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Evening All

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Evening All

I was going to come home and answer all my mail and get caught up! NOT!! You guys were really busy today. I guess I am going to try and get caught up with just one post. That way you wont all be mad at me for posting so much...well maybe. This way it is one looooong post!

W. - Is there a way we can put the photos on the group site. Gish when I get some time I am going to have to check this out. I think the pictures are great too! Love looking at all my family!

Dawn- Damn Dr! I will be sending good thoughts and prayers you way that you find the answers you need even if it means finding another dr. who will really treat you and the RP with respect!

Bonita - I feel the same way you do about this RP group! They are all my family and think of them just as much or more than I do my family here. I don't know how I ever got along with out them. You don't have to worry about us getting rid of you...there is just now way. We need each of you in your own special ways. Sorry to hear that you are having such a time of it now. Gish why is it when we are down someone has to find yet another difficulty to solve. Please try not to stress too much. Like posts say at the bottom....If God brings you to it he will get you through it! Just remember we are here for you anytime! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

Sherry & Shirley - Okay I know Shirley can't post but wasn't today the one that she was to go back to the dr. Hope all went well and you both know we are here for you anytime. Please keep us posted..at least one of you!

& Kim - Hope you aren't still upset with Kim! She did apologize for making us all worry! have you went to the dr. yet? Gish you worry me! It sure was good to talk to you the other day. Kim you are beautiful. Thanks for letting your Mom share you with us!

Susiecue- Sorry to hear that you are having a time of it with the dr. I know what you mean about having to go to yet another one. Heck if anyone of us went to a shrink they would think we are nuts. I think you have to be to live with this cRaP! Know you are in my thoughts and prayers and I am hoping that this dr. will get your SSI into affect and fast!

Elaine - Sorry to hear that you are having a time of it. Hope you get to feeling better! Gosh that is pretty scary to think that the public sewer backed up into your house. I would be a little upset too! As for how I am doing...I am great! I am looking forward to having two whole days off this weekend. I have been busy working and working it seems. Things should settle down soon at work so I should be able to take a rest soon. Please keep in touch I miss you!

- Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well! I wish I could wish away everyone's pain! Sorry I called you Marilyn! I know who you are and don't know why I did that! I guess it was another one of my brain farts! Take care and know you are in my thoughts!

Heidi - Hope you are feeling better soon. Gish we need you here to keep us all in line! Know you are always in my prayers and thoughts! Get to feeling better real SOON! Like maybe a 100% instead of maybe 50%.

- Dog gone it anyway! Darn ole dr. Wish they would get their acts together and start working together. Why is it they have to have these power trips with each other? Know you are in my thoughts and prayers and hope they figure out how to get you feeling a lot better. Enough is enough!

Blue - It is sure good to see a post from you! Hope all is really going well with you! Know you are in my thoughts!

Well guys I have been working on this most of the evening. I will close for now and read the rest of my posts in the morning I hope! I haven't forgotten a single one of you that is for sure. Just because I haven't written about you or to you doesn't mean I don't love each and everyone of you!

Lots of love


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