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rotating foods / intolerances / intro

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Hello folks.

(I have sent this message to both SCD LI listserve and pecanbread, so I

apologise to those who are receiving it twice.)

I re-started SCD on Monday and still doing intro (prior to this I'd been on

SCD for 4 months). The initial motivation for restarting was that I was

taking iron supplements, and perhaps added peanut butter and dried fruits

too early in the diet. I was also experiencing excess amounts of bloating

during the last few weeks, somewhat linked to fish consumption but would

also occur after other meals.

However, on Sunday I had blood in my stool (not D however!), and I actually

switched over to intro midway through the day because of this. On Tuesday,

still on intro, I had a little bit of D (no blood though). Prior to intro,

my BMs have been solid, every 1-3 days, and tending toward the constipated

side. The blood was scary and the D just shocked me.

It is also apparent that my food allergies (I had an IgG test done in

September '06) are still present, as when eating things like eggs, bananas,

and goat yogurt, about 10-15 minutes after the meal I would experience a

heck of a lot of mucous in my throat, and sometimes would even experience

the excess phlegm as nasal congestion! I can't help but wonder if the food

allergies played a part in my apparent regression.

I'm on day 3 of intro, and planning to add things much slower than the last

time. I'm eating just the chicken+carrot soup, diluted apple cider, and

gelatin made with that too. I was having eggs, but after the D I pulled

them. The DCCC seems to give me an exaggerated allergic response (even more

phlegm than for other dairy/eggs). I'm wary of adding goat yogurt again

because of the IgG response.

Is it possible for your body to " put up " with food allergies for a while,

until it finally gets tired and you regress, despite not making changes to

your diet?

Does anyone have experience or advice for a rotational diet?

When adding foods back to the diet, how does one do this? The first time I

did intro, I would eat the new food one time during the first day, and if I

had no symptoms, I'd include it with most meals from then on, until I would

add the next food. Perhaps that's too frequent? This is also why I ask

about a rotating diet, because at the early stages there isn't much variety,

and beyond that, I seem to have no idea how to get creative and get in all

my nutrients without repeating foods everyday such as the yogurt, or eggs.

All advice and help is greatly, GREATLY appreciated. These lists has been

such valuable resources for me over the last several months. I apologise

for being so longwinded; I seem to have a lot going on/many questions.

Crohn's 4/06

SCD 11/06 (restarted 3/26/07)

Entocort 3mg every other day

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