress test. I have called my doctors office once

all ready

> and complained I have never heard from anyone and will do that agian

> tomorrow. I don't understand why no one is calling me to make an


> for a stress test. I have vnever had an echo and don't even know what


> is. I am fine is I just sit or lie down. This is really scary though.

I have

> to do things! Joyce R


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Mild Pulmonary Hypertension. Probably time for another echocardiogram

and it might be time for a right heart catheter now but your doctors

will know. I'm glad you have the appointment now. I know you're worrying

yourself crazy but just get the appointments and tests and it will all

be resolved.


> Bruce, I think Jewish took an echo because they said I have mild what


> it is called when the artery in your lungs pressure is high. Joyce R

> AZ birds


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